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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    On Carter in S4 - I felt she didn't deserve to take over Elizabeth's place. All she did was saying Elizabeth's lines, and most of those episodes would have worked a LOT better with Elizabeth than with Carter. As for Carter, I really can't judge her potential. Even in the golden age of SG - 1 I found her boring.

    Woolsey felt pretty neutral to me. Somehow he wasn't tied to "At will bring SG - 1 audience" stuff and all that cr*p we were (not) given on Torri's leaving. All of it was deeply unfair and Woolsey wasn't part of it, this is why I like S5 more than S4.

    Ultimately, I just can't stand Carter in Elizabeth's place. She's not better.
    I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


      Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
      Hehe, these photos just made me realize that they redid the scene at least three times... just look at her hand that's by his ear: completely different position each time...
      Torri is one lucky woman
      Actually, I think they shot it eight times

      You know all of this talking makes me wanna write cracky little fics with lots and lots of kissing.
      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


        Originally posted by Anuna View Post
        On Carter in S4 - I felt she didn't deserve to take over Elizabeth's place. All she did was saying Elizabeth's lines, and most of those episodes would have worked a LOT better with Elizabeth than with Carter. As for Carter, I really can't judge her potential. Even in the golden age of SG - 1 I found her boring.

        Woolsey felt pretty neutral to me. Somehow he wasn't tied to "At will bring SG - 1 audience" stuff and all that cr*p we were (not) given on Torri's leaving. All of it was deeply unfair and Woolsey wasn't part of it, this is why I like S5 more than S4.

        Ultimately, I just can't stand Carter in Elizabeth's place. She's not better.
        I never said Carter was better... she had just wasted potential... but then again... all the characters had so much wasted potential... I think tptb like wasted potential in their characters.
        For me Liz is and will always be the one true leader of Atlantis. The only one who is truly fit for that position and the only one who really deserves it.
        It's not really Woolsey I dislike in s5 to be honest, it's the fact that s5 turns into the Mckay & Keller show at a certain point and I just couldn't stand watching more of it...

        Originally posted by Anuna View Post
        Actually, I think they shot it eight times

        You know all of this talking makes me wanna write cracky little fics with lots and lots of kissing.
        Yeah... Torri is a really really lucky woman

        Go for the cracky fics!!
        *waits impatiently*

        Sig by me


          You know, I'll be having a really LONG day tomorrow, so it's bedtime for this sparky gal. Sweet dreams, people! Don't let the bugs bite!
          I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


            Originally posted by Anuna View Post
            You know, I'll be having a really LONG day tomorrow, so it's bedtime for this sparky gal. Sweet dreams, people! Don't let the bugs bite!
            What?!? You're already off to bed? It's barely 11.30 pm on a Friday night

            Sleep tight and have many Sparky dreams!

            Sig by me


              For the few people that are still awake. This is part 2:
              There should be a part 3 too... but it's still in the works... don't know if I'll manage to get it finished tonight...

              “You kissed her first?” Ronon asked surprised. He had always doubted John would be able to take that first step due to the massive amount of respect he had for her.
              John shrugged. “When she said that we never kissed before I couldn’t stop myself. I always suspected she felt the same about me, but I was never 100% sure… not until that kiss.”
              Ronon grinned again. “And then you guys got married.”
              “Yeah, more or less.” John said. “Our hosts wanted to keep the ceremony closely to our own marriage ceremony, so they still needed to make rings; we needed to write our vows.”
              “Vows?” Ronon asked. He had never witnessed an ‘Earth’ marriage and wasn’t familiar with the customs.
              John nodded. “During the ceremony you tell why you love the person you want to marry, why you want to marry her and how you’ll treat her during the marriage.”
              Ronon scrunched his face. “Sounds dangerous…”
              “Dangerous?” John wondered what his friend meant by that.
              “Yeah, say one thing your partner doesn’t like and you can forget about the marriage.”
              John laughed at that. “Maybe. But most people take weeks, or even months, to write their own vows, so they’re pretty sure that their partner will like it.”
              “You didn’t have weeks or months though.” Ronon pointed out.
              “No.” John said. “But somehow, it all just came naturally.”


