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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I gotta say
    I loved seeing Elizabeth really stand up for herself. She was willing to admit that she made a mistake, but she didn't let it get her down - she still stood up for herself. A part of me wonders if part of her reaction to them (being a bit snappy) wasn't just being upset and disappointed at herself for the mistake she made.
    "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
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      Originally posted by A.L.
      I tried to get on earlier but the site was too busy. Oh yeah, it's totally premier night. Right, so. Season 3 Premier. It's called No Man's Land, right? *shakes head in shame* What kind of fan am I that I can't remember that easily.

      Anyway, my thoughts. I loved it. I was worried but I have to admit they dun good. Here's just a few highlights that I really enjoyed:

      1) Okay, it's official once again. Lizzie is just AWESOME! I mean here she is, her boyfriend's just been pronounced dead to which she almost cries but she sucks it up and says "Dern it, we've got work to do. Let's go kick Wraith butt!" And she doesn't even get time to cry for two seconds before Earth is calling her home. See? If they hooked up they'd still be awesome leaders.
      2) Rodney talking about his porn. Naught! *snicker* No! Bad! Rodney was just all out hiliarious in this epi.
      3) Okay, really really PO'd that they started the potential kirking off so quickly, even if it was flashback. However, LOVED that scene in general cuz he's all "Dern it! Listening to smart guys is a GOOD idea in case I'm ever stuck to a hive ship in hyperspace deciding whether or not it's okay to detach." Plus, I take comfort in that he didn't leave his best buds to join said chicky-poo. I think he was really looking at the girl and thinking of Elizabeth and wishing she were around so he could watch her eat because what man wouldn't want to, eh? *ahem* Moving on.
      4) Michael's back with Connor behind the mask. Yippee! Not that his substitute in Allies was bad but I'm glad to have CT back in the role. Very much loved it.
      5) Well, they said they'd do more character bonding and boy did they get right to it. Teyla calles Lizzie "Elizabeth" almost right off. And she does it twice in the epi. If I were a different kind of shipper I'd be all over that. As it is, I'm glad to see they got an early jump on starting up this friendship. Kudos TPTB.
      6) I like how Landry was on Lizzie's side. With her boyfriend assumed dead and the vultures circling overhead she needed a friend. And he's so sure she'll tear them apart. See? He knows her well. I think he might have been channeling Shep there.
      7) Rodney talking about Fairies and such. As I said, he was just hiliariously awesome. He and Ronon play off each other very well.
      8) Ha! Loved how Shep tried to play the "Wrong number" bit with Michael. Gotta love our boy Shep.
      9) Wanted to smake the lady from IOA. I'm sure she was exactly right that Lizzie's only thoughts were to cover her own mistakes not, oh I don't know, SAVE EARTH?? Wench.
      10) Yay! Lorne is large and in charge! Loved seeing him in that captain's chair as much as I loved seeing Shep in it. *melts*
      11) LOLOL! Shep's "Very Scary Park" rant. Luvs him!
      12) LOLOLOLOL! Shep is just full of them tonight. "Operation: This Will Most Likely End Badly is a go."
      13) Again, Lizzie is just faboo, telling thos IOA freaks like it is. Don't mess with The Liz. She'll take you down! As far as she knows her boyfriend is dead. She's got little left to lose. ;D
      14) Hm. Ronon speaks. A lot. And he has a PLAN! Sweet! I like Ronon getting involved.
      15) Hmm. The droan's hit only what they targeted at by passing all the Darts that tried to stop them. Cool.
      16) Hee! Loved Rodney's DOS joke and how he told Ronon it was really funny. I didn't get it myself but the explaining to Ronon part cracked me up.
      17) Aww! Loved the look on Shep's face after their planning to get aboard the Hive ship and have Michael fly it. I predict that face will show up much in fan graphics.
      18) Now I know Lizzie was totally talking about ALL the good people they lost but I'm willing to bet and sincerely believe that Shep was at the top of that list. *cries* Shep's not dead! *hugs her*
      19) Loved Landry's speach. Churchill sure knew his stuff, eh?
      20) GR! TBC! Well, at least it's a week and not six months.
      21) Preview AHHHHHHHHH!!!

      Okay, so there were more than a few highlights.

      its funny cos i was just at the sheppard/teyla thread and says very similar stuff, like saying that teyla was bout to cry over sheppard or something like that. hmmm...
      three's a crowd...
      ahh thats better

      aww cute.

