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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    15 years. Wow! Congratulations.
    Originally posted by cuttingonions View Post

    *nudge all the writers here*
    Can we have fic?
    Thank you!
    Signature by Erin87


      Well, I've fallen behind... again. Geez, ya'll are naughty... cuttingonions I see your mind is in the gutter, you'll fit right in. And all the vids have been good. For ya'll vid makers I have a suggestion for a vid using a cool l'il tune by Joan Jett called Fantasy.
      "I only understand about 1% of what she says half of the time."


        Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
        Made a little something from my con pics to celebrate the Sparky Summer 2010.
        Squee! Love this!!

        Originally posted by Anuna View Post
        People, I am in such cra*py mood, I can't take the sad ones any more.

        Here be something wacky. I adore this one, it may be among my top ten sparky vids EVER - by our very own Erin!

        Top ten EVER??!! Wow! *huge grin* Thanks, 'Nuna!

        Originally posted by Anuna View Post
        Hehe, definitely! You make such nice videos! I wish my vidding software would cooperate with me. I used to make lots of videos. *sigh*

        I guess I stumbled upon another sad video - and it's perfect and brilliant:


        The bond between them is canon, no matter how you interpret it. I mean, there's just too much of everything between two of them. Damn you, show.
        Ooo, I love that vid!

        Originally posted by gateraid View Post
        btw, I been meaning to say this for a while, but your/Erin's sig is AWESOME. I love it. Plus it's one of the few good shots of Atlantis in space
        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
        Erin did a fantastic job on her sig banners, didn't she? I agree, that shot of Atlantis in space is gorgeous... I think it's from the end of First Strike.
        *blushes and bows* Thanks guys!

        Originally posted by cuttingonions View Post

        I'm finishing the conversion (from BMP to JPG) so I can upload the zip (I usually cap in BMP and never put in JPG because... I don't really mind enormous files). The BMP file would turn out with +3GB, the JPG ~400MB
        As soon as is up, I'll post the link. It shouldn't take long

        You're welcome!
        AND NOW I CAN HAVE A SPARKY SIGNATURE TOO. I wonder if it is working *posts and check*
        Great sig!

        Originally posted by nephtys59 View Post
        Feeling romantic today and decided to make a romantic banner as well:

        Words come from a Steve Perry's song.

        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
        *huggles Probie* I'm glad you're not leaving! *clings* I know it's really frustrating when things turn nasty. Safer to stay here. *more hugs*

        I've been looking at getting the Bamboo Fun... which Bamboo tablet are you two using? How do you like it?
        *joins in with belated hugs to Probie* So glad you're not leaving forever!

        I've been wanting a tablet for a while now and I looked at the Bamboo Fun... Seeing all the awesome art on deviantArt makes me want one so I can more easily color my stuff soooo bad!!! Cause while I can technically do it now, my mouse drawing/coloring skills suck so I have to use a selection tool and then bucket fill. The results turn out okay, but it's a bit of a pain and it takes FOREVER. I'm thinking that a tablet would be much easier and more efficient once I got the hang of it.

        Originally posted by cuttingonions View Post
        Oh when I was a little kid - 4~6 years - I had about 9 cats, 1 dog, baby chickens, baby ducks and baby cows. lol
        The cows didn't used to live with us (lived with grandpa), but the other animals used to live in our backyard. Lol, it was awesome.

        Hmm... and now I want Sparky fic with pets. John giving elizabeth a puppy or a kitty cat :3
        Any rec?
        *gets sudden incredible urge to draw a cute fluffy pic of John giving Liz a kitten!!* I know they probably would have a dog, but I'm a cat person myself (have 3; I do love dogs though!). So yeah, the kitten wins the drawing.

        Originally posted by SMB_BOOKS View Post
        In honor of my 15th anniversary at work today, I'm dropping off 3 "5 Times" fic prompts for the Sparky crew. Wish I had time and creativity to tackle these myself, but alas, I am fresh out of both, so CHEERS to whoever picks these up!

        5 Times John & Elizabeth Get Caught In A Storm
        5 Times Elizabeth Calls John's Bluff
        5 Times John Chases Elizabeth
        Yays for SMB prompts! I'm really thinking the storm one has potential... *wishes for time and looks at list of projects* I'll see if I can squeeze it in. It's been so looonngg since I've written fic (or, well, anything to be honest). *scowls and kicks muse for taking a seemingly permanent sabbatical*

        And great gifs, CO!!

