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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by A.L.
    Even if BSG were on I'd still be on the comp right after Atlantis. 'course I don't watch BSG so that might have a little something to do with it.

    Haha. Same here.


      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
      The "X-Files" ship wars are legendary - the no-romos vs. the Mulder/Scully shippers, but probably the worst fandom behavior I've ever seen is the group who bombard poor JK Rowling with letters and petitions demanding she re-write her last several books to change the "ship" angle. That's just insane IMO.
      Interesting. While I wasn't pleased with the 'ship development in HP I certainly can't see myself having a writing campaign to change it. My view is they're going to do what they're going to do and once it's done it's done. If it looks like my ship is being sunk then I'm jumping into the ocean and swimming for any possible islands elsewhere. Actually, that's not true. I'll wait until it's canon what the ship is gonna be. Except in JAG. Even though I was pretty sure Harm and Mac would make in the end, I just couldn't stand to see Mac date Webb. *shutter/gag/faint*

      Oh, the days of XF. Those wars between the shipper's and the no-romo's were so funny.

      Anyway, I have more confidence in Sparky. Anything is possible but I'll ride as long as I can.



        Originally posted by A.L.
        Anyway, I have more confidence in Sparky. Anything is possible but I'll ride as long as I can.

        Heh. I rode Grissom/Sara for four and a half years before I got too bored. We're going well, so far... we have
        a hug and an alien-controlled kiss, plus lots of blatant flirting and lack-of-personal-space moments
        -- I feel quite spoiled in this fandom, compared to CSI


          Ah, cliffhangers.....
          I've got a love/hate relationship with cliffhangers. Since Seige 1 was my first eppy and I dreaded the TBC part, it led me to Gateworld and you lovely people. The other plus was the steep learning curve I needed for computer-speak. Hopefully next season I can progress to video-making. Still can't photoshop. My daughter made my new sig in honour of Season 3, and she's not even a Stargate fan. MY kids humour my little obsession.*Luffs my kids*
          The hate bit? Obviously having to wait for the next episode to be screened.

          So far all the ships I've gone for have sunk in one way or another. S/J, Grissom and the other one, HP and the other one, M/S (because I just lost interest in the end). Please let me have one ship that sails...please, please, please?

          Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


            S/J isn't sunk, godammit!! I still have hope

            I don't actually mind if John and Elizabeth never make canon. They'll still have an interesting connection. The only thing that can take that away is if TPTB stop writing them scenes together, and as they're both leaders of Atlantis - and the principle characters - I don't see that happening.

            Besides, there's nothing to say that once a pairing is canon they're going to live Happily Ever After. Look at Buffy; out of the original characters, she had long term relationships with both Angel and Spike, and then there was Riley who was brought in for season 5 IIRC. The Buffy/Spike shippers may have waited seven (?) years for their ship to come in but it wasn't any less powerful or meaningful than Buffy/Angel.

            So no matter what happens, I'm happy


              I'm going to randomly pop in and say that something that really annoyed me was that the fact that TPTB threw in the whole "Sheppard cares for you, Teyla..." line really, really, really, pissed me off. It was a Sheppard/Weir ship episode but then they throw in that irksome Sheppard/Teyla ship moment. It annoys me to this day.

              To see a picture of me in the Miss Teen America pageant, click here.


                Originally posted by Vala_Black
                Lets see who, after seeing the first episode of season3, can post something the fastest,bout the episode and fill us other shmucks in (who dont get to see it yet ) bout all the sparky goodness? LoL
                Definitely won't be me, even though I'm in the Eastern Timezone. I tend to think about an episode for a while before I post comments, usually the following evening.

                Off to rewatch Allies to refresh my memory before the conclusion tomorrow.


