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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
    The Convention guys answered my email and confirmed that JF is coming. The only problem now - it's the same weekend as my best friends bridal shower. Eep!
    Take her with you... and tell her her present is getting to meet Joe Flanigan!


      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
      Take her with you... and tell her her present is getting to meet Joe Flanigan!
      That would be neat! I don't think she'd go for it though - I think she'd see through me in a second.
      My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
        Take her with you... and tell her her present is getting to meet Joe Flanigan!
        Yeah! That's a GREAT present!!!
        My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
        Sig and avi by me


          Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
          Yeah! That's a GREAT present!!!
          *iz imagining Joe wrapped up with a big red bow...*


            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
            *iz imagining Joe wrapped up with a big red bow...*
            My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
            Sig and avi by me


              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
              *iz imagining Joe wrapped up with a big red bow...*
              Now I have to wipe up the coffee I just spilt when I snorted it! Oh- I bumped myself earlier and muttered our motto to myself (thankfully) 'whump Shep, not thyself'. The only problem is, that it came out 'jump Sheppy, not thyself'. One helluva Freudian slip, but I must confess it would be rather good therapy for a whumped whumper.
              My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
                Now I have to wipe up the coffee I just spilt when I snorted it! Oh- I bumped myself earlier and muttered our motto to myself (thankfully) 'whump Shep, not thyself'. The only problem is, that it came out 'jump Sheppy, not thyself'. One helluva Freudian slip, but I must confess it would be rather good therapy for a whumped whumper.
                *gack* PG thoughts, PG thoughts, PG thoughts....


                  Hey all!!!

                  Lauriel - I'm soooo jealous!! you get JF!! I hope you do get to go and see him. Screw the bridal shower. you always have the wedding.

                  Erika - SQUEE!!!! On your job! sounds like it will be a fun one. CONGRATS!!

                  Ack! Another hot, humid, sunny day here. I feel like the wicked witch...I'm melting!!!


                    Hi GG! *waves*

                    Have you checked out the Ask the Authors thread? Question on there you may be able to answer....


                      Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                      Hey all!!!

                      Lauriel - I'm soooo jealous!! you get JF!! I hope you do get to go and see him. Screw the bridal shower. you always have the wedding.

                      Erika - SQUEE!!!! On your job! sounds like it will be a fun one. CONGRATS!!

                      Ack! Another hot, humid, sunny day here. I feel like the wicked witch...I'm melting!!!
                      Hi GG! I'll have some of that heat - I'm coooold. at your comment. That's the way I feel too. I'll wait and see. If I get the good tix, it'll be a problem. If I get the normal tix, I won't be going to the cocktail party and I can head back home for the night and back in the next day for the Sunday. I'll just wait and see. And if JF changes his plans and pulls out of the con, you'll hear the screams of anguish from there.
                      My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                        Hi GG! *waves*

                        Have you checked out the Ask the Authors thread? Question on there you may be able to answer....
                        Nope, haven't visited there it a good question?

                        Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
                        Hi GG! I'll have some of that heat - I'm coooold. at your comment. That's the way I feel too. I'll wait and see. If I get the good tix, it'll be a problem. If I get the normal tix, I won't be going to the cocktail party and I can head back home for the night and back in the next day for the Sunday. I'll just wait and see. And if JF changes his plans and pulls out of the con, you'll hear the screams of anguish from there.
                        Please, take all the heat you want. Well, if you're gonna go to the Con, get the best tix you can and enjoy yourself. I sure and heck hope JF doesn't cancel. That would be So Not Squee.


                          Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                          Thanks for the support everyone, sorry if I'm not quoting. I think the excitment affected my brain and I totally forgot about the quote function...

                          The interview went great and I got the job!!! Easy stuff, basic students ranging from 11 years old to adults. SQUEEEEEE!!!! I posted all my happyness on my LJ, so I won't get too OT.
                          Congrats hon!
                          Sig by Luciana
                          My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                            Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                            Thanks for the support everyone, sorry if I'm not quoting. I think the excitment affected my brain and I totally forgot about the quote function...

                            The interview went great and I got the job!!! Easy stuff, basic students ranging from 11 years old to adults. SQUEEEEEE!!!! I posted all my happyness on my LJ, so I won't get too OT.

                            So glad for the JF news Lauriel, I hope he really goes. *iz jealous* I'll never be able to meet him...

                            Loved the tag, Ali. It gave me a headache, just like the original fic and watching Echoes give me a headache too...
                            Yeah for you Erika!!! That is great news. I know you will do a great job!

                            WooHoo for Lauriel!!!! Make sure your camera is charged and ready!

                            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                            *iz imagining Joe wrapped up with a big red bow...*
                            ...and a big grin and not much else.

                            Blech!!!! A Daddy Long Leg Spider just appeared out of nowhere onto my keyboard. They don't scare me, but I didn't see it and it might have touched my hand accidently! Then I would have probably flung the keyboard in surprise. Its dead now along with the big annoying fly that has been bombarding my head for a half hour.

                            Brings to mind Shep and bugs. **sigh** Might have to watch 38 minutes while I treadmill today...on my day off ... woo hoo to me!


                              Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                              ...and a big grin and not much else.
                              PG thoughts... PG thoughts... ah, the hell with it. *smiles dreamily*

                              Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                              Blech!!!! A Daddy Long Leg Spider just appeared out of nowhere onto my keyboard. They don't scare me, but I didn't see it and it might have touched my hand accidently! Then I would have probably flung the keyboard in surprise. Its dead now along with the big annoying fly that has been bombarding my head for a half hour.

                              Brings to mind Shep and bugs. **sigh** Might have to watch 38 minutes while I treadmill today...on my day off ... woo hoo to me!
                              Eww to the spidey and YAY!! to the day off. I can't think of a better way to celebrate a day off than watching some lovely (shirtless) Sheppy whump.
                              My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                                Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                                ...and a big grin and not much else.
                                Ack!! You've seen through me! That wasn't what I was picturing, honest! *ahem* I was having PG thoughts, PG thoughts, I tell ya!

                                Ah heck. Who am I kidding?

                                Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                                Blech!!!! A Daddy Long Leg Spider just appeared out of nowhere onto my keyboard. They don't scare me, but I didn't see it and it might have touched my hand accidently! Then I would have probably flung the keyboard in surprise. Its dead now along with the big annoying fly that has been bombarding my head for a half hour.

                                Brings to mind Shep and bugs. **sigh** Might have to watch 38 minutes while I treadmill today...on my day off ... woo hoo to me!
                                Yeurgh! I'd still be screaming! I hate the damn things!

