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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Anuna View Post
    It's all your fault. Discussing stuff with you inspires me.
    Awww...that's one of the nicest things I've ever been told for being nerdy. Thank you!

    And if that's what discussion generates, we must discuss more.
    Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


      Good afternoon, Sparkies! Happy Smutty Tuesday! (though it looks like we're off the smut at the moment... must do something about that... )

      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
      That is correct, one without Torri to begin and then we can add her in later. It doesn't have to be a radically different video. I'd say the actors should be mostly serious. We need a "created by Brad Wright and Robert Cooper" but since we are now doing it we need to add us. We need a short version of "the Sparky thread on GW". Something short and not awkward. Suggestions?
      Hmm, I would think we'd add our credit (I also like "Our Way Productions"), maybe with the SS6 logo, at the very end after the Wright and Cooper credit, so as to say, 'they created it, we're fixing it.' But that's just me.

      And I'm also going to have to vote in favor of keeping the SGA theme music. It's just not the same without it.

      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
      Good point. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, John said something to Nancy in Outcast about not having seen her in 4 years. Now that could mean a lot of things and not necessarily that they only have been divorced for 4 years but I'm betting they divorced right before he went to Antarctica and John was still a bit bruised.
      Yeah, after hearing that line, I also thought John and Nancy divorced right after the Afghanistan Incident/before he went to Antarctica.

      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
      And yeah, we like to pretend Simon never existed. Another bit of bad writing because they originally intended him to be her husband according to Garwin Sanford and later changed their minds. Hmm? I wonder why. I don't think when they initially planned out the pilot they intended to ship Elizabeth with anybody but planned to have her stay with Simon. Which puzzles me even more because that would have been a good way to stop the Sparky speculation. If they were dead set against Sparky, why not make it impossible? Yet, what did they do? They had them flirt outrageously while denying any ship. Sound like a subversive plan to me.
      Indeed. They must've wanted Sparky after all. *snickers*

      Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
      Yes, I agree on the voting thing too.

      HOWEVER--I want this to be clear--TAKE. YOUR. TIME. I don't want anyone's feelings hurt because they whipped up a quick credit slate in a week to beat everybody else and then we vote 'no'. When I say kick*** opening credit, for me, at least, I mean KICK*** OPENING CREDITS. I mean schooling yourself in doing stuff you've never done before and HAVING FUN WITH IT!!!
      Exactly! We haven't even started writing the stories yet. So there is lots and lots of time to work on opening credits videos, more preview videos, artwork, and all that fine stuff. There's no need to rush.

      The discussions on why John and Elizabeth are just so 'in tune' with each other, that they are so much alike in what they want, that Atlantis and their duty come first and they would never ask each other to set that aside just for their relationship... there are so many good messages that I want to save for future reference, but I think you've all nailed it on the head.

      Originally posted by Anuna View Post
      I am experimenting with our characterization and premises. Here's a ficlet based on our discussions - please let me know how you guys like it. It's a John - centered story set in post - Elizabeth - rescue future, and surprisingly, the rating isn't sky high. Yet.

      In some most basic sense John always knew he would end up alone.

      It wasn't frightening. It was a relief after knowing he could have screwed up somebody's life, even if that person claimed she understood, and loved him and didn't want to let go. It was Nancy who packed the bags and left but it was him who ended his marriage. He told her to go.

      Loneliness brought relief.

      He didn't complain about miles and miles of frozen wasteland, and flying over it. While it didn't give him purpose, he was away from doing significant harm. It was a safe status quo he could have kept, but life was never that simple.

      The first thing she gave him back was the purpose – one that was wrapped with life and death responsibility, one that came with weight of the world, where every life they brought with them and every decision they made counted. The galaxy was crashing above their heads and they chances hung on a thin thread of daring hopes and brave escapes and that purpose he didn't fail. He saved lives and offered his own, because that was the right thing to do, that was the one thing he could do. In that purpose he was happy.
      *whimpers and pets John* Poor, lonely John.
      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


        Originally posted by Anuna View Post
        That is a thought to keep. I'm even planning to write a ficlet/fic set in some vague future, not necessarily part of season 6, but something which includes this sort of characterization. For example, I wanted to re write Quarantine for ages now, and have Elizabeth in Carter's place.

