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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by McKayRocks!
    Oh no!! That's awful!! I know a little how you feel because recently hubbie had to install a new piece of software on my pc (it was to do with playing videos) and in the process of installing the new software it wiped off all my existing videos!!
    Oh my, that's bad, too.
    Hubbie says can you still 'see' that you have that hard drive on your pc even though you can't access it? If you can it is almost certain you can retrieve what is on there even if you have to take it to a specialist place to be done. So don't give up hope!
    Mx, that's so lovely from you and your hubbie that you want to help me and try to cheer me up! Thanks so much!
    I can still see the harddrive but there are no files when I open it. Well, yes, they are still on there somewhere, but I can't access them. I tried a lot by now, but I'm really not an expert, so I had no success. What bothers me most is that I can't remember what I had on there apart from a few things.
    Wish my bf was here, maybe he could help.

    I planned to use this day for a lot of things on the net, but now I rather go and save all the data I can from the other harddrives, for the worst case scenario that even more bad stuff happens.

    Originally posted by Willow'sCat
    That is my worst nightmare!!! I'm so sorry to hear that, if I knew anything "real" about computers I would suggest something but I am pretty much in the dark these days on all that. I do know if your HD crashes they can sometimes salvage files but it can be costly.
    Thanks for the advice, yes, sometimes they can salvage the files. So I've still hope that the files aren't lost completely. Will have to see.
    Was this your separate HD?
    No, in this case I'd still be happy because I'd still have everything on my computer and could save it again. Wasn't the external harddrive, I use this just for copies (*sigh* should have done it even more often...), unfortunately it's one of the two harddrives in my PC.
    I am so paranoid about the same thing happening to mine I have copied to disc pretty much everything even most of my caps!
    I'm very paranoid about this, too, so I've saved most of my stuff in three different places. But due to my job I didn't save anything in the last month, and I gathered a lot of stuff in that time.
    I should be lucky that only this one harddrive is acting weird yet, not both.

    So much OT, I'm sorry!

    Thanks for giving me a Rodney to hug, Willow.
    I could use more of this now. Maybe like this? A nice, warm, comforting Rodney, ready to hug. And with some computer knowledge.

    Bye, A.
    Last edited by Arlessiar; 11 June 2006, 05:42 AM.
    ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
    ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


      Oh dear Arlessiar that really doesn't sound good.

      See in one way it's great having these newer large hard drives but then when they play up or crash it means you lose so much more, my old computer was less then 4 GB, no seriously, if it had of crashed there was no room to lose much anyway but now 160 GB and more then half of that is used (don't ask how!!! ) I don't even want to think about recovering that much info.

      I know he isn't but these caps really make him look like he is going to cry. I want to hug him.

      I want to hug him anyway.


        Originally posted by Arlessiar
        Mx, that's so lovely from you and your hubbie that you want to help me and try to cheer me up! Thanks so much!
        I can still see the harddrive but there are no files when I open it. Well, yes, they are still on there somewhere, but I can't access them. I tried a lot by now, but I'm really not an expert, so I had no success. What bothers me most is that I can't remember what I had on there apart from a few things.
        Wish my bf was here, maybe he could help.
        No problems!!

        It may not be the harddrive, it may be the cable or the mother board but it is most probably the hard drive! Hubbie would take it to bits if it were my pc so perhaps your bf can think of something for you. But if it means taking it to a professional to try to retrieve the files then it will be costly (as Willow said) and also you may want to be careful if you have *coughed* things on it, although they probably won't care! Do you think it could be a virus?

        Well we have to pop out to the shops so catch you all later!

        sig by SheppyD
        Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

        I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
        So he just looks crazy


          Originally posted by Willow'sCat
          See in one way it's great having these newer large hard drives but then when they play up or crash it means you lose so much more,
          Yes, that's definitely a problem. I mean, I have two biiiiig harddrives and they're nearly full (), there's so much great stuff on it I don't (didn't...) want to lose because I don't know how to retrieve it.
          *sighs* The more you have, the more you can lose.
          I know he isn't but these caps really make him look like he is going to cry. I want to hug him.
          Yes, he certainly has his "hug me" moments, at least from a fangirl's point of view. I guess RM himself wouldn't want a hug. Or maybe he just wouldn't want to admit it, I guess deep inside he might want one. In my opinion he definitley needs a lot of hugs! He needs to be hugged until he finally believes that he's very, very 'hugworthy'!


          Bye, A.
          ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
          ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


            Originally posted by McKayRocks!
            Do you think it could be a virus?
            I thought of that too but wouldn't it effect both HDs? And then it would more likely affect the main C Drive first. * I know nothing about computers!*
            Well we have to pop out to the shops so catch you all later!
            I should go to bed I actually got up at 7 am this morning for no apparent reason, no not even for Dr Who; so now that it is after 12 am I should go and get some sleep. Oh thanks for the green McKayRocks!

            Originally posted by Arlessiar
            In my opinion he definitely needs a lot of hugs!
            Oh and we could certainly give him lots of hugs, the man is in dire need of a good hard hug! *gutter* thanks Arlessiar send me to the gutter just before I go to bed!

            David, David lovely David. *sigh*



              Originally posted by Arlessiar
              Damn. I just wanted to make a new cap and had to discover that one of my harddrives isn't working anymore. The one with all the SGA eps on it, among other things. I still haven't figured out what the problem is, but until now I couldn't do anything about it, and my bf isn't here, so I have no help. I saved a few things from this hardrrive to my Powerbook, but not everything, and not lately. I dread thinking about all the stuff that's on there, the profiles, the audio commentaries and many, many things I don't remember right now, which is even worse, because then I can't look for them again.
              I really, really hope for a miracle now.

              I'm sitting at my bf's computer now to look through the thread. Maybe it'll distract me a little.

