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John Sheppard Whump

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    Where are the whumpers today??? It's sooo quiet! Oh well, gonna go take a nap again and rest up. Talk ta ya all later I hope.


      Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
      Where are the whumpers today??? It's sooo quiet! Oh well, gonna go take a nap again and rest up. Talk ta ya all later I hope.
      Hiya GG! What'sa matter...having abandonment issues like Sheppy?

      ITA on the hug in the vid. It looks like more of a comfort hug (but who is comforting whom?) than a shippy hug to me. But no offense to shippers who want to see it otherwise. We'll just have to wait for the eppy to know for sure.

      And he looks uncomfortable, at least at first. You'd think he'd know Teyla well enough by now to be comfortable with a little hug.

      As for the kiss...who said "snogging at gunpoint?" LOL! Pegasus_SGA maybe? Made me true.

      Thanks to blingaway for the shiny new siggie!


        Hey Whumpers!

        I'm here!! I'm gonna be in and out !! I am trying to catch up on what I have
        missed !!!

        There's been alot of discussion about the S4 preview vid for JM and PM and I truly do have to catch up!!!
        sig by Sci!

        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


          Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
          Hello peeps!! how's it going? I see lots of Squee has been happening over a certain video....*grins*

          Damn, if that didn't make me squee too. I have to wonder though...


          did Sheppy ever get hugged as a kid? Everytime I seen him get hugged he looks really.....confused? in shock? horrified? It's just not an expression I would associate with one who has been hugged a lot. *shrugs* Or is there a more underlying issue with feelings that shows through?

          Either case, I loved the hug scene. Not as a shipper, but at seeing the wonderful looks on Sheppy's face.

          sorry if this has been talked about. I haven't had time to read the last 10 pages....
          I think people have overdosed on squee and it's wiped them out You know we do this to ourselves everytime something exciting comes out and there's like a hive of activity for 24 hours when we've worked ourselves into a tizzy and then the thread goes dead for a day or two We need to pace ourselves.

          I agree with you about Sheppy hon, it did look as if he
          was very uncomfortable to he relaxed a bit. It does make me wonder why he's like that. Oh for a bit of backstory I'm thinking the same as you that he wasn't shown a lot of affection as a kid, and when you're deprived of something like that, then it can carry on into Adulthood.. maybe that's why his marriage failed? Either way, I can't wait to see it, heck at this moment in time i'd settle for knowing what ep it was. I've noticed that he looks really uncomfortable with any form of hugging, possibly because hugging is intensely personal, whereas physical intamacy doesn't necessarily have to have that attraction, hugging is personal, because it is like, 'What can I do to take away your pain..' I'm assuming (from what I saw) that he must have said something... because Teyla sorta rushed over to him and grabbed him in a bear hug. Ooohh *raises hand* what if... Sunday
          The whole 'it hasn't hit me yet' has hit him, and he's trying to work it out?
          maybe not

          Originally posted by Listy View Post
          Hi and bye hun

          OMG SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I have finally seen it I am so excited.

          GG you are so right
          everytime he gets hugged he is like what the hell is this makes me just wanna hug him even more

          I am not really a shipper, not that it bothers me either way, its just not that important to me really, but whatever it turns out to be I really can't wait. The kiss with Larrin obviously didn't end well, with the stunner being shoved into his gut, so even if it started off well, I can't see it being the makings of a particularly positive relationship. Unless its a love/hate kind of thing, two trained soldiers who like to whump the carp out of each other then make up which as a whumper I don't mind

          As for the hug, to me, Shep seemed too uncomfortable with it but kind of settled into it I guess, but it seemed more a supportive kind of thing to me, but again not the most observant at that kind of thing, unless it literally smacks me in the face I miss it.

          As for the bound and beaten and tripping - wow SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! that just looks fantastic, and if we see him get punched, its more than we had come to think was going to happen so its brilliant, can't wait for part 2 of this interview

          bound, beaten and blood forcefully taken *is so happy
          hehehe I wouldn't mind it being a love/hate thing, it could add to the
          whump count

          Squeeeeeeeeeeee As for the
          tripping, I actually think he whumped himself

          Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
          I loved the vid!! Thanks for posting link PSGA!!!
          You're very welcome hon

          Originally posted by WannaBeAWhumper View Post
          Hiya GG! What'sa matter...having abandonment issues like Sheppy?

