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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
    I really like this wp of BlueBanrigh's. It contains the hug frm Seige 3.

    And I'm quite fond of this manip.

    And I forget who made it so apologies, and if you're here please let me know so I can credit.

    While I've got PB open, I might aswell post these lovely caps from TRW.

    Ooooo that wallpaper is awesomeness...and that manip as well is very cute

    Thanks for the caps.

    Haha my mum just did the latest Atlantis quiz on me. I passed with pretty much flying colours. Only got about 5 wrong...or 4 and a half.
    There was a question though that said 'John Sheppard has a flirtatious relationship with which of his fellow team members?' So I said Elizabeth. The answer was Teyla. Seriously open to interpretation. Even if someone doesn't ship for Sparky they have to acknowledge that they do flirt. I mean if will be different for ever person who answers it. Some people will see the flirting with Teyla and some with Liz and some will see both.
    My mum wouldn't give me the point lol. I sulked. Then later there was a question about guessing the quote and one of them was:
    "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm sure you'll both agree the paper work on this is going to be a nightmare... especially that kiss."
    I was all squeeable after that. I was like OMG THE LONG GOODBYE! Just to prove I know my Sparky eps inside out

    Anyhow. That is all I have to say for now. It's very quiet in here tonight.

    livejournal l My Heroes l Shep l Elizabeth l Rodney l Michael l Smile!
    ~You are who you choose to be~


      Wow, this is LOVELY!!! The manip and the wallpaper - I LOVE IT!!! Just what I need about now (writing a fanfic! Yey!!)

      A very big thank you!!!

      EDIT - Saz, about your quiz - I would answer the question in the same manner you din! I did notice some of those "John and Teyla" moments, but what I see is friendship, and not flirting. This is the way I see it - he thinks of Teyla as a team member and his equal; but Elizabeth is a totally different story. In season one she is somehow "above" him, or maybe I should say, far and out of reach. Not only for being his boss, but for being a kind of woman he failed to impress in his past. But now situation is different and they got to be very close because of all those things that happened from the day one. So "she's too good for me" scenario takes another turn, and Elizabeth becomes a kind of challenge, a friend, person he respects, maybe looks up to. And their bond only gets stronger.
      Last edited by Anuna; 08 March 2007, 11:21 AM. Reason: Adding a comment
      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


        Originally posted by SazZat View Post
        Ooooo that wallpaper is awesomeness...and that manip as well is very cute

        Thanks for the caps.

        Haha my mum just did the latest Atlantis quiz on me. I passed with pretty much flying colours. Only got about 5 wrong...or 4 and a half.
        There was a question though that said 'John Sheppard has a flirtatious relationship with which of his fellow team members?' So I said Elizabeth. The answer was Teyla. Seriously open to interpretation. Even if someone doesn't ship for Sparky they have to acknowledge that they do flirt. I mean if will be different for ever person who answers it. Some people will see the flirting with Teyla and some with Liz and some will see both.
        My mum wouldn't give me the point lol. I sulked. Then later there was a question about guessing the quote and one of them was:
        "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm sure you'll both agree the paper work on this is going to be a nightmare... especially that kiss."
        I was all squeeable after that. I was like OMG THE LONG GOODBYE! Just to prove I know my Sparky eps inside out

        Anyhow. That is all I have to say for now. It's very quiet in here tonight.
        Since the question was about his team I would have probably said Rodney.


          Oh SGLAB, that beats my elaborate explaining! How could I miss the obvious???
          I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


            It is quiet on here tonight, and going to be even quieter seeing how I'm leaving to see phantom in less than an hour *squee* but before I go, dropping off a really good vid that I haven't even watched or thought about in ages....know I posted back in August but here it is again

            Across the universe of Time
            Sung By Haley Westerna
            Vid by Ajla

            Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
            |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


              Originally posted by SazZat View Post
              There was a question though that said 'John Sheppard has a flirtatious relationship with which of his fellow team members?'
              I think that's the key word (bolded). Imo, he had a flirtacious relationship with Teyla - Rising, Hide and Seek. Now he has a flirtacious relationship with Elizabeth - All the other eps, lol. And if you look at them, I think it's totally a different type of flirting. Which makes sense, I guess.

              When he was flirting with Teyla, he was still getting to know her. It's been said that John is a natural charmer, and I think part of the reason he was flirting with Teyla was to get to know her better, as that's something he's probably used to doing. (I think we all do it: meet a good-looking stranger who we want to get to know better, start talking, start flirting to ease that awkard tension and appear warm/friendly/inviting, which leads to talking and opening up more). I think that's why, when they got to know each other and became team-mates (and later, friends), he stopped flirting with her. I think that also explains the convo he had with Ronon in Sunday.

              But he couldn't use the same tactic to get to know Elizabeth bc first day in Atlantis and they end up having a huge disagreement - aka the first balcony scene. This complicates their relationship and gives them issues to work through before they can become friends. By the time they achieve that, they've already got to know one another pretty well, so when he flirts with Elizabeth now, I think it's bc he knows it will get a reaction out of her, and he likes to see/raise that reaction.

              Originally posted by Anuna View Post
              I did notice some of those "John and Teyla" moments, but what I see is friendship, and not flirting.
              I know what you mean but I'm going to use this opportunity to say that friends can flirt, too. Flirting is harmless fun and doesn't necessarily mean anything (and if you apply that to John's flirting with Elizabeth, it also explains the same convo with Ronon in Sunday)

              Canon wise, I'd say that's something we definatley have: friends flirting. Of course, the shipper in me believes there's something underlying in that flirting, even if John doesn't quite realise that yet.

