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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    And since I like to run my own ideas "through" this thread, here I am with a new question - what do you think, how would Elizabeth and John deal/cope/or perhaps wouldn't be able to cope with child loss?

    Yes, there's a fic planned. I just need time to write!
    I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


      drewandian: Don't read my post if you don't want to know the details of this episode.

      Back with my recap.
      Today, It’s “Coup d’Etat”. French title. Youhou!!!! I like it. Maybe I have to do my recap in French.

      Donc c’est parti. Voici ma première analyse en français pour un épisode de Stargate Atlantis. Un sorte d’hommage à cet épisode.
      Ok…. I think I lost everybody so I will do it in english.
      First reaction of my mom like always) “AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH LORNE IS IN THIS EPISODE!!!!!!!!!!”
      Second reaction (after the team discovered the burned body and Shep said it was Lorne): “Oh no no no. No he’s not dead” Look at me “He’s no dead huh?” I say nothing “Oh come on, He can’t be dead. Tell me.” Silence “For my sanity, tell me he’s alive.” Mwhahaha (evil laugh). So I said nothing to her. She was angry. lol
      Mom is focus on the position of Elizabeth’s desk “Her desk is always on a new spot”. Hello mom! John and Elizabeth are talking and you are focus on her desk…even if I like the décor of Elizabeth’s office…Oh god, I’m like my mom. “Forget Sparky and look details.”lol
      Ladon is back and he has a ZPM. Lot of looks between them in this scene.
      Conference room:
      Rodney wants the Zpm to fly the city. Impossible? Watch the seasons 4 and 5. The city is a yoyo.
      Elizabeth wants to talk with Ladon but John is against this idea. Mom “Wait a minute. Lorne is dead. I don’t care about Ladon. I want my Lorny. Ok It’s sweet to see that John is worried for Elizabeth. He doesn’t want to see her in danger for the third time because of the genii. BUT I want my Lorny!”
      “A bad and good cops” scene. Ronon is the bad one. Not nice with the woman. Mom will also be the bad one because Lorne is dead. She will beat the
      “Ladon: I'm just not interested in talking to the errand boy.” Like this line.
      Infirmary:“BECKETT: These bodies you found are not Lorne and his men”
      Mom: “Youhou!!!! LORNE IS ALIVE!!!! My little Lorny is alive. Hihihihihihihi” She did this during 5 min so I will not write all her
      “WEIR: OK, take him to my office. /SHEPPARD: Your office? Really?” He will prefer a cell
      Mom, your opinion “Don’t care. I want my Lorne.” Thank you, mom.
      Elizabeth’s office:
      John and Elizabeth stand next to each other. John with a hand on his gun. Ready to protect his
      Mom is focus on Lorne. She didn’t pay attention to this scene. Mom, a comment “No, I want my Lorny!”
      John and Elizabeth are still together. “WEIR: Good thinking./SHEPPARD: Could've been Mensa!” Yes he’s good looking and smart. Perfect man. Mom, a comment “No I want my Lorny!”
      (I swear she said this each

      Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


        Mom, please. Can you just say something? I can’t do a report if you say nothing.
        Mom “Ok, Look his eyes. He’s watching her breasts and….I want my Lorny.”
        If she didn’t say a good remark about John, I would kill her because I couldn’t support “I want my Lorny”.lol
        Lot of Eyes/sex in this scene.
        Bono (yes the singer) aka John (because of the glasses) starts the mission.
        We had a long conversation about the glasses with my mom. It’s not interesting so I won’t say anything.
        Boum boum boum everywhere.
        McKay is funny
        Elizabeth’s office:
        She finds that all the men have the gene. She’s good looking and smart. A perfect woman for a perfect man.pff
        “McKAY (whispering): One tango, middle of the room.” LOL
        They find Ladon. Ok John is maybe not really smart but we saw his underwear in this scene so I will be nice with
        It’s maybe not a beautiful day …Sky falls, you feel like It's a beautiful day Don't let it get away (yes I sing U2 lol).
        Cowen is talking with Elizabeth. And we learn that the Genii are smarter than us.
        And the revelation. Lorne is alive. I almost lost my ears and my arm because of my mom. She beat me on my arm because I didn’t say to her that Lorne is alive. I almost lost my ears because: mom “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!HE’S ALIVE!!!!!! MY LORNY!!!!!!!!!”
        Elizabeth tries to negotiate with Cowen and mom “yeah yeah yeah…blablabla…Can we see Lorne please?”
        For my mom, the name of the show is “Stargate: Lorne”.lol
        “WEIR: You kill one of my people and we are in a state of war.” Especially if you kill John. She will take a P90 and make the war alone.
        Cowen is dead. Ladon is the new leader of the Genii.
        Last scene:
        Sparky in action. Mom, focus on the scene and forget Lorne.
        “SHEPPARD: Alright. Then I say we call it a night” Mom: “Ok this woman is not smart too. It’s an invitation, girl. Go after him.”
        Yes a lot of eyes/sex in this scene too.

        Voilà c’était Coup D’Etat.
        Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


          Originally posted by Anuna View Post
          And since I like to run my own ideas "through" this thread, here I am with a new question - what do you think, how would Elizabeth and John deal/cope/or perhaps wouldn't be able to cope with child loss?

          Yes, there's a fic planned. I just need time to write!
          John would close off and not want to talk about it. Elizabeth would grieve alone but go talk to Kate/Teyla. They would grow apart until somebody slapped John upside the head. Probably Teyla.

          Probie, love the recap as usual and even the guys in the commentary, Gero believe it or not, commented on the Sparky at the end of this one. Something about they can't keep their hands off each other.

          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


            Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Fluffy Thursday!

            Probie! Gee, why am I not surprised that your mom went nuts over poor Lorne in Coup d'Etat? LOL! I so love watching that episode for the wall-to-wall Sparky eyesex.

            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
            All the more reason to forget SyFy and watch the DVD's. LOL
            That, and there are no commercial breaks to bore us.

            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
            It's never too late to join the Sparky team. Your experience pretty much parallels my own. It's just hard to watch them together and not see it.
            It's impossible, you mean. Seriously, Sparky's totally right there in front of us.

            Originally posted by drewandian View Post
            ITA, 'The Eye' was definitely high on the chemistry, but I kinda noticed it right from the beginning (once I opened myself up to the idea that it was OK to like Elizabeth anyway LOL )
            Awww, now whyever would you have thought that it wasn't okay to like Lizzie? John thinks she's hot!

            Originally posted by drewandian View Post
            I do understand, completely!
            I'll try not to worry (although I see a lot of familiar 'faces' in here . . . )
            And we hope you'll become a familiar face in here, too!
            (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
            Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
              John would close off and not want to talk about it. Elizabeth would grieve alone but go talk to Kate/Teyla. They would grow apart until somebody slapped John upside the head. Probably Teyla.
              With a few well-aimed whacks with a bantos rod, I'd bet. She might even recruit Ronon to the cause as well. With Rodney muttering something about getting John and Elizabeth 'stuck' in a transporter to work it out.

              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
              Probie, love the recap as usual and even the guys in the commentary, Gero believe it or not, commented on the Sparky at the end of this one. Something about they can't keep their hands off each other.
              Didn't someone make some crack in the commentary about a cut love scene? LOL!
              (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
              Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                John would close off and not want to talk about it. Elizabeth would grieve alone but go talk to Kate/Teyla. They would grow apart until somebody slapped John upside the head. Probably Teyla.
                Agreed with you, and SK. It's pretty much the way I thought about it; he would close off and turn self destructive on some way. Maybe he'd drink, or do something too risky on a mission, and his team would try to help him.

                I also think Elizabeth would distance herself from him, because of the guilt and also fear to lose him too. I can even imagine her going to Earth, to spend some time with her mom.

                Maybe Jack would be willing to talk to them both - in a way Jack O'Neill talks about personal experiences. Nothing too detailed, but something well aimed and direct, something smart.
                I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                  I like the idea of SR and what you add Anuna. I hope you will start this story soon.

