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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I come here every day to read what you guys have to say and stay quietly in the background. I have to say though this time that I totally agree with the lack of respect for the characters of SGA. The show now is totally different from when it started.

    Like it has been mentioned why should we give a damn about the characters when they don't. I always keep going back to comparing the difference between how Farscape was run to how SGA is run. OK yes different shows but the way the characters grew throughout the seasons. Sure they added new characters along the way but the core cast stayed the same. The producers really gave a damn about the fans opinions and showed it by their personal interaction with them.

    The only main character that left the show did so because she couldn't take the head shaving and body painting anymore. But when she left the angst among the others that were left was great to see and she had a great send off too.

    JF seems to have lost some of his light and I guess you can only hide your feelings for so long before they surface.

    Interestingly a certain blog was asked if pictures of JF would be taken this year for said blog and the answer came back as a no. Last year during filming there were several pictures of JF posted on that blog.

    Anyway it's great to go to a place where people think like you do and not only that but are articulate and intelligent people. Sometimes I think the TPTB think that the fans are all drongos (an aussie term for really stupid).

    It will be interesting to see how all this unfolds.


      Originally posted by tricia View Post
      I come here every day to read what you guys have to say and stay quietly in the background. I have to say though this time that I totally agree with the lack of respect for the characters of SGA. The show now is totally different from when it started.

      Like it has been mentioned why should we give a damn about the characters when they don't. I always keep going back to comparing the difference between how Farscape was run to how SGA is run. OK yes different shows but the way the characters grew throughout the seasons. Sure they added new characters along the way but the core cast stayed the same. The producers really gave a damn about the fans opinions and showed it by their personal interaction with them.

      The only main character that left the show did so because she couldn't take the head shaving and body painting anymore. But when she left the angst among the others that were left was great to see and she had a great send off too.

      JF seems to have lost some of his light and I guess you can only hide your feelings for so long before they surface.

      Interestingly a certain blog was asked if pictures of JF would be taken this year for said blog and the answer came back as a no. Last year during filming there were several pictures of JF posted on that blog.

      Anyway it's great to go to a place where people think like you do and not only that but are articulate and intelligent people. Sometimes I think the TPTB think that the fans are all drongos (an aussie term for really stupid).

      It will be interesting to see how all this unfolds.
      Always good to add to our Aussie collection. Welcome.

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        Originally posted by tricia View Post
        I come here every day to read what you guys have to say and stay quietly in the background. I have to say though this time that I totally agree with the lack of respect for the characters of SGA. The show now is totally different from when it started.

        Like it has been mentioned why should we give a damn about the characters when they don't. I always keep going back to comparing the difference between how Farscape was run to how SGA is run. OK yes different shows but the way the characters grew throughout the seasons. Sure they added new characters along the way but the core cast stayed the same. The producers really gave a damn about the fans opinions and showed it by their personal interaction with them.

        The only main character that left the show did so because she couldn't take the head shaving and body painting anymore. But when she left the angst among the others that were left was great to see and she had a great send off too.

        JF seems to have lost some of his light and I guess you can only hide your feelings for so long before they surface.

        Interestingly a certain blog was asked if pictures of JF would be taken this year for said blog and the answer came back as a no. Last year during filming there were several pictures of JF posted on that blog.

        Anyway it's great to go to a place where people think like you do and not only that but are articulate and intelligent people. Sometimes I think the TPTB think that the fans are all drongos (an aussie term for really stupid).

        It will be interesting to see how all this unfolds.
        Welcome to the last haven of sanity, tricia!

        I had read that little answer re: pics of JF on that 'certain blog' myself... More of that inattention/cold shoulder/revenge on JF for his criticisms of the recent changes? Or at the very least, JF is tired of playing for a camera that's not actually filming scenes for the episodes. I certainly can't blame him for that.

        I agree, it will be interesting to see how everything unfolds... in a perverse way, I'm kind of looking forward to see just how S5 goes. If for no other reason than to see just how bad of a trainwreck it's going to be so I know how badly I can mock it.
        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


          Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
          Welcome to the last haven of sanity, tricia!

          I had read that little answer re: pics of JF on that 'certain blog' myself... More of that inattention/cold shoulder/revenge on JF for his criticisms of the recent changes? Or at the very least, JF is tired of playing for a camera that's not actually filming scenes for the episodes. I certainly can't blame him for that.