          ITA on the hug in the vid. It looks like more of a comfort hug (but who is comforting whom?) than a shippy hug to me. But no offense to shippers who want to see it otherwise. We'll just have to wait for the eppy to know for sure.

          And he looks uncomfortable, at least at first. You'd think he'd know Teyla well enough by now to be comfortable with a little hug.

          As for the kiss...who said "snogging at gunpoint?" LOL! Pegasus_SGA maybe? Made me true.
          I think it's
          Teyla comforting Shep...oooh thought of something else, lol, what if, something happens under Shep's command that results in either deaths or people going missing, and Shep takes on that responsibility? Maybe he was supposed to be looking after the Athosians and something happens, which causes him to doubt his leadership skills... didn't JM say in one of his poems, "Self soubt for one?" Maybe that self doubt is Shep's?

          lil ol' me saying snogging at gunpoint? I'm both shocked and flattered you thought it was me, but alas I believe it was squonk that came up with that lil gem

          I might flit for half an hour then head off. Busy day tomorrow, so not much time for writing or playing again... I really need a week off. Oooh the trouble I could get into with a week off


            Two posts in a row!

            Just to let you know that there is a potential release date for the S3 volume 2 DVD's for region two (Specifically UK fans)

            Here's the linky S3 DVD's no mention as yet of what's on there, but release date is set for 27 August.


              Hey whumpers! I'm back from a fun afternoon. Now I get to help clean out a closet of his old army stuff. What fun!! NOT

              It has been a quiet day here on the thread. Hopefully I will be back on soon to play!

              Season 3 DVDs! Fall!! Another reason to wish summer was over already!


                Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                I love to get entangled in the dramas of GW, so people sounding off don't really bother me, but I know they put a damper on others. You know what, Josie, don't let it bother you hon, they're just doing it to get a rile out of people (those who are the most vitriolic) but people will see what they want to see, and at the end of the day, it's pure speculation to be taken with a pinch of salt. S4 spoilers and a bit O/T

                The whole
                Larrin/Shep kiss lasted about 3/5 seconds and that's me being generous. Shep certainly didn't look like he was flirting with her from what I saw, but you know what? So what if he did, if it gets him what he wants (ie off the ship.. or a bit of whump. Then really for me, people can say what they want. It is just people's perceptions, and if that's what they choose to see then that's up to them. We don't know if there is or isn't going to be ship, but you can bet your boots it's not going to turn into a soap opera if/when it happens. What's making you depressed is it the kirk/ship talk or something going on at home? If S4 is the end.. (and I refuse to go there), then they're going to make the best of S4 and from what we've seen so far.. there's sure not a lot of opportunity from kirking and romancing (sorry shippers, didn't mean that as a slight on you)

                Shall I shut up now? I will worry about it after it airs if I need to, and to be honest it's out of my hands what the writers chose to put in their scripts and a lot of it has already been written, so i'm just going to sit back with my popcorn and thoughts of Shep shirtless in S4 and a tonne of whump
                we know of already
                and enjoy the show
                Thank you Peggy. You said it for me. It's all about enjoying the show. No way will others who are vitriolic and bitter influence my enjoyment. after the clips from season 4 I've seen on the interview at MGM's website I'm even more excited than before. Seriously, the Sheppard stuff looked great. So did the stuff for the other characters too. And hey, we get whump, right? How can any whumper be upset or concerned about that? Hee hee!!!

