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John Sheppard Whump

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    Just in case anyone wanted that long preview that poeple were speculating over (the one that showed at the end of First Strike) I have uploaded it to share.

    Don't think I'll get in trouble for this... its just a commercial?

    My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


      Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
      Have you guys read/listened to the Martin Gero interview on GW's front page?
      It was done quite a while ago (while he was writing Miller's Crossing I think). Something I found interesting:

      Now we know the premier is September 28 (almost October). Do you think they are sticking with this? *crosses fingers*
      I would be very, very surprised if the wasn't a one week break the Friday after Thanksgiving and then the Fridays before Christmas and New Year's. The ratings would be non-existent.


        I agree. Besides, Scifi tends to do marathons (like Twilight Zone and stuff) on those holiday weekends.
        My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


          Hi there whumpers!!!!

          Originally posted by prion View Post
          I've put the ad up at - takes a few seconds to show up for some reason... anyway, nope, no Shep, but I think they're going to rotate characters in these ads, which does make sense. Hmm, wonder if we'll get Zelenka or Lorne in any? Nah, probably hoping too much. I'd rather see Shep from "Doppelganger"...
          It didn't work for me.

          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
          This is fun. I think they're from FS. IF you look at the first piccie
          the figure on the right is Ronon, I think. Look at the broad, bare arm and the honking big gun in the holster - definitely looks like the handle of Ronon's gun. The other person looks like Rodney.
          I don't think the scene is from FS, but I do agree that it's Rodney and Ronon.

          Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
          I forgot earlier......last night I got to see
          that SG-1 episode "Memento Mori" for the first time. That scene with Cam not only bloody but handcuffed to the bed with no shirt on......ummmmm.....can I say.....I want that for Shep! I know when this first aired this was that I've seen it I can only agree.

          I also was reading
          one of those VOY novels and they this terrific whump in there. When I read it, I thought SHEP! An away team was down on a planet. Tom Paris thinks he was bitten by an insect on his thigh. He ultimately gets delirious. His leg is examined and he has this awful looking mess on his leg plus there's something under his skin moving around. It's also eating his healthy flesh to nourish itself. Janeway has to cut away his dead tissue before gangrene sets in......with no painkillers, natch! Very squeamish....very whump!

          I loved that book. If only we got that for Shep!!!

          Well I'm in and I'm out, been super busy trying to get stuff done for work. I should be free to talk soon. Later whumpers.


          Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
          AVI by *ERIKA*


            *writes 2 pages and comes back for a visit* Anyone around?
            My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


              I'm popping in and out. I need to go do some writing.

              Sherry, if you were talking about the clip and/or pics that were posted earlier,
              it is Ronon and maybe Rodney, from the end of FS. I was able to stop it on DVR at the right moment to see it. Of, coruse, that was on my DVR and not my laptop, so no stills. Sorry.


                It isn't wrong to Whump and Thunk at the same time right

                Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                I agree. Besides, Scifi tends to do marathons (like Twilight Zone and stuff) on those holiday weekends.
                Space tends to like doing Farscape runs on holidays... and I will NEVER complain about that!


                  Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                  Just had to find out.. *lol* popped in FS... and it IS from FS that scene...
                  But actually isn't Ronon... Linzi he actually has a long sleaved shirt on...
                  No actually it's some tech guy,,maybe Chuck,,can't say how close he was to the blast to the side...and Elizabeth complete in black...

                  Oh, I'm confused now!
                  Originally posted by IWantToBelieve View Post
                  I figured it out. [spoiler[ I had to step progress through the scene in FS to see it, there were two peeps well anyway I see it's been discussed LOL. These scenes move so fast it's hard to see much. But step progressing through the one with Elizabeth, dang, they yanked back far and I'm guessing it was a stunt double for the most of that since it was quite a *big* yank back!
                  You could be right. It's so hard to make anything out!
                  Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                  Ack! No one's home!

                  SHEPPY must
                  get that kitty! He's a doppelganger (he he and I worked in SGA too) for my Boots! Of course, Boots is now 21 and still sassy as ever.

                  Guess I'll see you later.

