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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Got my Season 2 DVDs today. Read the review on GateWorld about how it rated. I have to disagree on a few points.

    1) They didn't exactly knock it out of the part since two of the most fan requested extra features are never included (gag reels/goof and tv spots or episode previews)
    2) It's easy to find other dvd sets with way more Xtras. Heck, I think X-Files probably had the best understanding of what to put on a DVD set as far as extras went. They really did have most everything.
    3) I love the new outer box look (shiney and pretty) but the covers for the DVD cases themselves look like B-Movie quality in my opinion.

    All that said, I'm thrilled to have my set. Because I do agree that DVD picture quality will beat tv and vhs anyday. And I'm so exctied to see such wonderful moments as The Hug, The Kiss, Hottie Boys in Cool Glasses, etc all in their crystal clear glory.

    And, they do have good extra features (at least I can assume so) I'm just saying they aren't all they could be so at this point I have to say they did a great job but not as excellent as they could.


    Too bad it's too late to see wonderful Season 2 Sparky in it's shiny new DVD clarity goodness. Maybe an epi tomorrow after class?



      Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
      In other news, I made my first vid. Woo hoo!! It's a little rough, but I'm amazed I did it at all.
      You haven't posted the link, have you? I must've missed it.

      Loving all the discussion and wonderful pics folks, keep it up.

      Okay, I should be doing something else right now but it can wait, I another 3 hours until I have to hand it in. *lol*

      There's all this talk about the hottest eye!sex, for me it's the Misbegotten one
      when Liz says "It's good to see your faces" all the while looking intently at him only. *major squee* The first time I watched that ep, I can say that I was a full-fledged Sparky shipper already. A huge smile crept across my face upon seeing this. I was grinning like mad, I tell you! And then the scene with the flirtatious Liz and hers "John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?" came on my screen and I was in Sparky heaven. I was thinking to myself how those are the kind of heavenly scenes for a shipper, they just can't be misinterpreted, it's the real stuff.

      Just to add that I love ALL of eye!sex scenes! Like that needed to be added, huh?

      TRW and CG spoilers follow:
      For me, it's hard to talk about a specific moment when I became a Sparky shipper, it's all the circumstances around it. I first got to know about them when one of my favorite fanfic writers started writing Sparky fanfiction as well. Then a friend gave me a nudge to try and watch this show, I did. the first 2 episodes I watched were The Real World and Common Ground. No wonder I got hooked! My first thoughts on those eps were how much of a strong connection those two have. In TRW, it was John who stood by Elizabeth's side all the time, encouraging her to fight, and in the end saving her by risking his own life. What he'd do for her! He was the only one to have faith when it was hopeless and wouldn't give up no matter what. With CG, I especially noticed the pain on Elizabeth's face when she was watching John being fed upon. You could almost see the tears in her eyes, she could hardly take it. She even loked away at one point (others were upset as well, naturally). The way she said "What are your terms, Kolya?" with such deep hurt but still trying to appear strong as she should be as the leader, says everything. In those two episodes it was all about them and how they "get" each other, feel what the other is going through, sense each other's pain, understand on a deep level how the other is suffering, have this strong sense of caring for one another. I'm happy I watched those two episodes first, they're one of the best, especially but not only from a Sparky shipper point of view.

      I love all the avies and walls people and WELCOME to all the newbies!
      Last edited by Celcool; 06 March 2007, 10:03 PM. Reason: adding spoiler tags
      Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
      at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

      R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


        Originally posted by SazZat View Post
        You guys have no idea how happy it makes me to come online in the morning to find 3 new pages of Sparky love, instead of having to retrieve the topic from the 2nd page

        Oooooo...erm...this is a tough one. There are so many and some of them I can't remember what episode they are from.
        Do any of you remember what episode it is where they are having the briefing. Elizabeth is at the top of the table, John is down the right hand side and Rodney is next to him. E and J have this massively long eye!sex, obviously completely forgetting their surroundings. Rodney looks weirded out lol and Ronan and Teyla are at the back like naughty children probably thinking it's the funniest thing in the world. I need to know what episode that is lol...I will make it a mission.

        I also liked the scene at the beginning of Intruder. And there have been some mega good ones in Season 3 but can't recall right now. I will find out properly later cos I'm in a rush right now. Have to go to Uni in 20 minutes

        really really gorgeous

        LMAO! Awww. Love it!

