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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Suzotchka View Post
    That's okay. We can just agree to disagree. If Lizzie isn't going to be on the show anymore, there would be no PDA's anyway. So, for me, yea, I'd like to see it before whatever happens to Lizzie happens.
    I just don't think they're quite there yet, to say "I love you" to each other. I certainly don't think they're ready to wed, not on an romantic level. Although an ep where they end up married in some alien celebration could be funny, even though it does scream FIC! Then again, the initial spoilers for TRW screamed FIC! and I quite enjoyed that.

    I am ready for some serious angsting. Maybe another bedside scene. And if something does happen to Elizabeth, it would be ncie to see that have some effect on John.

    I think the main reason I don't want them to get everything done ship wise in S4 is bc one of the reasons I love Sparky is the fact that their relationship has been a natural progression, and I think any overt declarations would seem hurried and forced (though if it's done subtly, then I have no objections). I just wouldn't want to see a good ship ruined for the sake of having them canon.


      Wellcome Kath Pup!!

      Kath Pup, I totally agree on what you say about TPTB and fanfic. TPTB only managed to dissapoint me regarding my other favourite SG ships, but I do know that fanfiction will never fail me. There are so many talented people who brought John and Liz together in so many great ways. I enjoy each and every on eof them.

      I also agree with SallyLizzie - love shouldn't be there just for sake of it, but when you ahve lot of people in some place, love is something you can't avoid. Why would there be discussions like this? People are basically love starved. We want to see it everywhere. We need it to happen, if not to us, right now, right here, then to some characters we can relate to, and that is why this whole shipping thing exists.

      I am a sucker for happy endings. I love reading wedding fic and baby fic (there, the confession is out!) but that realistic part of me knows we'll never see something like that in the gate room. I personally wouldn't mind to see something like that in the end, because these two things are most essential things in one's life - having someone to love, someone who cares for you, and having a family on your own.

      It's a love starved world we live in.
      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


        Hey! *pokes Athuna* Stop making us all look like pathetic losers-in-love, lol.

        And I admit, I LOVE good BABYFIC! But broody is an understatement when describing me, lol. Not so big on wedding fic, unless it's drunk wedding fic! *g* Yeah, I'm so not a romantic.

        And welcome Kath!

        My, can't remember the last time we had so many newbies around here. Quite the achievement considering we're still on hiatus.


          Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
          My, can't remember the last time we had so many newbies around here. Quite the achievement considering we're still on hiatus.
          Maybe we're getting more newbies because DVDs are out? It's good to see a bunch of new faces... er... names. I've been talking with Sally and several others for years now and we all stalk each other brains and know what the other is thinking.

          It's nice to see if other share the same ideas as us and bring new ideas to the discussions.

          I'm not really a babyfic or wedding fic fan... though I've written some. Not for this fandom. I guess I'm more drawn to plot/angst UST at least when it comes to John and Elizabeth.


            Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
            I'm not really a babyfic or wedding fic fan... though I've written some. Not for this fandom. I guess I'm more drawn to plot/angst UST at least when it comes to John and Elizabeth.
            *takes given opportunity and pokes for fic*

            It's been great having so many new people here! Always good to hear others opinions and it's injected a new lease of life into the thread.


              Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
              *takes given opportunity and pokes for fic*

              It's been great having so many new people here! Always good to hear others opinions and it's injected a new lease of life into the thread.
              Bah, the poking begins again. I have been finally working on the TRW fic that I talked about over last summer? Since it's short, I should have it up... eventually soonish? lol

              That is if I don't get distracted by TV.


                Hee! I've temporarily given up on mine. It's being stubborn and wants to kill me, lol.


                  Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                  Hee! I've temporarily given up on mine. It's being stubborn and wants to kill me, lol.
                  LMAO! Yeah, I stopped working on VSAJ because that was kieeellling me too. I just can't do funny right now. LOL Especially when I'm up to boring episodes. blech. I can do angst and fluff, but the snark and funny in me has gone off to play elsewhere.

                  Muses are evil little things.

                  ETA: Er... picture to be ontopic.



                    Speaking on fic, I've got several ideas and they're all different pairings. I'm a fluff person myself. I can't seem to write John/Elizabeth in anyway, but as an established relationship.