              While John knows he has two beautiful, very important women in his life who he cares about a lot, I don't think he's actually given much thought to having a romantic relationship in Atlantis. Conversion and TLG could have stirred such thoughts but I think John's more likely to have ignored them in favour of getting back to normal. However, after that convo with Ronon and with events in the end of S3, it's plausible that he has/will start thinking about romantic relationship so it wouldn't surprise me if a pairing got heavy attention at some point in S4. I'm not saying it will, or that I think it will, just that it wouldn't be a shocker.


                Yeah, friends can flirt too, so I'd like to add there is different kinds of love to. Love for your friends, parents, kids, partners. Human relationships are complicated, and thanx for reminding me of that (me of all the people should know ) Sometimes I tend to simplify things,and in the same time I like John / Elizabeth relationship because it's everything but simple.
                I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                  haha I didn't think it would spark a discussion but anyhow. I agree with all your points. Flirting is bound to happen between them all now that they are more relaxed around each other.
                  What threw me on that question was that it really is open ended. Like SGLAB said, we could easily say Rodney as a possible answer. It really is open to interpretation and how you view the show. I probably would have put Rodney above Teyla, and I'm not even big into slash, but it could be seen in a friendship way. Just like you said SallyLizzie. Flirting and friendship go hand in hand, even in a non-sexual way with friends.

                  I actually think flirting has nothing to do with eventual relationships really. It's the emotional and tough moments in Atlantis that I get all my shippy vibes from. Like in TRW and Conversion. Those are the times when I've really seen how truly much John and Elizabeth care for each other. Whether that is beyond friendship is open to viewer to believe. I find those moments incredibly powerful. It's those times when you realise who is willing to put their life on the line to save another. It's beyond the call of duty, as such. Those are the important moments.
                  Flirting is just flirting at the end of the day. It's cute. It's fun. But inevitabley it proves very little.

                  Anyways. I tried to argue with my mum that point lol I think she reluctantly agreed with me in the end but still wouldn't give me the point because apparently I was finding it too easy anyway. haha.

                  I found a video of youtube earlier which I really loved. It also uses a song which is my favourite off the Spiderman 2 album and it's so very perfect. It's called Someone To Die For. Actually, it sort of ties in with what I was trying to explain above. Like you know your life is worth living once you find someone or (several someones) worth dying for...if that makes sence. Anyway I keep watching it. It's really good. It has every great Sparky moment in it I think


                  livejournal l My Heroes l Shep l Elizabeth l Rodney l Michael l Smile!
                  ~You are who you choose to be~


                    Originally posted by SazZat View Post
                    I actually think flirting has nothing to do with eventual relationships really. It's the emotional and tough moments in Atlantis that I get all my shippy vibes from. <snip> Flirting is just flirting at the end of the day. It's cute. It's fun. But inevitabley it proves very little.
                    Oh, yeah! It's why I rate the hug over the kiss, even though TLG is one of my fave eps.

                    The hug had so much behind it! There were real feelings driving it and it had a lot of depth. The whole scene from where she sees him again and comes down the stairs, to where they part and get back to business (side note: how sweet that they took that brief moment during all that craziness? I think that's probably another thing that threw John; he expected to get back, be briefed and rush straight back into action. But Elizabeth decided to take a moment to welcome him home properly).

                    The kiss was HOT! Nuff said, lol. And that just shows the shallowness of it, lol. I could try to give it depth and talk about how she stroked his ear and the leaning in of bodies, but in the end, what it comes to is it was HOT! And the scene at the end in the infirmary was totally cute! But for as many cute and hot moments in TLG, essentially it was just an eye-candy ep.

                    I think this is why, when we were rating Sparky gazes the other day, I rated Intruder much lower than Misbegotten and 39:30.


                      Totally agree with everything there. Can't really add anymore to that

                      I'm just working on a desktop. Hopefully will have it done to show off in a little bit...or maybe a long bit. I never can tell heehee.

                      livejournal l My Heroes l Shep l Elizabeth l Rodney l Michael l Smile!
                      ~You are who you choose to be~


                        I want Sparky UST to be canon... that's all I'm asking for ^^


                          Double post: Desktop complete. Hope you like. The lyrics are There You'll Be by Faith Hill. I thought they fitted Sparky perfectly


                          livejournal l My Heroes l Shep l Elizabeth l Rodney l Michael l Smile!
                          ~You are who you choose to be~


                            Saz, that's gorgeous! And it's such a lovely song. I think I have actually seen a vid to that song. Or maybe it was a SamJack vid, lol.


                              Originally posted by Planetary_Alliance View Post
                              Hi everyone i am slowly making my way around and spreading my wings from the Comissary and i love sheppard and weir so here i am hopefully will be posting more

                              omg!!! i love this!! the music is sooo beautiful
                              sigpicsig by me!


                                Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                                I really like this wp of BlueBanrigh's. It contains the hug frm Seige 3.

                                And I'm quite fond of this manip.

                                And I forget who made it so apologies, and if you're here please let me know so I can credit.

                                While I've got PB open, I might aswell post these lovely caps from TRW.

                                Wow! That's amazing! Green to whoever made that manip because it was so good I thought I must have missed a scene from Before I Sleep!