          I agree, it will be interesting to see how everything unfolds... in a perverse way, I'm kind of looking forward to see just how S5 goes. If for no other reason than to see just how bad of a trainwreck it's going to be so I know how badly I can mock it.
          I can relate to that sentiment very well, only for the moment being, I don't feel like watching SGA at all. I'd rather not know anything abut the new season, I want to stay spoiler free so I could treat the series as what it actually is (in a creative way): dead. Now why do I stick around here? because I like you wacky guys a lot and because I can never get tired of Sparky, which is bigger than the show itself.

          About the writers. Female writer here *raises hand* I write more angst than fluff. I can write heavy stuff and emotions that flow from the situation, and I'm even able to break your heart - and I'm a female. It must be something wrong with me. I know at least ten people in sparky fandom who can do all this and tear your heart out and you'd still love the story - and they are WAY better writers than me. TPTB should not even be mentioned here, they seriously lack quality.

          @Pjus - thanx for the suggestion, I think I have it all now This story I'm planning doesn't require kirking. (only male PTB of Atlantis could rhink of something as stupid as that). Oh and Poisoning the well? One of the BEST episodes. If you ask me that woman did just a perfect job.

          Dang I forgot: welcome TRICIA!!!! Stay and play!

          Thread of sanity - nice way to put it! You know what guys, I'm proud of us. Nobody can say that interest in sparky is gone - look at us! *pets the thread*
          I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


            Hey everyone I've been reading the thread for awhile now and have to say I'm in agreement with the majority here. With Elizabeth gone I really see Atlantis falling I honestly haven't even watched anything of season four pass BAMSR. I'm sure I will eventually but its not really grabbing me atm.

            Banner by Stef
            Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


              Originally posted by tricia View Post
              Interestingly a certain blog was asked if pictures of JF would be taken this year for said blog and the answer came back as a no. Last year during filming there were several pictures of JF posted on that blog.
              » Welcome tricia! Hard to find sanity in the fandom world these days

              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
              I had read that little answer re: pics of JF on that 'certain blog' myself... More of that inattention/cold shoulder/revenge on JF for his criticisms of the recent changes?

              I agree, it will be interesting to see how everything unfolds... in a perverse way, I'm kind of looking forward to see just how S5 goes. If for no other reason than to see just how bad of a trainwreck it's going to be so I know how badly I can mock it.
              » I say your theory checks out with me. But that's just my opinion; the mods have emphasized that I must state my speculations are only my opinions. If it is Joe F's choice not to have pictures done I fully support his decision. The only thing that Mallozzi can do now to quell my fire is to post Paul pics, which I usually will leave him alone for a day. Whether on the blog of DOOM or here on the forum. I was thinking it may bring good karma.

              » As for that, I will always support the original casts of the one true Atlantis. I will not watch season five except for those five Carson episodes. When I come to think about it, I am fine with a measly five because I do not want them to ruin yet another character. They should be lucky he is forgiving. Or TPTB is just afraid of picketing fans. Part of me doesn't want Weir and Carson because I know bringing them back alone will not fix everything. Because SGA has become a laughable excuse for a show since the changes in S4 unless there is change in the guys in the ivory tower nothing will get better. It's downhere from here on out.

              » I also feel the save perversive, somewhat sadistic even anticipation to watch this all crash and burn. Not that it hasn't done so already, but I am awaiting to see what greater implosion of fandom and trainwrecking of TPTB will come.

              Originally posted by Anuna View Post
              Oh and Poisoning the well? One of the BEST episodes. If you ask me that woman did just a perfect job.
              » It was actually Damian Kindler that wrote that episode, but a woman (Mary Kaiser) did the story. I also really like Damian Kindler, wrote four awesome episodes - PTW, Trinity, The Long Goodbye and Tao of Rodney. TLG is the only flashy action one (Still a favourite though). PTW, Trinity and especially Tao all are more focused on relationships and emotions. Sadly, it doesn't look like he's written anything new for SGA since Tao.


