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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Good morning! Happy boxing day if you celebrate that. And a big
    Happy Birthday, Marimba!

    You have really been a welcome addition to our little family.

    Now, I finally got to see Vegas and I was totally blown away.

    <mod snip>
    Last edited by TameFarrar; 26 December 2008, 06:16 AM.

    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


      Congrats on 4100 posts Southern Red.

      Since I'm a multi-shipper and my last post was Sheyla centered, I thought I should give equal time considering where I am.
      *looks up at thread title*

      I'm new so please bear with me. I'm sure you've all discussed this a long time ago.
      Before SGA aired I had read that the pairing would be John and Teyla and Rising seemed to be going in that direction. But, as the eps aired and writers went about the business of establishing the characters and show....I began to notice the bond that was forming between John and Elizabeth. The Storm/The Eye just reinforced it.
      The way they would look at each other and you just had a feeling that a whole intimate conversation was going on between them without words. I know in my experience there are very few people in my life that I have had that experience with and it usually was with someone I was VERY close too.
      Then I found this thread and the phrase "eye sex"! LOL! Perfect description!
      I was listening to the radio this morning and Bonnie Raitt's Something to Talk About came on the radio and just reminded me of Sparky.

      "People are talking, talking 'bout people
      I hear them whisper, you won't believe it
      They think we're lovers kept under cover
      I just ignore it, but they keep saying
      We laugh just a little too loud
      We stand just a little too close
      We stare just a little too long"

      Has anyone ever made a Sparky vid from that song?

      I'm off to work.
      Have a great day everyone.


        Originally posted by cc_mac View Post
        Congrats on 4100 posts Southern Red.

        Since I'm a multi-shipper and my last post was Sheyla centered, I thought I should give equal time considering where I am.
        *looks up at thread title*

        I'm new so please bear with me. I'm sure you've all discussed this a long time ago.
        Before SGA aired I had read that the pairing would be John and Teyla and Rising seemed to be going in that direction. But, as the eps aired and writers went about the business of establishing the characters and show....I began to notice the bond that was forming between John and Elizabeth. The Storm/The Eye just reinforced it.
        The way they would look at each other and you just had a feeling that a whole intimate conversation was going on between them without words. I know in my experience there are very few people in my life that I have had that experience with and it usually was with someone I was VERY close too.
        Then I found this thread and the phrase "eye sex"! LOL! Perfect description!
        I was listening to the radio this morning and Bonnie Raitt's Something to Talk About came on the radio and just reminded me of Sparky.

        "People are talking, talking 'bout people
        I hear them whisper, you won't believe it
        They think we're lovers kept under cover
        I just ignore it, but they keep saying
        We laugh just a little too loud
        We stand just a little too close
        We stare just a little too long"

        Has anyone ever made a Sparky vid from that song?

        I'm off to work.
        Have a great day everyone.
        Thanks, I didn't even notice. I've been real talky lately. Hee

        And I know someone did that vid a while back but don't know who or when or where. It sure does fit though.

        The thing with Sparky all along has been that it evolved naturally. TPTB and the actors all said all along that it wouldn't happen but since we were seeing it with our own eyes we were understandably confused. If you listen to commentaries, you hear "them" point out the Sheyla moments and in interviews "they" always said things like "it was hinted at" and that there was a "mutual attraction". My answer has always been to ask them if this is middle school. Because in real life if people their age had a "mutual" interest for years, something would have been done about it. The only real moment after S1 to me was in S&R
        that odd dinner scene at the beginning
        . That has been the most out of place thing they've ever done. I was 99% sure at the beginning of S5 that
        Kanaan was history and John would step in to be the de facto baby daddy.
        Good writers could have made that work and if they had indeed been building Sheyla up for all this time, they should have done that. Thank God and all the angels that they didn't. But it's still bad writing and teasing the fans with no payoff.

        As for Sparky, it was probably best that they left it alone. Joe and Torri may or may not have been doing what they did on purpose. I suspect it's somewhere in the middle of planning in advance and just natural chemistry. We may never know but we'll take it.

        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


          Sorry run by post, be back in couple of hours to catch up on everyone's post here.

          *********** 4 hours until 2:00 PM EST viewing of Rising *************

          sig made by me


            Hi Folks

            We have made it very clear that any and ALL discussion regarding the Unsanctioned final two episode releases be done in the ONE thread established for it.

            Please take any and all discussion there.

            Thank You
            GateWorld Moderator
            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..



              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                Are we ready?
                sig made by me


                  Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                  Oh noes.


                  Most of us don't even watch the show anymore soooo I don't really see a problem. I live of spoilers and would have liked to discuss more about Vegas and EATG with fellow sparky shippers but whatever.

                  SR write about it in your lj or PM me cause I want to know what you thought of Vegas.
                  My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                    *snorts* Doesn't matter anyway, the discussion was over days ago since we've already said everything to be said about it.
                    (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                    Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                      Originally posted by Scary Kitty;9456366[SPOILERS
                      ]MERRY CHRISTMAS, SPARKIES!

                      Probably won't make the Rising 'thon tomorrow; I'll be in the middle of clean-up and final packing for my trip. Hope you guys have fun!

                      John/JF doesn't have a gut (the guy is rail thin; trust me, I've seen the man in person from 5 feet away). So yeah, he definitely needs a belt to keep his pants from falling off his butt.

                      ITA. Far too much time has passed with John and Teyla acting downright indifferently to each other for a sudden reactivation of any kind of "feelings" to be believable without a lot of retrenching. And as it's been pointed out before, now that SGA is going to a movie format; there's simply not going to be enough time in a 90-minute movie to put in those kinds of major character developments on top of whatever Atlantis vs. Bad Guys story they'll be trying to tell. At this point, I think the only ships we'll see going forward will be the three that have been set in stone by the end of EatG.