                      Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
                      LMAO! Yeah, I stopped working on VSAJ because that was kieeellling me too. I just can't do funny right now. LOL Especially when I'm up to boring episodes. blech. I can do angst and fluff, but the snark and funny in me has gone off to play elsewhere.
                      We should swap, lol! I'dd do your snark and you can do my angst.

                      Pretty pics! *adds to the pile*

                      Love this expression of John's when Elizabeth walks in the room. "That would be Doctor Weir, right?"


                        Oh the smirk! I sooo love it!!!
                        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                          Pre-warning. I am very hyper and manic at the moment. My mind feels like it's gonna explode. Just watched the new ep of Atlantis and SG-1. WOW! Is all I can say right now. My mind is just spinning.
                          So this is gonna be a long reply and probably not structured very well lol

                          Originally posted by Vicky View Post
                          <snip>I wonder if they realise the bond they share. They're friends, they know that, but do they know that something more could happen? I don't know...
                          Ya know when I watched Sunday I thought about this.
                          I feel Elizabeth knows. In Sunday when she kisses whats-his-face then she pulls away and gets all awkward. I thoroughly believe that she realises at that moment that she has feelings for John. Seriously. I think she always knew she cares about him, but until Sunday I don't think she realised how much. I also think that the loss of Carson made her worry for a bit about how close she is with Shep and I saw that carried over into the next episode where she seemed to be a lot more professional...or forced professional around him.
                          So I think Elizabeth realises but is trying to maybe distance herself a little and remain professional. After watching Vengence tonight though I believe that went out the window because she seemed to be back to normal with Shep.
                          As for Shep...Well he doesn't know what the hell he wants because he's a man I think he finds it hard to deal with feelings and emotions, which is why we only see that sort of serious stuff whenever there is a theme of certain doom and peril. He uses the flirting as a way of avoiding that stuff. I think he realises to a certain extent that he cares a lot for Elizabeth, but when it comes to confronting those thoughts in feelings in a normal situation he chooses to push it aside and get on with things.

                          Originally posted by Anjirika View Post
                          <snip>though maybe he might not realize it completely at this point. Although I think that by The Real World his mind has started to put two and two together.... and by First Strike I think it is 1/2 solidified.....

                          ....but that's just me looking through my sparky glasses....
                          I don't think it's your sparky glasses at all. I agree. I think Shep is a little on the line. Like I said above. In episodes like The Real World, Elizabeth is in danger. There is that obvious sence of peril and doom within the whole team. Whenever that sort of comes out I think we see the true nature of some of the characters, namely Shep. He lets his guard slip and actually shows some feelings and emotions. In a normal situation he puts the mask back on and hides behind the flirty comments and strong friendship. That is how he is.
                          So to say that he is sort of half way there to realising his feelings is pretty sencible. I don't think we'll ever get a full confession of deep feelings or love out of Sheppard unless it was forced (like with Jack about Sam in season 4). It's just not his way, but I think he does realise his feelings in times when things are looking towards the worst.

                          Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
                          Also Elizabeth always kind of lowers her eyes from him and has this coy smile that is just adorable. And John sometimes grins like he's made a touchdown. I'd try to find caps, but I'm at work and don't have easy access to my collection. So someone else can do it.
                          OMG *squee* yes I know exactly what you mean. I love this. Like in TRW when they have the balcony scene at the end and he's trying to make her laugh and Elizabeth instead gets a little weirded by the thought and then John looks down a little but keeps his eyes on Elizabeth and smiles.
                          I'm a sucker for his cheeky smile. If I've fallen for the charm and smile then Elizabeth for sure has.
                          John knows this as well. There have been many occasions he's used this to his advantage...Like when he wanted to keep Ronan.