                GW was down about hald a day ago. Something about corrupt data. Must be the Smut side corruption spreadind from the Zelenka threads


                  Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                  » It was actually Damian Kindler that wrote that episode, but a woman (Mary Kaiser) did the story. I also really like Damian Kindler, wrote four awesome episodes - PTW, Trinity, The Long Goodbye and Tao of Rodney. TLG is the only flashy action one (Still a favourite though). PTW, Trinity and especially Tao all are more focused on relationships and emotions. Sadly, it doesn't look like he's written anything new for SGA since Tao.
                  Wow! I love all of those eps. But TPTB wouldn't coz they're not shoot em up eps. No further comment there.
                  While I'm a guy and prolly think that (somewhere deep in the recesses) I may be able to write a male character (not well, not believably) frankly I wouldn't be able to write a female character, or character heavy eps. I don't think that is entirely sexist (although you'd be forgiven for thinking so, I am a bit of a pig), it just seems obvious. Women and men are geared differently. Men are cavemen (sport, violence and sex) and women aren't. I simply don't see why there is apparently no female input into TPTB. That is half of their audience

                  Originally posted by Pajus View Post
                  GW was down about hald a day ago. Something about corrupt data. Must be the Smut side corruption spreadind from the Zelenka threads
                  You wouldn't have had anything to do with that, would you?


                    Nah, our dear Pajus is totally and completely innocent. I actually don't like TLG, despite the kiss... but the kiss is eye candy after all. My favorite public display of emotion was the hug in Siege 3. Awwww.

                    Gateraid - you say men are all about sex. Ever noticed how many female smut writers in the fandom are there? *waves* I think men and women both like horizontal acitivities, but interpret them in different ways - as one of my friends said, women write lots of emotions into smut, and men are all about visual things. I always find fun to write male POV when writing smut. It's... easier.
                    I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                      If i may i would like to post a little bit more of my ficcy.

                      part 1

                      A nine year old boy raced down the neighbourhood street. His jet back spiky hair was mussed then usual. His t-shirt was covered in dirt and his jeans were ripped. The autumn leaves were falling around him as he ran.

                      “LIZZY! LIZZY!” He yelled as he approached the house at the end of the street. He raced up the stairs and knocked hurriedly on the door.

                      “Lizzy!!! Come quick!” He yelled as he continued knocking. He could hear heavy footsteps on the hardwood floor. He jumped slightly as the door opened quickly.

                      “John Sheppard! What all this yelling for?” A woman in her mid thirty’s stood over him a firm face put in place but a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

                      “Mrs Weir! Where’s Lizzy? She has to come! Quick. There are chipmunks in the park! I promised her if I saw one I would catch one for her!” John said quickly.

                      “Johnny?!” Seven year old Elizabeth yelled as she came into the entry way. “There are chipmunks!?”

                      “Yeah a whole bunch of them! I’ll catch one for you, come on!” John said as he grabbed her by the hand and ran out the door. They raced back down to the park where the chipmunks where playing in the leaves.

                      “Shhhh! Walk slow or we will scare them!” Johnny said as he lead Lizzy around to where the chipmunks where playing. They stood for a moment watching the chipmunks.

                      “Which one do you want?” Johnny whispered to Lizzy. She stood for a moment, her index finger to her mouth in an act of thinking.

                      “That one” She pointed to a small chipmunk with a black stripe.

                      “Ok. Well, here I go!” Johnny whispered again.

                      “Johnny! Be careful don’t let them bite you, you will get sick!”

                      “Don’t worry Lizzy. I’m not afraid of a chipmunk!” Johnny said and he gave her a cheeky smile before slowly walking up to the chosen chipmunk. Johnny crept up behind the chipmunk closely and dived. He caught the chipmunk between his fingers.

                      The chipmunk was squirming as he got a better grip on it. He turned to Lizzy with a huge grin on his face as she jumped up and down and clapping. Johnny got up and made his way over to Lizzy and handed her the chipmunk.

                      “Oh Johnny! Thank you so much!” she said as she patted the squirming chipmunk.

                      “It wasn’t hard. And I promised you remember?” Johnny said still grinning.

                      “Thank you so much Johnny!” And with that Lizzy stood up on her tippy toes and gave Johnny a kiss. Johnny smiled.

                      “You’re welcome Lizzy. Always!”
                      Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                      Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                        Part 2


                        John Sheppard was pacing. Prom was in two weeks and he still didn’t have a date. The newly turned 18 year old, ran his hands through his jet black spiky hair, musing it further. He then brought his hands to run on the slight stubble on his cheeks. He sighed as he sat rather roughly down on the wire chairs outside his class. He was nervous. Painfully obvious to everyone else.

                        “Oi Sheppard!” Ronan Dex yelled from down the hall. John stood up and waited for Ronan to jog to him.

                        “Hey man, what’s up?” John asked, trying to sound casual.

