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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    That was so much fun.


    I couldn’t help it but I had to post some sparky stills from this episode.


    “War and Peace” scene:

    End talk scene:


      Originally posted by Brie View Post
      That was so much fun.


      I couldn’t help it but I had to post some sparky stills from this episode.

      “War and Peace” scene:

      End talk scene:
      Guh! Beautiful pics!!!

      I love that first one on John. RAWR. Though now I have that lyric "I'm sexy and I know it" floating through my head.


        Brie - I love you. Awesome pics. *sigh*

        Ok, I'm really going now. Taking a nap.


          So a couple of points to throw around:

          Did the "fog" accurately generate their "dream" worlds, in that, is that what each of them really wanted?

          Why would Elizabeth and Rodney fixate on not being able to return to Pegasus, but John wouldn't? (Note: I agree with JT's answer above, but posting it for further discussion)

          Does Elizabeth believe Simon is truly upset with her, and she's been quietly coping with the grief ever since they arrived in Atlantis?

          Is Elizabeth's car really red?

          Is John's bachelor pad for sale?

          Just a few ideas I had:

          Elizabeth only wanted to make the trip so long as returning to Atlantis was guaranteed. She also wanted to make peace with Simon, who she felt was left in the lurch when she up and left. I thought it was interesting that she got upset and mad at John for "staying behind", almost as if the "fog" was trying to create a rift between her and John (and by extension, Atlantis) and trying to make her less eager to go back. Little did they know that "back" was actually "home".

          Brain just shut off again. Time for a nap meself.


            Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
            Brie - I love you. Awesome pics. *sigh*

            Ok, I'm really going now. Taking a nap.
            *waves* Enjoy your nap. I need one too, but my brain suddenly started working again.


              Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
              Guh! Beautiful pics!!!

              I love that first one on John. RAWR. Though now I have that lyric "I'm sexy and I know it" floating through my head.
              I know right.
              One thing I've always noticed is that there are some similarities between John and Han (other than the fact that "both" seem to have a thing for diplomats *lol*) but in this case I was thinking about their mannerisms (like in that pic, it reminds me of the scene in the canteen, when we first meet Han in episode 4).


                Originally posted by Brie View Post
                I know right.
                One thing I've always noticed is that there are some similarities between John and Han (other than the fact that "both" seem to have a thing for diplomats *lol*) but in this case I was thinking about their mannerisms (like in that pic, it reminds me of the scene in the canteen, when we first meet Han in episode 4).
                Ooh, ooh, ooh! Yes! Why have I never seen the parallel before?!

                Just as long as Lizzeh doesn't kiss her brother ...

                So I found something interesting. This line is from "Hide and Seek":

                WEIR: I just can't understand: you're allowed one personal Item and you chose this. (She gestures to the screen.)
                Each member was allowed one personal item, and it would seem John brought the football game that he was showing the team. However, then he has this (deliberately reposted for prettehness):
                (snurched from Brie).
                Did TPTW have a little snafu???


                  Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                  Did TPTW have a little snafu???
                  When weren't they having a snafu... aka the biggest one being, IMHO, Torren's name.
                  Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                  Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                    Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                    So a couple of points to throw around:

                    Did the "fog" accurately generate their "dream" worlds, in that, is that what each of them really wanted?
                    I have no idea, I did wonder if the characters really thought of the other characters the way they were portrayed in the “dream”. But one can ask why would for example Mckay and Ford go back together. I’m curies to see what others think of these questions.

                    Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                    Why would Elizabeth and Rodney fixate on not being able to return to Pegasus, but John wouldn't? (Note: I agree with JT's answer above, but posting it for further discussion)
                    That was something I reacted to as well because we all know that John if anyone would want to go back, though one can think that because he did suspect something was up then that’s why, but then the only indication of him missing Atlantis and is worried about what is happening is when he mention Liz.

                    Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                    Does Elizabeth believe Simon is truly upset with her, and she's been quietly coping with the grief ever since they arrived in Atlantis?
                    This one I actually have to say ‘Yes’ to, I think especially if you take ‘Letters from Pegasus’ and ‘The Intruder’ into the equation. Her facial expressions in all those scenes (btw huge kudos to Torri) tell me that he really was an important part of her life, even if we don’t know how big or for how long.

                    Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                    Is Elizabeth's car really red?
                    That wouldn’t surprise me, though I wonder where it came from, now I don’t know how long exactly it is between Colorado and DC so I don’t know if she had left it at SGC or at the airport in DC but it seems weird either way since she didn’t know how long she would be gone, so I guess it could be a rented car, and then she might have picked out a red one as well.
                    Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                    Is John's bachelor pad for sale?
                    Haha, as long as it doesn’t come with those bikini clad girls in the pool and s long as a bunch of dead guys won’t come over to party then I’d want one too.