              It was hours after their first and only real kiss when John found himself in front of an altar waiting nervously for Elizabeth. It had been so hectic since they had agreed to the marriage that he had barely seen her again. When the doors opened and she appeared, it took his breath away. She was dressed in a simple long red dress that hugged her curves in all the right places and she looked simply stunning.
              He only realized he was really going to marry her when she stood in front of him and took his hands in hers.
              He was going to marry Elizabeth Weir… his superior in so many ways, but she wanted to marry him, she had kissed him back… she loved him!
              But did she really?
              A sudden feeling of doubt gripped him. Was she doing this because she really loved him or just for the good of Atlantis…
              “Elizabeth Catherine Weir.” Jo’an, the man conducting the ceremony, started. “You may say your vows.”
              Elizabeth swallowed nervously. They didn’t have much time to prepare something and she hoped she wouldn’t screw this up.
              “John… You appeared so suddenly in my live and you became such an important factor so fast. We became friends and all of a sudden you were more than just a friend… even more than a best friend. You stand by my side during the difficult and worst times. You make me laugh when I feel down and you know when I need you. You bring me coffee in the morning and thee when I’m working late and you are a constant in my life. A constant I need by my side every day and a constant I unknowingly fell madly and deeply in love with. As your wife, I’ll try to be that constant for you. I’ll sit by your bed when you are injured and read ‘War and Peace’ out loud so that maybe you’ll get to finish it.”
              He laughed at that, and the doubt he felt before was now completely gone.
              “I love you, John Sheppard and I can’t imagine ever not loving you. I’ll always stand by your side and I want to marry you and be your wife.”
              “John Patrick Sheppard. You may now say your vows.” Jo’an continued the ceremony.
              John grinned softly at Elizabeth. “It won’t be easy to top that, but then again, you were always much better at talking than me.”
              Now it was her turn to laugh and give him a loving smile.
              “Elizabeth, you gave me a chance to better my life when everyone else had given up on me. You stood by my side when I was turning into a bug and everyone else was afraid to come close to me. You’re the reason I can’t wait to return to Atlantis when I’m off world. I always knew you were very attractive… heck, you have to be blind to not see your beauty. But that’s not what made me fall in love with you. It was your spirit I fell in love with. You stay positive, no matter what, you care about people, no matter what and you believe in second and even third chances. Your laugh brings butterflies to my stomach and when you smile… my heart seems to skip a beat.every.single.time. I love you more than life itself and I want to be married to you and be your husband. I’ll stand by your side, no matter what happens. I’ll never be able to betray you and I will keep on loving you forever.”
              Jo’an smiled and gave them the rings. After putting them onto each other’s finger, they held hands again.
              “After saying their vows, this man and this woman are now husband and wife. You may kiss.”
              John gladly obliged to that and sealed her lips with his again for the second time that day. He knew that if it was up to him, he’d be doing this a lot more.

              END FLASHBACK

              “That’s some serious vows.” Ronon said with a smile.
              John face suddenly darkened. “We aren’t even married for half a year and I already broke my vows.”
              “What are you talking about?” Ronon asked, sounding genuinely surprised.
              “I betrayed her, Ronon. When those Colonels wanted to attack Asura, I turned away from Elizabeth and left her alone against them… and me… I never should have done that. I should have stood by her side and listened to her. Instead I blindly followed people who don’t know Atlantis, who don’t know the Asurans and who don’t know Elizabeth… And look what happened… look what that attack did…”
              “Hey!” Ronon said angry. “Don’t start with that. Those Colonels were your superiors…”
              “Elizabeth is my superior!” John shot back. “She’s my wife and I trust her with my life, implicitly, and still I turned my back to her when she needed me most.”
              “It’s not your fault what happened.”
              “Isn’t it?”
              “No, man, it’s not. If you would have gone against the wishes of those idiots from Earth, you would have gotten your ass kicked back to Earth and you would have been replaced here. It’s the way the military works and subconsciously you know that and that is why you supported them instead of Elizabeth. She may have been hurt by your actions, but she knew that too and forgave you. Now it’s time you forgive yourself.”
              “I’ll never be able to forgive myself if she doesn’t make it through.”
              Ronon sighed. “She has to make it, Sheppard. This city will never be the same without her… and neither will you.”
              John nodded solemnly and Ronon knew he had to change the subject again.
              “So, I’m the only one privileged to know your little marriage secret.”
              “No… not really.” John admitted sheepishly.
              “Who else knows?” Ronon wanted to know, his curiosity now peeked.
              “Keller knows because Elizabeth had a pregnancy scare about a month ago.”
              Ronon grinned. “Pregnancy scare?”
              “Well… you know… though mission… nearly got killed… we were both very happy to see each other again and then you tend to forget certain things while making love to your wife… That mission is also the reason McKay found out.”
              Ronon now laughed. “What happened, he caught you making out in one of the storage rooms?”
              Now it was John’s turn to look sheepishly. “Euhm… yeah…”
              Ronon kept laughing. “Man, I would have loved to be a fly on the wall for that one…”