        I'm looking forward to our 100K celebration and will definitely try and have stuff to contribute.

        *looks back* Whew!! All caught up!! *fistpump* It's such a nice feeling.
        Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


          Originally posted by cuttingonions View Post
          Finnaly in the nice, almost fast computer
          You know, in that slo-mo you can totally see John press Elizabeth closer there at the end. Just sayin'.

          And now for something totally OT:

          Castle at Comic Con. These are so cute!!!

          This is mostly Nathan and Stana reading from Heat Wave:

          Most of the cast is in this one, but what I love is what Molly is wearing:

          I'm still looking for a clip. I read where this 4-year-old dressed like Malcolm Reynoldes went up to the panel and shook Nathan's hand! I guess the whole audience just loved him.
          sig by SueKay

          My Team:


            Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
            Hi everybody!!

            Woah. I go away for a week and there's soooooo much catching up to do!! Congrats, Sparkies on our wonderful post count! I think I'm going to have to do my replying in parts.
            *glomps Erin* Long time, no see!

            Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
            I think them finding our revamped Atlantis version of the kinos could work well in 'Day in the Life of Rodney McKay'. Since Zelenka has a larger role in that ep it would have to be some other minor character, but I can see the pair (whoever they are) being all excited and coming up and bugging him about it every loop. He might think it's interesting at first but eventually he just gets annoyed (typical time loop behavior). I picture a Rodney temper tantrum and the new kino getting snatched, thrown, and stomped on. Maybe he is struck by a fit of brilliance one loop and just snatches it out of the discoverer's hand and attempts to use it to solve his problem (unsuccessfully of course).

            I'm thinking of it as kind of a comic relief sidenote (like the Teal'c and the guy with the door in Window of Opportunity), but I suppose it could also be worked into the bigger plot should the need or opinon demand it.
            Hahahaha! That could be fun!

            Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
            I've been wanting a tablet for a while now and I looked at the Bamboo Fun... Seeing all the awesome art on deviantArt makes me want one so I can more easily color my stuff soooo bad!!! Cause while I can technically do it now, my mouse drawing/coloring skills suck so I have to use a selection tool and then bucket fill. The results turn out okay, but it's a bit of a pain and it takes FOREVER. I'm thinking that a tablet would be much easier and more efficient once I got the hang of it.
            You and me both! Ugh, I hate coloring stuff with a mouse!

            Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
            You know, in that slo-mo you can totally see John press Elizabeth closer there at the end. Just sayin'.
            Yup yup... see, it's like I said, John is totally thinking dirty thoughts about his boss! Forget Tuesday... every day is Smut Day on the Sparky thread!
            (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
            Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


              those were some nice gifs.
              especially the one with the hug, I never noticed John's tounge flick out like that before. lol


                Originally posted by VampyreWraith View Post
                those were some nice gifs.
                especially the one with the hug, I never noticed John's tounge flick out like that before. lol
                We call it tongue!porn. John does it a lot. Especially when Elizabeth is around. 'Cause, you know, he's hungry. Yeah, that's it.
                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                  Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                  We call it tongue!porn. John does it a lot. Especially when Elizabeth is around. 'Cause, you know, he's hungry. Yeah, that's it.
                  lol, i've seen him lick his lips like that before, I've just never noticed it before during the hug. Oh yeah hes really, um...hungry while hugging elizabeth. hungry for loving lol

                  and totally OT but my baby kitty just fell asleep sucking my finger, lol. hes too cute.


                    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                    Yup, got 'em. I've just been really busy all weekend, and today I'm not feeling well. So catching up on stuff is going slowly.
                    Take your time, I just wanted to make sure

                    Originally posted by cuttingonions View Post
                    Finnaly in the nice, almost fast computer

                    *hugs thread*
                    Also, tongue!porn from John!
                    Dude, clear up your mind... she just wanted to give you a hug!
                    Guess I wasn't the only one thinking that she was going to kiss him
                    Haha, I think that besides John, every person watching thought she was going to kiss him... even the non-Sparkies

                    Originally posted by cuttingonions View Post
                    And this, John. This is why I love you.