                        “Nothi-. Whoa man are you ok?” Ronan asked him. “You look sick man!”

                        “It’s nothing really I’m fine.” John told him. His eyes though weren’t focused on Ronan; rather they were focused on a petite, brunette walking down the hall with five seniors, Jack O’Neill, his girlfriend Sam Carter, Daniel Jackson, his girlfriend Janet, a transfer student Teal’c and four other Juniors Teyla Emmagan, Carson Beckett, Jennifer Keller and Rodney McKay. Ronan followed John’s eye direction as he mumbled something about being fine.

                        “Ahhh now I see.” Ronan said smirking at John. “You haven’t asked her yet have you?”

                        “It’s not exactly easy. She’s never alone. We’ve been friends for ages. I thought it would be easier. How did you know Teyla would say yes?”

                        “I didn’t I just went for it.” Ronan said shrugging.

                        “Prom is two weeks away. This is a disaster” John said sitting dropping himself back into the wire chair.

                        “Man you live like one street away from her. Just walk her home. Trust me, this will work. I’m gonna be late.” Ronan said as he walked backwards away from John.

                        “Just go for it man!” Ronan yelled from down the hall as he got swept up in the moving crowd of students.
                        John decided to take Ronan’s advice and at lunch asked Elizabeth if she would like to walk home with him. She agreed. John sighed a breath of relief as he looked at his watch. In approximately one minute the bell would ring signalling the end of the school day and John hadn’t been this nervous in his life. Before he knew it the bell had rang and the scrape of chairs broke him from his thoughts.

                        “Study up guys!” he vaguely heard the teacher say as he pushed through the crowed to put his books away and get out the ones he would need to do his homework. Although John would never end up doing it. He slammed his locker shut, books in hand he ran to the arranged meeting point.

                        John had managed to make it to the meeting point about five minutes before Elizabeth. She arrived walking quickly to him.

                        “Hey!” John said to her. “Here let me take your books for you.” He grabbed the books out of her hands. “Ready to go?”

                        “Sure.” Elizabeth answered.

                        They walked along in silence for a while until John couldn’t stand it any further. He stopped and turned to face Elizabeth.

                        “John are you ok?” Elizabeth asked. They had out grown their pet names long ago.

                        “Look ‘Lizabeth, there’s something I’ve been wanting to ask you for a long time. I just haven’t found enough guts to do it or the right moment. Prom is in two weeks and I have no date. I was wondering if you would like to come with me.” John looked at his feet.

                        “Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for you to ask me?” Elizabeth said smiling as she lifted his chin so he could look her in the eyes.

                        “John I would love to go with you.” John grinned. Elizabeth blushed and dipped her head.

                        “Great! We should uhh...” John stuttered jerking his head in the direction they were walking.

                        “Oh yeah, I forgot about that.” Elizabeth said chuckling as they continued to walk. They made small talk for the next few streets before arriving at Elizabeth’s door step.

                        “Well I’ll see you tomorrow?” Elizabeth asked.

                        “Yeah! Sure we should do something? The beach? Whether looks good.” John commented.

                        “Sure!” I’ll see you then.” Elizabeth answered, as she took her books from John and reached into her bag to search for her house keys. John stood there unable to move. A feeling had overcome him since he decided to ask Elizabeth to go to Prom with him, which was nearly a year ago. Something was changing. He no longer felt just friendship for Elizabeth, he knew what it was and before he left he had to know if she felt the same.

                        “Ah ha! Here they are!” Elizabeth said as she put her keys in the lock. “See ya tomorrow John!”

                        “’Lizabeth! Wait.” John said moving forward to close the gap between them. “Something, I don’t know what, has been bugging me lately. And to be honest I have no idea how this will sound to you, but –.” He stopped suddenly, looking into Elizabeth’s eyes. He saw the confusion.

                        “John, what’s wrong?” Elizabeth said fully turning to face him and touch his arm slightly. The touch sent shivers up John’s body.

                        “I uhh... I think, I really... I really like you Elizabeth. I have for a long time.” John said looking in her eyes. He saw a spark, but was unsure of what emotion it was.

                        “Oh... Oh ok. I umm-.” Elizabeth stopped.

                        “It’s ok. Really, it was a stupid thing to say to you. I don’t want to ruin our friendship ‘Lizabeth.” John said smiling sadly.

                        “I’ll see you tomorrow... I hope.” John said as he turned and walked down the stairs.