                Spoiler of OT

                If some want to spout off on their Anti-Kirking diatribe, well good luck to them. I just don't care. Sheppard is a sexy, loyal but normal man. The day a single, het guy doesn't smile, flirt or use his charms in a potentially dangerous situation to gain advantage is the day the world stops spinning! Seriously, which century do we live in? I just don't take any notice anymore. We all know how the real world works, and why the hell shouldn't Shep flirt, kiss or even, my goodness, have sex. Hell, the rest of us do it. A good looking, ok, thoroughly gorgeous, guy like Shep would have women falling at his feet. Does he appear big-headed, arrogant or a lech to me? Hell, no! He's awkward and never sees it damn well coming! As for serious emotional attachments...oh my goodness, our poor boy is long overdue some serious loving. Poor little mite. He needs a good hug and some serious therapy. Hey, I volunteer to give it to him...

                I do agree with GG. Seriously, what's happened to this lovely man that he shies away from physical comfort and touch so much? I REALLY want to know!
                Okay, OT ramble over now!
                Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA;6758950

                I think people have overdosed on squee and it's wiped them out :lol: You know we do this to ourselves everytime something exciting comes out and there's like a hive of activity for 24 hours when we've worked ourselves into a tizzy and then the thread goes dead for a day or two :lol: We need to pace ourselves.

                I agree with you about Sheppy hon, it did look as if he [spoilers
                was very uncomfortable to he relaxed a bit. It does make me wonder why he's like that. Oh for a bit of backstory I'm thinking the same as you that he wasn't shown a lot of affection as a kid, and when you're deprived of something like that, then it can carry on into Adulthood.. maybe that's why his marriage failed? Either way, I can't wait to see it, heck at this moment in time i'd settle for knowing what ep it was. I've noticed that he looks really uncomfortable with any form of hugging, possibly because hugging is intensely personal, whereas physical intamacy doesn't necessarily have to have that attraction, hugging is personal, because it is like, 'What can I do to take away your pain..' I'm assuming (from what I saw) that he must have said something... because Teyla sorta rushed over to him and grabbed him in a bear hug. Ooohh *raises hand* what if... Sunday
                The whole 'it hasn't hit me yet' has hit him, and he's trying to work it out?
                maybe not [/spoilers]

                hehehe I wouldn't mind it being a love/hate thing, it could add to the
                whump count

                Squeeeeeeeeeeee As for the
                tripping, I actually think he whumped himself

                I think it's
                Teyla comforting Shep...oooh thought of something else, lol, what if, something happens under Shep's command that results in either deaths or people going missing, and Shep takes on that responsibility? Maybe he was supposed to be looking after the Athosians and something happens, which causes him to doubt his leadership skills... didn't JM say in one of his poems, "Self soubt for one?" Maybe that self doubt is Shep's?

                lil ol' me saying snogging at gunpoint? I'm both shocked and flattered you thought it was me, but alas I believe it was squonk that came up with that lil gem

                I might flit for half an hour then head off. Busy day tomorrow, so not much time for writing or playing again... I really need a week off. Oooh the trouble I could get into with a week off
                You know what? I looked at one of the scenes in the vid over and over, and
                he did trip himself up!
                Shep is obviously on our side too!


                  It's amazing what a little vid will do to liven a thread! LOL well, at least I am home again and can squee and say WTF? without people asking WTF?

                  Congrats on 5700, Roo!

                  Erika, Prion, thanks for your efforts with the vid! It's appreciated. Now I have to throw my two cents in...
                  I don't think the hug was ship. thee is too much emotion on their faces, and it's the distressed, sad kind of emotion. I agree that it could be them talking about Beckett, Weir and the other friends and colleagues that are gone.

                  I am thinking that there is no real Shep shipping going on with the regular characters. JF has said he is very much against that, and he would probably fight it.

                  Now, the kiss may be that Shep is trying to escape. I can just picture that afterwards, she says "not so fast" and he says "well, had to try." But, I agree with Josie, the Shep/Larrin relationship could be interesting. Kind of a mutual respect, love/hate attraction?

                  Was I dreaming, or did it look like Shep's boots were actually properly laced int he scene where he tripped? I wonder if that was another one of those unintentional moments that was left in cause it just worked?


                    Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post

                    I think people have overdosed on squee and it's wiped them out You know we do this to ourselves everytime something exciting comes out and there's like a hive of activity for 24 hours when we've worked ourselves into a tizzy and then the thread goes dead for a day or two We need to pace ourselves.