        What's so great about Elizabeth and John is that their hearts were at the same place from the very beginning. It's the reason why they bonded, why John felt he could respect her, why he listened to her - because she was as devoted as he was. He is a do good-er, and so is she. Their ideals are somewhat different, hers are more abstract, leading to greater good, and his are personal and tied to his heart, but the result was the same. Atlantis and duty came first, and over that, they bonded very firmly. And after S1 they bonded in subtle, complex, fascinating ways, and their hearts were always at the same place. In that sense, John was always devoted to Elizabeth, because he was devoted to her own devotion, the perfect - imperfect love that always sizzled beneath the surface.

        I love how you point out differences between Elizabeth and Teyla, and I agree. Because Teyla is 'personal' and seeks the emotional connection to lessen her burden, she would ahve difficulty to let John go, when duty comes first and could possibly claim his life. She doesn't have to go through that with Kanaan. But both John and Elizabeth need the freedom to put the duty first. It's an example of upside down logic, but it works for them. Both love the other enough to let them go, and that is a crucial element, that absic and deep respect they have for one another.

        But when Elizabeth is back things do change, or rather have changed. John went through loss so horrible and not completely over and done because of TMC and GitM, and had his heart broken several times. It's like she died several times over. First he has to accept her back and learn to feel safe around her again. And when that happens he has to help her through her breakdown, and when all of that is done, they can re - connect.

        The most important thing in love is acceptance. What other women in john's life wanted from him - and he failed to give - complete devotion to relationship, which would separate him from his purpose and his duty - is one thing Elizabeth doesn't ask, because she is on the same mission. They'd butt heads occasionally, because once they get together they'd need each other and would ahve to find a way to balance the need and feelings with the duty. But ultimately, it's two of them who are set that way, and no other couple. *sigh* I really really need to write something extremely romantic. *goes looking for the muse*
        This discussion is going to get us in trouble I just know it, but I think it's important for our planning the season. That said, I'm not so sure that Teyla wouldn't have been able to let John go. I think she could have shot him in Conversion and TLG if it had come to that.

        But the way she acted in LFP tells me she doesn't get him at all and would continue to manipulate him and expect him to always agree with her. Also in Sateda she put words in his mouth rather than letting him stumble out what he needed to say in his own way. Just sayin'.

        Originally posted by Probie View Post
        Thanks everyone for your support.

        You forgot. It was me who pushed Brad Wright of his boss's chair to designate you as showrunner? I did the hard part. Why don't put at the end of this credit "by our glorious and lovely friend Probie".lol
        Of course I'm kidding. I'm useless (except when we talk about coffee). I started to act like Brad Wright sorry.

        Like "Our Way". But stupid question. I think I missed something. Why we need a credit? We (by "we" I mean "you") will do vids?lol

        Interesting post. Great idea.

        I have to admit. I like the idea of John alone (even when Elizabeth was in the show). It's supid to say it.
        And we thank you darling daughter. I haven't yelled at you all week. But I do need coffee.

        Originally posted by Anuna View Post
        I am experimenting with our characterization and premises. Here's a ficlet based on our discussions - please let me know how you guys like it. It's a John - centered story set in post - Elizabeth - rescue future, and surprisingly, the rating isn't sky high. Yet.

        In some most basic sense John always knew he would end up alone.

        It wasn't frightening. It was a relief after knowing he could have screwed up somebody's life, even if that person claimed she understood, and loved him and didn't want to let go. It was Nancy who packed the bags and left but it was him who ended his marriage. He told her to go.

        Loneliness brought relief.

        He didn't complain about miles and miles of frozen wasteland, and flying over it. While it didn't give him purpose, he was away from doing significant harm. It was a safe status quo he could have kept, but life was never that simple.

        The first thing she gave him back was the purpose – one that was wrapped with life and death responsibility, one that came with weight of the world, where every life they brought with them and every decision they made counted. The galaxy was crashing above their heads and they chances hung on a thin thread of daring hopes and brave escapes and that purpose he didn't fail. He saved lives and offered his own, because that was the right thing to do, that was the one thing he could do. In that purpose he was happy.
        *wipes a tear* Why do I love how John suffers? Reminds me of this song. I know I've seen a vid to this but can't find it.