        Ooooo and just a reminder about the H&H topics. You can vote once a day in each. that's the shipper one and Elizabeth could use our support in that one.

        see you all later!
        Really not sure how these voting/game things work in a thread set up. Instructions please?



          Originally posted by A.L. View Post
          Really not sure how these voting/game things work in a thread set up. Instructions please?

          You can vote once a day only. You heal (add one point) and hurt (remove one point) a ship pairing or a character. Once a day!
          Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
          at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

          R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


            Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
            Did you preorder them? Because I've known people who preordered their DVDs and get them a day or to before the street release date. But since you're waiting, probably not.

            As for "The Eye"...

            That is another reason why I love "The Storm/The Eye". I liked Kolya. He was the bad guy that always seemed to threaten Weir because he knows to hit John where it hurts. That's why I was irked in "Irresponsible"
            at how they killed Kolya. It was a pathetic and weak death for a character that we've spent over two years loving to hate.
            I think it could have worked had they filmed it differently IE
            Not some cheap rip off of an old western stand off but a good duplicate. The biggest problem was that the villagers and the rest of Team!Shep just stood around like they were waiting in line at the DMV. No scared cowering or running for covery because the two biggest baddest guys in the galaxy were facing off. They could have shot it well and they shot it LAME! The only redeeming thing was that Shep was the one to kill him. If it had been anyone I would have never watched the epi again. Maybe even the series. Okay that's a bit much, but still.




              Originally posted by SazZat View Post
              A little gift for you all before I go offline for the night to watch some DVDs

              It's nothing much. Could probably be used in a signature or something if any of you wanted.

              I'm working on another desktop right now as well so I will definitely show it off on here sometime.
              Sparky makes me feel so creative Soon I'll be writing fanfiction...or maybe not. Although the other day, during a theory lecture, I wrote a 4 page transcript that featured a lot of Sparky hurt/comfort/angst. I might just type that up someday. It was a good use of the 2 hours that would have otherwise been spent being bored and confused

              Oh and I'll throw in a couple of icons for good measure as well. I haven't really made any real good ship ones in the last few days. I've mostly been doing induvidual Shep and Elizabeth. Not sure if you'd be interested in seeing them though so just a couple of basics for now:

              nighty night!
              Oooo! Loverly icons! (unofficial)GREEN FOR YOU!



                Originally posted by Celcool View Post
                You can vote once a day only. You heal (add one point) and hurt (remove one point) a ship pairing or a character. Once a day!
                Okay, but how do you do it? Just make a post with the adjustments made?



                  Originally posted by A.L. View Post
                  Okay, but how do you do it? Just make a post with the adjustments made?

                  You copy & paste the last post and... play (adjust the numbers).
                  Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
                  at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

                  R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


                    Well, it's getting really close to an answer with my other ship and I need to calm down a little so I came here. Hold on guys, it's only year 4 they can make it a bit longer. Some of us have held on 10 yrs so far.

                    Question, with everything that's happening, and IMHO ruing the show, how long do you think SGA will run for?

                    ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
                    I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
                    Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


                      Originally posted by nogigglingmajor View Post
                      Question, with everything that's happening, and IMHO ruing the show, how long do you think SGA will run for?
                      I guess it all depends of the ratings in April and when s4 will start. I do hope for a s5.

                      Originally posted by Athenaktt
                      You're saying the TPTB planned for the failing of Ford's character and the others from the beginning? And the seating arrangements are foreshadowing the future of other characters? I wouldn't give the TPTB that much credit since that was nearly 4 years ago assuming planning the Atlantis pilot began a year earlier or more. I think the TPTB writing the pilots at that time were too busy planning a pilot that will let them get picked up for a whole season than plotting the demise of characters two or three years down the line.
                      I wouldn't give them that much credit neither. They're not like The Pretender TPTB who I'm sure had everything planned from the beginning. No Stargate TPTB decide one season at a time. Theydon't know where they're going. They might have some idea, but nothing precise.


                        Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
                        I'd have to agree with you there. No matter how we "rank" the John/Elizabeth moments. All of them will have a special place in my heart because they are "Sparky moments"
                        You sound like a Hallmark card, lol.