                    I agree with you about Sheppy hon, it did look as if he
                    was very uncomfortable to he relaxed a bit. It does make me wonder why he's like that. Oh for a bit of backstory I'm thinking the same as you that he wasn't shown a lot of affection as a kid, and when you're deprived of something like that, then it can carry on into Adulthood.. maybe that's why his marriage failed? Either way, I can't wait to see it, heck at this moment in time i'd settle for knowing what ep it was. I've noticed that he looks really uncomfortable with any form of hugging, possibly because hugging is intensely personal, whereas physical intamacy doesn't necessarily have to have that attraction, hugging is personal, because it is like, 'What can I do to take away your pain..' I'm assuming (from what I saw) that he must have said something... because Teyla sorta rushed over to him and grabbed him in a bear hug. Ooohh *raises hand* what if... Sunday
                    The whole 'it hasn't hit me yet' has hit him, and he's trying to work it out?
                    maybe not

                    hehehe I wouldn't mind it being a love/hate thing, it could add to the
                    whump count

                    Squeeeeeeeeeeee As for the
                    tripping, I actually think he whumped himself

                    You're very welcome hon

                    I think it's
                    Teyla comforting Shep...oooh thought of something else, lol, what if, something happens under Shep's command that results in either deaths or people going missing, and Shep takes on that responsibility? Maybe he was supposed to be looking after the Athosians and something happens, which causes him to doubt his leadership skills... didn't JM say in one of his poems, "Self soubt for one?" Maybe that self doubt is Shep's?

                    lil ol' me saying snogging at gunpoint? I'm both shocked and flattered you thought it was me, but alas I believe it was squonk that came up with that lil gem

                    I might flit for half an hour then head off. Busy day tomorrow, so not much time for writing or playing again... I really need a week off. Oooh the trouble I could get into with a week off
                    hmmm love/hate to increase the whump count - YES!!! I am so up for that, potential for lots of injury and then comfort and also nekkid under an infirmary sheet Season 4 is looking so good right now

                    Its very quiet, I am reading fic and finding it difficult to multi-task tonight I am off in a bit and tomorrow I am off for a trip to Whitby (good fish and chips, lucky ducks, whitby jet and lots of steps to climb to the Abbey) So won't get back on here until tomorrow night, hopefully the squee and the whumpers will have returned.



                      Good afternoon Whumpers!

                      You would not believe what happened today in RL
                      I got up this morning and went to potty. As I sat on the toilet, one of the pipes blew and there was water everywhere!!!! It has since been repaired. It's funny.....NOW

                      Yesterday I got my next DVD from Netflix and I went to watch it. The thing was cracked almost in half. I still had my player all set and raring to go. What to do? I watched "Conversion", of course! Then listened once again to the audio commentary. I loved this: OT for Conversion audio commentary:
                      Over the ending credits, JF says, "Joe the bug signing off!" Then when they show the MGM lion, he says, "That's a big cat." I love Joe Flanigan!

                      I"m off to SQUEEEEE. I need it after the day I've had!



                        Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                        Two posts in a row!

                        Just to let you know that there is a potential release date for the S3 volume 2 DVD's for region two (Specifically UK fans)

                        Here's the linky S3 DVD's no mention as yet of what's on there, but release date is set for 27 August.
                        Hurray!!!!!!!! I thought someone said they weren't going to do singles?

                        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                        Spoiler of OT

                        If some want to spout off on their Anti-Kirking diatribe, well good luck to them. I just don't care. Sheppard is a sexy, loyal but normal man. The day a single, het guy doesn't smile, flirt or use his charms in a potentially dangerous situation to gain advantage is the day the world stops spinning! Seriously, which century do we live in? I just don't take any notice anymore. We all know how the real world works, and why the hell shouldn't Shep flirt, kiss or even, my goodness, have sex. Hell, the rest of us do it. A good looking, ok, thoroughly gorgeous, guy like Shep would have women falling at his feet. Does he appear big-headed, arrogant or a lech to me? Hell, no! He's awkward and never sees it damn well coming! As for serious emotional attachments...oh my goodness, our poor boy is long overdue some serious loving. Poor little mite. He needs a good hug and some serious therapy. Hey, I volunteer to give it to him...