                    Is not because you're hot. Not at all

                    So much love for 'Lizabeth! Dying of embarrassment!!!! *hyperventilates*

                    I bet John jumped in 'Lizabeth right after Cadwell left

                    *makes more*
                    Those are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! *flails*

                    Originally posted by cuttingonions View Post
                    HEY YOU TWO. YES, YOU TWO IN THAT GIF.

                    GET A ROOM.

                    Oh, wait.
                    What's up with all those clothes then?
                    I never before noticed the small nods... not like that anyway.
                    Love it!!

                    Originally posted by cuttingonions View Post
                    You need a cold shower, don't you?


                    John needs...
                    ZOMG!!!! Eyes(ex) travelling down their bodies... dang!! They're so hot for each other!!
                    *hugs Sparky*
                    And thank you so much for doing these!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are brilliant!!!!!!!!!!
                    The one you forgot was the angst scene in The Siege... if you want to do angst

                    Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
                    And now for something totally OT:
                    Castle at Comic Con. These are so cute!!!

                    This is mostly Nathan and Stana reading from Heat Wave:

                    Most of the cast is in this one, but what I love is what Molly is wearing:

                    I'm still looking for a clip. I read where this 4-year-old dressed like Malcolm Reynoldes went up to the panel and shook Nathan's hand! I guess the whole audience just loved him.
                    Will have to see those when I get home from work tonight.

                    Originally posted by VampyreWraith View Post
                    lol, i've seen him lick his lips like that before, I've just never noticed it before during the hug. Oh yeah hes really, um...hungry while hugging elizabeth. hungry for loving lol

                    and totally OT but my baby kitty just fell asleep sucking my finger, lol. hes too cute.
                    Ooh, John really is constantly licking his lips when Elizabeth's close
                    Subconsciousness and all that

                    awwwwwwwwwww, that kitty sounds adorable!!!!

                    Sig by me


                      my new kitty is now my profile pic, you can't really tell how tiny he is though from that, he can fit in a shoe, lol.


                        Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                        Are there still people who have dial-up??
                        Yep, it's not uncommon herre, especially in rural areas. Unless you have it via cable, the price is fairly steep. I'm considering going back to it coz most dial up plans aren't capped, and I keep going over my limit.

                        Originally posted by Probie View Post
                        Cutty, you're Brazilian. This means I can practise my portuguese with you. Eu sou estúpido. notei a sua nacionalidade que agora.
                        que a foda é você dois que falam sobre?

                        NB I put that into the online translator

                        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                        Oh, that's not so good.

                        Right now, the new addition is looking all cute and innocent asleep. But earlier she behaved like a menace. I'm starting to wonder if maybe we should have picked another name than Saphira for this one.

                        We just watched Eragon - it could be possible we picked the name up from there, cause we realized too late that Vauxhall/Opel (car brand) has a car in their line-up by the name of Zafira. Oops!

                        Pictures will have to wait cause I'm left with no camera - and so far it's been hard to get her to sit still long enough to use my laptops webcam.
                        I guess you can't do like they did with Eragon (I'm guessing, I don't know anything about the movie) and change the d to an e. It only works for Dragon

                        Originally posted by cuttingonions View Post
                        Finnaly in the nice, almost fast computer

                        *hugs thread*
                        Also, tongue!porn from John!
                        Dude, clear up your mind... she just wanted to give you a hug!
                        Guess I wasn't the only one thinking that she was going to kiss him
                        I've never noticed the tongue in that shot either. But it's not something I'd look for either. What I did notice from that gif is how much she envelops him in that hug. She brings herself up to his level, rather than simply putting her head against his chest.

                        As an aside to that, I've read a lot of fics that describe Weir as tall. From what I've gathered at the cons, Torri is 5"9. I don't consider this tall for a lady - do I live in a nation of Amazon's or something?

                        Originally posted by cuttingonions View Post
                        You need a cold shower, don't you?


                        John needs...
                        I LOVE that scene/gif. Elizabeth fully gives him a "wait here, I'm gonna go put Caldwell in his place" look, and John gives a "she's gonna pwn him" response. What was it we decided on - Sparky: More than meets the eyesex

                        Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
                        <snip>*blushes and bows* Thanks guys!
                        Take another bow, I really like that one. And welcome back


                          Originally posted by VampyreWraith View Post
                          my new kitty is now my profile pic, you can't really tell how tiny he is though from that, he can fit in a shoe, lol.
                          *diez of cuteness*

                          Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                          Yep, it's not uncommon herre, especially in rural areas. Unless you have it via cable, the price is fairly steep. I'm considering going back to it coz most dial up plans aren't capped, and I keep going over my limit.
                          but... but... isn't dail-up insanely slow??