        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


          Okay, here I have part one. It's angsty, it's all John, it's very mental. it's also very Eri, who keeps inspiring me day in and day out. (I'm loving S6 discussion. It's so wonderful)

          Ficlet, part one:

          In some most basic sense John always knew he would end up alone.

          It wasn't frightening. It was a relief after knowing he could have screwed up somebody's life, even if that person claimed she understood, and loved him and didn't want to let go. It was Nancy who packed the bags and left but it was him who ended his marriage. He told her to go.

          Loneliness brought relief.

          He didn't complain about miles and miles of frozen wasteland, and flying over it. While it didn't give him purpose, he was away from doing significant harm. It was a safe status quo he could have kept, but life was never that simple.

          The first thing she gave him back was the purpose – one that was wrapped with life and death responsibility, one that came with weight of the world, where every life they brought with them and every decision they made counted. The galaxy was crashing above their heads and they chances hung on a thin thread of daring hopes and brave escapes and that purpose he didn't fail. He saved lives and offered his own, because that was the right thing to do, that was the one thing he could do. In that purpose he was happy.

          He knew about the purpose all along. Things he didn't notice, not right away, things that sneaked up on him and caught him off guard were the possible danger. He was content. He was happy. He built himself a home and found a family.

          He had her too – not just a superior, and not solely a friend, but something more, someone indefinitely more important, more significant than that. Someone who got him.




          John was never afraid of death. If anything, it was the end of all thriving, the end of possibilities to make things worse; it meant he couldn't do any good but also he couldn't harm anyone any more. Giving his life to save another wasn't a tragedy. John savored life and living, but he firmly believed that his life came with a purpose and a price.

          Death brought peace, but in this life he wasn't destined to have it.


          John felt that uncomfortable shift within him when he saw her sitting near the large french door, overlooking the balcony and the ocean outside. It was always her favorite spot, solitary and sunny, a small piece of freedom for briefest of times within a day. Lately the days have been long; possibly longer to her than to him. She was always a person of purpose, much like him, and ever since she was back – ever since they got her back – she didn't have one.

          John was always comfortable around her, and rationally he knew it was her, real her, flesh and blood and controllable, completely biological nanites. Rationally, he knew the sky wouldn't come crashing down on them. Nobody would take her away any more.

          Hesitantly he came closer and she looked up at him and his lunch tray with a faint smile. John sat down, wondering if time could simply reset itself to some previous point; just sitting down and sharing the lunch and the sunshine as the last two years faded somewhere in the background of his mind. He probably should settle and accept the better outcome, and sleep peacefully, because she was safe and whole and be a happy man for it and for bringing her here. But at the same time he felt cheated and tricked, with that overwhelming, grave sense of loss still clutching at his chest, and she, Elizabeth, she couldn't tell him what to do with it now.

          They said, be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.

          Eventually, the words died out. They fell flat and fall into the cracks between them and made them all the more obvious, and hurt more. She was gone and he had to say goodbye to her so many times, too many times a man should bear in a single lifetime. But in the silence he could settle, even for a little bit, and it felt easier than words and simpler than accepting. He looked at her, as long as he could bear it, and then looked away, to gaze out and onto the ocean. The sunlight was warm, the glow of it leaving him pacified, if only for a moment when he was truly and deceptively safe and in the quiet of the sunset they were gazing in the same direction.
          I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


            Originally posted by Anuna View Post
            There is a problem, though. I don't know how to work in the saving of Kate. I mean, i have an idea, but I fear it's not plausible, so I wouldn't mind your suggestions.
            What's your idea and what can we do to make it possible?
            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


              Originally posted by Anuna View Post
              Okay, here I have part one. It's angsty, it's all John, it's very mental. it's also very Eri, who keeps inspiring me day in and day out. (I'm loving S6 discussion. It's so wonderful)

              Ficlet, part one:

              In some most basic sense John always knew he would end up alone.

              It wasn't frightening. It was a relief after knowing he could have screwed up somebody's life, even if that person claimed she understood, and loved him and didn't want to let go. It was Nancy who packed the bags and left but it was him who ended his marriage. He told her to go.

              Loneliness brought relief.

              He didn't complain about miles and miles of frozen wasteland, and flying over it. While it didn't give him purpose, he was away from doing significant harm. It was a safe status quo he could have kept, but life was never that simple.