                    Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                    Just a few ideas I had:

                    Elizabeth only wanted to make the trip so long as returning to Atlantis was guaranteed. She also wanted to make peace with Simon, who she felt was left in the lurch when she up and left. I thought it was interesting that she got upset and mad at John for "staying behind", almost as if the "fog" was trying to create a rift between her and John (and by extension, Atlantis) and trying to make her less eager to go back. Little did they know that "back" was actually "home".
                    I really agree with what you wrote there. Some of the questions are pretty hard to answer, especially since there really wasn’t any clear answer to them, and also because TBTB didn’t seem to know the answer either.

                    I’m pretty tired myself so I’m not sure what I really wrote here but I’m going to think about it a bit more and see if I can answer the questions differently later or if I come up with something else. Great questions though ShipperWriter.


                      Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                      Ooh, ooh, ooh! Yes! Why have I never seen the parallel before?!

                      Just as long as Lizzeh doesn't kiss her brother ...

                      Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                      So I found something interesting. This line is from "Hide and Seek":

                      Each member was allowed one personal item, and it would seem John brought the football game that he was showing the team. However, then he has this (deliberately reposted for prettehness):
                      (snurched from Brie).
                      Did TPTW have a little snafu???
                      Yeah, like Falcon Hours pointed out they made many errors like that, don't forget that Sheppard also had his aviator sunglasses with him (though maybe they would consider that part of their military uniform, just like Ford's cap, though they never showed Ford with anything else so maybe that was his one personal item) I dunno.


                        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                        When weren't they having a snafu... aka the biggest one being, IMHO, Torren's name.

                        Well, I might have good news for you on that front, FH. The issue of Teyla's paternity is in a fic I'm working on (yes, I'm already starting a new one. No rest for the wicked. ) but let me see if I have this right. Tagan is mom, and Torren is dad? Is that what was decided upon by ThePowersThatShouldHaveBeen(meaningUS) various discussions???

                        Originally posted by Brie View Post
                        I have no idea, I did wonder if the characters really thought of the other characters the way they were portrayed in the “dream”. But one can ask why would for example Mckay and Ford go back together. I’m curies to see what others think of these questions.
                        I think Ford was in the same type of "world" as Elizabeth, where Rodney was beligerant and pessimistic. I have the feeling that, due to Rodney's harshness, in that world, Ford gave up and followed orders. In the end of the episode, he was still wearing his uniform while everyone else was in civvies.

                        That was something I reacted to as well because we all know that John if anyone would want to go back, though one can think that because he did suspect something was up then that’s why, but then the only indication of him missing Atlantis and is worried about what is happening is when he mention Liz.
                        The look on John's face when Teyla gets back in the limo was screaming "something's really frakked up here but I can't put my finger on it yet" to me. And yeah, that's the only verbal indication.

                        This one I actually have to say ‘Yes’ to, I think especially if you take ‘Letters from Pegasus’ and ‘The Intruder’ into the equation. Her facial expressions in all those scenes (btw huge kudos to Torri) tell me that he really was an important part of her life, even if we don’t know how big or for how long.
                        Yeah, that one was kind of a no-brainer. *headdesk* Sorry. Tired.

                        That wouldn’t surprise me, though I wonder where it came from, now I don’t know how long exactly it is between Colorado and DC so I don’t know if she had left it at SGC or at the airport in DC but it seems weird either way since she didn’t know how long she would be gone, so I guess it could be a rented car, and then she might have picked out a red one as well.
                        It's kind of an old BMW convertible to be a rental. Looks like a 90s model, but I'm definitely not an expert on Beemers.

                        I'm going with: she flew to DC, didn't bother to change cause she was so anxious to see Simon again.

                        Haha, as long as it doesn’t come with those bikini clad girls in the pool and s long as a bunch of dead guys won’t come over to party then I’d want one too.
                        Yeah, they're getting 86'd as we speak.

                        I really agree with what you wrote there. Some of the questions are pretty hard to answer, especially since there really wasn’t any clear answer to them, and also because TBTB didn’t seem to know the answer either.

                        I’m pretty tired myself so I’m not sure what I really wrote here but I’m going to think about it a bit more and see if I can answer the questions differently later or if I come up with something else. Great questions though ShipperWriter.
                        Thanks. I'm exhausted too.

