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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    *waves to mckay rocks* hey! i didnt bother with the football...wonder if rodney did.. for the cheerleaders of course


      Jealous! I had to work today...but I am getting overtime, so that is ok. On my way to work, I passed through downtown and all the bars were full, at 9:30 am. Oh well. I might be able to find season 2 today. I really do need to see Duet.
      Sig by im_meli
      More random Hewlett nerdery on my LJ


        *waves back to Tig*

        Well you didn't miss much - it was a boring game really. Only beat them 1-0 and that was an own goal that deflected off the Paraguay captain following a free kick from Beckham! That was 2 mins 44 into the game and that was about it really!! Still a win is a win so we have to be positive! And it was extremely hot in the stadium so I will let them off!

        I didn't see any of the match preamble but don't think we had any cheerleaders! Rodney would have to watch American footie for that! Still David may like football having been born in England! I'm sure he supports us!

        I am reading lots of fic at the moment - I am behind on some of the WIP's I am following and want to get them read before Dr. Who!!

        Just think after we get Common Ground pics it will be McKay and Mrs Miller! Woo hoo!!


        EDIT *waves to Mercury973 as well!*
        sig by SheppyD
        Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

        I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
        So he just looks crazy


          Rodney is an Canadian...he'd be into curling. Or hockey. Now that is an exciting sport. Best sport to see live.
          Sig by im_meli
          More random Hewlett nerdery on my LJ


            Well for me the best sport is Rugby union - I love it!!

            Right am off to watch Dr Who now so catch you later!!

            sig by SheppyD
            Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

            I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
            So he just looks crazy


              argh where is everyone this was halfway down page 2! LOL

              hmmm so what is everyone doing whilst waiting for more new pictures?


                I'm still at work, but I am off in 1/2 hour. Working on Satruday. How horrible! And my boss (He's from Denmark) thinks England cheated today.

                I wonder if there is a pic of McKay in shorts.....other than his boxers.
                Sig by im_meli
                More random Hewlett nerdery on my LJ


                  ooo that would be nice!

                  i didnt watch the football so cant comment on that LOL


                    Originally posted by Abydonian Princess
                    cool thanks for the info! I really should go I loved Troika! They were soo funny! what a true fan you are! you even like Adam's band! I havn't heard any of their stuff, are they any good? ohh you've inspired me to dust off my Buffy DVD collection...
                    Well, I think Common Rotation is great, but music is all a matter of taste. Like loving Rodney. CR has some songs on their website here and they're the kind of group that posts their works in progress and songs from their shows. Check out the Union Maid link for their current song (from a recent show at this writing) and the fan maintained Union Maid Archive for all the others posted in the past. Currently up to Union Maid #459! Unfortunately, it doesn't look like the convention could spend the money to bring in the 2 other people in Adam's band.

                    Originally posted by Abydonian Princess
                    Hmm yeah thigh straps...

                    My kind of guy:
                    "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                    Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                    (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                      Well it is seriously quite around here, still at least this means we have lives!

                      Shorts! Well I do have these.



                        And this...

                        Still from Triangle.

                        he's the one in the silly hat.

                        He's the one with his dignity in the air!


                          Originally posted by Willow
                          If I lived in Victoria I would go; for the love of Tom Lenk I would go!
                          You should, come on its not that far to melbourne you could take the ferry, I know thats an extra expence but it's only $50 AU for a basic ticket to the con! think about it.
                          Well it is Saturday morning here now and ooh I have a public holiday on Monday, but sadly not going anywhere so same old same old.
                          Yay good old Queen! I love it when its her birthday, though I'm using my time off to start moving house.. Boring!

                          Originally posted by Mx
                          We all went round a friends to watch England's first match this afternoon. We won but it was a boring match!
                          Oh no not soccer, sorry football, I just don't get that game, though Australia's in the world cup this year, first time since 1966 or something!! so I should probably try and get into it and support my country, blah, blah, blah.

                          Originally posted by Mercury
                          I really do need to see Duet.
                          Yes you do!

                          Yay! Naked Sunday!

                          Rodney is an Canadian...he'd be into curling. Or hockey. Now that is an exciting sport. Best sport to see live.
                          Yeah but he came from England originally so he probably did get into soccer in his childhood. your right! Hocky, thats a sport! I used to play Hocky in my teens, even tried a bit of Ice Hocky! scary stuff! soo much fun!

                          I wonder if there is a pic of McKay in shorts.....other than his boxers.
                          Well Willow gave you some really good Triangle ones, so here's one I really like from "Nothing" BTS

                          Watcher thanks for the CR info, I'll check out the songs later on today. yeah pity they couldn't get the other band members to come, but it is a long way and it prob would cost a lot too.


                            Originally posted by Abydonian Princess

                            No, lemme get that straight.

                            *Clears throat*


                            Wonder if he'd be up for a little communal spa-soaking...
                            [center] - stuff for writers, roleplayers, and such creative people.


                              Someone said we don't have enough long posts... well here is a very long post (behind the tags). Mostly born of frustration and boredom.

                              Oh and a bit of a ramble and a rant...