                        "Dearest darlings of the Sheppard/Weir shipper thread..."

                        "...with much love and happiness during this special hiatus, The Sparkies."


                          Originally posted by Vicky View Post
                          I love the second icon, Saz!
                          Yeah!!! I'm done with my fic!! It's into my beta's hands now!
                          So, G'night all, guys!
                          Originally posted by A.L. View Post
                          Oooo! Loverly icons! (unofficial)GREEN FOR YOU!
                          Thank you and I can't wait to read your fic Vicky. I'm running low on decent fic to read.

                          Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
                          Aside from the number of wonderful eye!sex that goes on between John and Elizabeth. All the balcony scenes indoor and outdoor up-to-date are my favorite scenes too.
                          Ahhh the balcony...the location of so many wonderful Sparky moments *sigh* The balcony is love.

                          Just been hunting through caps I've saved and was reminded of the balcony scene in Progeny (one of my fave episodes for small Sparky moments)

                          The first Sparky bit I love is when they are probing Shep's mind and it shows him being all heroic by staying behind to blow up Atlantis. Elizabeth is the last person to have to go through the gate and he goes back to the balcony to tell her she has to go. I'm glad she was the last to go through. It's a great insight into how Shep sees the relationship he has with Elizabeth. He obviously knows that Elizabeth cares about him enough to not want to leave him and will be the last person to stand by him...maybe it's also his hope that the last person he speaks to/sees before he sacrifices himself will be Elizabeth

                          and then the balcony scene at the end of the episode; after the wonderfully heroic scene of John again saving Elizabeth's life:

                          livejournal l My Heroes l Shep l Elizabeth l Rodney l Michael l Smile!
                          ~You are who you choose to be~


                            Originally posted by SazZat View Post
                            Thank you and I can't wait to read your fic Vicky. I'm running low on decent fic to read.
                            It's in my beta's hands...

                            Just been hunting through caps I've saved and was reminded of the balcony scene in Progeny (one of my fave episodes for small Sparky moments)

                            The first Sparky bit I love is when they are probing Shep's mind and it shows him being all heroic by staying behind to blow up Atlantis. Elizabeth is the last person to have to go through the gate and he goes back to the balcony to tell her she has to go. I'm glad she was the last to go through. It's a great insight into how Shep sees the relationship he has with Elizabeth. He obviously knows that Elizabeth cares about him enough to not want to leave him and will be the last person to stand by him...maybe it's also his hope that the last person he speaks to/sees before he sacrifices himself will be Elizabeth

                            and then the balcony scene at the end of the episode; after the wonderfully heroic scene of John again saving Elizabeth's life:

                            I have to say that while I like both those scenes, my number one Sparky moments is definitely in TRW when
                            he breaks through the quarantine to put his hand on her arm and talk to her. This moment is just so beautiful!


                              Originally posted by Vicky View Post

                              I have to say that while I like both those scenes, my number one Sparky moments is definitely in TRW when
                              he breaks through the quarantine to put his hand on her arm and talk to her. This moment is just so beautiful!
                              OMGOMG yes! Loved that moment. I was watching with my family and I was already uber happy that we were getting so much angst. Then we get treated to that moment and it ended up being added to the list of episodes where I have suddenly declared 'OMG he loves her' like a silly squeeing fangirl haha

                              ...Luckilly for me my family understand my insanity...and they even occasionally join in lol. Normally only me and my mum but not so long ago after watching a new episode (can't remember which one) I was all hyper after it finished and went into 'Sparky is love' mode. My mum was like "no, he obviously fancies Teyla". This went on for a couple of minutes and then my dad says "He's a young good looking guy. He's probably doing both of them." ... Well, I pretended to be shocked lol

                              I love my family. Nothing better than sitting down together to watch Stargate 2 nights a week even if my dad does say i'm a pathetic geek (Like he can talk. Last week we were sorting out the loft and the amount of Star Trek books and technical manuals that came down was unbelievable. He only has himself to blame for how I've turned out )


                              livejournal l My Heroes l Shep l Elizabeth l Rodney l Michael l Smile!
                              ~You are who you choose to be~


                                Hey guys.. ahve you seen this one?! I love it, it's just amazing!!

                                I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.