              The first thing she gave him back was the purpose – one that was wrapped with life and death responsibility, one that came with weight of the world, where every life they brought with them and every decision they made counted. The galaxy was crashing above their heads and they chances hung on a thin thread of daring hopes and brave escapes and that purpose he didn't fail. He saved lives and offered his own, because that was the right thing to do, that was the one thing he could do. In that purpose he was happy.

              He knew about the purpose all along. Things he didn't notice, not right away, things that sneaked up on him and caught him off guard were the possible danger. He was content. He was happy. He built himself a home and found a family.

              He had her too – not just a superior, and not solely a friend, but something more, someone indefinitely more important, more significant than that. Someone who got him.




              John was never afraid of death. If anything, it was the end of all thriving, the end of possibilities to make things worse; it meant he couldn't do any good but also he couldn't harm anyone any more. Giving his life to save another wasn't a tragedy. John savored life and living, but he firmly believed that his life came with a purpose and a price.

              Death brought peace, but in this life he wasn't destined to have it.


              John felt that uncomfortable shift within him when he saw her sitting near the large french door, overlooking the balcony and the ocean outside. It was always her favorite spot, solitary and sunny, a small piece of freedom for briefest of times within a day. Lately the days have been long; possibly longer to her than to him. She was always a person of purpose, much like him, and ever since she was back – ever since they got her back – she didn't have one.

              John was always comfortable around her, and rationally he knew it was her, real her, flesh and blood and controllable, completely biological nanites. Rationally, he knew the sky wouldn't come crashing down on them. Nobody would take her away any more.

              Hesitantly he came closer and she looked up at him and his lunch tray with a faint smile. John sat down, wondering if time could simply reset itself to some previous point; just sitting down and sharing the lunch and the sunshine as the last two years faded somewhere in the background of his mind. He probably should settle and accept the better outcome, and sleep peacefully, because she was safe and whole and be a happy man for it and for bringing her here. But at the same time he felt cheated and tricked, with that overwhelming, grave sense of loss still clutching at his chest, and she, Elizabeth, she couldn't tell him what to do with it now.

              They said, be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.

              Eventually, the words died out. They fell flat and fall into the cracks between them and made them all the more obvious, and hurt more. She was gone and he had to say goodbye to her so many times, too many times a man should bear in a single lifetime. But in the silence he could settle, even for a little bit, and it felt easier than words and simpler than accepting. He looked at her, as long as he could bear it, and then looked away, to gaze out and onto the ocean. The sunlight was warm, the glow of it leaving him pacified, if only for a moment when he was truly and deceptively safe and in the quiet of the sunset they were gazing in the same direction.
              Ahhh! I loved that! What a lovely ficlet. I love the descriptions. And I love the way John views 'the return', that's pretty much what I picture it'll be for him, all twisted up because he doesn't know what to think.

              How is it Pandora pops up "My Immortal" right as I finish reading that? @_@

              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
              This discussion is going to get us in trouble I just know it, but I think it's important for our planning the season. That said, I'm not so sure that Teyla wouldn't have been able to let John go. I think she could have shot him in Conversion and TLG if it had come to that.

              But the way she acted in LFP tells me she doesn't get him at all and would continue to manipulate him and expect him to always agree with her. Also in Sateda she put words in his mouth rather than letting him stumble out what he needed to say in his own way. Just sayin'.

              And we thank you darling daughter. I haven't yelled at you all week. But I do need coffee.

              *wipes a tear* Why do I love how John suffers? Reminds me of this song. I know I've seen a vid to this but can't find it.
              We're all a little sadistic in wanting John to suffer.

              I hope not. This is totally relevant to our Sparky Season 6 discussion. But if we do we'll move the discussion to the comm, because these ideas are good for maintain canon.
              Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                We're all a little sadistic in wanting John to suffer.
                Not just John.... I scare myself when I realize how much I love whumpage of all varieties...
                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                  Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                  What's your idea and what can we do to make it possible?
                  My idea is that this ancient device Teyla is trapped in is somehow the cause of Kate's rescue.
                  Perhaps it's a twisted genie in the bottle scenario - where Teyla literally walks into that bottle and the genie is a weird, eccentric, not entirelly benevolent (ascended) ancient woman who tells her this device grants her one wish, one thing in her life changed. She can take her pick, and if she wants to be certain, she can even try out several scenarios - a limited number of them. Three? Five?