                  Thanks for you comment about my recap. Yes mom has a BIG BIG BIG crush for Lorne.
                  Even my dad starts to be
                  I remember the comment at the end of this episode. Sparky is not canon but even the writers saw
                  Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                    Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                    Welcome! We are learned and experienced on this thread--meaning, we have seen all seasons, so if there is something you don't want revealed, let us know. I can't guarantee we'll be able to not mention awesome spoilery stuff for our ship always, but we may be able to spoiler tag some things so as not to ruin your fun.

                    I too saw Sparky from almost the beginning, most particularly from The Eye. It seems difficult to not notice the chemistry.
                    Same here. That episode cemented Sparky for me. Especially at the end of The Storm (I think that's the first one? ) Where he says that he'll give him what he wants, he'll even do it himself, even though Atlantis themselves would be low on resources then. That he'd do anything as long as he didn't hurt her.

                    I know I've said this before but I love how Sheppard says that word in regards to Elizabeth. "If you hurt her..." he says it with so much feeling. *happy sigh*

                    And then the part where he pretty much loses it and goes and closes the iris...and then when he finds out that Elizabeth is alright. "Weir's alive?" *More happy sighs*


                    Originally posted by Probie View Post
                    I like the idea of SR and what you add Anuna. I hope you will start this story soon.

                    Thanks for you comment about my recap. Yes mom has a BIG BIG BIG crush for Lorne.
                    Even my dad starts to be
                    I remember the comment at the end of this episode. Sparky is not canon but even the writers saw
                    Probie love the recap! Your Mom cracks me up every time, Thanks!

                    My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                    Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                    Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                      Probie, your Mom is so funny! You need to have her go back and watch the eppy again now that she's seen Lorne's okay so that she can recatch the Sparky!

                      Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                      With a few well-aimed whacks with a bantos rod, I'd bet. She might even recruit Ronon to the cause as well. With Rodney muttering something about getting John and Elizabeth 'stuck' in a transporter to work it out.

                      Didn't someone make some crack in the commentary about a cut love scene? LOL!
                      Yeah, the two commentary guys went on for a few seconds about how they totally went and did it after that final scene. SR, was that really Gero? Was it the Martins? (Wood & Gero). I never thought he'd say something like that...

                      Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                      Same here. That episode cemented Sparky for me. Especially at the end of The Storm (I think that's the first one? ) Where he says that he'll give him what he wants, he'll even do it himself, even though Atlantis themselves would be low on resources then. That he'd do anything as long as he didn't hurt her.

                      I know I've said this before but I love how Sheppard says that word in regards to Elizabeth. "If you hurt her..." he says it with so much feeling. *happy sigh*

                      And then the part where he pretty much loses it and goes and closes the iris...and then when he finds out that Elizabeth is alright. "Weir's alive?" *More happy sighs*


                      Probie love the recap! Your Mom cracks me up every time, Thanks!
                      Yeah, I remember that I saw The Storm/The Eye on Universal High Definition. I'd seen a few eppies of SGA here and there, but UHD started running it from the beginning so I watched--loved Elizabeth almost immediately, and John almost as much. I thought there was a little 'shippiness' in 38 Minutes, but was reserving judgment--I wasn't really interesting in shipping any more couples.

                      But when I saw that end scene in The Storm I was like 'Wow'. But I figured the most exciting thing in The Eye would be that Kolya would back down and the three would come up with some clever plan to beat the Genii. I thought 'wouldn't some angst from Sheppard over Weir be nice' but knowing how show writers are--especially as they'd hinted Sheyla in Rising--I was like 'no way.'


                      When that happened, I was completely hooked on Sparky. I honestly didn't expect John's reaction, and the fact that he killed 60 men over it still sits high in my books as the first proof John was sincerely attached to her. And then you also have that scene you mentioned, where John finds out she's alive. It all fit so perfectly.

                      I feel kinda sorry for Rodney, however, because he seemed sorta expendable in John's book. It's sorta like.