              Keller had kept him in the infirmary for half a day… half a bloody day that he could have spend in his favorite pair of arms that he had missed so much.
              He was so deep in thought about her, that he barely noticed it when he almost ran into her in the hallway leading from the infirmary to the control room.
              “Liz…” He whispered and moved his hand up to touch her face. Suddenly remembering they were in the middle of a frequently used hallway, he lowered his hand again and licked his lips.
              “I’m glad you’re ok.” She said and he nodded.
              “Yeah… me too.”
              Glancing around the hallway he noticed the door closest was that of the storage room the science department used to store their unused gadgets. Making sure the coast was clear, he took her hand and pulled her inside the darkened room.
              “John…” Elizabeth laughed, but then his lips were on hers and his hands seemed to be everywhere at once and God, how she had worried about him and how she had missed him.
              She kissed him back demandingly while her hands were pulling his shirt out off his pants.
              Hands and lips touched bare skin and both forgot where they were.
              “OH MY GOD!!!”
              The sudden girly scream brought them both out of the trance they seemed to be in and they turned to the open door in unison.
              McKay stood in the doorway, his chin nearly on the floor and eyes wide.
              They also noticed how pale he looked.
              “Never heard of knocking?” John growled annoyed.
              That seemed to bring McKay out of his shock.
              “Knocking? Knocking!?! I have you known that this is a public area! Have you never heard of a bed in private quarters?!?” He stepped back out and slammed the door closed.
              “Damn…” John whispered; his lips dangerously close to hers again.
              “John, no matter how much I hate to say this, but McKay is right. Let’s continue this in our quarters, shall we?”
              “Gladly.” He grinned and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

              END FLASHBACK

              Ronon was almost rolling on the floor with laughter at this point.
              “I really would have given everything I own to see that face.”
              John grinned widely. “It really was something.”
              “But how did he know you were married?”
              “That was Elizabeth’s idea. She didn’t want Rodney to think that we were just fooling around, so she called him to her office where we explained the situation to him.”
              “And he freaked out again?” Ronon asked hopeful and John laughed.
              “No, he just said that it explained our behavior better. Then he just left and we never talked about it again. He just seemed to accept it.”
              Ronon nodded and for a while it stayed quiet between the two friends.
              John simply held Elizabeth’s hand and watched her pale face while Ronon watched the two carefully. He knew Elizabeth had a very slim chance of making it through this and John would need someone to support him in case she didn’t. Ronon mentally appointed himself to that cause.
              It was then that he suddenly thought about something.
              “What about the rings?”
              John looked up in surprise. “Rings?”
              “Yeah, didn’t you say you exchanged rings when you married?”
              “Oh, those rings.” John smiled and took his dogtag-chain from under his shirt. In between the dogtags hung a simple silver ring.
              “I always keep it close to my heart.” John admitted, blushing just a bit. “Elizabeth keeps hers on a bracelet. Keller told me she’s keeping it in her desk drawer for now.”
              “Wear it.”
              “Everyone here is already certain you guys are more than just friends. Wear it.”
              John looked at the ring on the chain. Having it on his finger when they were on the planet where they got married did feel incredibly good, but would people here really just accept it?
              He barely noticed it when Ronon got up from his chair and left the room, only to return moments later. He gently lowered the small bracelet that held a simple silver ring on Elizabeth’s stomach.
              “She deserves to wear it too.”
              “Ronon…” John sighed.
              “I know you want too…”
              “I do, but…”
              “Just do it. Do what feels right.”
              Wearing the ring had felt so right. So without thinking about it any further, he opened the chain around his neck, pulled of the ring and put it back on its rightful place, his left ring finger. After that he took the bracelet, took the ring off of it and placed it on Elizabeth’s left ring finger.
              “I love you.” He whispered and gently kissed her cheek.