                  I' m sure you've told me before, but your Boots is 21? Is that a record? It must be!!
                  Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                  Thus proving once again, that the Whump thread is the bestest and safest place to be.
                  No arguments from me!
                  Originally posted by caty View Post
                  Hey, I once came across a coral snake on our back porch in Florida. No, it wasn't the non-venomous type that resembles the coral snake. I stared at it for a long time and memorized the colors. In hindsight it was scary because it's the most dangerous snake they have in Florida. But it was just so pretty to look at.

                  Oh, I think he'd turn my head... maybe....

                  I see there has been a lot of excitement over the new ad... Six weeks is really not that long. We have had no new episodes since Feburary??? So six weeks is doable... Or is it??
                  It is a dangerous snake? Funnily enough, I'm not scared by snakes, though, in all fairness, I haven't been bitten by one!
                  Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                  I can not get this song from Nickelback out of my head

                  Follow You Home lyrics

                  Well you can dig me up a grave
                  And try and stick me in the ground
                  Well you can tie me to the bed
                  And try and beat me half to death
                  But you can never keep me down
                  Well you can stick me in a hole
                  And you can pray all day for rain
                  You can shoot me in the leg
                  Just to try to make me beg
                  And you can leave me there for days

                  And I'll stay alive
                  Just to follow you home
                  And I will survive
                  'Cause you're my Mississippi Princess
                  You're my California Queen
                  Like the Duchess of Detroit
                  And every city in between
                  You can slap me in the face
                  You can scream profanity
                  Leave me here to die alone but
                  I'll still follow you home
                  I'll still follow you home

                  You can make a couple calls
                  And tell your brothers I'm in town
                  Put a bounty on my head
                  And tell my parents that I'm dead
                  And hope to hell I'm never found
                  You can steal me the keys
                  To your daddy's Cadillac
                  You can tamper with the brakes
                  Call it a mistake
                  And pray I'm never coming back


                  You can dig me up a grave
                  And try and stick me in the ground
                  You can tie me to the bed
                  And try and beat me half to death
                  But you can never keep me down

                  And I will survive
                  'Cause you're my Mississippi Princess
                  You're my California Queen
                  Like the Duchess of Detroit
                  And every city in between
                  You can slap me in the face
                  You can scream profanity
                  Leave me here to die alone but
                  I'll still follow you home
                  I'll still follow you home

                  and I get some wonderful images in my head of a certain military guy going through some of this. Not that the song applies but some of the images would make nice scenes.
                  They would. Maybe you could write a ficcie inspired by the song?
                  Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                  JM's posted. Nothing but food today, but he did say they broke JF's story and there may be more news tomorrow and some pics. Oh, squee!
                  I really hope he does give us some teasers/spoilers about JF's pitch. I'm so relieved they are actually going ahead with this. It's been on my wish list for so long now, and I'm so keen to have a few questions answered, hopefully! Squee!
                  Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                  Have you guys read/listened to the Martin Gero interview on GW's front page?
                  It was done quite a while ago (while he was writing Miller's Crossing I think). Something I found interesting:

                  Now we know the premier is September 28 (almost October). Do you think they are sticking with this? *crosses fingers*
                  I REALLY hope that's true!
                  Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                  ok, going to write some. I'll be around though. Will pop in from time to time
                  Woo hoo! More writing!
                  Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                  Just in case anyone wanted that long preview that poeple were speculating over (the one that showed at the end of First Strike) I have uploaded it to share.

                  Don't think I'll get in trouble for this... its just a commercial?


                  Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                  I would be very, very surprised if the wasn't a one week break the Friday after Thanksgiving and then the Fridays before Christmas and New Year's. The ratings would be non-existent.
                  I think they'll do that, at least I hope they will!
                  Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                  I'm popping in and out. I need to go do some writing.

                  Sherry, if you were talking about the clip and/or pics that were posted earlier,
                  it is Ronon and maybe Rodney, from the end of FS. I was able to stop it on DVR at the right moment to see it. Of, coruse, that was on my DVR and not my laptop, so no stills. Sorry.
                  I think you're right, but it is so difficult to tell.
                  It probably is stunt doubles, but certainly, on of them is quite big and bulky guy, who looks the same sort of size as Ronon.