                        “John! Wait!” Elizabeth said. She dropped her bags and books and ran down the stairs to meet him on the front lawn.

                        “John. I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that. You just surprised me that’s all.” Elizabeth said smiling. She continued. “But have you had any idea on how long I’ve been waiting to say the same thing to you?”

                        John’s head shot up, eyes brows raised. “Really?”

                        “Yeah, John we have been friends since we were kids, I think it was bound to happen, don’t you?”

                        “Well we are like best friends.” John said smiling.

                        “Exactly.” Elizabeth said smiling, moving closer to him. John smiled and took her hands in his and entwined their fingers.

                        “So it’s official?” He asked.

                        “I guess so.” Elizabeth said still grinning

                        “Does that mean I get to kiss you now? ‘Cause you know I’ve wanted to do it for a while” John said winking.

                        “Sure does.” Elizabeth answered. And closed the gap between them. John’s hands snaked around her waist. While Elizabeth’s made their way around to the nape of his neck. They broke apart foreheads touching.

                        “John. Thanks for inviting me.” Elizabeth said grinning.

                        “You’re welcome Lizzy. Always.”
                        Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                        Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                          Part 3! (with 2 more parts to come.. but i haven't writtent hem yet)


                          The shrill ring of a cell phone was quickly answered in the campus library.


                          “Elizabeth Weir?” Elizabeth frowned.

                          “Yes. Can I help you?”

                          “Ma’am, I’m Colonel Jay. I’m afraid it’s about Lt Sheppard.”

                          It was the call Elizabeth had been dreading, but for some disturbing reason she knew it was coming. She only new bits and pieces of the mission John had been sent on. The only piece of information that she defiantly knew was where he was. John had only just been stationed at the base for little under a month. His new position in Special Operations Force, made John’s job more difficult. He couldn’t tell Elizabeth much and he struggled with that. John was shipped out in a SOF mission that Elizabeth new hardly anything about.

                          “Ma’am? Are you there?” Col Jay asked. His tone was sympatric, but at the same time strong. Elizabeth sat at the table in the library. Her face a picture of many emotions. He drew in a shaky breath. He lent her head on her other hand covering her eyes and continually running it through her hair.

                          “What happened?” she whispered.

                          “Ma’am. I’m sorry but as a matter of national security, I can’t tell you anything except that we are doing all we can to find Lt Sheppard.”

                          “Don’t pull that *Insert bad word here* on me. My boyfriend is missing and you can’t tell me anything!” She whispered angrily into the phone drawing the attention of a few surrounding students. Silent tears had started to fall as she listened to the man on the end of the phone.

                          “Ms Weir, I am sorry. I know how you must feel. We are doing all we can to find Lt Sheppard I assure you.”

                          “He has a name! It’s John!” She spoke loudly into the phone. More students looked to were Elizabeth was sitting with confused and some angry looks on their faces. Elizabeth looked at a student who had shushed her number of times over the phone call with a glare that could kill.

                          “You have no idea how I feel!”

                          “Ma’am. I apologize. I’m sorry. I’ll inform you when I have more information.” With a click the line was cut dead. Elizabeth remained in her seat, with the phone still at her ear and tears streaming down her face.

                          Sam Carter had heard the conversation from Elizabeth’s end and new it wasn’t good. She stood up and walked over to where Elizabeth was sitting. She could tell by her body that she was silently sobbing. She sat down in the chair next her and lent forward, as to block out the curious eyes of the other students.

                          “Elizabeth, what happened?” She asked softly. Elizabeth looked up. Her eyes bloodshot and her face red from the tears. Elizabeth was silent for a moment the tears still silently falling.


                          “... It’s John.... He’s missing... In Iraq.” Elizabeth managed to whisper out before the sadness claimed her once more. Sam pulled her friend into a comforting hug.

                          “They’ll find him Elizabeth. Trust me. They will find him. He’ll come back.” Sam said softly.
                          A week later and another phone call from Colonel Jay, Elizabeth was ecstatic to hear that John had been found. Although she didn’t know the nature of why he went missing, she was disappointed to be told that he wasn’t coming home as of yet.

                          A black SVU had pulled up outside the campus site and two gentlemen emerged from the car. One was slightly older then the other. Both of the men wore their dress uniforms with dark sunglasses covering their eyes. The students leaving the campus stared at the two men as they made their way inside the campus.