                              Originally posted by watcher652
                              The Siege 3 spoiler response
                              Yes, dead on his feet might be a better reason instead of his usual panic. Good point. A ZPM he can handle, it's science and second nature to him. He's the one who figured out how it worked back at the Antarctica base. But McKay still has to do more conscious thinking when it involves guns.

                              Well I can make some allowance for being "dead on his feet"
                              but in the commentaries for the episode either or both Hewlett, Gero say it is really hard to drop the clip out of one of those guns... my point it was done in the script as a joke, not because McKay was so tired, well that is my take on it and on what was said in the commentaries.

                              Anyho, on to the ramble/rant.

                              Spoilers for season's 2 & 3

                              I for one am desperately hoping that McKay will get to use that dam brain of his.

                              He seems to be focusing more and more on less scientific type activities, or rather we see less of him in his lab actually working on things, I mean really "Trinity" for all it's faults was good if only to show that he actually is a scientist.

                              I know 99% of people like the "blow 'em up" episodes but I do hope for a little science in my scifi and I would like to see it on screen instead of it just being the cliched we have been working on this for months and now it is ready to be used... in the nick of time research blah, blah blah!

                              Having read some of the spoilers for the first (maybe only) McKay centric episode "McKay and Mrs Miller" it would seem we are going to get a McKay having to deal with his own personal failings, either between him and his sister Jeannie or in a whole of person sense.

                              Lets face it, he is not married, he has no children he has only his work and it seems even his life's work may have been less important to the scientific world if his sister had not chosen to have a family.

                              This could be a great character exploration episode.

                              Then again I can't help thinking from some of the other spoilers I have read, that this too may end up a 'joke at McKay's expense' episode. If he is to meet with Sam if it is made clear in the episode that he would have been second choice to go to Atlantis if Jeannie had gone ahead with her career. If it turns out Jeannie is smarter and if it turns out she would have followed a similar career path to her brother.

                              Also if most or all of those on Atlantis would 'rather be working with Jeannie instead of McKay' as apparently DH stated in a recent interview. *I don't know* It seems like an episode to "put McKay in his place" and I for one don't want to see that!

                              Hearing that makes my heart sink, I really cannot understand why TPTB need to make McKay (even with his grating personality) so un-liked amongst his peers, I don't think they hate him but yes sometimes I get the impression they wouldn't care if he did leave Atlantis.

                              To me it sends a mixed message; either you are going to say he is a valuable member of the Team and must be protected or you are going to say he is so easily replaced that sure Sheppard can leave him behind (Runner) to save Teyla instead. I think sometimes TPTB skirt too close to saying he is not that valuable or that intelligent and yeah maybe he could be replaced.

                              Of course I don't think he is replaceable but it is the impression, the impression that Sam is so much smarter, that now his sister is smarter, that there must be hundreds out there smarter... well why have McKay? TPTB need to reassert that McKay has earned his place on Atlantis and that includes his place on The Team. They need to make it clear that McKay is a genius if only to make it reasonable that Sheppard and the others would risk their lives to save him.

                              I know that there has been talk about The Team dynamics and how some don't feel as if there is any comradeship as they had with SG-1 under Jack's command. Well no wonder if we don't get to really see them risking their lives for each other, if we see *again Runner* the leader of said team making sloppy decisions, Sheppard needed to take control of the situation in Runner and find McKay, make that his number one priority.

                              I understand it was a difficult situation Ronon had that tracker device thing, and so The Wraith were going to come across him at some point but it still makes no sense for Sheppard to be so blase when Lorne tells him McKay is missing.

                              I don't remember who has the gene to pilot the Jumpers but it seems silly to have only one military type able to pilot the Jumpers if they need to return to Atlantis for back up or as in this case to get Beckett. I am not even sure why McKay was on this mission. Wasn't it to get Ford back? OK yes I have not watched it for a while.

                              Of course it makes interesting TV to a point but why not do both? Why not make this the type of situation where you think that yes Sheppard understands how important McKay is to Atlantis and he personally goes out and searches for him. Instead we almost feel the contempt he had for McKay right from the start of this episode. I understand with events in future episodes why Sheppard may feel that way but it seems so out of the blue in Runner, also I will say they became a little closer and acted more like a Team in later episodes but I still feel TPTB are sending mixed messages.

                              You can't have a Team if it's members just don't like each other or if members hold each other in contempt. They need to respect each other at the very least but IMO we haven't felt that for ages, we have a fractured Team. Buck stops with the Leader, which is why I am looking forward to the opener of Season 3 becasue at least 3 of the Team members will have to work together and yes McKay looks like he will be using his brain to get them off the Hive Ship. Of course it may end in Sheppard and Ronon just blasting their way off... ho hum.

                              OK that will do I have to go and eat.


                                Ah I have wasted most of today, I spent far too long on a post in the McKay discussion, I think I came off making no sense in the end what's new I lost power for some reason, so spent a few hours sitting in the cold; at least it wasn't dark!

                                The bright spot is I just found out Dr Who will be back on Australian TV in July (think it is July), so wheeeeeee!!!!!!! July is going to be jam packed, new SG-1/SGA in the US and SG-1 season 9 on Aust TV (still no word on SGA ) and now Dr Who... scifi overload and I love it!

                                Massive spoiler (cap) from Season two!!