                  She tries to change the events that have made her life more difficult, or that brought her loss (losing Elizabeth and Charing), or things she wonders about (John), but all of those somehow turn out worse for the people she is trying to save (for example, Charin becoming ever more dependant on medicine, and feeling unhappy, because she believes her life should come to a natural end and that reaching that point is a blessing.)

                  Teyla begins to realize she shoudln't try to "fix" her life against her own wise choices (John) or other people's choices (Elizabeth's sacrifice, Charin's choice to die) will not bring her happiness. But she has to make a choice and change something, and then she chooses to save Kate (and while doing so, Teyla doesn't know if that will turn out right, but hopes it will, because Kate didn't die by her own choice, and frankly, IMO, it was a stupid, stupid move by PTB. Elizabeth's scarifice did have meaning and purpose and the way Adrift/Lifeline are written, it is Elizabeth's choice, so, not something Teyla should be changing. However, PTB should have brought her back in a grand, glorious, let's - save - our - leader scenario.

                  That's my idea. *hides*
                  I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                    Well, that's a pretty deep (as in thought about it for a long time) idea, you know with the choices... and I wouldn't say it's not possible.I'm sure it can be done and/or is possible... and I'm not saying this because I would love to see Kate saved. I really mean it.

                    Of course, whenever this idea is incorporated into any sort of series on TV it always ends with the person doesn't have a choice, it's just their time to go... ... and that's not helping.
                    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                      What's your idea and what can we do to make it possible?
                      Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                      My idea is that this ancient device Teyla is trapped in is somehow the cause of Kate's rescue.
                      Perhaps it's a twisted genie in the bottle scenario - where Teyla literally walks into that bottle and the genie is a weird, eccentric, not entirelly benevolent (ascended) ancient woman who tells her this device grants her one wish, one thing in her life changed. She can take her pick, and if she wants to be certain, she can even try out several scenarios - a limited number of them. Three? Five?

                      She tries to change the events that have made her life more difficult, or that brought her loss (losing Elizabeth and Charing), or things she wonders about (John), but all of those somehow turn out worse for the people she is trying to save (for example, Charin becoming ever more dependant on medicine, and feeling unhappy, because she believes her life should come to a natural end and that reaching that point is a blessing.)

                      Teyla begins to realize she shoudln't try to "fix" her life against her own wise choices (John) or other people's choices (Elizabeth's sacrifice, Charin's choice to die) will not bring her happiness. But she has to make a choice and change something, and then she chooses to save Kate (and while doing so, Teyla doesn't know if that will turn out right, but hopes it will, because Kate didn't die by her own choice, and frankly, IMO, it was a stupid, stupid move by PTB. Elizabeth's scarifice did have meaning and purpose and the way Adrift/Lifeline are written, it is Elizabeth's choice, so, not something Teyla should be changing. However, PTB should have brought her back in a grand, glorious, let's - save - our - leader scenario.

                      That's my idea. *hides*
                      I think it's a good idea!

                      What I might suggest, in keeping in line with the way Ancient-y type things were done, is that this is 'genie' is not a real person/Ascended, but a program designed by the Ancients to look like a genie, doing just what you suggest. Since the Ancients could pretty much do anything with their tech, I don't think it's implausible to find there's a sort of quantum mirror thingy that works to shift portions of timelines.

                      Maybe the Genie is Janus (we could bring his actor back too!) since he loved to screw with timelines.
                      Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                        Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                        Ahhh! I loved that! What a lovely ficlet. I love the descriptions. And I love the way John views 'the return', that's pretty much what I picture it'll be for him, all twisted up because he doesn't know what to think.

                        How is it Pandora pops up "My Immortal" right as I finish reading that? @_@

                        Yikes! That is a fitting song to what we're discussing.

                        And if you have to leave, I wish that you would just leave
                        Your presence still lingers here and it won't leave me alone

                        These wounds won't seem to heal, this pain is just too real
                        There's just too much that time cannot erase
                        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                          This discussion is going to get us in trouble I just know it, but I think it's important for our planning the season. That said, I'm not so sure that Teyla wouldn't have been able to let John go. I think she could have shot him in Conversion and TLG if it had come to that.