                          Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                          As an aside to that, I've read a lot of fics that describe Weir as tall. From what I've gathered at the cons, Torri is 5"9. I don't consider this tall for a lady - do I live in a nation of Amazon's or something?
                          I'm 5"7, so she's taller than me
                          I think it's her long lean legs that make her look taller than she actually is.

                          Sig by me


                            Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                            *diez of cuteness*

                            but... but... isn't dail-up insanely slow??
                            So am I, we work together perfectly It was a bit frustrating the last time I was on it, but you get used to it after a while. And our broadband here is not considered particularly fast by international standards.

                            I'm 5"7, so she's taller than me
                            I think it's her long lean legs that make her look taller than she actually is.
                            IIRC, when they filmed the LOTR's here, the casting requirements to be a hobbit were anyone less than 1.57m (5"6 I think). I remember this because my boss's wife at the time was that exact height - she got a lot of stick from us as you could imagine. Take from that what you will. Most girls I know are at least level with my shoulders. Obviously there are shorter ones, but not that many. It may be the jokes about their height that scare them off But don't worry, I'm an equal opportunity offender

                            So what height is Joe/John? He's not that much taller than her. 6 foot/1.83m?

                            Edited to add: Joe is indeed six feet tall. Basically the same height as me That's if imdb is accurate - some of it didn't seem correct, but given that I don't know Joe at all, I'm hardly in a postion to comment
                            Last edited by gateraid; 27 July 2010, 02:37 AM. Reason: additional info


                              Originally posted by pkprd869 View Post
                              Well, I've fallen behind... again. Geez, ya'll are naughty... cuttingonions I see your mind is in the gutter, you'll fit right in.
                              Thank you

                              Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
                              *gets sudden incredible urge to draw a cute fluffy pic of John giving Liz a kitten!!* I know they probably would have a dog, but I'm a cat person myself (have 3; I do love dogs though!). So yeah, the kitten wins the drawing.
                              DO IT!!!!!!!

                              Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
                              You know, in that slo-mo you can totally see John press Elizabeth closer there at the end. Just sayin'.
                              Oh John, so obvious.

                              Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
                              And now for something totally OT:

                              Castle at Comic Con. These are so cute!!!

                              This is mostly Nathan and Stana reading from Heat Wave:

                              Most of the cast is in this one, but what I love is what Molly is wearing:

                              I'm still looking for a clip. I read where this 4-year-old dressed like Malcolm Reynoldes went up to the panel and shook Nathan's hand! I guess the whole audience just loved him.
                              I love Castle!!! Thank you for sharing!

                              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                              Yup yup... see, it's like I said, John is totally thinking dirty thoughts about his boss! Forget Tuesday... every day is Smut Day on the Sparky thread!
                              I have a icon that says it too
                              (But then, it fits all my ships... lol)

                              Originally posted by VampyreWraith View Post
                              those were some nice gifs.
                              especially the one with the hug, I never noticed John's tounge flick out like that before. lol
                              Dirty John thinking dirty thoughts

                              I love this green smiley thingy


                                Originally posted by cuttingonions View Post
                                Probie, sim! Brasileira! Só mudei minha nacionalidade aqui no fórum ontem. Não podia mexer no meu perfil por ser recente.
                                Sparky in portuguese!
                                See? Another reason to not leave this thread
                                I can teach you dirty words in portuguese
                                Don't worry. I already know dirty words in portuguese. My dad teached me
                                I'm happy to see I'm not alone.
                                Originally posted by gateraid View Post

                                que a foda é você dois que falam sobre?
                                Oh you said a dirty word. I will stop talking in portuguese....but I can speak in french or spanish if you

                                Hey cutty, your gifs are excellent. The one with the hug is my favorite. I never really paid attention to John's face (bad thing for a sparky lol) and now I can see it.

                                Erin: I will stay. I cleaned my contacts, do what many of you said about PMs and my other problems in RL are solved for the moment. My mind is in
                                Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!