      I think people who don't watch Atlantis are crazy.
      And I think people who don't watch Stargate SG-1 are equally as whacked.



        Well I'm very glad to have Stargate (both sides of it) back on the air. Nothing really on the Sparky front in this episode (to Jor's consternation), but it was an exciting, fun, and action packed start to the new seasons.

        Is it too much to hope that the IOA will raise questions on the topic of Elizabeth's relationship with Sheppard? Too soon for such serious allegations? Probably, but don't tell Jor.

        a time to mourn


          Welcome back Jor. After your long hibernation I hope you get to see lots of Sparky goodness this season!


            Originally posted by Hatcheter
            Well I'm very glad to have Stargate (both sides of it) back on the air. Nothing really on the Sparky front in this episode (to Jor's consternation), but it was an exciting, fun, and action packed start to the new seasons.

            Is it too much to hope that the IOA will raise questions on the topic of Elizabeth's relationship with Sheppard? Too soon for such serious allegations? Probably, but don't tell Jor.
            Now that would be an interesting scene, considering that at this moment in time, Elizabeth and the others thinks he's dead. To bring that up knowing this would be mean to say the least and certainly provacotive.

            Fic rec: Mistaken Identity
            AU. Five situations John Sheppard and Elizabeth Weir never found themselves in


              I fell asleep while watching it *headdesk*. No sparky? ;( Ah well we have 20 more episodes to go


                Originally posted by Hatcheter
                Well I'm very glad to have Stargate (both sides of it) back on the air. Nothing really on the Sparky front in this episode (to Jor's consternation), but it was an exciting, fun, and action packed start to the new seasons.

                Is it too much to hope that the IOA will raise questions on the topic of Elizabeth's relationship with Sheppard? Too soon for such serious allegations? Probably, but don't tell Jor.
                Heheheheh, I was wondering that too. I suspect it's a no, but hope springs eternal. (After all, I'm the one who, with The Real World,
                suspects the dead fiancé is John. No, I'm not obsessed.
                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                Last update: 14 April 2006
                Melyanna's Multimedia
                Last update: 15 February 2006


                  Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                  The dangers of kirking played out before our eyes

                  LOL. No STDs, but you die in space because you weren't listening. Justice, I say!!!
                  SGA: the 3-season show...


                    Originally posted by A.L.
                    I tried to get on earlier but the site was too busy. Oh yeah, it's totally premier night. Right, so. Season 3 Premier. It's called No Man's Land, right? *shakes head in shame* What kind of fan am I that I can't remember that easily.

                    Anyway, my thoughts. I loved it. I was worried but I have to admit they dun good. Here's just a few highlights that I really enjoyed:

