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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    Thanks, we appreciate the comments, and we do read the thread. If you think it started out good, just wait.
    I can’t wait until we get to see how it goes.

    Originally posted by Luz View Post
    Teyla's navel was where she had her third eye, that's why it couldn't be covered.
    That could be it. I thought that maybe her wraith like powers came from her navel, I mean the times she covered it up it seem to magically disappear or something like that, who knows, it would be a better way to explain it than the obvious reason.


      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
      You are so bad. I always saw the way they dressed poor Teyla as a sleight-of-hand distraction from the bad writing. She was like the magician's assistant. I wonder if TPTB told the costume department that they needed eye candy so the viewers wouldn't realize how made of fail the writing sometimes was. And later, Ronon's muscles were there for the ladies. If the writing got really bad, like in S4-5, they had those two on screen at the same time.
      The worst part is they put her in the ugliest most unflattering outfits they could possibly find. In their rush to provide fanservice, they didn't bother to find something that fit her well and showcased her great body. No, they were in such a hurry to show skin, they didn't take the time to come up with something that would actually work for her shape. Don't even get me started on that horrible purple thing that made her look even shorter.

      At least there was plenty of male eye-candy for those of us who were interested. But I'll never forgive them for the fashion crimes they committed against Teyla's character.

      So, they wanted to cater to the young male demographics, okay, fine. But would it have killed them to at least put her in cute clothes?

      Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
      I'm feeling kind of blegh.

      I need some Sparky fluff that'll make me go "awwwwwwwwww". Since I have limited Internet access at work, can anyone help me find something???

      Form of thanks is Sparky fic that will hopefully be complete soon!
      Can't help you there. I was trying to find some fluff to cheer myself up and somehow managed to end up reading a batch of fics where they both died. How did this happen? I can't read death fic for this show, the show itself leaves me feeling miserable enough, thankyouverymuch.


        It could've been worse ... they could've put her in the "Catsuit" that Jeri Ryan wore on ST:Voyager.

        Anyhow. It's Friday. What a beautiful day. And I got some kids in trouble and they'll never know it was me. Mwah ha ha.

        I'm gonna hafta go write some oneshot fluffy thing. Be back in a bit. *zips out*

        ETA: this is kind of funny. I was looking at some old fics that I had posted on CD, and I made a note on a post-GitM fic that said I got whumped on the Sparky thread when I rec'd it. I went back and looked at the posts that had been made here, and I realized, 4 1/2 years after the fact, that I wasn't getting grief about it. It was bad timing (almost right after the episode aired) and it brought down the happy spirits of the thread.

        It's funny how you look at things from a different point of view and you realize there's more to the world than you and your feelings. Glad that I've matured a little bit since then.
        Last edited by ShipperWriter; 17 May 2013, 10:08 AM. Reason: Adding some retrospect...


          Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
          It could've been worse ... they could've put her in the "Catsuit" that Jeri Ryan wore on ST:Voyager.
          That's terrible, omg, talk about criminally tacky. How hard can it be to design cool and sexy sci-fi outfits? You know, the problem is that they go for showy first, instead of thinking of what would look good on the person without being too try-hard.

          They focus on cruves and boobs instead of looking at the person. Look at her, her hair, her bone structure, her everything, make it work. You can make sexy clothes without having to resort to the typical spandex or barely there ensembles.

          Also, might be my personal preferences. But I've always found tactical gear sexier than anything. It's what works for me, uniforms, kevlar vests, tight holsters, the whole thing. I loved it when we got to see Elizabeth going off world all geared up. *fans self*

          So, my idea of sexy is more instead of less.


            sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
   Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


              Originally posted by Brie View Post
              Anyway, I just wanted to stop by and say that I dropped a comment about SGA-R on its thread here on GW but thought that if no one reads it there that I should make sure that for those of you working on it who are also here that I loved the update and I just love the whole thing and it’s incredibly well done and believable which makes it so much fun to read.
              it sure is believable! I mean all that interaction between Rodney and John in the Jumper reminded me of that time in Adrift when they were discussing about Elizabeth’s nanites’ reactivation, I could definitely see this scene in my head, the scene in the Jumper, as if it was something similar to the other one. Well done, indeed!!!

              Originally posted by Luz View Post
              Teyla's navel was where she had her third eye, that's why it couldn't be covered.