              I feel like crying.


              Bye, A.
              aw sorry to hear about the hard drive Arlessiar..
              heres some rodney to cheer ya up!

              i find myself having no time to come online anymore...and its crap!!i got a new job and im working all the hours i can get cos ill be in america next month..upside of it..ill be in america for the season premier!!wooohoo.
              so..ill be on when i can!!


                *huggles Arlessiar* its horrible when that happens im sure we can stock you back up with david goodies if it is the worst case scenario!


                  Originally posted by McKayRocks!
                  It may not be the harddrive, it may be the cable or the mother board but it is most probably the hard drive! Do you think it could be a virus?
                  I tried a few things and I really think it's the hard drive itself that has gone bonkers. It's a little weird, because the HD is partitioned, and when it's broken none of the two partitions should work, but one of them (my system partion!) still does (thank God).
                  But if it means taking it to a professional to try to retrieve the files
                  I know a specialist, a friend of my parents, maybe he can do that.
                  Well we have to pop out to the shops so catch you all later!
                  Have fun! Thanks so much for helping me!
                  Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                  thanks Arlessiar send me to the gutter just before I go to bed!
                  Hehe, my pleasure, nothing to thank me for.
                  Sweet dreams.

                  teknikal - thanks so much for the Rodney pics to cheer me up. It does work.
                  i find myself having no time to come online anymore...and its crap!!i got a new job and im working all the hours i can get cos ill be in america next month..upside of it..ill be in america for the season premier!!wooohoo.
                  so..ill be on when i can!!
                  Sad to hear that you can't be here that often anymore, but I know the reason all too well myself. Apart from going to America, I'm not that lucky. Have fun!

                  Rodney, stop explaining them how this ancient doohickey works, come to me and fix my computer!

                  Bye, A.
                  ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                  ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                    Originally posted by tiggerific
                    *huggles Arlessiar* its horrible when that happens im sure we can stock you back up with david goodies if it is the worst case scenario!
                    Thanks for the hugs!
                    I was so happy that I felt better today and wanted to stop my endless whining, and now I'm whining again, now about my computer! Sorry about that!
                    Luckily I didn't lose any of the pics, just all of the eps and some goodies (the profiles! *cries*) and some stuff I didn't remember yet.
                    Funny, lately I was thinking about a new computer, maybe I have to buy one now.

                    Bye, A., who just spent three hours saving everything SGA related that's left on her PC to her external hd
                    ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                    ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                      now thats a computer..oh screw it just give me the puddle jumper!!!


                        Originally posted by teknikal
                        now thats a computer..oh screw it just give me the puddle jumper!!!
                        Screw the puddle jumper - just give me Rodney

                        Sorry you are not around much now teknikal This work and RL stuff sure gets in the way of GW!!

                        And as for hugging Rodney/David - I think it should be compulsory!!

                        Please form an orderly queue behind me (yes I shall be first as we British are just so good at queuing - it is a national pastime!!)

                        Watched Allies and GUP this afternoon while ironing!

                        So I am in a yummy Rodney mood now! And I have more ironing to do later so more eps to come! Think it will be Duet and The Hive - some lovely whump to make the ironing go quickly!

                        Don't you wish you had this chap to help with your PC problems Arlessiar!! They would be sorted in a minute!

                        sig by SheppyD
                        Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                        I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                        So he just looks crazy


                          Originally posted by McKayRocks!
                          Screw the puddle jumper - just give me Rodney

                          Sorry you are not around much now teknikal This work and RL stuff sure gets in the way of GW!!

                          And as for hugging Rodney/David - I think it should be compulsory!!

                          Please form an orderly queue behind me (yes I shall be first as we British are just so good at queuing - it is a national pastime!!)

                          Watched Allies and GUP this afternoon while ironing!

                          So I am in a yummy Rodney mood now! And I have more ironing to do later so more eps to come! Think it will be Duet and The Hive - some lovely whump to make the ironing go quickly!


                          Don't you wish you had this chap to help with your PC problems Arlessiar!! They would be sorted in a minute!

                          ah yes but having the puddle jumper would attract rodney!!!

                          Arlessiar -if you cant rodney i can do it for you..i know the perfect martial arts kick for it too!!!

                          heehee queuing..we irish are pretty good at it too!!!


                            Originally posted by teknikal
                            ah yes but having the puddle jumper would attract rodney!!!
                            Good point!!

                            Well if you have a puddle jumper I shall have to think of something else - perhaps a dress made from power bars!!

                            sig by SheppyD
                            Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                            I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                            So he just looks crazy


                              Originally posted by McKayRocks!
                              And as for hugging Rodney/David - I think it should be compulsory!! Please form an orderly queue behind me (yes I shall be first as we British are just so good at queuing - it is a national pastime!!)
                              Hehe, I know the Brits are good in queuing, I was very impressed when I was in London and I wished it was the same way here - the people in my country don't seem to know know what the word "Queue" means sometimes, it's a shame.
                              And yes please, be first in line, I'll be the last in line, and after the hug I take him away with me!
                              Don't you wish you had this chap to help with your PC problems Arlessiar!! They would be sorted in a minute
                              You have no idea how much I wished he was here!
                              Yes, of course because of the computer, what did you think???
                              Although, on second thought...
                     might be right with your assumptions...

                              Bye, A.
                              ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                              ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                                Originally posted by teknikal
                                Arlessiar -if you cant rodney i can do it for you..i know the perfect martial arts kick for it too!!!
                                Thanks for the offer!
                                And I was also pretty close to kicking it today. But screaming at it didn't help, crying didn't help, so I thought kicking might not be helpful, too, and so I refrained from doing so.

                                Don't know about you, but I need some dignity now.

                                Bye, A.
                                ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                                ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~