                          Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                          And in answer to Suz's question, HELL NO! I never want to see marriage or babies in the gateroom, and declarations of love just for the sake of it? No thanks. Personally, I think anything like that would be deterimental to the show. If I want to see people falling in love and getting married then I'll watch the soaps. I want my stargate to stay scifi, and have cool explosions and weird aliens and solid team interaction. Ship is just a by-product of that, a bonus. And while I'm all for reaffirming gazes, hand holding, hugs and the occasional kiss, anything more is just too mushy for what the show is about imo.
                          I agree. I am a big fan of UST and flirting etc...and angst related UST (if you know what I mean). Ship in Sci-Fi never feels right when it comes to proper relationships. It just never goes. An example of how awful it gets is the whole Trip/T'Pol relationship in Enterprise. It made me cringe. It was better just left as UST.
                          I don't mind reading all the relationship stuff in Fic because it's just fun and cute to read occasionally...but it wouldn't work in the show. It would take the fun out of it. Half the fun of Ship in Sci-Fi is that it's so open. It makes it fun interpretting things and believing what we like. It leaves it open for us, the fans, to get creative with

                          Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
                          Hi Kath Pup
                          Another moment that popped into my head was the scene in "Duet" where John is trying to get Elizabeth to let him keep Ronon. I love the "I haven't said Yes" moments. The face Elizabeth makes after she says "Yes" to John is priceless.
                          Ahhh I just mentioned this above. I loved that moment. So cute and funny...even in a non ship sence it was a cute little moment. It's like the 'I found this little animal on the street. Can I keep him? Please. please. please.' lol and then Elizabeth just says yes to shut him up, but also because she loves to see Shep happy. Elizabeth far out does Shep in the cuteness ranks of that moment though *squee*

                          Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                          I am ready for some serious angsting. Maybe another bedside scene. And if something does happen to Elizabeth, it would be ncie to see that have some effect on John.
                          Angst is what I live for. I can't say it enough. I love to see half of my ship angsting over the other. That is when the true emotions come out.
                          Whenever I try writing fic it always ends up big on angst. Sometimes there's so much angst I don't even bother with obvious ship because the emotions that angst brings out is almost directly linked to ship anyway. It's natural.
                          *shouts*Angst!Angst!Angst!...ok...out of my system now

                          Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
                          I'm not really a babyfic or wedding fic fan... though I've written some. Not for this fandom. I guess I'm more drawn to plot/angst UST at least when it comes to John and Elizabeth.
                          Angst!Angst!Angst!...ok. I'm serious this time. It is now definitely out of my system. lol.
                          I've never read wedding fic...sounds a bit saccarine to me. I might dabble in baby-fic sometime though if I can find some. Not because I want it to happen but just because out of context I bet it would be quite cute. I'd never write any though.

                          OK. That's about caught up with everything since I've been gone. This was meant to calm me down but I'm now more hyper than I was before. I'm experiencing multi-ship wars in my mind at the moment. After seeing SG-1 tonight I had a major Daniel/Vala moment to the point where I declared to the room at one point 'OMG they so bloody love each other. It's so flippen obvious'...yes, that is my state of mood right now. Believe me though, this is nothing to what I was like at Uni this afternoon when me and my friend were looking at the sun through black out windows and got excited when a cloud would go past and make it all go shadowy and cool. We were actually squeeing over clouds going over the sun...i think we started to make people worry LOL

                          Sorry. Ramble. I need to calm myself. *breathes* You guys are so understanding though *cough* Don't blame me for my insanity. You'll get used to this
                          Last edited by SazZat; 09 March 2007, 01:11 PM. Reason: spelling

                          livejournal l My Heroes l Shep l Elizabeth l Rodney l Michael l Smile!
                          ~You are who you choose to be~


                            Have to rec Angel Leviathan's latest ficlet bc omg! It's that good.



                              awww that was so cute and haunting, it a touching way.

                              Pic spam and caption cos I'm still in a hyper mood and think I'm hillarious (which I'm not but pfft to that lol)


                              McKay: I won? I won! I believe that's 2 weeks wages you owe me, Caldwell.

                              Caldwell: Damn it.

                              Sheppard: Wait one moment...they were betting on us?

                              livejournal l My Heroes l Shep l Elizabeth l Rodney l Michael l Smile!
                              ~You are who you choose to be~


                                Hee! Such a shame, now Elizabeth going to have to find a way to distract John from beating up Rodney and Caldwell. Although I'm sure she'd understand that he'd only be doing it protect her honour.

