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The Anti Season 4 Thread (Spoilers). For complaints and misgivings ONLY.

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    Originally posted by borgprincess View Post
    What would people have thought if Daniel had been brought in as head of Atlantis? I mean, he was originally considered the most likely candidate before O'Neill was all 'no, I'd miss you too much, don't leave me!' Would you guys have as big a problem with him over Weir?
    I am no Daniel-fan. I can't stand him as far as I can throw 'em. But, I think I could have handled his presence better than I can Carter's (whom I can't stand at all at the moment).

    But still, there's no one who can replace Weir. She's the only true leader.

    Originally posted by borgprincess View Post
    Yes, counselling all the heartbroken people who're missing Elizabeth!*wants counselling*
    I could do with a little bit of counseling yes. Then again, I spend all my time in either Kate's office or her quarters.
    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
      But still, there's no one who can replace Weir. She's the only true leader.
      US Army general(with SOF past) would be a good leader. I don't think Carter will make any difference
      Last edited by g.o.d; 14 September 2007, 07:10 AM.
      Stolen Kosovo


        Originally posted by g.o.d View Post
        US Army general(with SOF past) would be a good leader. I don't think Carter will make any difference
        I'm not in favor of the military. They've done enough damage as it is. They didn't exactly made a good impression when they came in thinking they could handle the situation in for example The Siege.
        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
          I am no Daniel-fan. I can't stand him as far as I can throw 'em. But, I think I could have handled his presence better than I can Carter's (whom I can't stand at all at the moment).
          I'd be far happier with Carter if she wasn't replacing Weir. It's one thing to truly "pull a Worf" and bring over a SG1 member to complement but not replace a SGA member. Sure there's a good chance that the SGA member screentime would be reduced in favor of the SG1 member, but at least everyone from SGA would still be there...

          Actually, I thought (Adrift)
          her scenes with Dr. Lee didn't add a lot to Adrift. It felt gratuitous, like they had to put her in the ep somehow but she ended up doing little but speculating.

          And I haven't seen Lifelines yet but I heard that Shep
          is OOC for this ep because he's so quick to give up on Elizabeth. This coming from the guy who called his team his family, who recklessly risked death countless of times to get his team out alive. Hell, it was like he tried harder to save his team in Adrift that unsuccessfully tried to flee the shrinking shield. Whatever, it feels like TPTB are writing him to suit the story (getting rid of Elizabeth) and not whether it fits his character.


            Originally posted by borgprincess View Post
            What would people have thought if Daniel had been brought in as head of Atlantis? I mean, he was originally considered the most likely candidate before O'Neill was all 'no, I'd miss you too much, don't leave me!' Would you guys have as big a problem with him over Weir?.

            Honestly, I don't think I could have accepted anyone who replaced Weir. I feel the changes were unnecessary and unwarranted. I've always said that if they felt it absolutely necessary to add a character from SG1, I would have to learned to live with it. But that is only if they didn't screw with the existing cast.


              Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
              And I haven't seen Lifelines yet but I heard that Shep
              is OOC for this ep because he's so quick to give up on Elizabeth. This coming from the guy who called his team his family, who recklessly risked death countless of times to get his team out alive. Hell, it was like he tried harder to save his team in Adrift that unsuccessfully tried to flee the shrinking shield. Whatever, it feels like TPTB are writing him to suit the story (getting rid of Elizabeth) and not whether it fits his character.
              I've seen Lifeline and here's what I told my friend about Shep: (Spoilers! You have been warned!!!!!)

              You know what I don't get - in Lifeline - Shep says we're not leaving w/o you. But Weir says "leave! That's an order!" And he DOES? WTF? This is the John Sheppard who was assigned to Antarctica because of the non-approved mission to save his friends in Afghanistan? This is the John Sheppard who says we never leave our people behind? This is the reckless John Sheppard who would do anything to save his friend? No. No, it's not.


                Originally posted by alyssa
                They've changed his personality so it fits with the agenda of getting rid of Weir. No wonder Joe felt he had to talk to the writers about it.
                Shep never obeyed an order in his life! (LOL) and now he does? I don't get it.


                  Originally posted by borgprincess View Post
                  Brave person you are, to read JM's blog. I get so irritated, it gets my blood pressure up. Something he was smarming about how 'Weir is so fragile and delicate she couldn't even handle an explosion'. Ugh. He doesn't get to write her that way/ be part of the team that decided it was a good idea to do that and then make fun of her for their lame decision.
                  Wow! He really said that? What a loser! Interestingly enough, I find Carter much more fragile than Dr. Weir despite being military. She's not Admiral Cain-type material, if you know what I mean. Actually, she's more civilian than military, which makes the whole thing (the cast change) very illogical from a storyline standpoint.

