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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Hey, has it occurred to any of you that (spoilers for Miera's new fic and future season 3)
    TPTB might actually be going the same way as that story did? It wouldn't surprise me.. it's an entirely feasible way to go at it, which is partly why I loved that fic so much. Maybe in Sateda we'll get John's reaction to that little Misbegotten "revelation"? As in maybe trying to start something with Teyla and then eventually realising, say around TRW, that he's kidding himself?


      Originally posted by Trialia
      Hey, has it occurred to any of you that (spoilers for Miera's new fic and future season 3)
      TPTB might actually be going the same way as that story did? It wouldn't surprise me.. it's an entirely feasible way to go at it, which is partly why I loved that fic so much. Maybe in Sateda we'll get John's reaction to that little Misbegotten "revelation"? As in maybe trying to start something with Teyla and then eventually realising, say around TRW, that he's kidding himself?
      How shall I say this tactfully? John is a man. Men are stupid. that wasn't too tactful. Don't shoot me ok. I don't mean that as badly as it sounds. I'm in love with one of these stupid beings too ya know. But they really, really don't think at all like we wise, intuitive females do. LOL
      I've always had this idea that of all people it would be TEYLA who helped John begin to see the true nature of his feelings toward Elizabeth and I know I'm not alone here in that supposition. Teyla is very insightful as we know. She's very in touch with emotions etc. I think she figured John out pretty quickly too as she has Elizabeth. I think the idea of the fic is entirely feasable and the lean they might 'go' with. Every indication is there of a John 'slow awakening' and an Elizabeth that has to 'decide' if she/they can or should. The pieces are entirely coming into place but now the execution is going to be the tougher part. And I think they'll need little nudgies of assistance along the path.


        Why would anyone expect "gooey eyed"? There have been a lot of romances between regular characters on sci-fi (and other) shows without that. This isn't a comedy or teen (high school/college) drama or a soap. Maybe a few scenes at the start of the relationship but then it becomes background. I see no reason why it wouldn't be the same for Elizabeth & John.


          Originally posted by Trialia
          Hey, has it occurred to any of you that (spoilers for Miera's new fic and future season 3)
          TPTB might actually be going the same way as that story did? It wouldn't surprise me.. it's an entirely feasible way to go at it, which is partly why I loved that fic so much. Maybe in Sateda we'll get John's reaction to that little Misbegotten "revelation"? As in maybe trying to start something with Teyla and then eventually realising, say around TRW, that he's kidding himself?
          Sateda spoilers
          After tonight's little scene, I sure hope so!!

          ETA: (More Sateda)
          Although, there still may be hope. Elizabeth siding with John against Caldwell and saying they do not leave anyone behind if there is ANY chance of saving them was absolutely totally 100% John Sheppard.
          Last edited by Marbles; 04 August 2006, 07:10 PM.



            I thought it was a little too testosteroney. This was definitely a boy's episode. But nice to see some back story.

            As for Shep/Weir...I can't say that I saw anything. I was glad to see John admit that these guys are like family (I think that's what he said, no? I could barely hear him). There are at least three other ships I could see going bananas over this episode, but not so much Sparky.
            I put the "M" in stupid.


              Originally posted by Marbles
              Sateda spoilers
              After tonight's little scene, I sure hope so!!
              Well, whether you saw the scene as shippy or not, it was still some great insight into Sheppard's character.


                Hi everybody!

                Edit ( 15 months later, lol ) : Nobody should ever read what I said in my first post so there it's been EDITED! Mwahaha
                Last edited by Blower'sGate; 21 November 2007, 05:39 PM.



                  I thought there were a couple of Sparky looks, but I definitely saw more Ronon-Teyla than even John-Teyla, despite the conversation, which seemed so companionable and friendly I felt no ship vibes coming from it. The character development was great, this ep is definitely my favorite so far!


                    Spoilers for Sateda

                    I have to say that the scene between John & Teyla didn't bother me at all. You know why? I saw the look of concern on Teylas face as she was pulled out of the cell in the beginning of the episode. Did you see the way she tried to reach out for Ronan? There's definitely Spanky there. I thought her scene with John was very awkward. Yes, it was meant to be that way, but if you notice, John is never awkward like that when he's with Elizabeth. They're very relaxed around each other. Teyla was concerned about Ronon. And I think it was just John's way of letting her know that he considers all of them friends and family.


                      ITA, sarievenea and Suzotchka! Sateda:
                      I even enjoyed the John/Teyla scene. Holy smokes, Batman - was that Sheppard character development?! His painful revelation that he loves these people and that they are truly the only family he has (or that he gives a dern about) was so boyish and awkward and SO CUTE. I'm really loving Shep this season! And I had to LOL when Teyla said he had no social skills.

                      As someone who's come to actually adore Teyla as a character, it made me appreciate the scene, and the episode, because she actually had lines, and a purpose, and some depth . . . and Rachel deserves something to do.

                      Jason gets props for the whole episode. He did a great job of finally giving Ronon some reason to his rhyme. Though the girl who played his wife was too . . . is pipsqueak the right word? They could have picked an actress with a little more presence to match the intensity Jason brings to a scene.

                      There were a lot of moments where you could see Rob gleefully playing with all the cool tricks he could do, which I forgave him for . And for an action episode, it contained a surprising amount of character development for almost everyone, except Elizabeth! Which is fine, seeing as she gets a whole episode in two weeks time.