                      Kolya: Weir's DEAD.
                      Sheppard: WHUT. YOU ARE GOING TO DIE.
                      Kolya: If you don't stop, McKay will die too...
                      (Sheppard hears ----> Weir's Dead...Weir's Dead...Weir's Dead...blah blah blah McKay...)

                      *Sheppard runs around killing Genii all over the place in a ballistic rampage, disregarding the fact that Kolya has threatened McKay with death if he doesn't stop*

                      *Kolya realizes that bluffing him was a BIG MISTAKE*

                      Kolya (20 minutes later): If you don't stop, I'll KILL WEIR AGAIN. And Doctor McKay, too.
                      (Sheppard hears: Kill Weir AGAIN....AGAIN....AGAIN....blah blah blah McKay too...)
                      Sheppard: Wait...Weir's ALIVE??
                      Kolya: Doctor McKay was able to make a convincing case for keeping her alive.
                      Sheppard: Let me talk to her!
                      Weir: Sheppard! We're both here (and freezing our ****** off!)
                      Sheppard: It's good to hear your voice!
                      Weir: Yeah, it's good to hear (yours too as should have been added in the script! Damn you copy people!)
                      Kolya [paraphrase]: I will kill her if you don't replace the generator parts!
                      Sheppard: Again you mean!

                      *Sheppard now makes every effort to do everything Kolya instructs him to do.*

                      HMMMMMMMMMM. WONDER WHY.

                      Duh, because I almost died.
                      I hate this episode.
                      Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                        Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                        Probie, your Mom is so funny! You need to have her go back and watch the eppy again now that she's seen Lorne's okay so that she can recatch the Sparky!

                        Yeah, the two commentary guys went on for a few seconds about how they totally went and did it after that final scene. SR, was that really Gero? Was it the Martins? (Wood & Gero). I never thought he'd say something like that...

                        Yeah, I remember that I saw The Storm/The Eye on Universal High Definition. I'd seen a few eppies of SGA here and there, but UHD started running it from the beginning so I watched--loved Elizabeth almost immediately, and John almost as much. I thought there was a little 'shippiness' in 38 Minutes, but was reserving judgment--I wasn't really interesting in shipping any more couples.

                        But when I saw that end scene in The Storm I was like 'Wow'. But I figured the most exciting thing in The Eye would be that Kolya would back down and the three would come up with some clever plan to beat the Genii. I thought 'wouldn't some angst from Sheppard over Weir be nice' but knowing how show writers are--especially as they'd hinted Sheyla in Rising--I was like 'no way.'


                        When that happened, I was completely hooked on Sparky. I honestly didn't expect John's reaction, and the fact that he killed 60 men over it still sits high in my books as the first proof John was sincerely attached to her. And then you also have that scene you mentioned, where John finds out she's alive. It all fit so perfectly.

                        I feel kinda sorry for Rodney, however, because he seemed sorta expendable in John's book. It's sorta like.

                        I loved both Eri's and Probie's recaps. Sorry guys, it's just that I'm busy here and I kind of fly in - fly out while you're having awesome conversations.

                        I remember being already hooked on Sparky when I watched The Storm/The Eye and my brain just went into meltdown when I saw John's reactions. He went ballistic, but at the same time he was so darkly focused to get his revenge. He didn't care, yet he was deadly, methodical, fueled with rage, like well aimed gun - scary, and at the same time an image of a smart, tactical soldier who knows how to defeat an enemy. You gotta wonder why he went off exactly when Kolya told him that Weir was dead. Why her, if he wasn't supposed to care about her? He obviously cared way too much.

                        However this proves a bond - natural, strong, almost visceral. That's why it's so easy to fall for sparky, sparky is logical. That's why I had very hard time buying any other John ships - there simply isn't a woman in the show to whom John is this attached to. You just have a feeling he'd do anything for her, in an instant. He'd do anything for anyone of "his" people, but when it comes to Elizabeth, the water runs deeper.
                        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                          Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                          Probie, your Mom is so funny! You need to have her go back and watch the eppy again now that she's seen Lorne's okay so that she can recatch the Sparky!