                  Originally posted by Toomi View Post
                  Sounds like a good idea to me, Toomi! Great piccies!


                    Hmm... that was quite a little writing spree. Chapter 1 of the new story is done, but I"m so tired, I dont trust my eyes to look it over for mistakes. LOL So, has to wait until tomorrow.

                    Bed is calling. Night Whumpers! ((HUGS))
                    My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                      Thanks Prion for the link to the Joe audio interview.

                      Awww...he seems to find it hard to get enough sleep what with the long hours, travelling and parenting. Bless him! I thought it was great to hear though, that he's getting offered other projects and has the luxury of being able to turn them down. "Do I want to spend January in Bulgaria or stay home in Malibu?!"

                      He must be quite keen on doing 'Shattered' though. Must've liked what they're going to do with that.


                        Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                        Hmm... that was quite a little writing spree. Chapter 1 of the new story is done, but I"m so tired, I dont trust my eyes to look it over for mistakes. LOL So, has to wait until tomorrow.

                        Bed is calling. Night Whumpers! ((HUGS))
                        Night SGA, sweeti shumpy dreams!
                        My thoughts for the podcast interview!
                        Spoilers for content of interview, which also has DH, JS and JM interviewed too:

                        It's worth being patient and listening to the interview. It's from a show style thing, so has presenters. But, once the actual interviews start, as a SGA fan, I think it's worth the listen! JM says the series is going to be darker, and should a season 5 go ahead, they have specific plans and arcs for it. Joe is as sweet as ever, and seems as happy as ever. He doesn't say much specifically about season 4, but does say he's working incredibly long hours, and that his schedule is worse than anyone else's because he has to be on screen so much! SQUEEEEE!!!! So, I thought they were great interviews, personally!

                        Edit: Oops, didn't realise I'd been beaten to it, so I'll edit my post and remove the link!


                          Originally posted by Elinor View Post
                          Thanks Prion for the link to the Joe audio interview.

                          Awww...he seems to find it hard to get enough sleep what with the long hours, travelling and parenting. Bless him! I thought it was great to hear though, that he's getting offered other projects and has the luxury of being able to turn them down. "Do I want to spend January in Bulgaria or stay home in Malibu?!"

                          He must be quite keen on doing 'Shattered' though. Must've liked what they're going to do with that.

                          I thought that too.
                          Guess he's lucky to be in the position to be able to turn down work, which is pretty much what he says! Malibu or Bulgaria?


                            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                            Night SGA, sweeti shumpy dreams!
                            My thoughts for the podcast interview!
                            Spoilers for content of interview, which also has DH, JS and JM interviewed too:

                            It's worth being patient and listening to the interview. It's from a show style thing, so has presenters. But, once the actual interviews start, as a SGA fan, I think it's worth the listen! JM says the series is going to be darker, and should a season 5 go ahead, they have specific plans and arcs for it. Joe is as sweet as ever, and seems as happy as ever. He doesn't say much specifically about season 4, but does say he's working incredibly long hours, and that his schedule is worse than anyone else's because he has to be on screen so much! SQUEEEEE!!!! So, I thought they were great interviews, personally!

                            Edit: Oops, didn't realise I'd been beaten to it, so I'll edit my post and remove the link!
                            Hi there Linzi! Yes...I enjoyed the interviews to. It takes about 20 mins. to get to them.
                            I was pleased to hear that Joe is working very long hours. Lots of screen time


                              Originally posted by Elinor View Post
                              Hi there Linzi! Yes...I enjoyed the interviews to. It takes about 20 mins. to get to them.
                              I was pleased to hear that Joe is working very long hours. Lots of screen time

                              Hee hee! That was one of the best things to come out of that interview!
                              Joe has a more harrowing schedule because he's actually in the episodes all the time! Woo hoo!!!


                                Looked in here and there is no link here to the podcast

                                So, anyway, for those who want to listen to it, here's where I found the link from Morjana in the Stargate News thread. Thanks, Morjana!:


                                Click on the second link, it's a direct dl!