                          Back in the library where she found herself a week before, she was chatting quietly with Sam, Rodney, Carson, Jennifer, Ronan and Teyla. All of her friends had been deeply effected by the announcement last week and were also extremely happy to hear that John was alive.

                          “So we don’t know when he’s coming home?” Ronan asked, rolling his pen in both hands.

                          “They wouldn’t tell me anything else.” Elizabeth said smiling sadly.

                          “Well Jack’s meeting me in five for lunch, so I’ll ask him to snoop around for you.” Sam said winking. Rodney who hadn’t been paying any attention to the conversation saw a flash out of the corner of his eyes and lifted his head to see Jack looking for Sam.

                          “Looks like he’s early.” Rodney commented. Sam turned around and waved in Jacks direction. He looked around and noticed her waving; a smile hit his lips as he waved back and made his way over to their table. Sam turned back around to face the group.

                          “I wasn’t supposed to meet him here” Sam told them a look of suspicion on her face. The smile Jack had, made her think Jack was up to something. Elizabeth who was beside her shrugged and went back to flicking through the library book.

                          She jumped as two arms snaked around her neck from behind.
                          “Uhh Jack? I think you got the wrong person” She laughed and pointed to her left. “That’s your girlfriend.” She looked to her left were Sam was and saw Jack. She breathed deeply, her heart was racing. Could it be?

                          Slowly she turned around as the arm’s loosened and looked into the face John.

                          “John” She whispered. And before John knew it Elizabeth was in his arms hugging him tightly.

                          “John! She repeated still hugging him tightly. She broke the hug and kissed him soundly. He broke the kiss to set her back on the ground and hugged her tightly once more.

                          “’Lizabeth. I’ve missed you so much.” He whispered into her neck as he hugged her.

                          “John ... I... I was so worried about you. What happened?!”

                          “My plane was hit. I made it to the border after the second day. They had a phone. I made a call to the Pentagon; they extracted me in about 2 hours. I’ve been back since then. I’m sorry i didn’t call you earlier. I didn’t want you to see me the way I was.”

                          For the first time Elizabeth leaned out of the hug to take in John’s features. His hair had grown longer in the month he was gone, a number of small cuts and bruises were one his face. One particular nasty cut above his eye and in his hairline. She didn’t know what other injuries he was hiding under his uniform, but made a note to find out later. He leaned in and captured her lips once more. Once the kiss was broke John spoke.

                          “Lizzy, Thank you.”

                          “For what?”

                          “For not giving up on me.”

                          “I never could John.”

                          “I know. Thank you.”

                          “Your Welcome John, Always.”
                          Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                          Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                            Originally posted by atlantis_babe34 View Post
                            Part 3! (with 2 more parts to come.. but i haven't writtent hem yet)


                            The shrill ring of a cell phone was quickly answered in the campus library.


                            “Elizabeth Weir?” Elizabeth frowned.

                            “Yes. Can I help you?”

                            “Ma’am, I’m Colonel Jay. I’m afraid it’s about Lt Sheppard.”

                            It was the call Elizabeth had been dreading, but for some disturbing reason she knew it was coming. She only new bits and pieces of the mission John had been sent on. The only piece of information that she defiantly knew was where he was. John had only just been stationed at the base for little under a month. His new position in Special Operations Force, made John’s job more difficult. He couldn’t tell Elizabeth much and he struggled with that. John was shipped out in a SOF mission that Elizabeth new hardly anything about.

                            “Ma’am? Are you there?” Col Jay asked. His tone was sympatric, but at the same time strong. Elizabeth sat at the table in the library. Her face a picture of many emotions. He drew in a shaky breath. He lent her head on her other hand covering her eyes and continually running it through her hair.

                            “What happened?” she whispered.

                            “Ma’am. I’m sorry but as a matter of national security, I can’t tell you anything except that we are doing all we can to find Lt Sheppard.”

                            “Don’t pull that *Insert bad word here* on me. My boyfriend is missing and you can’t tell me anything!” She whispered angrily into the phone drawing the attention of a few surrounding students. Silent tears had started to fall as she listened to the man on the end of the phone.

                            “Ms Weir, I am sorry. I know how you must feel. We are doing all we can to find Lt Sheppard I assure you.”

                            “He has a name! It’s John!” She spoke loudly into the phone. More students looked to were Elizabeth was sitting with confused and some angry looks on their faces. Elizabeth looked at a student who had shushed her number of times over the phone call with a glare that could kill.