              Sig by me


                Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                For the few people that are still awake. This is part 2:

                “You kissed her first?” Ronon asked surprised. He had always doubted John would be able to take that first step due to the massive amount of respect he had for her.
                John shrugged. “When she said that we never kissed before I couldn’t stop myself. I always suspected she felt the same about me, but I was never 100% sure… not until that kiss.”
                Ronon grinned again. “And then you guys got married.”
                “Yeah, more or less.” John said. “Our hosts wanted to keep the ceremony closely to our own marriage ceremony, so they still needed to make rings; we needed to write our vows.”
                “Vows?” Ronon asked. He had never witnessed an ‘Earth’ marriage and wasn’t familiar with the customs.
                John nodded. “During the ceremony you tell why you love the person you want to marry, why you want to marry her and how you’ll treat her during the marriage.”
                Ronon scrunched his face. “Sounds dangerous…”
                “Dangerous?” John wondered what his friend meant by that.
                “Yeah, say one thing your partner doesn’t like and you can forget about the marriage.”
                John laughed at that. “Maybe. But most people take weeks, or even months, to write their own vows, so they’re pretty sure that their partner will like it.”
                “You didn’t have weeks or months though.” Ronon pointed out.
                “No.” John said. “But somehow, it all just came naturally.”


                It was hours after their first and only real kiss when John found himself in front of an altar waiting nervously for Elizabeth. It had been so hectic since they had agreed to the marriage that he had barely seen her again. When the doors opened and she appeared, it took his breath away. She was dressed in a simple long red dress that hugged her curves in all the right places and she looked simply stunning.
                He only realized he was really going to marry her when she stood in front of him and took his hands in hers.
                He was going to marry Elizabeth Weir… his superior in so many ways, but she wanted to marry him, she had kissed him back… she loved him!
                But did she really?
                A sudden feeling of doubt gripped him. Was she doing this because she really loved him or just for the good of Atlantis…
                “Elizabeth Catherine Weir.” Jo’an, the man conducting the ceremony, started. “You may say your vows.”
                Elizabeth swallowed nervously. They didn’t have much time to prepare something and she hoped she wouldn’t screw this up.
                “John… You appeared so suddenly in my live and you became such an important factor so fast. We became friends and all of a sudden you were more than just a friend… even more than a best friend. You stand by my side during the difficult and worst times. You make me laugh when I feel down and you know when I need you. You bring me coffee in the morning and thee when I’m working late and you are a constant in my life. A constant I need by my side every day and a constant I unknowingly fell madly and deeply in love with. As your wife, I’ll try to be that constant for you. I’ll sit by your bed when you are injured and read ‘War and Peace’ out loud so that maybe you’ll get to finish it.”
                He laughed at that, and the doubt he felt before was now completely gone.
                “I love you, John Sheppard and I can’t imagine ever not loving you. I’ll always stand by your side and I want to marry you and be your wife.”
                “John Patrick Sheppard. You may now say your vows.” Jo’an continued the ceremony.
                John grinned softly at Elizabeth. “It won’t be easy to top that, but then again, you were always much better at talking than me.”
                Now it was her turn to laugh and give him a loving smile.
                “Elizabeth, you gave me a chance to better my life when everyone else had given up on me. You stood by my side when I was turning into a bug and everyone else was afraid to come close to me. You’re the reason I can’t wait to return to Atlantis when I’m off world. I always knew you were very attractive… heck, you have to be blind to not see your beauty. But that’s not what made me fall in love with you. It was your spirit I fell in love with. You stay positive, no matter what, you care about people, no matter what and you believe in second and even third chances. Your laugh brings butterflies to my stomach and when you smile… my heart seems to skip a beat.every.single.time. I love you more than life itself and I want to be married to you and be your husband. I’ll stand by your side, no matter what happens. I’ll never be able to betray you and I will keep on loving you forever.”
                Jo’an smiled and gave them the rings. After putting them onto each other’s finger, they held hands again.
                “After saying their vows, this man and this woman are now husband and wife. You may kiss.”
                John gladly obliged to that and sealed her lips with his again for the second time that day. He knew that if it was up to him, he’d be doing this a lot more.