                        I do agree with GG. Seriously, what's happened to this lovely man that he shies away from physical comfort and touch so much? I REALLY want to know!
                        Okay, OT ramble over now!
                        Oh that is so correct I agree 100% with that well said!!

                        You know what? I looked at one of the scenes in the vid over and over, and
                        he did trip himself up!
                        Shep is obviously on our side too!
                        Shep is a whumper wonderful


                          Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                          Good afternoon Whumpers!

                          You would not believe what happened today in RL
                          I got up this morning and went to potty. As I sat on the toilet, one of the pipes blew and there was water everywhere!!!! It has since been repaired. It's funny.....NOW

                          Yesterday I got my next DVD from Netflix and I went to watch it. The thing was cracked almost in half. I still had my player all set and raring to go. What to do? I watched "Conversion", of course! Then listened once again to the audio commentary. I loved this: OT for Conversion audio commentary:
                          Over the ending credits, JF says, "Joe the bug signing off!" Then when they show the MGM lion, he says, "That's a big cat." I love Joe Flanigan!

                          I"m off to SQUEEEEE. I need it after the day I've had!

                          aackk, a scary potty story! Glad you survived. Hope you don't have any permanent emotional scars.


                          I had a little boy in my class this year that was scared of potties for awhile. A self flushing one flushed while he was sitting on it. He is a tiny kid too. Poor little one.


                            Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                            Congrats on 5700, Roo!

                            Erika, Prion, thanks for your efforts with the vid! It's appreciated. Now I have to throw my two cents in...
                            I don't think the hug was ship. thee is too much emotion on their faces, and it's the distressed, sad kind of emotion. I agree that it could be them talking about Beckett, Weir and the other friends and colleagues that are gone.

                            I am thinking that there is no real Shep shipping going on with the regular characters. JF has said he is very much against that, and he would probably fight it.

                            Now, the kiss may be that Shep is trying to escape. I can just picture that afterwards, she says "not so fast" and he says "well, had to try." But, I agree with Josie, the Shep/Larrin relationship could be interesting. Kind of a mutual respect, love/hate attraction?

                            Was I dreaming, or did it look like Shep's boots were actually properly laced int he scene where he tripped? I wonder if that was another one of those unintentional moments that was left in cause it just worked?
                            SPOILER response to MGM video and season 4 stuff
                            What? those *******s! THey made Shep tie his boots the proper way? Will the horrors never end?!

                            To me the SHep-Teyla hug wasn't shippy at all, but something sad sure must have happened... gads, let's hope they haven't killed off someone else.

                            Considering Larin had a gun on Shep during the kiss, nope, don't think it's 'kirking' per se. He may be trying to escape, she may be putting the moves on him. I'm hoping she'll become a 'gray' type of character. Might be on your side, but always watch your back.


                              Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                              aackk, a scary potty story! Glad you survived. Hope you don't have any permanent emotional scars.


                              I had a little boy in my class this year that was scared of potties for awhile. A self flushing one flushed while he was sitting on it. He is a tiny kid too. Poor little one.
                              That happened to me a long time ago, and it IS frightening!


                                Originally posted by prion View Post
                                SPOILER response to MGM video and season 4 stuff
                                What? those *******s! THey made Shep tie his boots the proper way? Will the horrors never end?!

                                To me the SHep-Teyla hug wasn't shippy at all, but something sad sure must have happened... gads, let's hope they haven't killed off someone else.

                                Considering Larin had a gun on Shep during the kiss, nope, don't think it's 'kirking' per se. He may be trying to escape, she may be putting the moves on him. I'm hoping she'll become a 'gray' type of character. Might be on your side, but always watch your back.
                                I agree! Hey, I agreed with everthing you said, Prion!

                                spoiler for season 4
                                Oh yes, I noticed the evil sods have made him tie his boots properly too!

