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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
    This is what Rob Cooper said:

    ...and you can find a scan of the article here.
    THANK YOU!!!

    Originally posted by dana View Post
    Just a silly little thing I thought up when I was iconing the ep Suspicion, cut for size:

    E: *notices John staring* What? *raises eyebrow*
    J: *eyes pop out of sockets* Eh....umm...y-your top button just....popped. *stares at cleavage and licks lips unconsciously*


    Originally posted by SazZat View Post
    <snip> Finally done the desktop I spent ages experimenting with layer effects and stuff (i don't believe in tutorials) and now I'm semi happy with it. spoiler for size. no spoilery pics.
    love the desktop!!!

    Originally posted by Kales View Post

    Is anyone else suspecting a double bluff here? I.e. Lizzie is fine after the events of First Strike, but then something totally out of the blue happens to her?

    I posted a theory to that affect a few pages back, but no one seemed to really agree with me.

    [QUOTE=SazZat;6545720] <snip>And yay This is my 500th post and I got an extra green box today as well *dances* <snip>QUOTE]

    congrats on 500 posts and a new green box!!

    Originally posted by Celcool View Post
    eyecandylovr, too bad you want to leave, I for one would like posters to stay, at least until we still have Elizabeth. I'm sticking around this forum until the very last of my hope is diminished.
    same here, ITA i'm gonna stick around until there is absolutely no hope for sparky left. i mean, they could be planning to bring lizzie back (it is sci fi after all). not to mention that JM said that it isnt as bad as we all think it is and that it turns out better than we think. some days i feel like this ship is doomed and other days i feel like it has a lot of hope and potential. you guys keep me hopeful and it's also nice to know that you all are really concerned for lizzie and the future of sparky just like me.

    Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
    Eh, have a pic. It makes me extremely happy that this was in the episode guide for
    soo pretty, but it does look different in the episode....strange

    Originally posted by dana View Post
    <snip> And a lil random picspam:
    Avrid: Daddy, wake up. Mommy Elizabeth made lunch.

    /random cute!! she even has lizzie's chesnut curls!!!
    Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
    Wow I tried somehing, feel free to snag if you like 'em I'm not very good at this ( it's not really my field ), but I had fun doing these.

    I got one word for ya......LOVE!!!
    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    ok, so the concensus is - thus far - folks are gonna try to only bring up season 4 isues ina a positive light and if they really want to discuss it, they're gonna head off to the thread crated specificaly for that?

    So i'll just let y'all do your self policing but please a word of warning, be kind to each other.

    Ok, now topic two...are folks cool iwth the photos being posted? the concern has been raised that this IS a discussion thread, not a wow or thunk thread, so the abundance of photos doesn't belong here.

    I put this question out to you guys. are the photos an issue? do we need a thread for photos only or are things fine?
    I love the pic spams, they're great, as for season four discussion, i think that its fine as long as its in spoiler tags. (just my opinion)!!!

    Originally posted by Lady Lethe View Post
    You know, as soon as I saw that the Carson rally got TPTB to say "okay, we'll bring him back," I thought: Hey, if they can do it why can't we? If the reaction is big enough they'll have no choice but to bring Elizabeth back.

    And on the whole 'who's allowed to post what' on this thread spiel, I really don't think it's fair for some to say that people can't post about being upset about this whole thing any more than it's fair to say that people can't post positive comments. This is the Sparky thread! Not just the 'happy go lucky thread' or 'the doom and gloom thread.' If you want to live in denial that's fine, but don't lash out at other people because they're realistic (I myself am happily in between the two ). Nowhere in the rules for this thread does it say that people can't be concerned about their ship. I mean, if people came on and said "Sparky's doomed!" that would be another issue, but most of what I've seen are people genuinely concerned about what this latest news means for our ship. I agree that the "Carter sucks, I'm not watching" posts do get a bit old; that's why I only mentioned it once briefly, but I think that people who really want to do something about the situation should be allowed to post on here. This is where the majority of the Sparky shippers lurk anyway, and it's where I would come to drum up support for a campaign, like SR was talking about. Creating another thread only serves to divide us, and that's really not a good idea, especially now. So I say we stop squabbling like petulant children, and for Pete's sake try to get along! Otherwise the mods will have to step in, and that makes us all look bad.
    I'm really glad that you said this and ITA on everything that you said. it's everything that i would have said and better. People should be able to post what they want as long as its within reason. If someone doesnt like what someone else says, then just ignore it. that's really the best thing to do because otherwise it starts nasty unintended arguments, and no one wants that. we are the sparky shippers. we have to stand together and stick up for our ship. if we fight amongst ourselves, that gives no good example for anyone else. people see fighting and they think its okay, and then they start arguing and so on. thats how shipper wars get started. so if we cant even NOT ARGUE amongst ourselves then how can we expect anything better from anyone else, whether it be from sheylas, mcweirs, sparkies, or anyone else.

