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Radek Zelenka/David Nykl Appreciation, Thunk, Translation Thread

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    Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
    Liz> come on Rad, we don't call him "Rod" for nothing

    Radek: come on Elizabeth, you know my rod is much bigger than his - see



      Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
      I loved David in Escape Velocity. The movie was bad but David really does a really really good job as psychopath. Between his loveable Zelenka and his crazy Russel psychopath - he made me a Nykl fan.
      I'm not saying DN didn't do a good job. He did a great job, which is why Russel pictures just don't work for me. "Terrifying" and "attractive" just can't exist together. I'm pretty bomb-proof as far as being scared during movies (I'm a Criminal Minds fan, for crying out loud), but the laughter really got to me.


      "I'm not saying anything. I did not say anything then, and I am not saying anything now." -- Delenn


        Originally posted by DragonLadyK View Post
        I'm not saying DN didn't do a good job. He did a great job, which is why Russel pictures just don't work for me. "Terrifying" and "attractive" just can't exist together. I'm pretty bomb-proof as far as being scared during movies (I'm a Criminal Minds fan, for crying out loud), but the laughter really got to me.
        Oh, I didn't read it that you weren't saying DN didn't do a great job. And I agree with you that the character was creepy, a very convincing creepy which totally surprised me when I saw the movie and the range and depth of David's acting abilities!

        I loved DN in EV, he was so different and so convincing. He just gets that wild look in his eye and definietly has a wicked laugh that got to me as well.

        I agree "Terrifyng" and "attractive" can't exist together for me either, but an appreciation of the actor sure can!

        Cool, I love Criminal Minds too!



          O-M-G ... I just got a copy of EV and watched it (... does skimming thru most of it on fast forward count as watching? ) and I wasn't quite prepared for Russel. Silly me, I read a couple of descriptions of DN's character and saw the phrase "Russel the priest" in one of them and thought, "Hmmm ... Radek in a robe ... might be ok ..." Yikes! So Not Radek! (And, I'm a Criminal Minds fan too, so I'm not an easy spook either.) I'll still give it a second view, though, just to watch it without that layer of shock that I had the first time!
          Last edited by whiskeygirl406; 18 August 2008, 08:43 AM. Reason: Because, apparently, English is not my first language. :p
          : How much time do you need?
          : ...a week... : ...a couple of hours.
          : I'll take the second estimate. Go.
          to : What are you? Union?

          My LJ Got Ghosts? Gadzooks!


            Originally posted by whiskeygirl406 View Post
            O-M-G ... I just got a copy of EV and watched it (... does skimming thru most of it on fast forward count as watching? ) and I wasn't quite prepared for Russel. Silly me, I read a couple of descriptions of DN's character and saw the phrase "Russel the priest" in one of them and thought, "Hmmm ... Radek in a robe ... might be ok ..." Yikes! So Not Radek! (And, I'm a Criminal Minds fan too, so I'm not an easy spook either.) I'll still give it a second view, though, just to watch it without that layer of shock that I had the first time!
            LOL. It's nice to know that at least three of us had similar reactions the first time watching EV. Second watch through you will wish that David had more scenes.



              Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
              LOL. It's nice to know that at least three of us had similar reactions the first time watching EV. Second watch through you will wish that David had more scenes.
              ITA. The guy they had playing the lead was a waste of time -- I kept wanting to say "don't add, subtract" -- and that stupid teenager was a waste of air.

              I think it's remarkable that DN managed to scare not one, not two, but three Criminal Minds fans. I wish CM PTB would hire Nykl as an unsub now. ~.^

              "I'm not saying anything. I did not say anything then, and I am not saying anything now." -- Delenn


                Originally posted by DragonLadyK View Post
                ITA. The guy they had playing the lead was a waste of time -- I kept wanting to say "don't add, subtract" -- and that stupid teenager was a waste of air.
                I agree. The lead character didn't work so well. I think David could have pulled the lead part off very well, though I think I would like him better as Russell. His laugh was wicked, the look in his eye, his voice and when he called for the woman, it really creeped me out. Probably because I was expecting Zelenka and instead got Bad Ass Creepy.

