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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    1) I know this is old hat for some of us, but which was the episode that absolutely confirmed your Sparkiness?

    38 Minutes made me think of a possible ship (was it SK who used the expression 'taking sparky for a test drive'??) as it played very flirty (as did the Misbegotten scene) but other than that, I guess I found a more general slow burn. Maybe TRW - IDK, you can rationalise the actions there as caring very strongly for someone without it being shippy per se, but it was interesting that it was only Shep that she saw, not a combination of everyone.

    2) What do you think is the Sparkiest episode of all, in your opinion, and WHY?

    Common Ground. The tacit approval to kill Kolya is a bit of a jump from her previous dealings with foes, as well as going out on a limb with Laden/the Genii. I'd also add First Strike, although it's not romantic shippy exactly, as it seems like they were so in step with each other up until then, and are genuinely surprised by each other's stance in this ep. On John's side, I'd go with Adrift, the John/Keller scene.

    3) We've all grumbled about Common Ground and Conversion not having Sparky closing scenes. What OTHER episode would you have loved to have seen a Sparky moment in (not just the end, but in general) and what would it be?

    BAMSR, as it would mean they found Weir

    Phantoms, although in the context of the ep, the convo at the end has to be Teyla/John. I think that ep is one of the best standalones SGA did s1-3, a pity Weir was barely in it

    4) Which other character do you think has the best understanding of the John/Elizabeth relationship, and why? Point to a scene in an episode where they confirm their appreciation of the Sparky bond.

    Rodney = clueless is really easy, but given the closeness of the three of them, it isn't really true. Trinity is a good example, The Defiant one is similar. Caldwell & Carson have picked up on it too.

    5) If John and Elizabeth had a conversation about the scene in Lifeline where she orders him to go, and he leaves her in contradiction to his 'mantra', what do you think they would say to each other? What would be his excuse for 'leaving her behind'? What would she do to console (or chastize) him for it? (I'm asking this in part because there WILL be a scene like this in Primum Movens). [/QUOTE]

    John: are your legs glued on or something?

    I think it would be reaffirmed that the right call was made, although I think the convo would head towards no rescue effort being made at all. It had never occured to me until these questions that they never checked on her during BAMSR (how long would it have taken for them to copy some files??) and just assumed that the replicators killed her the instant they left the hallway.

    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
    Hello, I'm back.

    Remember me... *points at self* ...I'm that lemming who couldn't keep her mouth shut and ended up having to walk all the way up to the top of Glastonbury Tor where I promised a friend to kiss the top of this hill. So, I did and here's my proof...


    That would be the doorway of the tower currently sitting on top of the Tor (=hill). And it's a miracle I didn't blow away cause it was rather windy up there.
    Go the lemming Maybe we will have to start one of those Where In The World pages like they did for the General Hammond dolls


      Good morning Sparkies. And I come bearing gifts of crack!fic. This one comes with a huge disclaimer: *clears throat* By necessity it will be in 2 parts.

      Disclaimer: Any resemblance of this fic and any other SGA fic in existence is purely accidental. There are an infinite number of stories that can be told. This is my version of how certain characterizations might be possible. And any purple prose you might encounter is purely intentional.

      The Atlantis Variations

      The music played and dancers whirled. Pounding drums and screaming guitars echoed off the turquoise blue walls of the city of the Ancients. And on the dance floor Rodney McKay got his groove on. He twirled Jennifer Keller in a perfect circle and spun her into the waiting arms of Carson Beckett who was doing something that resembled a cross between a jig and a bad Riverdance imitation.

      Next to the refreshment table, John Sheppard stood with his arms crossed over his Ricky Martin t-shirt while beside him Elizabeth Weir looked at her watch and wondered how much longer before she could escape. The effort at pretending to care about what the hell this bunch of losers was up to was killing her and making her extremely cranky.

