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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
    Looked in here and there is no link here to the podcast
    Oooh yeah! I meant to post my reply to prion thanking her for the link in the thunk thread not the whump thread. LOL! A 'senior moment' on my part there!!!


      Originally posted by Elinor View Post
      Oooh yeah! I meant to post my reply to prion thanking her for the link in the thunk thread not the whump thread. LOL! A 'senior moment' on my part there!!!

      Oh, Prion posted in the thunk? That explains why I couldn't find it here. I thought I had missed something, because I always read the whump first, and then go to the news thread! I thought I'd slipped up. I don't go to the JFT much these days, as wonderful as it is!

      'Senior moment?' I thought I was having one of those!


        I forgot to say, I know Ruffles mentioned Martin Gero's interview on the homepage here, but it's really worth taking the time to read/listen to it, I think. It's a good interview, with lots of insights to season 3 etc...


          Originally posted by Linzi View Post

          It is a dangerous snake? Funnily enough, I'm not scared by snakes, though, in all fairness, I haven't been bitten by one!
          Yeah, it's very venomous...

          I'm listening to the podcast right now
          *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


            Originally posted by caty View Post
            Yeah, it's very venomous...

            I'm listening to the podcast right now
            I love podcasts... I found one from Britain, from the "Sci-fi Guys" or something? There are like four episodes devoted to SGA!

            Thank you for the sig, SciFan!

            Thank You Sheyla Fan!



              Originally posted by Listy View Post

              Astraldust I just got through reading your last fic, very nice hun, I really enjoyed it.
              Thanks so much for that, Listy, and thanks for the review. Much appreciated.

              Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
              Just in case anyone wanted that long preview that poeple were speculating over (the one that showed at the end of First Strike) I have uploaded it to share.

              Don't think I'll get in trouble for this... its just a commercial?


              Thanks for the link SGAFan!

              And thanks for the link to Joe's interview. It sounds like
              the poor guy has been working hard, no wonder he looked at little tired on the Comic Con. At least we should see plenty of Sheppy, whumped or otherwise, in S4! Squeeeeeeeeeeeee!


                I'm not getting a lot of time to play these days, but just to let you know that i'm still alive and still squeeeeeeeeeeeing I have to say it's getting really exciting now with all the interviews and the proms and i'm beginning to bounce again So if we do get a S5 and I know we will Because i'm being lil miss optimistic today. I wonder what the storylines will consist of. I'm assuming (probably wrongly) that some of S4 arc will carry over. And didn't I hear that the last eppie was going to be an evil cliffie? Squeeeeeeeeeeee.I thought Harmony was going to be the last ep aired, but my spidey sense is tingling again and i've got a feeling it's going to be JF's pitch. Unless my memory has gone again and we've been told otherwise Okay, now i'm rambling again. S4 - only 6 more Friday's to go *does her Happy dance*DG
                I've been watching the prom again, and my spidysense is definately going into overdrive and I think that Sheppy will be fighing his evil self *squee* in his dreams. But that the injuries he sustains will be evident on his real body, and I think Heightmeyer will be there guiding him to take control of his dreams in the infirmary... as he's lying nekkid under the infirmary blanket with wires attached to his chest. hehehehe
                Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeee cos it's been so long since i've done that. Dagnabit gotta run. Thanks for linkies peeps, i'll watch when i get home from work. *discreetly bounces like Tigger*


                  I listened to the podcast last night and I think the best part (other than listening to JoeF heh!) was...
                  Keller talking about how often she's had to do CPR and surgeries! Hmmm, sounds like they've made her quite busy in s4, doesn't it?


                    Originally posted by IWantToBelieve View Post
                    I listened to the podcast last night and I think the best part (other than listening to JoeF heh!) was...
                    Keller talking about how often she's had to do CPR and surgeries! Hmmm, sounds like they've made her quite busy in s4, doesn't it?
                    Oh, so I wasn't the onyl one jumping at that
                    *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                      Originally posted by caty View Post
                      Oh, so I wasn't the onyl one jumping at that
                      I figured "okay, law of averages, if she's had to do so many of those scenes, at least *one* has to be on Sheppard!