                        Originally posted by Brie View Post

                        Yeah, like Falcon Hours pointed out they made many errors like that, don't forget that Sheppard also had his aviator sunglasses with him (though maybe they would consider that part of their military uniform, just like Ford's cap, though they never showed Ford with anything else so maybe that was his one personal item) I dunno.
                        He could've snuck the glasses in so easily. Have you seen how many pockets there are in their vests?


                          And finally. My reputation: I am now a permanent member of an SG team. Booyah. Can I choose my team???


                            Love the discussion and the questions. I'll dive in tomorrow.

                            The sunglasses are military issue and would be a part of the uniform. The personal item thing, though, is a huge plot hole in S1. I think in S2 the rest of the items in his room could have come on the Daedalus.

                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                              Love the discussion and the questions. I'll dive in tomorrow.

                              The sunglasses are military issue and would be a part of the uniform. The personal item thing, though, is a huge plot hole in S1. I think in S2 the rest of the items in his room could have come on the Daedalus.
                              That would explain the Johnny Cash poster ... the skateboard ... the guitar ... the hair gel

                              Snurching pictures, then off to bed. Spring break is officially over for me. Back to the grindstone at 7 in the morning.


                                My nap didn't happen, but hopefully I'll sleep well tonight. Actually, a sleeping pill may be in order. Damn kidney stone.

                                Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                                So a couple of points to throw around:

                                Did the "fog" accurately generate their "dream" worlds, in that, is that what each of them really wanted?
                                Not what they wanted, but what the mist beings thought would make them complacent with staying on Earth. And why did the mist beings want them to stay on Earth so badly? Would Atlantis be too complicated to recreate?

                                Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                                Why would Elizabeth and Rodney fixate on not being able to return to Pegasus, but John wouldn't? (Note: I agree with JT's answer above, but posting it for further discussion)
                                I'd say there's also the reason that John would not really have any influence on whether they returned or not. Rodney could fiddle with the science, Elizabeth could do the diplomacy and bargaining, but what could John do? Like Ford, there wouldn't be any way for him to influence Stargate PTB to return to Pegasus.

                                Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                                Does Elizabeth believe Simon is truly upset with her, and she's been quietly coping with the grief ever since they arrived in Atlantis?
                                What Brie said.

                                Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                                Is Elizabeth's car really red?
                                She and John both like red cars. It's subliminal, dammit!

                                Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                                Is John's bachelor pad for sale?
                                I only want it if John is included.

                                Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                                Just a few ideas I had:

                                Elizabeth only wanted to make the trip so long as returning to Atlantis was guaranteed. She also wanted to make peace with Simon, who she felt was left in the lurch when she up and left. I thought it was interesting that she got upset and mad at John for "staying behind", almost as if the "fog" was trying to create a rift between her and John (and by extension, Atlantis) and trying to make her less eager to go back. Little did they know that "back" was actually "home".

                                Brain just shut off again. Time for a nap meself.
                                I don't think she got angry with John for staying behind, only upset that he did when she thought the roles should have been reversed. Little did she know he was spending his time thinking about her as well. Interesting that they both spent time thinking of the other.

                                Originally posted by Brie View Post
                                I know right.
                                One thing I've always noticed is that there are some similarities between John and Han (other than the fact that "both" seem to have a thing for diplomats *lol*) but in this case I was thinking about their mannerisms (like in that pic, it reminds me of the scene in the canteen, when we first meet Han in episode 4).
                                Oh, I've always thought that. Han/Leia was my first ship so it was pre-ordained I would like John/Elizabeth.

                                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                                When weren't they having a snafu... aka the biggest one being, IMHO, Torren's name.
                                There's also:
                                - Ford being able to fly the puddle jumper
                                - Teyla being able to use the life signs detector
                                - Rodney being afraid of whales in Doppleganger but having one as a pet in Echoes

                                I'm too tired to go on, but I could.

                                Originally posted by Brie View Post
                                I really agree with what you wrote there. Some of the questions are pretty hard to answer, especially since there really wasn’t any clear answer to them, and also because TBTB didn’t seem to know the answer either.

                                Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                                And finally. My reputation: I am now a permanent member of an SG team. Booyah. Can I choose my team???
                                Sure! I want to be on a team with Lorne and Cadman.

                                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                                Love the discussion and the questions. I'll dive in tomorrow.

                                The sunglasses are military issue and would be a part of the uniform. The personal item thing, though, is a huge plot hole in S1. I think in S2 the rest of the items in his room could have come on the Daedalus.
                                Didn't he have the Johnny Cash poster in S1 also?

