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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by hopalong
    What evidence is there of the TPTB shoving "Sheyla" down our throats? Sure, he was nice to here, and there probably was a bit of "can I make it with her?" in Sheppard's attitude when they first met. But that's it. If anything, Teyla seemed to gravitate to Ford.
    Precisely, in the *very* beginning it Sheppard's attitude was that he wanted to shag her. To me their meeting had all the feeling of when Sheppard meet a girlfriend of the week.
    When i say tptb have tried to shove sheyla down our throats i refer to the fact that they have Teyla and Sheppard having no contact for a bunch of episodes at the time. tptb must have surely realised that there is zero chemistry in that pairing, and it results in them looking extremely unfomfortable. However, for whatever reasons they one day wake up and decide to throw the odd sheyla anvil. That's why it feels like they're shoving it down our throats, because there is nothing there to work with, no prior interactions to show us that Sheppard and Teyla might be even remotely intereted in having a relationship (even friendship) with eachother, much less a romantic relationship.
    Okay, there was Home. But I never got anything from that but that Teyla was alone in a new place, and Sheppard was looking out for her. So where does "Sheyla" come into it?
    ITA, i didn't see their scenes as being an indication of sheyla, if anything Home to me began the dying process of that ship (and had very good S/W bits ), the Eye terminated it, and Conversion seemed like tptb caving, and accepting that it wasn't going to work, definitely that kiss was the last nail on that coffin. I don't think we will be seeing any more anvils, not that we were being thrown that many anyway.


      Originally posted by hopalong
      Okay, there was Home. But I never got anything from that but that Teyla was alone in a new place, and Sheppard was looking out for her. So where does "Sheyla" come into it?
      This is one I harp on as much as I can. By the time Sheppard and Teyla got to his "house", probably by the time they left the SGC, Sheppard knew everything was FUBAR. Wherever they were, it wasn't Earth, and he indicates at the end of the ep that he wasn't sure that he was actually with Teyla for the duration of the experience.

      Now, to be intellectually honest, I have to say that there's not really anything shippy for Shep/Weir in those events, as well. Sheppard may wonder about Weir by name, but I believe that he's concerned for her because she is his superior, and the one least trained to deal with such a situation. Ford's a Marine, McKay's part of an offworld team, but this was Elizabeth's first trip off of Atlantis.

      However, there was still that great little bedroom scene earlier in the episode. While I may be biased, I'd say that 'Home' did more for Sparky than for an other 'ship (except maybe Weir/Simon ).

      a time to mourn


        i too, am dubious about Irrisistable... Hmmm... i am looking forward more to Progeny!!!!!!!!!
        ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


          Originally posted by Lexa Jayde
          i too, am dubious about Irrisistable... Hmmm... i am looking forward more to Progeny!!!!!!!!!
          And even more to The Real World.

          Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

          LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

          Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


            Originally posted by Hatcheter
            This is one I harp on as much as I can. By the time Sheppard and Teyla got to his "house", probably by the time they left the SGC, Sheppard knew everything was FUBAR. Wherever they were, it wasn't Earth, and he indicates at the end of the ep that he wasn't sure that he was actually with Teyla for the duration of the experience.

            Now, to be intellectually honest, I have to say that there's not really anything shippy for Shep/Weir in those events, as well. Sheppard may wonder about Weir by name, but I believe that he's concerned for her because she is his superior, and the one least trained to deal with such a situation. Ford's a Marine, McKay's part of an offworld team, but this was Elizabeth's first trip off of Atlantis.
            Oh, stop raining on my parade. You're right, of course, but I'll take it as I will.

            Originally posted by Hatcheter
            However, there was still that great little bedroom scene earlier in the episode. While I may be biased, I'd say that 'Home' did more for Sparky than for an other 'ship (except maybe Weir/Simon ).
            Oh, I think so too. The final straw for Elizabeth and this reality was whether or not she really knew John Sheppard. And I wouldn't say that Elizabeth/Simon fared all that well. We can guess from Intruder that what we saw in Home was a lot more idyllic than what their relationship was actually like. And I'd still like to contend that Elizabeth was projecting some down-to-earth qualities on her doctor boyfriend, because no one works on his own Maserati.
            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
            Last update: 14 April 2006
            Melyanna's Multimedia
            Last update: 15 February 2006


              On a different note, someone recently posted a link to a Trek forum where someone claimed to have a synopsis of The Real World. I still haven't been able to confirm this information; however, I found it and some additional details at Stargate Project. This site's information hasn't been entirely accurate in the past, but they do tend to have a lot more details than most places, and from somewhere other than casting sides. I'm inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt, but please take this with a grain of salt. I would not call this confirmed information.

