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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Hello my fellow Sparky Shippers how are you all today?
    The Breeding Ground of Ships.


      Doing good
      Enjoying my no-longer-probie status and reading Sparky fics

      Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.

      Wonderful signatures by wonderful people.(Not me thus =] )
      My secret: .. .- -- -- .- .-. .-. .. . -.. - --- -- .- .--- --- .-. .-.. --- .-. -. .


        Originally posted by Zandra's Ashes View Post
        Thanks SK! I was at the hospital visiting my mom (she's fine, a routine scheduled surgery) and this was how I kept up! I did catch some of the interviews on the NASA channel later and saw the footage of the takeoff. It never ceases to take my breath away. Of course, I still vividly remember watching the Challenger tragedy on live TV. It's hard not to hold your breath after that. Godspeed to the crew for a safe and successful mission.
        *hugs* Good to hear your mom is okay!

        I pretty much grew up alongside the shuttle program, and it's going to be strange to not have any more shuttle missions. What the people at NASA do is nothing short of amazing.

        Originally posted by Zandra's Ashes View Post
        I thought McKay and Ford came up with Gateship- "It's a ship...that goes through a gate." But, then again, my memory has gaps larger than moon craters, LOL.
        McKay and Ford were the first ones we heard use the term. But in "The Return, Part 2," we learned that the Asurans also used the term, and since they were created by the Ancients, it stands to reason that they originally got it from the Ancients in the first place.
        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


          Originally posted by Siara.Corvus View Post
          Doing good
          Enjoying my no-longer-probie status and reading Sparky fics

          Writing Sparky fics, RPING as John Sheppard (one place I am at has a strong Sparky Arc going). Its a better end to my bad bad day, with Sparky Romance.
          The Breeding Ground of Ships.


            Originally posted by TheLadyMore View Post
            Writing Sparky fics, RPING as John Sheppard (one place I am at has a strong Sparky Arc going). Its a better end to my bad bad day, with Sparky Romance.
            Ah a good way to pass time too
            Oh, can't say no to Sparky. Wouldn't be looking for a Lorne there, now would you?
            Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.

            Wonderful signatures by wonderful people.(Not me thus =] )
            My secret: .. .- -- -- .- .-. .-. .. . -.. - --- -- .- .--- --- .-. .-.. --- .-. -. .


              Originally posted by Siara.Corvus View Post
              Ah a good way to pass time too
              Oh, can't say no to Sparky. Wouldn't be looking for a Lorne there, now would you?
              Lorne is open if you would like to join us. Its a mass crossover RP. I'm John Sheppard, Rodney McKay and Larrin Kolya (the fictional Spawn of Kolya) (I am also Sir Thomas More there) and my friend Maria plays the lovely Liz Weir. I will be happy to give you the link if you are interested.
              The Breeding Ground of Ships.


                Originally posted by TheLadyMore View Post
                Lorne is open if you would like to join us. Its a mass crossover RP. I'm John Sheppard, Rodney McKay and Larrin Kolya (the fictional Spawn of Kolya) (I am also Sir Thomas More there) and my friend Maria plays the lovely Liz Weir. I will be happy to give you the link if you are interested.
                Sure If anything I can atleast check it out

                Anyway, I gotta go now ^^
                Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.

                Wonderful signatures by wonderful people.(Not me thus =] )
                My secret: .. .- -- -- .- .-. .-. .. . -.. - --- -- .- .--- --- .-. .-.. --- .-. -. .


                  Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                  Greetings, Sparkies! Today's launch of space shuttle Discovery is on schedule, currently in the final built-in hold with just under 45 minutes to go until launch.
                  Drats, my lunch break got done at four. I was too busy tonight to try to step outside and see it, but it got a little cloudy on the other side of FL, so I probably wouldn't have seen anything anyway ...

                  Heck yeah! *glomps you*

                  Hey, you helped us get to that 107,000! Hope you're able to come back and have some fun soon!
                  Thanks for the pick-me-up!!!

                  Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                  Main engine cutoff, and external tank separation. Discovery is in space!
                  Thanks for the play-by-play LOL!

                  Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                  Hi, JT! How've ya been?

                  Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                  hey folks sorry i havent been around. school has been kicking my six up one way and down the other. ill try to come on and post frequently but its getting to be that time again.
                  It ain't just me ... 'Cept it's just RL in general for me. I can't pin it on just one thing!

                  And TLM -- how in the heck have you already gotten over 2,000 posts in not even THREE MONTHS?!?!?!?! You go, girl! *high-fives*

                  ... Wait. You are a girl, right?