                  Originally posted by Elles
                  I'm going to randomly pop in and say that something that really annoyed me was that the fact that TPTB threw in the whole "Sheppard cares for you, Teyla..." line really, really, really, pissed me off. It was a Sheppard/Weir ship episode but then they throw in that irksome Sheppard/Teyla ship moment. It annoys me to this day.
                  That annoyed me too. They just had to tease both ships. I want them to pick a ship and give us something meaningful to set our hearts aflutter. That line really took the fun out of the kiss for me. No more teasing both ships. *shakes fist at tptb*


                    Yippee! The cables back! And looking clearer than before if I might add. Which means I'll get to see all the sparky goodness in beautiful clarity on my 13 inch screen. *glares at anyone who even snickers* Someday, I'll get a bigger one. A panel TV if I can swing it. Sigh. Bless that wonderful cable man. So, I'm all set for tomorrow night. Yeehaw!



                      Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                      S/J isn't sunk, godammit!! I still have hope

                      I don't actually mind if John and Elizabeth never make canon. They'll still have an interesting connection. The only thing that can take that away is if TPTB stop writing them scenes together, and as they're both leaders of Atlantis - and the principle characters - I don't see that happening.
                      So no matter what happens, I'm happy
                      Forgive a newbie for popping in like this, but I've been lurking for ages and read the previous pages of this thread. I finally got pulled in. Let me say, too, that I still have hope for John and Elizabeth. Whether they become canon or not, my Fridays are complete just to see them together. Sparky scenes are more preferred though for a good squee.

                      Great Chemistry Starts with Great Sparks


                        Sparky *iz happy*

                        GO here
                        My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                          Originally posted by lissa1000
                          I was wondering if the ship wars of other fandoms are as bad as Sparky vs Sheyla. I was thinking it might be worse here because tptb have teased us with both ships, but I don't have a lot of experience with fandoms, so I don't know. I hope this isn't off-topic. I'll delete it if it is.
                          Stargate is a relatively low-drama fandom, believe it or not. It's too small to generate really big wars. The worst thing I've ever heard of in this fandom was a group that actually wrote to the Air Force's public relations office about Sam/Jack and how that ship coming to pass would make the AF look bad, since SG-1 has AF endorsement. I'm not sure I entirely disagree with the sentiment, but that tactic seems to be lacking in some sense of proportion, in my opinion. (Hrm. Now that I think about it, it may have just been planned and not executed. But still, that's a pretty drastic thing to do because you don't like a minor aspect of a show.)

                          Other fandoms, however... FP mentioned what's probably the highest-drama fandom of them all: Harry Potter. That fandom has some of the craziest ship wars you'll ever see. The craziest fangirl problems I've ever come across were in Lord of the Rings, and Star Wars has the "canon war" on perpetual simmer. And X-Files, as someone else mentioned, had massive, massive battles, one of which culminated in an attempt to break into the Vancouver studio and vandalize other fans in the process.

                          So... yeah. I honestly think we're really lucky in this fandom.

                          In other news, there are some new pictures up at SciFi's site available here. Haven't looked through all of them yet, but hopefully we'll be getting these in high-res soon.

                          EDIT: Ruined_puzzle beat me to it! But yeah, very cute picture there, along with some episode stills that haven't been released before. There's a cute one that showcases the lack of personal space. Either that or the people on the other sides of them smell funny.
                          Last edited by Melyanna; 13 July 2006, 06:26 PM.
                          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                          Last update: 14 April 2006
                          Melyanna's Multimedia
                          Last update: 15 February 2006


                            Thanks for the link. There are some good pics there.

                            I also liked watching the McKay commercial/video. I had not seen that one yet!
                            *yes I can be a Mckay fan in small doses. sneaks back into closet and hopes it is not interrupting anyone in there*


                              Thanks for the great pics and links Puzzle and Mel. Those Skiffy pics are nice. I remember how we had the "triangle" discussion ages back, but one of the new pics looks almost exactly like the Shep/Weir/Teyla pic from last year.

                              Here is the new one:


                              And last year's:



                              Signature By Amber Moon


                                XD I love the new Lizzie/John pic!! soo cute sqqueee

                                icon pic thanks Cathain Nottingham