                        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                        I thought that too.
                        Guess he's lucky to be in the position to be able to turn down work, which is pretty much what he says! Malibu or Bulgaria?
                        So pleased for him.

                        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                        Hee hee! That was one of the best things to come out of that interview!
                        Joe has a more harrowing schedule because he's actually in the episodes all the time! Woo hoo!!!

                        Originally posted by IWantToBelieve View Post
                        I listened to the podcast last night and I think the best part (other than listening to JoeF heh!) was...
                        Keller talking about how often she's had to do CPR and surgeries! Hmmm, sounds like they've made her quite busy in s4, doesn't it?
                        Hiya IWTB!!!!!!

                        I agree with you- that bit made me squee big time!!!!!
                        I so hope that she has had to do CPR on Sheppy!!!!!! Hoping for a surgery I guess is asking too much


                          Originally posted by IWantToBelieve View Post
                          I figured "okay, law of averages, if she's had to do so many of those scenes, at least *one* has to be on Sheppard!
                          Yeah, it has to! Otherwise I will not be a happy whumper But I'm fairly confident that Shep will get his fair share

                          I think I love Joe Mallozzi. I have nothing against Brad Wright, but I think a big part of what has me so excited is due to the producer change. JM likes whump!*eyes light up* My excitement for Season 4 is so huge in comparison to the last seasons. I was always excited but I don't think we ever had this much potential to squee over.
                          *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                            Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                            I'm not getting a lot of time to play these days, but just to let you know that i'm still alive and still squeeeeeeeeeeeing I have to say it's getting really exciting now with all the interviews and the proms and i'm beginning to bounce again So if we do get a S5 and I know we will Because i'm being lil miss optimistic today. I wonder what the storylines will consist of. I'm assuming (probably wrongly) that some of S4 arc will carry over. And didn't I hear that the last eppie was going to be an evil cliffie? Squeeeeeeeeeeee.I thought Harmony was going to be the last ep aired, but my spidey sense is tingling again and i've got a feeling it's going to be JF's pitch. Unless my memory has gone again and we've been told otherwise Okay, now i'm rambling again. S4 - only 6 more Friday's to go *does her Happy dance*DG
                            I've been watching the prom again, and my spidysense is definately going into overdrive and I think that Sheppy will be fighing his evil self *squee* in his dreams. But that the injuries he sustains will be evident on his real body, and I think Heightmeyer will be there guiding him to take control of his dreams in the infirmary... as he's lying nekkid under the infirmary blanket with wires attached to his chest. hehehehe
                            Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeee cos it's been so long since i've done that. Dagnabit gotta run. Thanks for linkies peeps, i'll watch when i get home from work. *discreetly bounces like Tigger*

                            Nice to see you Peggy!!!!

                            I am interested to know which will be the final ep!
                            If your spidysense thinks it will be the Shepisode does that mean that you think that the cliffie will be Shep lying intubated and nekkid under the infirmary sheet?

                            In just 7 weeks and 2 days time I will be so excited I will probably burst!!!!


                              Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                              Nice to see you Peggy!!!!

                              I am interested to know which will be the final ep!
                              If your spidysense thinks it will be the Shepisode does that mean that you think that the cliffie will be Shep lying intubated and nekkid under the infirmary sheet?

                              In just 7 weeks and 2 days time I will be so excited I will probably burst!!!!
                              *needs to breathe* *dies at the thought* *iz ded*
                              *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                                Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                                I thought Harmony was going to be the last ep aired, but my spidey sense is tingling again and i've got a feeling it's going to be JF's pitch. Unless my memory has gone again and we've been told otherwise
                                Think there's been a bit of confusion there. Neither Harmony nor the JF-pitched ep will be the season finale. They are both eps that will air sometime before the finale.

                                We still don't know the running order of the back half of the season but the 10 episodes of the back half will be (in no specific order, other than the first two and the final one):

                                Be All My Sins Remember'd
                                Spoils of War
                                Kindred Pt I
                                Kindred Pt II
                                JF-Pitched ep