                    Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                    And TLM -- how in the heck have you already gotten over 2,000 posts in not even THREE MONTHS?!?!?!?! You go, girl! *high-fives*

                    ... Wait. You are a girl, right?
                    Lady More....yup I am man alright JK

                    Well I did post alot in the Sheppard Thunk and Whump (SHOCKING ) and I also RP Sheppard over here so that takes up alot of posts too!

                    Dont worry my friend you will get there! And have a spiffy Ava!
                    The Breeding Ground of Ships.


                      Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                      What about Brainstorm? That's the only episode where I couldn't even be bothered to watch it until the end because I was so bored.
                      That was actually one episode I liked even less than Trio, the difference is that in that episode at least, things were happening. Plus it had some interesting cameos, with Trio, even when te situation escalated the dilemma never seemed much greater than getting out of a hole in the end.
                      "First Weir, then Samantha Carter, and now, you! It's a pity you humans die or get reassigned so easily, or I might have a sense of satisfaction now!"

                      *You got the touch! You got the poweeeeer!*

                      "Arise, Woolseyus Prime."



                        Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                        Drats, my lunch break got done at four. I was too busy tonight to try to step outside and see it, but it got a little cloudy on the other side of FL, so I probably wouldn't have seen anything anyway ...
                        Aw, poo. Maybe you'll get to catch one of the final two launches later this year?

                        Originally posted by Infinite-Possibilities View Post
                        That was actually one episode I liked even less than Trio, the difference is that in that episode at least, things were happening. Plus it had some interesting cameos, with Trio, even when te situation escalated the dilemma never seemed much greater than getting out of a hole in the end.
                        Heh. Honestly, I thought the cameos in "Brain Storm" were just too distracting. It was like TPTW were trying to say, "look at the shiny guest stars and ignore the lame story!" LOL! But really, both of those episodes nearly put me to sleep. Oh, well.

                        And now, it's time for this little kitty to head off to bed and some pleasant Sparky dreams! See you all tomorrow!
                        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                          Surely you would want to be distracted from the story in Brainstorm if given any opportunity no?
                          "First Weir, then Samantha Carter, and now, you! It's a pity you humans die or get reassigned so easily, or I might have a sense of satisfaction now!"

                          *You got the touch! You got the poweeeeer!*

                          "Arise, Woolseyus Prime."



                            I disliked McKeller (initially, although it grew on me), it was forced, bla bla, but I found BS to be one of the funniest eps SG had ever done. I was in stitches. But I doubt that was the intention It was completely stupid, completely ridiculous.

                            That said, if I'd waited a week to watch that ep, instead of skipping the previous ep's credits on the dvd to watch it, I'd have been incredibly annoyed that an ep of SGA was wasted on this. It had two SGA characters, both of whom had been under a lot of criticism at the time, in what amounted to an AU ep. Contrast this to SG-1's s10 ep The Road Not Taken - I think that was one of the best that they did (obviously not the best, but certainly it was one of the more thought provoking ones, and leaps and bounds ahead of their other AU efforts).

                            Oh, and I got the impression that the actors found the last scene to be almost as vomit inducing as I did And don't get me started on the McKay Axe Rescue

                            And re Trio, in terms of this thread, it is worse than the Irrs. At least you can find sparky in those eps. In Trio, I found myself not caring if two (yes, only two) characters I actually liked lived or died during that ep
                            Last edited by gateraid; 24 February 2011, 11:15 PM.


                              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                              And now... Back to Sparky, and 30+1 Days of SGA meme time!

                              Day the Twenty-Fourth: Favorite in-show lingo
                              Puddle jumper. It's cute, it's sassy, and it's utterly John. And he's totally right, "Gateship" is just lame. I mean, come on! A "ship" is a vessel that is large enough to carry smaller sea/air/space-worthy passenger-carrying vessels on it. The jumpers aren't that big, therefore they cannot be called "ships." The Ancients were STUPID to call them "Gateships" and should all be hung from the top of the Atlantis control tower by their heels until they learn how to name things properly. Don't even get me started on how the Orion was originally named for a general named Hippaforalkus. What kind of parents name their kid THAT?!? *headdesk*
                              Let's not forget Flagecallus. One of my favorite scenes was Rodney explaining the "whale" to Sparky. The looks on both their faces were priceless and you could tell they were trying not to look at each other for fear of bursting out laughing. I wonder how long it took to actually get through that scene.

                              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                                *hugs* Good to hear your mom is okay!

                                I pretty much grew up alongside the shuttle program, and it's going to be strange to not have any more shuttle missions. What the people at NASA do is nothing short of amazing.

                                McKay and Ford were the first ones we heard use the term. But in "The Return, Part 2," we learned that the Asurans also used the term, and since they were created by the Ancients, it stands to reason that they originally got it from the Ancients in the first place.
                                I always thought that the whole Gateship/Gateship thing was to poke fun at the ancients being as fuddy duddy as John was saying Ford and McKay were. Like, it was a surprise that Helia and them called it a gateship and that just proved how terrible at creativity the ancients were.