              Also, this is my translation of information appearing at Stargate Project. Any mistakes are my own.

              Dr. Elizabeth Weir wakes in the intensive care unit of a hospital, which is located just outside the city limits of Washington, D. C.. There she learns that she has been in a life-threatening condition for days. Her memories of the Stargate program and the Atlantis expedition are only fantasies.

              Her memory shut itself off after a tragic accident and created its own world. However, a short time later, Weir begins to sense that something is not right with her, or with this world. It turns out that the Earth on which she finds herself is only a reality that an alien adversary is using to enter her memory. The intent of it: to acquire control over Weir's memory and so to reach the secrets of the Atlantis expedition...

              Mel's note: Also relevant to this is that Richard Dean Anderson will be appearing in the episode as Jack O'Neill, though what capacity the character will be in is unclear.
              Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
              Last update: 14 April 2006
              Melyanna's Multimedia
              Last update: 15 February 2006


                I'm glad you guys are talking about chemistry because I was thinking about just that earlier. Wondering, actually, why some people see Sparky and some see Sheyla. I thought about a friend of mine who believes something I think is absolute nonsense. She's an educated, intelligent woman, yet cannot let go of her belief. She doesn't understand why I don't believe it and no amount of logic has changed her mind even a little. I could probably show her video evidence, and she would spin it. *sheyla, anyone* True believers aren't using logic. They are relying on emotion. There are some true believers here in this thread in various forms, and I'm not going to say that we are any more logical than the Sheylas. We have been trying desperately for months to understand what they see and I doubt they understand us any better. But I've noticed something interesting lately. The anti-shippers don't want ship shoved down their throats. I've said before and will repeat myself. I think a slow development of Sparky will silence the critics to some extent. At least the ones without their own agenda.

                Oh, my original point about chemistry. Something else that can't be explained. Some see it between Joe and Rachel off screen. *wiggles uncomfortably* Noone doubts they are friends, and interestingly enough she said pointedly in a recent interview that Joe's WIFE is her friend. I think Rachel is getting a little tired of being made to feel uncomfortable by her "fans". But off screen chemistry doesn't count. It's what you see on screen that makes or breaks a ship. I doubt any of us would have much screen chemistry with a close male friend. Joe and Torri have it for some reason. They're good actors so they make it work. Again, it's perception. And sometimes what you want to see. The huge numbers of Sparky believers tell us that our perception is not just a mass hallucination.

                I'm making less sense than usual. Time for lunch.

                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                  Originally posted by Southern Red
                  Oh, my original point about chemistry. Something else that can't be explained. Some see it between Joe and Rachel off screen. *wiggles uncomfortably* Noone doubts they are friends, and interestingly enough she said pointedly in a recent interview that Joe's WIFE is her friend. I think Rachel is getting a little tired of being made to feel uncomfortable by her "fans". But off screen chemistry doesn't count. It's what you see on screen that makes or breaks a ship. I doubt any of us would have much screen chemistry with a close male friend. Joe and Torri have it for some reason. They're good actors so they make it work. Again, it's perception. And sometimes what you want to see. The huge numbers of Sparky believers tell us that our perception is not just a mass hallucination.
                  I was in another thread this morning and noticed someone had posted a pic of actor ____ with his arm around actress _______ as a promotional shot at a convention. There was lots of squeeing about how beautiful they were together and it was so obvious they had the "chemistry" (uh, I hate that word these days) and it carried over into the show.

                  Sorry, but I don't think just because two people are pretty together that it means they are good for each other. There is no way in h*ll that one can determine chemistry from a photo! It is the interaction with each other that spells doom or success with a relationship. It just doesn't ooze from a promo shot. DUH.

                  When all else fails, change channels.


                    Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                    I was in another thread this morning and noticed someone had posted a pic of actor ____ with his arm around actress _______ as a promotional shot at a convention. There was lots of squeeing about how beautiful they were together and it was so obvious they had the "chemistry" (uh, I hate that word these days) and it carried over into the show.

                    Sorry, but I don't think just because two people are pretty together that it means they are good for each other. There is no way in h*ll that one can determine chemistry from a photo! It is the interaction with each other that spells doom or success with a relationship. It just doesn't ooze from a promo shot. DUH.
                    *headdesk* See I was never even thinking of saying something like that about the _________ and someone else if we got the pic of them together... That would just be... wrong!


                      Originally posted by Erised
                      *headdesk* See I was never even thinking of saying something like that about the _________ and someone else if we got the pic of them together... That would just be... wrong!
                      I get irritated when fans take photos of the "real" stars and discuss "chemistry" between them IRL, AND the characters they portray. Its not the same, and comes across as someone who can't distinguish reality from fantasy.