              Originally posted by Brie View Post
              That could be it. I thought that maybe her wraith like powers came from her navel, I mean the times she covered it up it seem to magically disappear or something like that, who knows, it would be a better way to explain it than the obvious reason.
              This is hilarious, !!!!!

              Originally posted by Luz View Post
              At least there was plenty of male eye-candy for those of us who were interested. But I'll never forgive them for the fashion crimes they committed against Teyla's character.

              So, they wanted to cater to the young male demographics, okay, fine. But would it have killed them to at least put her in cute clothes?
              Guys were too busy looking at her skin they didn’t pay any attention to her clothes.

              Originally posted by Luz View Post
              You can make sexy clothes without having to resort to the typical spandex or barely there ensembles.
              And it would definitely look nicer and prettier.

              Originally posted by Luz View Post
              I loved it when we got to see Elizabeth going off world all geared up. *fans self*
              Same here, she always looked so nice and pretty when she was wearing them. But my favourite of her outfits is definitely the one she begins to wear in "Coup D'etat" and she looked so great with it when she was back at the SGC in "No Man's Land”!!
              sig by Erin Atlantis Rising: The Virtual series Thank you so much for "Primum Movens"


                Originally posted by Pearl of Atlantis76 View Post
                Same here, she always looked so nice and pretty when she was wearing them. But my favourite of her outfits is definitely the one she begins to wear in "Coup D'etat" and she looked so great with it when she was back at the SGC in "No Man's Land”!!
                I remember when the trailer for the second half of the season of the Stargates came out back then. There were snippets of the new episodes for both shows (s2 for SGA and I don't remember what season it was for SG1). So, they showed the kiss from TLG and a bit of the scene from Coup D'etat where Sheppard and Weir are talking with Ladon. I don't know what we were more excited about, the kiss or Elizabeth's new jacket.


                  I am seeing the new Star Trek movie Saturday night it's getting good reviews for the most part but there is a vocal minority who hate it but they hated the last one too. I am a casual Trekkie my fav series were The Next Generation & Enterprise I mainly lurk in that fandom online I loved the last one it shocked me when it destroyed Vulcan made my jaw drop for real when they didn't fix it by the end but I enjoyed the movie I hope they make another movie because they like to do trilogies in Hollywood then maybe just maybe we will get a new series with new characters but you never know.

                  My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                  poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                    Hi everybody! *waves* Long time no see. Congrats on SGA Rising moving along!

                    I made a new wallpaper, so I figured I'd drop that off here.


                    And SK, totally love the Iron Man 3/Sparky parallels. Perfect.
                    Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


                      Erin!!! *tacklehugs* great wallie!

                      re: climate control...judging by Elizabeth's civvies (tiny t-shirts with straining buttons and cute little sleeveless shirts) it couldn't have been too cold there....just sayin'...
                      My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


                        *drops in*

                        Just got back from seeing "Star Trek Into Darkness" on 3D.
                        Oh. My. God. Wow. Epic. Brilliant. Mindblowing. No. Words. Except those.

                        Going to be gone most of the weekend, so I'm doubting that I'll be able to make it for the post-a-thon on Sunday. If I don't show up, enjoy your weekend, everyone, and be safe!!!



                          *imitates Newsreporter* "This just in. This sunday's sparky post a thon will consist of a skeleton crew as most people will be more than likely be seeing Star Trek Into Darkness. Please stay tuned for more information. Thank You."


                            this was our roving reporter?


                              Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
                              Hi everybody! *waves* Long time no see. Congrats on SGA Rising moving along!

                              I made a new wallpaper, so I figured I'd drop that off here.

                              And SK, totally love the Iron Man 3/Sparky parallels. Perfect.
                              Beautiful. Love it to pieces.

                              Originally posted by drewandian View Post
                              Erin!!! *tacklehugs* great wallie!

                              re: climate control...judging by Elizabeth's civvies (tiny t-shirts with straining buttons and cute little sleeveless shirts) it couldn't have been too cold there....just sayin'...
                              Don't forget Rodney in his little blue t-shirts and John in his black t-shirt of yum, but those were mostly in S1. Maybe it got colder in the later seasons, especially for John. *sad face*

                              Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                              this was our roving reporter?
                              At least we don't have to pay roving charges. Sorry, couldn't resist.

                              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                                Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
                                I made a new wallpaper, so I figured I'd drop that off here.

                                Beautiful artwork, I love it.