                END FLASHBACK

                “That’s some serious vows.” Ronon said with a smile.
                John face suddenly darkened. “We aren’t even married for half a year and I already broke my vows.”
                “What are you talking about?” Ronon asked, sounding genuinely surprised.
                “I betrayed her, Ronon. When those Colonels wanted to attack Asura, I turned away from Elizabeth and left her alone against them… and me… I never should have done that. I should have stood by her side and listened to her. Instead I blindly followed people who don’t know Atlantis, who don’t know the Asurans and who don’t know Elizabeth… And look what happened… look what that attack did…”
                “Hey!” Ronon said angry. “Don’t start with that. Those Colonels were your superiors…”
                “Elizabeth is my superior!” John shot back. “She’s my wife and I trust her with my life, implicitly, and still I turned my back to her when she needed me most.”
                “It’s not your fault what happened.”
                “Isn’t it?”
                “No, man, it’s not. If you would have gone against the wishes of those idiots from Earth, you would have gotten your ass kicked back to Earth and you would have been replaced here. It’s the way the military works and subconsciously you know that and that is why you supported them instead of Elizabeth. She may have been hurt by your actions, but she knew that too and forgave you. Now it’s time you forgive yourself.”
                “I’ll never be able to forgive myself if she doesn’t make it through.”
                Ronon sighed. “She has to make it, Sheppard. This city will never be the same without her… and neither will you.”
                John nodded solemnly and Ronon knew he had to change the subject again.
                “So, I’m the only one privileged to know your little marriage secret.”
                “No… not really.” John admitted sheepishly.
                “Who else knows?” Ronon wanted to know, his curiosity now peeked.
                “Keller knows because Elizabeth had a pregnancy scare about a month ago.”
                Ronon grinned. “Pregnancy scare?”
                “Well… you know… though mission… nearly got killed… we were both very happy to see each other again and then you tend to forget certain things while making love to your wife… That mission is also the reason McKay found out.”
                Ronon now laughed. “What happened, he caught you making out in one of the storage rooms?”
                Now it was John’s turn to look sheepishly. “Euhm… yeah…”
                Ronon kept laughing. “Man, I would have loved to be a fly on the wall for that one…”


                Keller had kept him in the infirmary for half a day… half a bloody day that he could have spend in his favorite pair of arms that he had missed so much.
                He was so deep in thought about her, that he barely noticed it when he almost ran into her in the hallway leading from the infirmary to the control room.
                “Liz…” He whispered and moved his hand up to touch her face. Suddenly remembering they were in the middle of a frequently used hallway, he lowered his hand again and licked his lips.
                “I’m glad you’re ok.” She said and he nodded.
                “Yeah… me too.”
                Glancing around the hallway he noticed the door closest was that of the storage room the science department used to store their unused gadgets. Making sure the coast was clear, he took her hand and pulled her inside the darkened room.
                “John…” Elizabeth laughed, but then his lips were on hers and his hands seemed to be everywhere at once and God, how she had worried about him and how she had missed him.
                She kissed him back demandingly while her hands were pulling his shirt out off his pants.
                Hands and lips touched bare skin and both forgot where they were.
                “OH MY GOD!!!”
                The sudden girly scream brought them both out of the trance they seemed to be in and they turned to the open door in unison.
                McKay stood in the doorway, his chin nearly on the floor and eyes wide.
                They also noticed how pale he looked.
                “Never heard of knocking?” John growled annoyed.
                That seemed to bring McKay out of his shock.
                “Knocking? Knocking!?! I have you known that this is a public area! Have you never heard of a bed in private quarters?!?” He stepped back out and slammed the door closed.
                “Damn…” John whispered; his lips dangerously close to hers again.
                “John, no matter how much I hate to say this, but McKay is right. Let’s continue this in our quarters, shall we?”
                “Gladly.” He grinned and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