                      In the case of our Athosian friend, however, that was a decision made to incorporate a real-life situation into the story. Yeah, it was a sudden thing, too, but at least there was an actual story for it (though not very developed). But with the spoilered thing, it feels like a random bit of nothing thrown in for kicks. There's no larger story behind it, it's just... there.

                      Yeah, there's another instance where way too much time passed. I got the impression that at least a month or two may have elapsed between Sunday and First Strike, and it seemed as though there were another three to four months between Lifeline and Missing. If Teyla had been just barely pregnant at the end of Sunday, she would've discovered it long before Missing.

                      Michael impregnating her with Carson's sperm (Vengeance sounds like the most likely moment)? Ooooh, that's evil. And I could see it, too... Carson's a natural ATA gene carrier, which means that the child might have had both the Wraith sense and the ATA gene. Michael would've definitely wanted to make use of that for his hybrid army.

                      *snickers* Brutally honest, that. It all comes back to chemistry between the actors. You could have the best-written script in history (and let's face it, SGA's writers have never been that good), but if the actors don't have chemistry with each other, it'll fall flat on its face.

                      Well, except for the obvious cuts in the lighting budget for Seasons 4-5.

                      Ronon and Teyla also had their moments of grief. Short ones, and over too soon, but good ones.

                      And me as well.

                      Or maybe Atlantis SG-1. [/SPOILERS]
                      Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                      Awww, I'll be missing you around here, and I'm sure the rest of the thread will as well. I sure hope you'll be having fun!

                      Good post, hon. I was discussing with several people something similar and came to a conclusion (again, hehe!) that the writers should grow up, finally. They were telling, but not showing us, for the last three seasons, that Teyla is John's love interest. Some of that could be seen in early S1 and then John switches from brainless womanizer to Elizabeth's at - the - hip - attached - lap - dog, turning into a grieving widower through last two seasons. Um, guys, how about checking what your male lead is doing on screen? You can imagine one thing in your heads and even put that into script but you need to watch what's going on with the actors you have tasked with the roles. Tons of chemistry or lack of chemistry, when we're talking 'love interest' isn't something to be overlooked.

                      With a sloppily written love interest thing a pregnancy story arc must be hellish to incorporate into the story. Luckily, one of the producers was sane enough to realize they'll be doing a big disservice to John if they make him a proud daddy - and I'm not saying that because I don't like J/T pairing, I think there's nothing of substance in the show canon to support that kind of development. Sorry, nobody gets pregnant by random insinuations we've seen in "Sunday". And even those were very vague.

                      One, as a writer, has a few options then - if he or she keeps insisting on Shep as the baby daddy. Drunkin' sex? One nigh thing? Ooooh, alien influence? Rectconning? Again, it would have been a big disservice to both characters. It's simply not in character with either John or Teyla. John respects her way too much to do one night thing with her and I don't see her as someone who'd get drunk and jump into bed with a friend and a team commander.

                      If they decided to use other male regulars from the show the problems would be similar. I just find it so amusing that they, as someone already pointed out, have considered only John as a daddy possibility. Finally, Kanaan was the best solution - a plot device, but this time, not badly used. I'm glad they didn't go for some baby of doom scenario.

                      There is one scenario that could make J/T relationship possible, but I doubt PTB would have guts to go with that one, because it involves real sexual abuse (this time not committed by John and then saying his defenses fell down and his true feelings were shown). But if they went that way, they would have to deal with some very serious consequences for Teyla, which menas they'd have to do OMG character development.
                      Those were some good points. I'd respond, but at the moment my head feels a lot like this:

                      Don't mix drinks

                      Happy birthday Marimba
                      Last edited by gateraid; 19 January 2009, 10:40 PM.


                        Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                        Those were some good points. I'd respond, but at the moment my head feels a lot like this:


                        Don't mix drinks

                        Happy birthday Marimba
                        Ow. *passes over some aspirin and an ice pack*

                        And... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MARIMBA!!!!

                        *passes out chocolate cake*
                        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                          Alright so no one has the time today. Oh well, maybe some other time?

                          SR, I second Reiko's statement. Post it on LJ, I'd love to read your thoughts on Vegas.
                          sig made by me


                            BTW, I've got Big Trouble in Little China on TV right now and I'm kinda half-watching it while I'm packing for my trip. Is it just me, or does anyone else think that movie would make a great Sparky AU story?
                            (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                            Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                              Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
                              Alright so no one has the time today. Oh well, maybe some other time?
                              I'm here I could do it, but there is only two of us. I wasn't even sure I could make it, and I really didn't. LOL.
                              My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                                Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
                                Oh noes.


                                Most of us don't even watch the show anymore soooo I don't really see a problem. I live of spoilers and would have liked to discuss more about Vegas and EATG with fellow sparky shippers but whatever.

                                SR write about it in your lj or PM me cause I want to know what you thought of Vegas.
                                Oh I will. I have lots to say. What a shock! And I'll give everyone here the link.

                                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                                *snorts* Doesn't matter anyway, the discussion was over days ago since we've already said everything to be said about it.
                                Pffffttt! See above.

                                Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
                                Alright so no one has the time today. Oh well, maybe some other time?

                                SR, I second Reiko's statement. Post it on LJ, I'd love to read your thoughts on Vegas.
                                Sorry. RL came up. Vegas will be on my mind a lot. Trust me. I want to watch it a few more times first.

                                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.