                      Sometimes they put disclaimers up. ."oh, I don't mean them IRL"! Well, if you don't, then don't post a real life pic - put up a pic of them from the show! *headdesks too*

                      When all else fails, change channels.


                        Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                        I was in another thread this morning and noticed someone had posted a pic of actor ____ with his arm around actress _______ as a promotional shot at a convention. There was lots of squeeing about how beautiful they were together and it was so obvious they had the "chemistry" (uh, I hate that word these days) and it carried over into the show.

                        Sorry, but I don't think just because two people are pretty together that it means they are good for each other. There is no way in h*ll that one can determine chemistry from a photo! It is the interaction with each other that spells doom or success with a relationship. It just doesn't ooze from a promo shot. DUH.
                        You and I sometimes stroll through the same neighborhood. ITA with your statement. Actor ___ has the exact same expression on his face he usually has when posing with fans. Hey, MM, where's that great pic from the London con? I think he likes you. *having a sarcasm day*

                        Originally posted by Erised
                        *headdesk* See I was never even thinking of saying something like that about the _________ and someone else if we got the pic of them together... That would just be... wrong!
                        And I'll go out on a limb and say noone on this thread has ever squeed over a picture of ___ and ___ when they are away from the show. It's one of my pet peeves as you can probably guess. If anyone here ever does that I will personally give you a good verbal spanking. But I know you never would. Because it is just wrong, wrong, wrong.

                        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                          Originally posted by Southern Red

                          And I'll go out on a limb and say noone on this thread has ever squeed over a picture of ___ and ___ when they are away from the show. It's one of my pet peeves as you can probably guess. If anyone here ever does that I will personally give you a good verbal spanking. But I know you never would. Because it is just wrong, wrong, wrong.
                          awww.. can I squeee if we get a season 3 promo shot of them together?? .. It wouldn't technically be ____ and ____, right?


                            Originally posted by Southern Red
                            And I'll go out on a limb and say noone on this thread has ever squeed over a picture of ___ and ___ when they are away from the show. It's one of my pet peeves as you can probably guess. If anyone here ever does that I will personally give you a good verbal spanking. But I know you never would. Because it is just wrong, wrong, wrong.
                            Nope. Have never, would never.


                              Originally posted by Erised
                              awww.. can I squeee if we get a season 3 promo shot of them together?? .. It wouldn't technically be ____ and ____, right?
                              SQUEEE away because I will . Besides is promos for Atlantis and their in character.
                              My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                                Originally posted by Southern Red
                                I'm glad you guys are talking about chemistry because I was thinking about just that earlier. Wondering, actually, why some people see Sparky and some see Sheyla. I thought about a friend of mine who believes something I think is absolute nonsense. She's an educated, intelligent woman, yet cannot let go of her belief. She doesn't understand why I don't believe it and no amount of logic has changed her mind even a little. I could probably show her video evidence, and she would spin it. *sheyla, anyone* True believers aren't using logic. They are relying on emotion. There are some true believers here in this thread in various forms, and I'm not going to say that we are any more logical than the Sheylas. We have been trying desperately for months to understand what they see and I doubt they understand us any better. But I've noticed something interesting lately. The anti-shippers don't want ship shoved down their throats. I've said before and will repeat myself. I think a slow development of Sparky will silence the critics to some extent. At least the ones without their own agenda.

                                Oh, my original point about chemistry. Something else that can't be explained. Some see it between Joe and Rachel off screen. *wiggles uncomfortably* Noone doubts they are friends, and interestingly enough she said pointedly in a recent interview that Joe's WIFE is her friend. I think Rachel is getting a little tired of being made to feel uncomfortable by her "fans". But off screen chemistry doesn't count. It's what you see on screen that makes or breaks a ship. I doubt any of us would have much screen chemistry with a close male friend. Joe and Torri have it for some reason. They're good actors so they make it work. Again, it's perception. And sometimes what you want to see. The huge numbers of Sparky believers tell us that our perception is not just a mass hallucination.

                                I'm making less sense than usual. Time for lunch.
                                I dread the day when Joe and Rachel (or any two actors for that matter) are together at an event and some crazed fan comes up to them and spouts on about how good they are together and such. I can't even begin to imagine their level of discomfort. It's putting them in such an uncomfortable situation and is extremely uncomfortable to their loved ones. Actors are trained to be a certain way and project certain things onto the screen. They also know how to take criticism and such - it's part of their job. But people interpreting their private lives is just plain wrong.
                                Some people just have no clue about privacy and repecting boundries.


                                And Mel- thanks for the link.
                                Last edited by Major_Moomin; 04 April 2006, 10:06 AM.

                                Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                                LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                                Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!