                END FLASHBACK

                Ronon was almost rolling on the floor with laughter at this point.
                “I really would have given everything I own to see that face.”
                John grinned widely. “It really was something.”
                “But how did he know you were married?”
                “That was Elizabeth’s idea. She didn’t want Rodney to think that we were just fooling around, so she called him to her office where we explained the situation to him.”
                “And he freaked out again?” Ronon asked hopeful and John laughed.
                “No, he just said that it explained our behavior better. Then he just left and we never talked about it again. He just seemed to accept it.”
                Ronon nodded and for a while it stayed quiet between the two friends.
                John simply held Elizabeth’s hand and watched her pale face while Ronon watched the two carefully. He knew Elizabeth had a very slim chance of making it through this and John would need someone to support him in case she didn’t. Ronon mentally appointed himself to that cause.
                It was then that he suddenly thought about something.
                “What about the rings?”
                John looked up in surprise. “Rings?”
                “Yeah, didn’t you say you exchanged rings when you married?”
                “Oh, those rings.” John smiled and took his dogtag-chain from under his shirt. In between the dogtags hung a simple silver ring.
                “I always keep it close to my heart.” John admitted, blushing just a bit. “Elizabeth keeps hers on a bracelet. Keller told me she’s keeping it in her desk drawer for now.”
                “Wear it.”
                “Everyone here is already certain you guys are more than just friends. Wear it.”
                John looked at the ring on the chain. Having it on his finger when they were on the planet where they got married did feel incredibly good, but would people here really just accept it?
                He barely noticed it when Ronon got up from his chair and left the room, only to return moments later. He gently lowered the small bracelet that held a simple silver ring on Elizabeth’s stomach.
                “She deserves to wear it too.”
                “Ronon…” John sighed.
                “I know you want too…”
                “I do, but…”
                “Just do it. Do what feels right.”
                Wearing the ring had felt so right. So without thinking about it any further, he opened the chain around his neck, pulled of the ring and put it back on its rightful place, his left ring finger. After that he took the bracelet, took the ring off of it and placed it on Elizabeth’s left ring finger.
                “I love you.” He whispered and gently kissed her cheek.
                I'm lucky because I'm here and I have the chance to read you fic.
                Wow It's sad and beautiful. I love th vows of John. "It was your spirit I fell in love with." Beautiful...And you used the fact that John was with the colonel (I don't remember his name..Ellis?) and not with Elizabeth in the episode "first strike".
                Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                  Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                  Alright, that's better
                  Oh, I have something that will make your mom squee
                  Yesterday, the next audiobook was in my mailbox and guess who the story is about and thus does the lead voice? Lorne!!
                  shh ... don't say it loud. She has a "Lorne sensor". She can hear
                  Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                    Originally posted by Probie View Post
                    I'm lucky because I'm here and I have the chance to read you fic.
                    Wow It's sad and beautiful. I love th vows of John. "It was your spirit I fell in love with." Beautiful...And you used the fact that John was with the colonel (I don't remember his name..Ellis?) and not with Elizabeth in the episode "first strike".
                    Glad you are And thank you
                    Yes, the man's name was Ellis... b*st*rd
                    Of course it wasn't just him... Caldwell was on his side too...
                    The only fun thing about those eps is the beginning where they say 'Colonel' like 30 times and McKay is like "You've godda be kidding me."

                    Originally posted by Probie View Post
                    shh ... don't say it loud. She has a "Lorne sensor". She can hear
                    *grins* I don't mind her hearing, she's also always welcome to listen to it here together with me

                    Sig by me


                      Alright Sparkies... it's nearly 1AM, so I'm off to bed... will post the rest of that 'married couple bunny' in the morning... early afternoon.
                      And if anyone has a title for it, please share it
                      I suck at titles

                      Alright see y'all in the mornin'!

                      Sig by me


                        I haven't done one of these in ages. The longer serving members here will remember them. As usual, some are sparky, some are just general anti, and some are questionable.

                        E: You'd like the Asgard. They're bald & sexy, just like you
                        W: I appreciate the flattery Dr Weir, but the IOA still won't let you marry Col Sheppard

                        E: Look you fat *******, you came up with all those potions, is it too much to ask that you could create one to make your hair go spikey?

                        OMG, it's the Pegasus version of the KKK. I knew I should have brought a sidearm with me

                        W: We have no memory. Why weren't the females affected? We are all getting worried
                        J: Hey, you look pretty girly. If I were you, I'd be more worried about those bald guys making you 'think of england' than worrying about your memory

                        C: You realise what you're asking me to do?
                        E: Well gee Stephen, I had no idea I was sending you on a suicide mission. Thanks for informing me
                        T: Yes, Colonel, she was being sarcastic

                        L: We really should talk about marriage
                        (taps headset)
                        E: Colonel Sheppard, do you remember that murder/suicide pact we discussed

                        M: (to Teyla) I went to so much trouble to make my hair go like this. I walked right up to the Queen and still she rejected me

                        This is from the 'it makes me feel sooo....' scene. I have no comment other than to point out how Teyla is looking at John, who is mesmorised

                        J: Look Woolsey, I know you said no to Elizabeth, but you're on Atlantis now. I can arrange for you to 'disappear' if you don't rubber stamp our marriage

                        R: I don't know much about you. Tell me something personal
                        J: I have a yeast infection
                        R: Yikes. Not that personal. You really are special, aren't you
                        Last edited by gateraid; 29 November 2009, 01:50 PM.


                          Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                          I haven't done one of these in ages. The longer serving members here will remember them. As usual, some are sparky, some are just general anti, and some are questionable.