                                Catching up on the meme--I've been a slacker. Or I scared myself with my last couple of answers.

                                Day 15: Least favourite pairing:

                                Hmmm...I am not anti-ship, so this is harder, but I think my initial gut reaction is Zelenka/Carter. I absolutely hated how they denigrated him into this quivering mass of nerdy goo when her chest got in his face. It was demeaning to Carter and to Zelenka. I mean, we already had Rodney with the Sam!chest obsession, did we have to honestly have Zelenka copy him in that?

                                Day 16: Favourite season

                                I would have to go to Season 1 as well. It was one of the few seasons that was so different from anything SG in terms of storytelling ability and had some truly great episodes. Plus, some of the cast was different and I liked them.

                                Day 17: Favourite team? Ford or Ronon, Weir or Carter?

                                Obviously I'd go with Weir over Carter, though I like Sam. But they had no idea how to use her and that just highlighted how much better Weir was in that position.

                                Ford or Ronon? That's hard. Honestly, I thought Ford had more of a role than Ronon in terms of character, because Ford had some better scenes though Ronon had his token episode here or there. But Ford was a more developed character to me--static in that he didn't change much, but he was integrated better into the 'team' than Ronon, who felt like the muscle guy whose heart they pulled into the story when it suited them. Like, Ford's role in 38 Minutes is so seamless and yet so good. Ronon needed a 'Sateda' to sort of do the same thing--all focused on him. Otherwise, he just grunted.

                                Day 18: Favourite Side Character: This is actually easier than pie. Peter Grodin. He was a competent tech, a likable guy, and sexy as H#ll. And he had a great death. But I really liked how, rather than Chuck, he wasn't just 'yes ma'am, no ma'am, dial the gate!". He had his own opinion of things and he worked really well with Elizabeth. He was a honest-to-goodness scientist tech. I've never forgiven them for killing him off, though we don't think about him in as grand a term as Kate and some other sacrifices, because his was actually a well-thought out one.

                                Day the Nineteenth: Most annoying side character
                                : Hmm. Someone who shows up more than once? Wow, this is harder than I thought--it takes a lot for me to dislike side characters that much because they're just not in it enough to give me a reason to hate them. Ah, I got it. Amelia Banks: honestly, what was the point? So she could Mary Sue her way into fandom? She was a show-off pointless character whose job still hasn't really been explained. I even preferred Vega to her.

                                Day the Twentieth: Unpopular opinion time!:, I didn't mind what they did with Elizabeth--I minded what they did with Torri. Meaning, if she'd been able to stay on the show, having Elizabeth be removed from power would have been okay with me. I don't mind shake-up and I don't mind switching characters around--I think actors actually embrace changes like that. What I minded was completely getting rid of her. But if they'd just changed her role--turned her into a questionable ally--or villain--I might actually have liked that. I just imagine (courtesy of Joe, Rachel and David) some great angst.

                                Day the Twenty-First: Best quote: Oh, this is easy. While there are tons of good lines, my favorite has to be the one which caught John tongue tied and brought us to within an inch of Sparky:

                                SHEPPARD: Just out of political curiosity, how much trouble is it gonna cause you if I knock this Woolsey guy in the head?
                                WEIR: May I ask *why* you'd like to do that?
                                SHEPPARD: It's just an impulse I had, really, one I suspect I'm gonna have again next time I see him. He may not even have to say anything.
                                WEIR: I've never seen you like this. What did Woolsey say to you?
                                SHEPPARD: Besides judging every damned decision you've ever made?
                                WEIR: John Sheppard, are you defending my honour?!

                                We had Elizabeth defending--and speaking well--of John a hundred times and John doing the same (much less frequently) of her. But this is one of the first times he gets caught red-handed caring about Elizabeth--and he gets called out on it to such an extent that he actually has to backpedal to cover up his exposed emotions. You could almost argue that his outburst highlights his subconscious concerns and how much deeper they run than even he's aware.

                                Day the Twenty-Second: Worst quote: I'm going to have to go with Kitty here. "Fly, Lucius, fly," is one of the most truly awful lines ever written in the history of television.

                                Day the Twenty-Third: Saddest character death: Back to Grodin--it was understandable--a very large sacrifice at a time where such a sacrifice made sense. It made sense it happened--but I hated that it happened, because he was SUCH a good character. This is one of those times when I wish the writers had stuck to sci-fi fluff instead of injecting a bit of 'realism' into the story.

                                Day the Twenty-Fourth: Favorite in-show lingo: Not a word, per se, but the nicknaming of the Wraith. I rolled when John named the first one Bob and then it just became habit. Hysterical.
                                Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!