                            “You have no idea how I feel!”

                            “Ma’am. I apologize. I’m sorry. I’ll inform you when I have more information.” With a click the line was cut dead. Elizabeth remained in her seat, with the phone still at her ear and tears streaming down her face.

                            Sam Carter had heard the conversation from Elizabeth’s end and new it wasn’t good. She stood up and walked over to where Elizabeth was sitting. She could tell by her body that she was silently sobbing. She sat down in the chair next her and lent forward, as to block out the curious eyes of the other students.

                            “Elizabeth, what happened?” She asked softly. Elizabeth looked up. Her eyes bloodshot and her face red from the tears. Elizabeth was silent for a moment the tears still silently falling.


                            “... It’s John.... He’s missing... In Iraq.” Elizabeth managed to whisper out before the sadness claimed her once more. Sam pulled her friend into a comforting hug.

                            “They’ll find him Elizabeth. Trust me. They will find him. He’ll come back.” Sam said softly.
                            A week later and another phone call from Colonel Jay, Elizabeth was ecstatic to hear that John had been found. Although she didn’t know the nature of why he went missing, she was disappointed to be told that he wasn’t coming home as of yet.

                            A black SVU had pulled up outside the campus site and two gentlemen emerged from the car. One was slightly older then the other. Both of the men wore their dress uniforms with dark sunglasses covering their eyes. The students leaving the campus stared at the two men as they made their way inside the campus.

                            Back in the library where she found herself a week before, she was chatting quietly with Sam, Rodney, Carson, Jennifer, Ronan and Teyla. All of her friends had been deeply effected by the announcement last week and were also extremely happy to hear that John was alive.

                            “So we don’t know when he’s coming home?” Ronan asked, rolling his pen in both hands.

                            “They wouldn’t tell me anything else.” Elizabeth said smiling sadly.

                            “Well Jack’s meeting me in five for lunch, so I’ll ask him to snoop around for you.” Sam said winking. Rodney who hadn’t been paying any attention to the conversation saw a flash out of the corner of his eyes and lifted his head to see Jack looking for Sam.

                            “Looks like he’s early.” Rodney commented. Sam turned around and waved in Jacks direction. He looked around and noticed her waving; a smile hit his lips as he waved back and made his way over to their table. Sam turned back around to face the group.

                            “I wasn’t supposed to meet him here” Sam told them a look of suspicion on her face. The smile Jack had, made her think Jack was up to something. Elizabeth who was beside her shrugged and went back to flicking through the library book.

                            She jumped as two arms snaked around her neck from behind.
                            “Uhh Jack? I think you got the wrong person” She laughed and pointed to her left. “That’s your girlfriend.” She looked to her left were Sam was and saw Jack. She breathed deeply, her heart was racing. Could it be?

                            Slowly she turned around as the arm’s loosened and looked into the face John.

                            “John” She whispered. And before John knew it Elizabeth was in his arms hugging him tightly.

                            “John! She repeated still hugging him tightly. She broke the hug and kissed him soundly. He broke the kiss to set her back on the ground and hugged her tightly once more.

                            “’Lizabeth. I’ve missed you so much.” He whispered into her neck as he hugged her.

                            “John ... I... I was so worried about you. What happened?!”

                            “My plane was hit. I made it to the border after the second day. They had a phone. I made a call to the Pentagon; they extracted me in about 2 hours. I’ve been back since then. I’m sorry i didn’t call you earlier. I didn’t want you to see me the way I was.”

                            For the first time Elizabeth leaned out of the hug to take in John’s features. His hair had grown longer in the month he was gone, a number of small cuts and bruises were one his face. One particular nasty cut above his eye and in his hairline. She didn’t know what other injuries he was hiding under his uniform, but made a note to find out later. He leaned in and captured her lips once more. Once the kiss was broke John spoke.

                            “Lizzy, Thank you.”

                            “For what?”

                            “For not giving up on me.”

                            “I never could John.”

                            “I know. Thank you.”

                            “Your Welcome John, Always.”
                            Thanks. You made me water down my morning coffee. My favorite part was the chipmunks.

                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              water down your morning coffe??? hmm is that bad?! lol

                              i had a bad experience with a chipmonk when i visted america lol.. self inspired storey there
                              Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                              Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                                OMG! a_b34!!! you're online *waves like someone mad*
                                how you doing?

                                love your fic btw