    Originally posted by dana View Post
    Ok, I know it's not the prettiest (it's actually ugly, the color and lightning is pain in the mikta) but hey, it's the thought that counts. (I'm quoting Sparky all day...wonder why)

    EDIT: Forgot to attach an icon, there you go:

    LOVE IT!!
    Originally posted by Lady Lethe View Post
    That may be true, but I still believe that any sort of campaign is a good idea.
    There's quite a history of writers bringing back characters because of the fans' negative reactions to their deaths. I do believe in the "power of the people" and the majority's ability to change opinions about things. I guess what I'm saying is that we should at least try. No matter who's decision it was to get rid of Elizabeth, if they can see how much we love her there's the possibility that they could change their minds.

    (oh, and sorry for the loooooooooooooooooooooong post lol)!!!
    Last edited by shepweir4eva; 10 April 2007, 03:45 PM.
    sigpicsig by me!


      Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post

      J-Where's SL when we need her?
      E-Give the girl a break, she's having eye!sex just like we do on occasions.
      I'm heeeere!! *bounces in*

      Big yay for the stargatefanawards! Always great to look over old artwork, fic and vids that may have gone forgotten.

      ...and this is where I shamelessly pimp myself with a few of my fics that I'm most proud of:

      They All Fall Down

      Rating: PG13 (to be safe)
      Catorgary: Angst
      Warnings: Deals with death

      Back To Reality
      Spoilers: Up to and inc The Return Pt 1.
      Rating: PG13.

      An Engagement To Remember
      Rating: PG
      Genre: Fluff

      Genre: Drama, angst
      Rating: PG?
      Spoilers: First Strike, Sunday, Progeny, TRW, Conversion, Instinct
      Summary: When John finds Elizabeth, he gets more than he is prepared for.


        Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
        I'm heeeere!! *bounces in*
        Where the hell have you been ???

        An Engagement To Remember... is PG ?? PG ??? You're not really good with ratings!


          Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
          Where the hell have you been ???
          Eating cake. Seriously. *bg*

          And now I'm off to bed, lol.


          Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
          An Engagement To Remember... is PG ?? PG ??? You're not really good with ratings!
          Really? Whoops, my bad. Although I highly doubt I corrupted you. It's not that bad though, really. I mean, Hunger and Thirst are worse than that.


            Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
            Eating cake. Seriously. *bg*

            And now I'm off to bed, lol.


            Really? Whoops, my bad. Although I highly doubt I corrupted you. It's not that bad though, really. I mean, Hunger and Thirst are worse than that.
            Lol, I remember the first time I read it, but I don't recall noticing the little PG there, but if I had I'd have mentally hugged you I think


              Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
              Lol, I remember the first time I read it, but I don't recall noticing the little PG there, but if I had I'd have mentally hugged you I think
              Okay, so I've just re-read the beginning and maybe it should be a tad higher rating... but I'm Sally and it's my job to lure the innocent and introduce them to my wicked corrupt ways. *g*


                Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                Okay, so I've just re-read the beginning and maybe it should be a tad higher rating... but I'm Sally and it's my job to lure the innocent and introduce them to my wicked corrupt ways. *g*
                Lure away if all your fics are like that one!!


                  Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                  Lure away if all your fics are like that one!!
                  Aw, thank you, but my others are crap, lol. However if you wish to torment yourself, you can find more fluff and smuttiness at my journal.

                  Oh, and there's a couple up at the doctor_sga AU.


                    Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                    Aw, thank you, but my others are crap, lol. However if you wish to torment yourself, you can find more fluff and smuttiness at my journal.

                    Oh, and there's a couple up at the doctor_sga AU.
                    Thanks for the link. Gotta luv the smut. It gives spice to life!


                      Originally posted by xfkirsten View Post
                      I'd just like to point something out here, a difference that I've really noticed between the two campaigns. I think what made the SCB campaign so successful (regardless of what had or hadn't already been decided by TPTB) is that they planned activities that were fun and light-spirited and provided a way to not only bring attention to their campaign, but a way for fans to really get together and enjoy themselves. That's something that I haven't seen happen with the Weir campaign, and I think therein lies the difference. So for anyone promoting the Save Weir campaign, I would urge you to think of fun stuff to do, rather than just relying on writing campaigns. Besides, then no matter what happens with the show, you've at least turned it into a way to meet friends and enjoy yourself.

