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John Sheppard Whump

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    Okay. I've done 24 posts, scanned a mag, and considering the day I've had,(haven't even gone into my dad...) I think I've served my whump community. I'm off to sulk now! Night folks!


      Hey ladies - what a flipping shocker that is!!!!!

      To be honest I just cannot see it is him but from what we know it must be!!

      I have tried to find a pic of Sheppard facing the same way and put them next to each other to find the similarities and I still can't see it! That goes to show how good the makeup is! I must say the ears look different to me but perhaps they have been altered for old Shep too!

      Oh, now I am not sure what to make of this ep now! As you say the attraction is hot whumpy Shep! But think of all the angst his team mates will have when they rescue him!!!

      Blow up the s*dding re-set button!!!

      sig by SheppyD
      Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

      I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
      So he just looks crazy


        Quoting myself here but I just gotta say:

        Originally posted by Alipeeps

        I do also hope we don't get the reset switch too - yes i want Sheppy fixed and we know they're gonna have to do that - but I want it believable and not just "OOh look, it's as if it never happened."
        Aside from
        the physical fix that they're gonna have to do, which I want to be believable, I really really want some pyschological repercussions for Sheppy here. Cos you are not telling me anyone - even John "I'm fine" Sheppard - can go through something like that and not be freaked out by it, not have a few nightmares, feel a bit weird afterwards.. I want some kind of follow through into the next episode - or two - that shows us everyone hasn't just forgotten this ever happened and gone on happily abot their lives...


          Originally posted by Linzi
          Okay. I've done 24 posts, scanned a mag, and considering the day I've had,(haven't even gone into my dad...) I think I've served my whump community. I'm off to sulk now! Night folks!
          Gnight Linz - thank you thank you thank you for feeding our obsession with that scan and ((((hugs)))))) to you after your tough day. Hope you're ok.


            Before I go. Do you lot agree it looks like our boy?


              Originally posted by Linzi
              So do we think that is Shep?
              Oh Linzi I just do not know! I have to defer to you experts! I have to say if it is him then the make-up is awesome!

              Night Linzi!

              I think I shall be off too!

              Email me at work tomorrow SLC with what you all decide! I shall try to get the mag myself to have a really good look!

              sig by SheppyD
              Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

              I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
              So he just looks crazy


                Originally posted by McKayRocks!
                Hey ladies - what a flipping shocker that is!!!!!

                To be honest I just cannot see it is him but from what we know it must be!!

                I have tried to find a pic of Sheppard facing the same way and put them next to each other to find the similarities and I still can't see it! That goes to show how good the makeup is! I must say the ears look different to me but perhaps they have been altered for old Shep too!

                Oh, now I am not sure what to make of this ep now! As you say the attraction is hot whumpy Shep! But think of all the angst his team mates will have when they rescue him!!!

                Blow up the s*dding re-set button!!!

                Try this


                  Originally posted by Linzi
                  Before I go. Do you lot agree it looks like our boy?
                  It's hard to be sure but I'm about 85% convinced it is....
                  it just doesn't look like a zombie (and specifically the zombies in the 200th ep of SG1 which I've seen some of the make-up for etc) and there are definite similarities and - most tellingly - there's the jacket, the possible feeding mark and the fact that this person looks a) OLD and b) like "an old dug addict" was I think the expression used, or something like that, in the article with Joe!!


                    Originally posted by Linzi
                    Before I go. Do you lot agree it looks like our boy?
                    I do certainly - I compared it to the pic I just posted.

                    Gosh emotionally he wouldnt just get over that in a flash!!


                      Originally posted by Alipeeps
                      It's hard to be sure but I'm about 85% convinced it is....
                      it just doesn't look like a zombie (and specifically the zombies in the 200th ep of SG1 which I've seen some of the make-up for etc) and there are definite similarities and - most tellingly - there's the jacket, the possible feeding mark and the fact that this person looks a) OLD and b) like "an old dug addict" was I think the expression used, or something like that, in the article with Joe!!
                      That's what I figured. You can see why I didn't realise when I first read the mag!


                        Originally posted by SLC
                        I do certainly - I compared it to the pic I just posted.

                        Gosh emotionally he wouldnt just get over that in a flash!!
                        Er, neither will I, LOL!


                          Originally posted by Linzi
                          Er, neither will I, LOL!
                          I think we are all feeling a little whumped by that pic!

                          Linzi you total star!! You have certainly made up for us having no promo pics tonight!!!!


                            My first reaction was to deny it just because I don't want him to look like that *sob*!!!!


                              Originally posted by Linzi
                              That's what I figured. You can see why I didn't realise when I first read the mag!

                              The mag probably do not even realise....but how did they get hold of that pic. I wonder if there are more episode pics out there!! We know that there are more promo pics! (well one)


                                None of us will get over that soon I think!