      Just as Ronon Dex swept Radek Zelenka away for a waltz, Teyla Emmagan began a slow walk across the dance floor. Her long legs started at the floor and went all the way up, disappearing inside the impossibly short skirt she was wearing. The pulsing lights reflected off the deep cleavage of her shirt and gave her hair a lustrous shimmer. From her throw-me-down-and-do-me shoes to her plump scarlet lips, she was a walking fantasy.

      Teyla walked up to the refreshment table and stopped in front of John, who had unfolded his arms and shoved his hands as deep as possible into the pockets of his painted-on jeans. She held up the bag she was carrying and shook it. “My order from Doctor Tumescent's Love Shack just arrived on the Daedalus. Would you care to join me in my quarters? I promise to be gentle. At least at first.” John blanched and started inching toward the door. “Gotta go clean my gun,” he mumbled and quickly made his escape.

      Seeing this as her chance to return to reading mission reports, Elizabeth walked away. “He is playing hard to get,” Teyla realized and hurried after John. And in that sparkling crystal moment of clarity, the Athosian warrior realized that she was over the moon in love with John Sheppard. Imperfect, nearly suicidal at times, damaged beyond the rational chance of ever leading a normal life John Sheppard may be, but Teyla Emmagan believed with all her heart and soul that only she had the power within her body to heal his pain. Teyla knew in that perfect moment in time that she would no longer allow eating his gun to be an option. Quickly she gathered up her bag of toys and followed him.

      Out on the floor, Rodney McKay moonwalked to the beat and Carson Beckett's kilt swirled around his well-toned legs.

      “Now hold on just a damn minute,” Major Evan Lorne raised both hands, stopping the other man's narrative, “in what kind of insane asylum did all this take place?”

      Dr. Allen Forsythe looked puzzled. “I'm sorry, Major, but you asked me to tell you exactly what was happening before the lights went out and I ended up here.” He looked around for help from the other man in the room.

      Richard Woolsey removed his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Doctor,” he said in a strained voice, “have you ever heard of alternate universes?”

      “Well, yes, I read some reports about such a thing. Surely you don't think.”

      “Look doc,” the Major chimed back in, “we can prove it.” He raised an eyebrow at Mr. Woolsey who nodded his approval and they indicated that the new arrival was to precede them out of the office.

      A short transport ride later and they had rejoined the fun in the mess hall. A celebration was taking place that had become an annual tradition on the anniversary of their arrival in Atlantis. By all appearances it was much like the party that Dr. Forsythe had described but the behavior of the participants could not be much different.

      The music played and dancers whirled. Pounding drums and screaming guitars echoed off the turquoise blue walls of the city of the Ancients. And on the dance floor Rodney McKay tried with limited success not to step on the feet of Jennifer Keller who smiled encouragingly at him. Nearby Carson Beckett steered a laughing Elizabeth Weir in a credible two step. When the song ended they chatted and smiled at each other with genuine affection as they made their way over to the refreshment table.

      “I must admit to feeling a wee bit parched,” Carson laughed as he gratefully handed Elizabeth a cup of punch and poured one for himself.

      Nearby, John Sheppard tossed his own empty cup into the trash and joined the pair. “Fancy footwork there, Doc,” he said, making a circling motion with one hand to indicate their dance moves.

      Elizabeth lifted the hair off her neck and gave Carson a sideways smile. “Carson is quite a good dancer,” she complimented.

      “Not so, lass,” Carson replied, “it was all in the skillful way you followed my stumblings.”

      “Well whatever it was,” John continued, “it beats anything else I've seen tonight.” He nodded over at Ronon who was attempting to learn the proper steps from a very patient Amelia Banks.

      “So why aren't you dancing?” Carson said, nodding pointedly at Elizabeth.

      John caught the look and also caught that Elizabeth had developed a sudden interest in watching Radek and nurse Marie doing a rather chaste slow dance.

      “Because the lady was otherwise occupied.” John held out a hand to Elizabeth and went for his best teasing look.

      “Promise my toes will be safe,” she teased in return.