                Originally posted by DragonLadyK
                I think it's remarkable that DN managed to scare not one, not two, but three Criminal Minds fans. I wish CM PTB would hire Nykl as an unsub now. ~.^

                True testiment to his acting abilities!

                I kind of would like to see David in '24' as one of the police guys out there working with Jack. Can you see David dressed in black, with a gun and actually being the one to give the orders instead of getting them!
                Last edited by Rosehawk; 18 August 2008, 07:25 PM.



                  Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
                  I agree. The lead character didn't work so well. I think David could have pulled the lead part off very well, though I think I would like him better as Russell. His laugh was wicked, the look in his eye, his voice and when he called for the woman, it really creeped me out.
                  If the laughing was his idea instead of the writers/directors, he still would have done it as Lead Loonie.

                  Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
                  I kind of would like to see David in '24' as one of the police guys out there working with Jack. Can you see David dressed in black, with a gun and actually being the one to give the orders instead of getting them!
                  On the one hand, that is a very attractive picture. On the other, I really don't want to have to put up with that show again just because the guest who's on it is someone I like. I watched the season with Arnold Vosloo in it, and lemme tell you, I was rooting for the terrorists. I cannot STAND Jack. I'd rather watch Keller.

                  The scene in "GITM'

                  when he started ordering the scientists around, trying to pull the ZPM -- gah. That was awesome. Granted, the Replicators killed Radek's minion, delaying Radek long enough for the Replicators to take over the system, but still. Fangirlsquee.

                  And now for thunking! Field Gear Zelenka never gets old.


                  "I'm not saying anything. I did not say anything then, and I am not saying anything now." -- Delenn


                    Yikes!! i have not been to this thread dare i do such a thing


                      I love Radek in field gear ... mmmmm. I think it's the idea of the potential adreneline rush that's involved. Gotta work off that extra energy somehow!

                      SlytherinGal - Hi! You'll catch up quick enough. There's lots of good pics, too! (Stuck in Double Potions, huh? That can be a bummer ... sometimes )
                      : How much time do you need?
                      : ...a week... : ...a couple of hours.
                      : I'll take the second estimate. Go.
                      to : What are you? Union?

                      My LJ Got Ghosts? Gadzooks!


                        Originally posted by DragonLadyK View Post
                        On the one hand, that is a very attractive picture. On the other, I really don't want to have to put up with that show again just because the guest who's on it is someone I like. I watched the season with Arnold Vosloo in it, and lemme tell you, I was rooting for the terrorists. I cannot STAND Jack. I'd rather watch Keller.
                        Ummmm, but Radek/David in dressed in all black with those piercing eyes...such a lovely sight to behold!

                        I liked 24 until they kept killing off the characters. I think that Jack is just about the only original one left, can't remember if Cloey was in S1, doesn't matter though, this is Radek's thread!



                          Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
                          Ummmm, but Radek/David in dressed in all black with those piercing eyes...such a lovely sight to behold!
                          Well, there are a lot of FBI-type shows out there. Doesn't have to be 24.



                          "I didn't touch anything! Okay, well, maybe a little." ^^

                          "I'm not saying anything. I did not say anything then, and I am not saying anything now." -- Delenn






                              Adorable face!

                              I wanted to get my Britbuddy hooked on SGA (spreading the crack one pen-pal at a time), so I showed her "38 Minutes." According to plan, Mogs fell in love with Radek and has been hooked ever since -- even though she hates, hates, hates Sheppard as much as she loved Ronon when he showed up.

                              "I'm not saying anything. I did not say anything then, and I am not saying anything now." -- Delenn


                                Originally posted by DragonLadyK View Post
                                Adorable face!

                                I wanted to get my Britbuddy hooked on SGA (spreading the crack one pen-pal at a time), so I showed her "38 Minutes." According to plan, Mogs fell in love with Radek and has been hooked ever since -- even though she hates, hates, hates Sheppard as much as she loved Ronon when he showed up.

                                LOL. He actually looked like he was cracking up with the other David!

                                Keep spreading the SGA love around!