                          E: You'd like the Asgard. They're bald & sexy, just like you
                          W: I appreciate the flattery Dr Weir, but the IOA still won't let you marry Col Sheppard

                          E: Look you fat *******, you came up with all those potions, is it too much to ask that you could create one to make your hair go spikey?

                          OMG, it's the Pegasus version of the KKK. I knew I should have brought a sidearm with me

                          W: We have no memory. Why weren't the females affected? We are all getting worried
                          J: Hey, you look pretty girly. If I were you, I'd be more worried about those bald guys making you 'think of england' than worrying about your memory

                          C: You realise what you're asking me to do?
                          E: Well gee Stephen, I had no idea I was sending you on a suicide mission. Thanks for informing me
                          T: Yes, Colonel, she was being sarcastic

                          L: We really should talk about marriage
                          (taps headset)
                          E: Colonel Sheppard, do you remember that murder/suicide pact we discussed

                          M: (to Teyla) I went to so much trouble to make my hair go like this. I walked right up to the Queen and still she rejected me

                          This is from the 'it makes me feel sooo....' scene. I have no comment other than to point out how Teyla is looking at John, who is mesmorised

                          J: Look Woolsey, I know you said no to Elizabeth, but you're on Atlantis now. I can arrange for you to 'disappear' if you don't rubber stamp our marriage

                          R: I don't know much about you. Tell me something personal
                          J: I have a yeast infection
                          R: Yikes. Not that personal. You really are special, aren't you
                          That was HI-larious.
                          "I only understand about 1% of what she says half of the time."


                            Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                            Hehe, these photos just made me realize that they redid the scene at least three times... just look at her hand that's by his ear: completely different position each time...
                            Torri is one lucky woman
                            And in the last one he has his eyes open. Hee.

                            Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                            On Carter in S4 - I felt she didn't deserve to take over Elizabeth's place. All she did was saying Elizabeth's lines, and most of those episodes would have worked a LOT better with Elizabeth than with Carter. As for Carter, I really can't judge her potential. Even in the golden age of SG - 1 I found her boring.

                            Woolsey felt pretty neutral to me. Somehow he wasn't tied to "At will bring SG - 1 audience" stuff and all that cr*p we were (not) given on Torri's leaving. All of it was deeply unfair and Woolsey wasn't part of it, this is why I like S5 more than S4.

                            Ultimately, I just can't stand Carter in Elizabeth's place. She's not better.
                            If that bothers you, the S5 commentaries would drive you nuts. It's all about how wonderful Carter was as a leader and how they miss her and how great Keller is. I don't hate either of them but too much is too much.

                            Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                            Alright Sparkies... it's nearly 1AM, so I'm off to bed... will post the rest of that 'married couple bunny' in the morning... early afternoon.
                            And if anyone has a title for it, please share it
                            I suck at titles

                            Alright see y'all in the mornin'!
                            I always knew Ronon was sensitive and insightful. Your fic proves it.

                            Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                            I haven't done one of these in ages. The longer serving members here will remember them. As usual, some are sparky, some are just general anti, and some are questionable.

                            E: You'd like the Asgard. They're bald & sexy, just like you
                            W: I appreciate the flattery Dr Weir, but the IOA still won't let you marry Col Sheppard

                            E: Look you fat *******, you came up with all those potions, is it too much to ask that you could create one to make your hair go spikey?

                            OMG, it's the Pegasus version of the KKK. I knew I should have brought a sidearm with me

                            W: We have no memory. Why weren't the females affected? We are all getting worried
                            J: Hey, you look pretty girly. If I were you, I'd be more worried about those bald guys making you 'think of england' than worrying about your memory

                            C: You realise what you're asking me to do?
                            E: Well gee Stephen, I had no idea I was sending you on a suicide mission. Thanks for informing me
                            T: Yes, Colonel, she was being sarcastic

                            L: We really should talk about marriage
                            (taps headset)
                            E: Colonel Sheppard, do you remember that murder/suicide pact we discussed

                            M: (to Teyla) I went to so much trouble to make my hair go like this. I walked right up to the Queen and still she rejected me

                            This is from the 'it makes me feel sooo....' scene. I have no comment other than to point out how Teyla is looking at John, who is mesmorised

                            J: Look Woolsey, I know you said no to Elizabeth, but you're on Atlantis now. I can arrange for you to 'disappear' if you don't rubber stamp our marriage

                            R: I don't know much about you. Tell me something personal
                            J: I have a yeast infection
                            R: Yikes. Not that personal. You really are special, aren't you
                            Glad you're back. The last one is my fave. I've missed these.