      “No promises. You'll have to take your chances.” John's hand closed around hers and he led her in the direction of the dance floor. “Besides,” he continued, “we have to set an example for the kids. We can't have them thinking their bosses aren't friendly.”

      Teyla Emmagan shouldered her large bag which contained all the necessary items for keeping a toddler happy and walked slowly along the edge of the dance floor. She was followed by her husband Kanaan who was struggling to keep a wiggling Torren from jumping out of his arms. He laughed gaily and pointed at his Uncle John who had just swept his Aunt Elizabeth into a very credible slow waltz.

      “John?” Teyla couldn't help exclaiming in surprise as she paused to watch the couple sweep by.

      “Miss Donna's School of Dance,” Sheppard called back over his shoulder and Elizabeth wagged her fingers at Torren who laughed more.



      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        Part 2:

        “This is just...” Doctor Forsythe couldn't find the words to finish his thought.

        Beside him, Richard Woolsey and Evan Lorne nodded and smiled at their friends and co-workers who were all decked out in their most comfortable casual wear and thoroughly enjoying the time of camaraderie.

        Teyla and her family spotted the small group and stopped to share a few words.

        The Athosian smiled and nodded a greeting to the newcomer. “Everyone is having a marvelous time,” she observed. “Thank you for allowing this Mr. Woolsey.”

        “It is my pleasure, Teyla.” Woolsey nodded in return and reached out to gently shake the hand of young Torren who was reaching for his glasses.

        Kanaan smiled at his son's antics and added his own observation. “It is most pleasant to see everyone do you say...casual.”

        “I believe casual is the perfect word,” Major Lorne laughed and pointed at Rodney McKay who was wearing the strange combination of plaid pants and a t-shirt with a picture of the Milky Way with an arrow pointing to the general location of Earth and the words “You are here”.

        The two Athosians turned toward the stranger and Woolsey was quick to introduce the doctor as someone who was new to the city. Teyla was puzzled because she thought she had met everyone who had recently arrived on the Daedalus but considering that stranger things had happened since she joined the Atlantis expedition just let it go and smiled a greeting.

        “Welcome to Atlantis, Doctor,” she said. “I hope you will enjoy your time here.”

        “Th...thank you,” Forsythe looked the woman up and down from her soft loose hairstyle to her colorful Athosian dress with the long full skirt. The dramatic difference and the appearance of Torren who was obviously her son with the tall Athosian was a shock that almost left him speechless.

        “I must say,” Allen observed, “things here are quite different from my Atlantis.”

        “I'm sorry, your Atlantis?” Teyla looked surprised.

        “Alternate universe,” Lorne replied off hand.

        “Not again.” Teyla sighed and turned to Kanaan. “Come Kanaan, let us go and feed this little one.”

        “And ourselves.” Kanaan was eyeing the buffet table heaped with food.

        Teyla laughed in agreement. “Gentlemen,” she nodded a farewell, “we will leave you to it.”

        Forsythe was so intent on watching the Athosian family depart that he was startled by a firm voice and a heavy hand on his shoulder.

        “Excuse me, but you are?” John Sheppard had just noticed a newcomer in their midst and after finishing his dance with Dr. Weir had led her back over to the side of the room.

        Forsythe turned to find both leaders of Atlantis regarding him skeptically with identically raised eyebrows. “Uh...” He glanced over at Lorne and Woolsey who were conferring with their heads together a few feet away. “I...umm.” Finally the doctor gave up and stuck out his hand, hoping one of them would shake it. “Allen Forsythe. I..umm...was hoping Mr. Woolsey could explain.”

        Ignoring the hand, Sheppard and Weir rotated in unison toward Woolsey and Lorne who were headed back in their direction.

        “Sorry,” Richard Woolsey said, “we were wondering how we're going to handle explaining this one to the IOA when I head back to Earth tomorrow.”

        “I'm sorry, Richard,” Elizabeth insisted, “explain what? Would someone care to enlighten us?”