                          But the way she acted in LFP tells me she doesn't get him at all and would continue to manipulate him and expect him to always agree with her. Also in Sateda she put words in his mouth rather than letting him stumble out what he needed to say in his own way. Just sayin'.
                          And admittedly, in the cases of Conversion and TLG, she would have done so because of the danger posed to Atlantis. So she'd be doing what he would have wanted, but it's not an instinctive thought to her, like it is to Elizabeth.

                          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                          *wipes a tear* Why do I love how John suffers? Reminds me of this song. I know I've seen a vid to this but can't find it.
                          Because John is exquisite in his agony. And we all do enjoy such things of beauty, do we not?

                          Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                          My idea is that this ancient device Teyla is trapped in is somehow the cause of Kate's rescue.
                          Perhaps it's a twisted genie in the bottle scenario - where Teyla literally walks into that bottle and the genie is a weird, eccentric, not entirelly benevolent (ascended) ancient woman who tells her this device grants her one wish, one thing in her life changed. She can take her pick, and if she wants to be certain, she can even try out several scenarios - a limited number of them. Three? Five?

                          She tries to change the events that have made her life more difficult, or that brought her loss (losing Elizabeth and Charing), or things she wonders about (John), but all of those somehow turn out worse for the people she is trying to save (for example, Charin becoming ever more dependant on medicine, and feeling unhappy, because she believes her life should come to a natural end and that reaching that point is a blessing.)

                          Teyla begins to realize she shoudln't try to "fix" her life against her own wise choices (John) or other people's choices (Elizabeth's sacrifice, Charin's choice to die) will not bring her happiness. But she has to make a choice and change something, and then she chooses to save Kate (and while doing so, Teyla doesn't know if that will turn out right, but hopes it will, because Kate didn't die by her own choice, and frankly, IMO, it was a stupid, stupid move by PTB. Elizabeth's scarifice did have meaning and purpose and the way Adrift/Lifeline are written, it is Elizabeth's choice, so, not something Teyla should be changing. However, PTB should have brought her back in a grand, glorious, let's - save - our - leader scenario.

                          That's my idea. *hides*
                          that's kinda brutal, making it be a not-so-nice ascended. Though I wonder, would that even be possible, given the rules the ascended have about not interfering with mortal matters? Perhaps it could be an artificial intelligence that's running the machine instead.

                          Another thought I had was that the machine could've been created to pose a test of some kind, of what one was willing to give up to have 'one's heart's desire,' or something like that. And when Teyla decides that she prefers her current reality to the alternate choices she's been presented with, the machine "rewards" her belief in herself by giving back to her something that improves the current reality without messing up anything else that happened: Kate.

                          And Anuna? That little ficlet of yours is killing me! Poor, poor John and Elizabeth! *whimpers* It's very poetic in its language, almost like it's lulling the reader into a dream. Like John himself is in a kind of dream, with the way he's thinking about how Elizabeth. *sighs*
                          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                            My Immortal lends itself well for tragic ships... or those that have a tragic history, or dramatic ships... or...well, you get the idea.

                            I used it for a Kate/Elizabeth vid, which involved Fleur/Erika bits from Forever Knight.

                            Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                            Maybe the Genie is Janus (we could bring his actor back too!) since he loved to screw with timelines.
                            That would be awesome.

                            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                            Another thought I had was that the machine could've been created to pose a test of some kind, of what one was willing to give up to have 'one's heart's desire,' or something like that. And when Teyla decides that she prefers her current reality to the alternate choices she's been presented with, the machine "rewards" her belief in herself by giving back to her something that improves the current reality without messing up anything else that happened: Kate.
                            *bounces excitedly*

                            THAT. IS. GENIUS!!!

                            Well, it's a ... good thinking...

                            It's like when time changes, it tries to keep people together.It will try to compensate for other changes. Or something like that....
                            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                              Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                              Okay, here I have part one. It's angsty, it's all John, it's very mental. it's also very Eri, who keeps inspiring me day in and day out. (I'm loving S6 discussion. It's so wonderful)

                              Ficlet, part one:

                              In some most basic sense John always knew he would end up alone.