                    1) Okay, it's official once again. Lizzie is just AWESOME! I mean here she is, her boyfriend's just been pronounced dead to which she almost cries but she sucks it up and says "Dern it, we've got work to do. Let's go kick Wraith butt!" And she doesn't even get time to cry for two seconds before Earth is calling her home. See? If they hooked up they'd still be awesome leaders.
                    2) Rodney talking about his porn. Naught! *snicker* No! Bad! Rodney was just all out hiliarious in this epi.
                    3) Okay, really really PO'd that they started the potential kirking off so quickly, even if it was flashback. However, LOVED that scene in general cuz he's all "Dern it! Listening to smart guys is a GOOD idea in case I'm ever stuck to a hive ship in hyperspace deciding whether or not it's okay to detach." Plus, I take comfort in that he didn't leave his best buds to join said chicky-poo. I think he was really looking at the girl and thinking of Elizabeth and wishing she were around so he could watch her eat because what man wouldn't want to, eh? *ahem* Moving on.
                    4) Michael's back with Connor behind the mask. Yippee! Not that his substitute in Allies was bad but I'm glad to have CT back in the role. Very much loved it.
                    5) Well, they said they'd do more character bonding and boy did they get right to it. Teyla calles Lizzie "Elizabeth" almost right off. And she does it twice in the epi. If I were a different kind of shipper I'd be all over that. As it is, I'm glad to see they got an early jump on starting up this friendship. Kudos TPTB.
                    6) I like how Landry was on Lizzie's side. With her boyfriend assumed dead and the vultures circling overhead she needed a friend. And he's so sure she'll tear them apart. See? He knows her well. I think he might have been channeling Shep there.
                    7) Rodney talking about Fairies and such. As I said, he was just hiliariously awesome. He and Ronon play off each other very well.
                    8) Ha! Loved how Shep tried to play the "Wrong number" bit with Michael. Gotta love our boy Shep.
                    9) Wanted to smake the lady from IOA. I'm sure she was exactly right that Lizzie's only thoughts were to cover her own mistakes not, oh I don't know, SAVE EARTH?? Wench.
                    10) Yay! Lorne is large and in charge! Loved seeing him in that captain's chair as much as I loved seeing Shep in it. *melts*
                    11) LOLOL! Shep's "Very Scary Park" rant. Luvs him!
                    12) LOLOLOLOL! Shep is just full of them tonight. "Operation: This Will Most Likely End Badly is a go."
                    13) Again, Lizzie is just faboo, telling thos IOA freaks like it is. Don't mess with The Liz. She'll take you down! As far as she knows her boyfriend is dead. She's got little left to lose. ;D
                    14) Hm. Ronon speaks. A lot. And he has a PLAN! Sweet! I like Ronon getting involved.
                    15) Hmm. The droan's hit only what they targeted at by passing all the Darts that tried to stop them. Cool.
                    16) Hee! Loved Rodney's DOS joke and how he told Ronon it was really funny. I didn't get it myself but the explaining to Ronon part cracked me up.
                    17) Aww! Loved the look on Shep's face after their planning to get aboard the Hive ship and have Michael fly it. I predict that face will show up much in fan graphics.
                    18) Now I know Lizzie was totally talking about ALL the good people they lost but I'm willing to bet and sincerely believe that Shep was at the top of that list. *cries* Shep's not dead! *hugs her*
                    19) Loved Landry's speach. Churchill sure knew his stuff, eh?
                    20) GR! TBC! Well, at least it's a week and not six months.
                    21) Preview AHHHHHHHHH!!!

                    Okay, so there were more than a few highlights.

                    Tried to green you but must spread the love. I second it all! Remind me again about
                    McKay's DOS joke (#16)?
                    SGA: the 3-season show...


                      Originally posted by Pocus[SPOILERS
                      Now I am just waiting for the comments about John staring at a pretty, young scientist instead of paying attention to Radek and Mckay at lunch. I thought it was funny. It was in a little flashback scene.[/SPOILERS]
                      I'll just tell myself he was really remembering a closet with another dark-haired woman...

                      Yeah, otherwise it annoyed me a little. *goes off to think about closets
                      SGA: the 3-season show...


                        Originally posted by Melyanna
                        (And call me a heretic, but I loved the bit where John realized he didn't know what he needed to know because he'd been flirting with a girl. And what do you know, that girl had dark, curly hair, like someone else we know... ) [/spoiler]
                        Heh. I was thinking th at he was engrossed
                        with checking out the other girl because he was imagining Elizabeth with longer hair. So that is why we have Elizabeth with longer hair this season.

                        What? I'm not obssessed. I'm just wearing my shipper glasses doing my civic Shipper duties.


                          Originally posted by Melyanna
                          Heheheheh, I was wondering that too. I suspect it's a no, but hope springs eternal. (After all, I'm the one who, with The Real World,
                          suspects the dead fiancé is John. No, I'm not obsessed.
                          *hopes like h*** TPTB are reading this post*

                          Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                          LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                          Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                            Originally posted by Major_Moomin
                            *hopes like h*** TPTB are reading this post*
                            Why, so they'll know I'm not obsessed?

                            Spoilers for The Real World
                            It would make some sense. I know Carl Binder said in an interview that they had to come up with ways to bring the Stargate universe into the early part of the episode (hence Jack's appearance), because they didn't revisit Atlantis until the third act, I think. A mention of John as the dead fiancé makes a lot of sense, and would bring everything together. Elizabeth's told she's in some kind of delusional psychosis, so it would make sense that she had "imagined" her dead fiancé as a heroic figure who narrowly escapes death a lot.

                            ...Yeah, not obsessed at all.
                            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                            Last update: 14 April 2006
                            Melyanna's Multimedia
                            Last update: 15 February 2006


                              The Real World speculation:
                              A heroic figure who narrowly escapes death a lot or a blatant attempt at throwing shippers a bone. Either way, I'll take it, especially coming from Binder.


                                I think I want to see
                                Elizabeth remind John that they said they weren't going to be "dying" on each other any more. Anyone else remember that from last year's season premiere?
                                I put the "M" in stupid.