                          Yeah, the two commentary guys went on for a few seconds about how they totally went and did it after that final scene. SR, was that really Gero? Was it the Martins? (Wood & Gero). I never thought he'd say something like that...

                          Okay, I just popped my DVD in and took a listen. Man commentaries were better in those days. Anyway, it's Gero, Wood, and Hewlett. Strangely enough they don't talk at all through the whole scene.

                          Then Gero :What do you think? Do they hook up after this?

                          Wood: (something like) They're all over each other.

                          Gero: mumbles something

                          Wood: They can't keep their hands off each other.

                          Hewlett: dirty laugh

                          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                            Okay, I just popped my DVD in and took a listen. Man commentaries were better in those days. Anyway, it's Gero, Wood, and Hewlett. Strangely enough they don't talk at all through the whole scene.

                            Then Gero :What do you think? Do they hook up after this?

                            Wood: (something like) They're all over each other.

                            Gero: mumbles something

                            Wood: They can't keep their hands off each other.

                            Hewlett: dirty laugh

                            'A hug is just a hug' my foot!

                            I feel better now. Thanks for that. *EBIL LAUGH*
                            Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                              Regularamanda, Anuna and Eri13: Thanks for your comments. Yes my mom is funny but she's really
                              I will try to watch "Coup d'Etat" with my mom again but my dad won't be

                              I wasn't Sparky when I watched The Storm and The Eye. I didn't want to ship people at the beginning but I thought that if there is a couple in SGA, it will be John and Elizabeth. I always saw some hints of Sparky but never paid attention because like I said 'I didn't want to ship characters together'. After, I started to like the natural and unique bond between John and Elizabeth. Not in a romantic way. And with the season 4, something was missing for me. I realized that I was (unconsciously) a Sparky shipper. The evolution between them is natural. What I saw as friendship between them was more love or romantic (I can't find the good word so pick one lol). I realized it thanks to the behavior of John. He's softer (maybe not softer. Again I can't find my word lol) with her and I can't see his side of his personality with another woman. I can't really find the good words to describe this relation because this relation is natural. So excuse me if I'm not clear.

                              Mom doesn't want to watch "Miller's crossing" tonight. I think I will cry. The only episode I like and she wants to wait tomorrow. And I'm happy because in two episodes, we will see Elizabeth again but my mom doesn't know this.mwhahahah
                              Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                                Originally posted by Probie View Post
                                Regularamanda, Anuna and Eri13: Thanks for your comments. Yes my mom is funny but she's really
                                I will try to watch "Coup d'Etat" with my mom again but my dad won't be

                                I wasn't Sparky when I watched The Storm and The Eye. I didn't want to ship people at the beginning but I thought that if there is a couple in SGA, it will be John and Elizabeth. I always saw some hints of Sparky but never paid attention because like I said 'I didn't want to ship characters together'. After, I started to like the natural and unique bond between John and Elizabeth. Not in a romantic way. And with the season 4, something was missing for me. I realized that I was (unconsciously) a Sparky shipper. The evolution between them is natural. What I saw as friendship between them was more love or romantic (I can't find the good word so pick one lol). I realized it thanks to the behavior of John. He's softer (maybe not softer. Again I can't find my word lol) with her and I can't see his side of his personality with another woman. I can't really find the good words to describe this relation because this relation is natural. So excuse me if I'm not clear.

                                Mom doesn't want to watch "Miller's crossing" tonight. I think I will cry. The only episode I like and she wants to wait tomorrow. And I'm happy because in two episodes, we will see Elizabeth again but my mom doesn't know this.mwhahahah
                                I think there are two types of shippers for Sparky--pre- and post- season 4. You're a perfect example of Post-season 4--the ones who started shipping because they realized something was missing.

                                It's just cool, that we can gain fans from after Elizabeth was gone. That is a rarity for shipping indeed. This ship really is unique on many levels.
                                Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!