                      Overall, I really enjoyed Sateda. Lots of surprises character-wise, backstory galore, action balanced with emotion. Four good ones in a row, at least IMHO!


                        Originally posted by Suzotchka
                        Spoilers for Sateda

                        I have to say that the scene between John & Teyla didn't bother me at all. You know why? I saw the look of concern on Teylas face as she was pulled out of the cell in the beginning of the episode. Did you see the way she tried to reach out for Ronan? There's definitely Spanky there. I thought her scene with John was very awkward. Yes, it was meant to be that way, but if you notice, John is never awkward like that when he's with Elizabeth. They're very relaxed around each other. Teyla was concerned about Ronon. And I think it was just John's way of letting her know that he considers all of them friends and family.
                        Yeah, that's how I read that scene too. For those who are wondering, here's the recap of it:
                        Teyla went in to thank John for going after Ronon like this (demanding that the Daedalus be sent out, basically, for one man), and the conversation got pretty awkward, with Teyla trying to fill in the blanks and not always succeeding. Then he told her that she and Elizabeth and Ronon and Rodney were his family (after, I think, trying to tell her he's not got anyone back on Earth), and that he'd die for any of them. Then there was an awkward pat on the hand, John not looking at her, before he walked away.

                        Personally, I didn't necessarily see it as shippy for anyone. John named everyone as his family and didn't single out her or Elizabeth. I think this is probably where that crazy rumor that John was going to declare his feelings came from, but it really didn't come off that way. I liked the fact that he finally told Teyla that he does care for her as a friend and family, because all too often I've wondered if he even knows she exists.

                        I wouldn't call it a red herring at all. Everyone in this episode was getting a bit emotional about others. (Except, ironically, Elizabeth, and one of her major scenes was Rodney collapsed on the floor and her demanding to know where the others are. We'll pretend it was really John she wanted to know about. )
                        Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                        Last update: 14 April 2006
                        Melyanna's Multimedia
                        Last update: 15 February 2006


                          Originally posted by sarievenea

                          I thought there were a couple of Sparky looks, but I definitely saw more Ronon-Teyla than even John-Teyla, despite the conversation, which seemed so companionable and friendly I felt no ship vibes coming from it. The character development was great, this ep is definitely my favorite so far!
                          Allow me to play devil's advocate, ok?
                          Now, we all know that had THAT conversation involved Elizabeth rather than Teyla, we would all be squealing with delight and making a mad dash to the Messengers to spread the word that our Ship had taken one giant step closer to being canon.

                          Originally posted by Suzotchka
                          I thought her scene with John was very awkward. Yes, it was meant to be that way, but if you notice, John is never awkward like that when he's with Elizabeth. They're very relaxed around each other.
                          Continuing as devil's advocate:
                          True, very true....but aren't guys often nervous and awkward with their crushes in the beginning?


                            Originally posted by Melyanna
                            Personally, I didn't necessarily see it as shippy for anyone.
                            Well, maybe Carson and Rodney.

                            Everyone in this episode was getting a bit emotional about others.
                            This was the best part about this episode for me. I like action and explosions, but this one was a bit over the top for me. So I clung to those character interactions. I'd like to see a conversation with Weir like Shep had with Teyla, though. One day...

                            And I had to laugh out loud at Rodney's reaction to being shot in the butt. I'm still giggling at that.
                            I put the "M" in stupid.


                              Originally posted by Marbles
                              Allow me to play devil's advocate, ok?

                              Continuing as devil's advocate:
                              True, very true....but aren't guys often nervous and awkward with their crushes in the beginning?
                              IMO I would only buy that if John was much younger. John's the same age as the guys I date and I've never come across anyone who was like that. Not saying it can't happen, but IMO it's rare


                                For those of you who may have missed it the first time (okay, so I'm procrastinating):
                                Excerpt from Sateda

                                John: Look, Teyla, I'm not really good at, uh... actually, I'm, I'm terrible at expressing... I don't know what you'd call it, uh...
                                Teyla: Feelings?
                                John: Yeah, sure, okay. The point is, I don't really have good, uh...
                                Teyla: Social skills.
                                John: Well, that is why I enjoyed flying choppers in the most remote part of my world before all this craziness happened. But you should know I don't have, uh...
                                Teyla: Friends?
                                John: No! I have friends. [pause] You, Elizabeth, Ronon, Carson, even Rodney are the closest thing I have to a...
                                Teyla: A family?
                                John: I'd do anything. For any one of you. If I had to give up my life the way Ronon was going to... I would.

                                And then comes the awkward pat. I didn't really see it as shippy unless that's short for friendship. I thought the conversation was rather adorable, actually.

                                Originally posted by Marbles
                                Allow me to play devil's advocate, ok?
                                Now, we all know that had THAT conversation involved Elizabeth rather than Teyla, we would all be squealing with delight and making a mad dash to the Messengers to spread the word that our Ship had taken one giant step closer to being canon.
                                To some degree I agree with that, but a part of me really just feels like it would have been a different conversation with Elizabeth. They're so much more... comfortable with each other than John and Teyla appeared in that scene. But I did just get the prescription on my shipper glasses updated, so who knows, maybe I'm just seeing what I want to see.

                                Anyway, overall I really enjoyed this episode. The amount of character interaction blew me away. We got to see snippets of almost all the different friendships we have on this show---for instance, just to pick out a random moment that I really enjoyed, Carson and Rodney arguing over the gun. I think this may have actually been my favorite episode of the season so far.

                                Sparky on youtube