                  Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
                  And I haven't seen Lifelines yet but I heard that Shep
                  is OOC for this ep because he's so quick to give up on Elizabeth. This coming from the guy who called his team his family, who recklessly risked death countless of times to get his team out alive. Hell, it was like he tried harder to save his team in Adrift that unsuccessfully tried to flee the shrinking shield. Whatever, it feels like TPTB are writing him to suit the story (getting rid of Elizabeth) and not whether it fits his character.
                  Not to mention that he wanted to kill her in both episodes.


                    Originally posted by alyssa
                    They've changed his personality so it fits with the agenda of getting rid of Weir. No wonder Joe felt he had to talk to the writers about it.

                    But this is a continuing problem. The show is totally plot driven, with some fancy CGI to fill in the blanks. The characters are just pieces to be moved around like pawns on some giant chessboard. TPTB don't seem to have a real handle on who the characters are. They write them to suit the plot and not the other way around, so you're bound to be left with lots of WTF moments.


                      Originally posted by Suzotchka View Post
                      I've seen Lifeline and here's what I told my friend about Shep: (Spoilers! You have been warned!!!!!)

                      You know what I don't get - in Lifeline - Shep says we're not leaving w/o you. But Weir says "leave! That's an order!" And he DOES? WTF? This is the John Sheppard who was assigned to Antarctica because of the non-approved mission to save his friends in Afghanistan? This is the John Sheppard who says we never leave our people behind? This is the reckless John Sheppard who would do anything to save his friend? No. No, it's not.
                      And this is the new John Sheppard who will leave his friends behind.

                      And oh something else... Teyla got wallpapered again... Not such great start on the new season I call that.
                      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                        Originally posted by Suzotchka View Post
                        I've seen Lifeline and here's what I told my friend about Shep: (Spoilers! You have been warned!!!!!)

                        You know what I don't get - in Lifeline - Shep says we're not leaving w/o you. But Weir says "leave! That's an order!" And he DOES? WTF? This is the John Sheppard who was assigned to Antarctica because of the non-approved mission to save his friends in Afghanistan? This is the John Sheppard who says we never leave our people behind? This is the reckless John Sheppard who would do anything to save his friend? No. No, it's not.
                        You already know how I feel, Suz, but I just have to agree with you in the public forum...
                        It sure sounds completely OOC to me. I still think it would have been more believable if John had ignored her, rushed to save her and Ronon had to knock him out, throw him over his shoulder and leave. Yah, John says at the end that he'll find her, which I'm grateful for, but still.

                        Maybe it'll make more sense when I actually watch the episode. I'm praying it does, because it seems bewildering right now.
                        Signature by Erin87


                          Originally posted by nowvoyager908 View Post
                          But this is a continuing problem. The show is totally plot driven, with some fancy CGI to fill in the blanks. The characters are just pieces to be moved around like pawns on some giant chessboard. TPTB don't seem to have a real handle on who the characters are. They write them to suit the plot and not the other way around, so you're bound to be left with lots of WTF moments.
                          That's quite true. I don't think SG-1 suffered from this. SG-1 characters have been fairly consistent over the years. SGA characters, on the other hand, are all over the place. I wonder if the writers will start messing with an established SG-1 character like Carter now that she is on SGA.


                            Originally posted by mcbarr View Post
                            I wonder if the writers will start messing with an established SG-1 character like Carter now that she is on SGA.

                            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                              Originally posted by mcbarr View Post
                              That's quite true. I don't think SG-1 suffered from this. SG-1 characters have been fairly consistent over the years. SGA characters, on the other hand, are all over the place. I wonder if the writers will start messing with an established SG-1 character like Carter now that she is on SGA.

                              Never watched Sg1, so I can't say if Carter was written consistently or just kind of shifted with the wind like SGA characters seem to.

                              My guess is that TPTB have very little wiggle room as far as Carter is concerned, especially since the sole purpose of adding her is to lure Sg1 fans. If these new fans watch only for Carter, they're going to want to see a Carter they are familiar with, not some half-baked impersonation.

                              This is also the reason why I tend to disbelieve the whole support role mantra. You add a character that has been a lead for ten years to a newer show solely to lure her old fans to the newer show, and then you relegate her to the background? Does this sound even remotely plausible?


                                Originally posted by nowvoyager908 View Post
                                This is also the reason why I tend to disbelieve the whole support role mantra. You add a character that has been a lead for ten years to a newer show solely to lure her old fans to the newer show, and then you relegate her to the background? Does this sound even remotely plausible?
                                She's going to be front and center, of that I'm sure.
                                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1