                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                              You know what, a plot bunny attacked me few days ago, and I really shouldn't start yet another fic. But I think this idea is worth keeping, so I'm writing it down - in perfect season 5 Elizabeth is rescued. She becomes an off world team member, and works with various teams - john's team, Lorne's team and so on. She's a translator and a negotiator, and she's enjoying her new role too. Woolsey is the head of the city, he and John still have their cigar chats, while Elizabeth enjoys spending time with Teyla and Jennifer. Carson is around too, comes and goes. Of course, there's sparky romance going on, and even Woolsey is onto it (although he's classy and pretends not to notice it).

                              At one occasion John's team is captured and Elizabeth is sent to negotiate for their release. Of course, she does her job well, and for a change it's her who saves boy's butts. Ha! Then later, she joins John and Woolsey for the cigar evening, but comforts them that she won't steal their chat time. Then later John comes to her room to tell her he missed their chats, and they stay up for a long time, looking at the nightly sky from her balcony. maybe even kiss a little. In the meantime, Mr.Woolsey is listening to opera in his fine suit. Teyla is putting her baby to sleep and Jennifer is wrapping Rodney's cut finger.

                              Everyone say 'awwwww'.

                              Also! If you want another ficlet, go here. It's about John discovering something unexpected.
                              Awww... I love that bunny!

                              Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                              Part 1 of the married couple bunny...
                              Part 2 will follow soon...
                              This is not beta'd, so please be kind

                              snip for space
                              Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                              For the few people that are still awake. This is part 2:
                              There should be a part 3 too... but it's still in the works... don't know if I'll manage to get it finished tonight...

                              Oh, I love this story Kris!
                              I love Ronon being the comforting and understanding one. (that bit about him giving himself that responsibility was just perfect) The flashbacks are great. The vows were really touching. *sighs happily* And the rings... perfect. Love that too.

                              Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                              I haven't done one of these in ages. The longer serving members here will remember them. As usual, some are sparky, some are just general anti, and some are questionable.

                              HA! Those were hilarious!
                              Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


                                Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                                I haven't done one of these in ages. The longer serving members here will remember them. As usual, some are sparky, some are just general anti, and some are questionable.
                                E: You'd like the Asgard. They're bald & sexy, just like you
                                W: I appreciate the flattery Dr Weir, but the IOA still won't let you marry Col Sheppard
                                E: Look you fat *******, you came up with all those potions, is it too much to ask that you could create one to make your hair go spikey?
                                OMG, it's the Pegasus version of the KKK. I knew I should have brought a sidearm with me
                                W: We have no memory. Why weren't the females affected? We are all getting worried
                                J: Hey, you look pretty girly. If I were you, I'd be more worried about those bald guys making you 'think of england' than worrying about your memory
                                C: You realise what you're asking me to do?
                                E: Well gee Stephen, I had no idea I was sending you on a suicide mission. Thanks for informing me
                                T: Yes, Colonel, she was being sarcastic
                                L: We really should talk about marriage
                                (taps headset)
                                E: Colonel Sheppard, do you remember that murder/suicide pact we discussed
                                M: (to Teyla) I went to so much trouble to make my hair go like this. I walked right up to the Queen and still she rejected me
                                This is from the 'it makes me feel sooo....' scene. I have no comment other than to point out how Teyla is looking at John, who is mesmorised
                                J: Look Woolsey, I know you said no to Elizabeth, but you're on Atlantis now. I can arrange for you to 'disappear' if you don't rubber stamp our marriage
                                R: I don't know much about you. Tell me something personal
                                J: I have a yeast infection
                                R: Yikes. Not that personal. You really are special, aren't you
                                *Dies laughing*
                                I so missed these!! Thank you doing this again... they're simply brilliant!!
                                *huggles gateraid*

                                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                                I always knew Ronon was sensitive and insightful. Your fic proves it.
                                Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
                                Oh, I love this story Kris!
                                I love Ronon being the comforting and understanding one. (that bit about him giving himself that responsibility was just perfect) The flashbacks are great. The vows were really touching. *sighs happily* And the rings... perfect. Love that too.
                                Thanks guys
                                Just got out of bed, so now I can write some more
                                Hopefully I'll be able to post the rest of the fic before I have to leave...

                                Sig by me