        “Yes, let's do that,” Sheppard added, “I'm pretty sure I know everyone on this base but I don't recall having met you before this moment.”

        “Alternate universe.” Lorne figured it had worked before but knowing his bosses was doubtful it would work again. It didn't.

        John raised his hand to call the nearest Marine, who even though everybody else was partying had been assigned to stand armed guard by the door because the Colonel did not believe in taking relaxation to the extreme.

        “Hold on a minute,” Elizabeth raised her own hand and gave John the look that he knew meant he was about to overreact. “Let's wait for the explanation before we wave guns at people.”

        “Well, technically he's carrying a rifle, but okay if you say so.” Sheppard still looked skeptical.

        Woolsey stepped forward and quickly explained how he had been talking about painting with Major Lorne when there was a loud pop and Doctor Forsythe appeared on the balcony beside them. After the initial confusion, they had taken him into Elizabeth's office to question him and he had told quite an amazing story of his life in an alternate Atlantis.

        “I was wearing what?” John had to resist the urge to call that Marine again.

        “John, that's not quite the point.” Elizabeth frowned at him.

        “The hell you say it's not. You were dressed normally.” He swiveled his head and focused the scowl on the Doctor. “She was dressed normally, right?”

        Nervously shifting from foot to foot, Forsythe was barely able to reply. “Doctor Weir was wearing all black as she usually does when she's not on duty. But I must say...” He paused and tried to smile at Elizabeth. “our Weir is pale and tired looking. You are like her much younger sister.”

        John scowled at him some more and the Doctor stopped talking.

        “The point is, Colonel,” Richard pointed out, “that none of you were exactly yourselves. Or at least not the selves we know here. Now we must figure out how to get Doctor Forsythe back to his own universe.”

        “Maybe it's time to call in McKay,” Lorne wondered.

        “Must we?” Forsythe asked, “I think I like it much better here.”

        After listening to the whole story with an increasingly shocked expression, Rodney McKay snapped his fingers and said, “Alternate universe.”

        “Yes, Rodney, we know that. Now how do we fix it?” Sheppard groused.

        “Rodney, please try to focus.” Elizabeth's voice was gentle but firm. “We reached that conclusion earlier. Do you have any ideas on how we can get Doctor Forsythe back to his own reality?”

        “None.” McKay folded his arms and scowled at the Doctor. “Every other time this has happened we had a device that we could use, a quantum mirror or whatnot. This bozo just popped up out of nowhere.”

        Doctor Forsythe looked uncomfortable and peered at Elizabeth hoping for support. She patted his arm kindly. “I'm sure we can come up with something, Doctor,” she said, “perhaps we should call Doctor Zelenka.”

        “No no no, that won't be necessary,” Rodney declared, “come with me, Doctor Foster was it? I'm sure we can come up with something.” He turned and walked away assuming the man would follow.

        Elizabeth nodded at him encouragingly and the Doctor hurried to catch up with McKay. “It's Forsythe,” he called, “Allen Forsythe.”

        John and Elizabeth exchanged one of their long what-do-we-do-now looks while Woolsey mumbled about the IOA and reports to be filed. Catching John's tilt of the head, Lorne left to keep an eye on the situation.

        Barely an hour later, McKay returned to the party to find the lights had been lowered and the music no longer pounding and energetic but slow and romantic. He spotted Sheppard and Weir on the edge of the dancers and wound his way over to them.

        “Problem solved,” he declared next to John's ear.

        Elizabeth raised her head in a jerk from John's shoulder and John took a small step back without releasing her.

        “A little warning, McKay,” John snarled.

        Elizabeth slid her hand up to the nape of his neck and gave him a gentle pat before disentangling herself and turning to face Rodney. “So what happened?” she asked.

        Rodney gave them his version of a small shrug of apology and said, “Dunno, one minute I was going through the Ancient data base looking for an answer with Foster breathing down my neck. And the next minute, poof, he was gone. Hopefully back to the universe that spawned him. Do you really think all those things he said about the other us could possibly be true. Because if they are I shudder to think...”