                              It wasn't frightening. It was a relief after knowing he could have screwed up somebody's life, even if that person claimed she understood, and loved him and didn't want to let go. It was Nancy who packed the bags and left but it was him who ended his marriage. He told her to go.

                              Loneliness brought relief.

                              He didn't complain about miles and miles of frozen wasteland, and flying over it. While it didn't give him purpose, he was away from doing significant harm. It was a safe status quo he could have kept, but life was never that simple.

                              The first thing she gave him back was the purpose – one that was wrapped with life and death responsibility, one that came with weight of the world, where every life they brought with them and every decision they made counted. The galaxy was crashing above their heads and they chances hung on a thin thread of daring hopes and brave escapes and that purpose he didn't fail. He saved lives and offered his own, because that was the right thing to do, that was the one thing he could do. In that purpose he was happy.

                              He knew about the purpose all along. Things he didn't notice, not right away, things that sneaked up on him and caught him off guard were the possible danger. He was content. He was happy. He built himself a home and found a family.

                              He had her too – not just a superior, and not solely a friend, but something more, someone indefinitely more important, more significant than that. Someone who got him.




                              John was never afraid of death. If anything, it was the end of all thriving, the end of possibilities to make things worse; it meant he couldn't do any good but also he couldn't harm anyone any more. Giving his life to save another wasn't a tragedy. John savored life and living, but he firmly believed that his life came with a purpose and a price.

                              Death brought peace, but in this life he wasn't destined to have it.


                              John felt that uncomfortable shift within him when he saw her sitting near the large french door, overlooking the balcony and the ocean outside. It was always her favorite spot, solitary and sunny, a small piece of freedom for briefest of times within a day. Lately the days have been long; possibly longer to her than to him. She was always a person of purpose, much like him, and ever since she was back – ever since they got her back – she didn't have one.

                              John was always comfortable around her, and rationally he knew it was her, real her, flesh and blood and controllable, completely biological nanites. Rationally, he knew the sky wouldn't come crashing down on them. Nobody would take her away any more.

                              Hesitantly he came closer and she looked up at him and his lunch tray with a faint smile. John sat down, wondering if time could simply reset itself to some previous point; just sitting down and sharing the lunch and the sunshine as the last two years faded somewhere in the background of his mind. He probably should settle and accept the better outcome, and sleep peacefully, because she was safe and whole and be a happy man for it and for bringing her here. But at the same time he felt cheated and tricked, with that overwhelming, grave sense of loss still clutching at his chest, and she, Elizabeth, she couldn't tell him what to do with it now.

                              They said, be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.

                              Eventually, the words died out. They fell flat and fall into the cracks between them and made them all the more obvious, and hurt more. She was gone and he had to say goodbye to her so many times, too many times a man should bear in a single lifetime. But in the silence he could settle, even for a little bit, and it felt easier than words and simpler than accepting. He looked at her, as long as he could bear it, and then looked away, to gaze out and onto the ocean. The sunlight was warm, the glow of it leaving him pacified, if only for a moment when he was truly and deceptively safe and in the quiet of the sunset they were gazing in the same direction.
                              Oh, love it! SK described it very well when she called it dream-like.

                              Eri, I would have greened you for the awesome analysis of John/Liz but I couldn't, so mental green!

                              I also add my vote for keeping the original music for the credits.

                              Let's see, what else...

                              I'd go with an AI for the BOD device instead of an Ascended, but I like the giving choices to explore the different pathways her life could have taken.
                              Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


                                Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                                I think it's a good idea!

                                What I might suggest, in keeping in line with the way Ancient-y type things were done, is that this is 'genie' is not a real person/Ascended, but a program designed by the Ancients to look like a genie, doing just what you suggest. Since the Ancients could pretty much do anything with their tech, I don't think it's implausible to find there's a sort of quantum mirror thingy that works to shift portions of timelines.

                                Maybe the Genie is Janus (we could bring his actor back too!) since he loved to screw with timelines.
                                Janus and a variation on the Quantum Mirror? Ooooh, I like this!

                                Plus, you know, Janus just rocks and all that.

                                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                                *bounces excitedly*

                                THAT. IS. GENIUS!!!

                                Well, it's a ... good thinking...

                                It's like when time changes, it tries to keep people together.It will try to compensate for other changes. Or something like that....
                                Makes sense to me.
                                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.