                      Just my .02, from an outside point of view.
                      Yeah, I agree completely; I think that things need to be done (which is what I meant in my other post) and I also think that we have the ability to get those things done as long as we work together.

                      “Le monde a tellement de regrets
                      Tellement de choses qu'on promet.
                      Une seule pour laquelle je suis fait
                      Je t'aimais, je t'aime et je t'aimerai...”

                      ~ Francis Cabrel


                        Originally posted by xfkirsten View Post
                        I'd just like to point something out here, a difference that I've really noticed between the two campaigns. I think what made the SCB campaign so successful (regardless of what had or hadn't already been decided by TPTB) is that they planned activities that were fun and light-spirited and provided a way to not only bring attention to their campaign, but a way for fans to really get together and enjoy themselves. That's something that I haven't seen happen with the Weir campaign, and I think therein lies the difference. So for anyone promoting the Save Weir campaign, I would urge you to think of fun stuff to do, rather than just relying on writing campaigns. Besides, then no matter what happens with the show, you've at least turned it into a way to meet friends and enjoy yourself.

                        Just my .02, from an outside point of view.
                        The Save Carson campaign can do all those fun things because they have people who are willing to volunteer and who are willing to donate their time and artistic talents and money to the cause.

                        I have asked repeatedly for people to come forward and volunteer and to donate funds - to help draw a t-shirt and to help with a banner. I've also mentioned numerous things I would love to do. But every time I ask for help or for volunteers, everyone goes quiet. And how many times did I have to ask for help for the website until finally a few people stepped up.?? (thanks to those of you who did! )

                        So far, whatever the SEW campaign needs have been, have been paid out of my pocket. And I simply cannot fund this whole campaign by myself.

                        So feel free everyone to step up and volunteer your time, your ideas and/or your money. I've always been more than willing to listen and I think everyone here knows how to contact me by now.

                        Edit: I'm hardly ever on this thread anymore. So please feel free to visit the SEW thread if you have ideas or want to join in the campaign.
                        Last edited by Suzotchka; 10 April 2007, 06:25 PM.


                          Originally posted by Suzotchka View Post
                          The Save Carson campaign can do all those fun things because they have people who are willing to volunteer and who are willing to donate their time and artistic talents and money to the cause.

                          I have asked repeatedly for people to come forward and volunteer and to donate funds - to help draw a t-shirt and to help with a banner. I've also mentioned numerous things I would love to do. But every time I ask for help or for volunteers, everyone goes quiet. And how many times did I have to ask for help for the website until finally a few people stepped up.?? (thanks to those of you who did! )

                          So far, whatever the SEW campaign needs have been, have been paid out of my pocket. And I simply cannot fund this whole campaign by myself.

                          So feel free everyone to step up and volunteer your time, your ideas and/or your money. I've always been more than willing to listen and I think everyone here knows how to contact me by now.

                          Edit: I'm hardly ever on this thread anymore. So please feel free to visit the SEW thread if you have ideas or want to join in the campaign.
                          Understandable. I stay out of campaigns as a general rule (I just find that emotions in those situations run too high for my taste, and Nasty Things tend to happen), but I applaud those who can take a stand and be leaders.

                          I'm sure there's fun stuff out there that doesn't require much (if anything) in the way of funds, though. It just takes the creativity to think of it.
                          "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                          My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                            Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                            Thanks for the link. Gotta luv the smut. It gives spice to life!
                            I totally agree! Though, to the best of my knowledge none of my stuff goes higher than PG13, lol. The one piece of smut I have written is sat quite nicely on my harddrive. *g*

                            *shakes muse so I can finish the damn fic and get it up*


                              Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                              I totally agree! Though, to the best of my knowledge none of my stuff goes higher than PG13, lol. The one piece of smut I have written is sat quite nicely on my harddrive. *g*

                              *shakes muse so I can finish the damn fic and get it up*
                              *helps you shake your muse*

                              *thinks for a sec*

                              *still looking for her own muse*

                              @Saz: yeah Unexpected is a really great fic!


                                Originally posted by Vicky View Post
                                *still looking for her own muse*
                                I'm thinking our muses have gone Spring Break on us to make lots more bunnies, lol.