        “Rodney,” John and Elizabeth said together.

        “Hey, I'm just sayin' not us.”

        “It was an alternate universe, Rodney. Anything is possible.” John shrugged and tugged Elizabeth back into his arms to finish their dance.


        The music played and dancers whirled. Pounding drums and screaming guitars echoed off the turquoise blue walls of the city of the Ancients. Allen Forsythe regained his balance and peered around him carefully. It looked like his city, but then so had the other one at first.

        There was Rodney McKay doing his best John Travolta imitation while beside him Carson Beckett stamped his feet, making the hem of his kilt flip dangerously high. Between them Jennifer Keller lifted her hands in the air and twirled her hips.

        So far so good.

        There was Ronon Dex shuffling awkwardly around the floor with Amelia Banks and...wait, that wasn't quite right. But before he could ponder too much on this development, Forsythe spotted John Sheppard's unruly mop of black hair at a table in the corner. Some things never change, but what was the Colonel doing? Was that a poker game? A group of Marines, one of whom was Laura Cadman had apparently just divested Sheppard of his last paycheck. They smirked at him as he stood a bit unsteady on his feet, drained the last of his glass of brown liquid and tugged at the collar of his wrinkled jacket that by all appearances he had been wearing for quite some time. Turning from the table, Sheppard did nothing to conceal the bleak expression on his face and Forsythe watched in surprise as he made his way to the refreshment table and reached for a half empty bottle of Scotch to refill his glass.

        Forsythe looked around in vain for Elizabeth Weir, hoping that the leader of Atlantis would be able to reassure him that he had arrived safely home. Failing to find Weir, he once again studied the crowd. Teyla Emmagan caught his eye and for a moment he thought he recognized her as the Teyla he was familiar with. She wore a short red skirt and a tight scoopnecked blouse and was gyrating to the hard rock music but when she moved aside and he saw her dance partner, he knew that was highly unlikely. Kate Heightmeyer grasped Teyla's hips from behind and the two began to bend and sway in unison oblivious to the other dancers.

        Blinking rapidly, Forsythe looked around for an empty chair. It was going to be a long night.

        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


          SR this fic is sooo endearing, can we know what happens to Forsythe next?


            Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Fluffy Thursday! Though maybe we could rename it Cracky Thursday with SR's latest fic! *howls of laughter* Damn, woman, that was a great wake-up call! Poor Forsythe, he just can't win, can he? LOL!

            Originally posted by gateraid View Post
            1) I know this is old hat for some of us, but which was the episode that absolutely confirmed your Sparkiness?

            38 Minutes made me think of a possible ship (was it SK who used the expression 'taking sparky for a test drive'??) as it played very flirty (as did the Misbegotten scene) but other than that, I guess I found a more general slow burn. Maybe TRW - IDK, you can rationalise the actions there as caring very strongly for someone without it being shippy per se, but it was interesting that it was only Shep that she saw, not a combination of everyone.
            Wasn't me who said that, but it's quite an accurate description.

            ETA (and I can't believe I forgot this): As far as TRW and who Elizabeth saw in her mind, it's my personal canon that Sheppard was able to reach her through the nanites because the nanites were Ancient technology and Sheppard's got his badass ATA gene mad skillz. Why not Rodney or Carson, both of whom have the gene? Rodney's got the gene artificially and he doesn't have the mental instinct/control that Sheppard does; the same goes for Carson, who does have the gene naturally but also doesn't have the level of control that Sheppard does. It's like Elizabeth herself said in Rising: "with concentration and training they can make it work, but John Sheppard, he does it naturally." So that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

            Originally posted by gateraid View Post
            3) We've all grumbled about Common Ground and Conversion not having Sparky closing scenes. What OTHER episode would you have loved to have seen a Sparky moment in (not just the end, but in general) and what would it be?

            BAMSR, as it would mean they found Weir
            I think we can all get behind that!
            Last edited by Scary Kitty; 08 April 2010, 07:52 AM.
            (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
            Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


              LOL, SR, that fic was brilliant! I laughed sooo much!
              Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


                Originally posted by nephtys59 View Post
                SR this fic is sooo endearing, can we know what happens to Forsythe next?
                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Fluffy Thursday! Though maybe we could rename it Cracky Thursday with SR's latest fic! *howls of laughter* Damn, woman, that was a great wake-up call! Poor Forsythe, he just can't win, can he? LOL!

                Wasn't me who said that, but it's quite an accurate description.

                I think we can all get behind that!
                Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
                LOL, SR, that fic was brilliant! I laughed sooo much!
                Thanks guys. Laughter is my intended result. Because characterizing them that way is just so wrong on so many levels. No serious fan of the show would see them like that now would they?

                And poor Forsythe indeed. Wonder if he'll ever get home? Anybody else want to do an Atlantis Variation? Just jump in.

                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                  Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                  Thanks guys. Laughter is my intended result. Because characterizing them that way is just so wrong on so many levels. No serious fan of the show would see them like that now would they?
                  Yeah, a real fan of the show definitely wouldn't be caught dead seeing them like that. *snickers*

                  Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                  And poor Forsythe indeed. Wonder if he'll ever get home? Anybody else want to do an Atlantis Variation? Just jump in.
                  Are you kidding? How could I ever top that? LOL!
                  (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                  Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                    And poor Forsythe indeed. Wonder if he'll ever get home? Anybody else want to do an Atlantis Variation? Just jump in.
                    Well, I wouldn't want him to end like Sam Beckett of Quantum Leap, who never made it back


                      Thank you for the laugh, SR! That was the crackiest crack ever cracked! I really really needed that. (The big decision on work is tomorrow and I am very nervous. )

                      I lovedhow everyone in the story easily figured out "oh it has to be an AU". But John with Ricky Martin shirt? OMG, priceless. And Teyla's shoes, must be something even Lady Gaga would be proud of
                      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                        Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                        Thank you for the laugh, SR! That was the crackiest crack ever cracked! I really really needed that. (The big decision on work is tomorrow and I am very nervous. )

                        I lovedhow everyone in the story easily figured out "oh it has to be an AU". But John with Ricky Martin shirt? OMG, priceless. And Teyla's shoes, must be something even Lady Gaga would be proud of
                        Yeah, the RM shirt was an inspired addition considering the recent news. LOL There could be an infinite number of variations also. What if poor Doctor F wandered into an AU where everybody was cold and humorless and no parties were allowed? Liz and Shep would be at each other's throats, Teyla would be hard to talk to, Rodney would be even crankier etc. Hopefully he won't get stuck there, but I think he'd rather be elsewhere than in his own reality. LOL

                        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                          Yeah, the RM shirt was an inspired addition considering the recent news. LOL There could be an infinite number of variations also. What if poor Doctor F wandered into an AU where everybody was cold and humorless and no parties were allowed? Liz and Shep would be at each other's throats, Teyla would be hard to talk to, Rodney would be even crankier etc. Hopefully he won't get stuck there, but I think he'd rather be elsewhere than in his own reality. LOL
                          Or what if they were all talking penguins? ROTFLMAO. Sorry, couldn't resist.

                          But yeah, I think if Forsythe had a choice, he'd prefer to stay in the "normal" reality.
                          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                            SR that was great. Being crack day, maybe I'll throw up the idea for a "fake" episode I had in mind for our continuation s6 and maybe s7.
                            "I only understand about 1% of what she says half of the time."


                              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                              Or what if they were all talking penguins? ROTFLMAO. Sorry, couldn't resist.
                              Hey, how about talking, flying, fire breathing dragons?
                              I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                                Hey, how about talking, flying, fire breathing dragons?
                                *tries to imagine the spikes on the 'John' dragon's head*

                                *dies laughing*

                                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.

