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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by alyssa
    Is it just me, or would it be really cool if he dropped in the first ever Liz in front of Daniel. I could just see Daniel being all oblivious to it, and Elizabeth thinking "what the??"
    Shep being territorial.. yep. I'd like that!
    I'd love to see his reaction when Elizabeth doesn't have 'time' for him! LOL! Maybe she'd be too busy showing Daniel around Atlantis and John interrupts and Elizabeth shows him a marked lack of that riveted attention he's so accustomed to from her. Just a subtle bit of hurt or maybe snide comment to one of the others that they raise their eyebrows or smirk at.


      Originally posted by Athenaktt
      Elizabeth had been calling John, "John" since "Rising"

      John hadn't started calling Elizabeth by her first name until "Hot Zone."
      13 episodes!!!! *tries to convince himself John is just shy*
      gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
      so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
      love Torri


        Originally posted by Vixen
        And this is in case Conversion didn't cast doubts of that kind aside. Thanks Martin (love the name ) TPTB just keep giving reasons why these two would work and that having them in a possible romantic relationship wouldn't "weaken" their characters.
        I thought Conversion was incredibly shippy, a way because of that scene. i'd better explain myself..

        i noticed that John let the Wraithish side of himself out with everyone. He jumped Teyla, in was obviously nothing more than a moment of mindless lust, he beat up Ronin...but Elizabeth he left alone. He struggled to be himself everytime he was in the room with her. He went out of the way to protect her, warning her to put extra guards on the door, and (asfar as i can remember) never attacks her...when the Wraithish part of him does gain control, he smashes a door, not her. Obviously John's feelings for her are strong enough to protect Elizabeth, even when he dosn't have control of himself. Whereas Teyla was just an object of lust, and probably any woman would have done there, Elizabeth is something precious, that must be protected, and that he daren't let himself get too close to her in case he hurts her. I think his deepest instinct, then and always, is to protect Elizabeth
        Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


          Originally posted by Athenaktt
          But if the TPTB decided to ignore that list and continue with the S/W and R/T goodness going on right now.

          I don't mind at all.
          LOL! I don't think you have any worries. Tptb aren't going to suddenly! just start showcasing J/T in personal scenes more often if they haven't up to this point. My favorite from Mel's list is : 'Birthday Presents!? Hello!?!'

          LMAO! That is so true. When I wasn't married, if a man I worked with had taken the time and effort to find out my Birthday and take special pains to pick me out a Birthday present he thought I'd enjoy and bring it back to me from a trip he went on, and then winked and grinned and flirted as he gave it to me, I think the logical conclusion I'd come to was that he just might have some kind of special feelings for me. There are men and women in my dept. here at work that I consider to be good friends I've worked around for years that I've never received so much as a card from on my B-day. Sure, it wasn't roses he gave her but just the idea of giving a woman a personal gift like that shows that he thinks of her above others in a special way. My husband doesn't go to that much effort most times!


            Originally posted by michelleb
            When did they start calling ech other John and Elizabeth? I'm sure it was pretty early on. I wonder who 'first-named' who first?
            She called him John at the end of Rising when she was telling him he'd done a good job. And I think for him it was in Hot Zone when they were arguing over the radio. It seemed he was asserting his authority there. I didn't see anything shippy. Don't remember the next time, but I do know his tone of voice started to change and he just kind of caressed the word. E-liz-a-beth. How that must make her tingle.

            Mel and Bama, your lists are great but I hope TPTB don't see them. It is still beyond all logic to me how folks still see Sheyla. I don't mean to insult anybody, but just speaking for myself it just floors me. I rewatched Conversion during the marathon last week and had a sudden epiphany. oh no, not again Anyway, Carson says that
            John is secreting iratus pheromones through his sweat glands. Well hello, didn't he sweat when he and Teyla were stick fighting right before he suddenly loses control of his gentlemanly side? And since pheromones are used to attract a mate, well you do the math.
            Just thinking out loud.

            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


              Theres math involved?
              gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
              so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
              love Torri


                Originally posted by Melyanna
                Ten things TPTB would have to do to make Shep/Teyla UST more than a figment of someone's imagination:
                3) Give them scenes together that don't have to do with work.
                Didn't they try that in Home? That was just plain embarrassin'.
                5) Have a chat with Rachel Luttrell and Jason Momoa about their characters' vibe, and how it's not supposed to be sexy or anything.
                6) Have a chat with Torri Higginson and Joe Flanigan about their characters' vibe, and how it's not supposed to be intimate or anything.
                I'd love to see them try. It's not like actors are trying.
                8) Stop having John show more personal interest in Elizabeth than in the others.
                I'm curious how Michael will play out. Who will show most concern when
                Teyla gets kidnapped?
                -- Sheppard, Weir or Ronon?
                10) Stop tagging on these random scenes with John and Elizabeth where they're talking about work, but totally comfortable with each other in every sense of the word.
                Those scenes are just lovely.
                Last edited by Doves; 11 January 2006, 10:16 AM.


                  Originally posted by michelleb
                  And it seems to me that he's participating fully in the flirting. Like...she'll be chattng, especially if she's chatting to another man, and he'll make a joke, and he'll be makng the joke for her, so she'll have to turn round, and smile at him, and they have that little conversation purely with their eyes.
                  Good observation. The scene that comes to mind is in Instinct, when John's sitting there making jokes while Carson and Elizabeth are trying to have a serious conversation, and she can't help but turn around and smile at him. I think the actors instigated those moments, though, and the writers and directors followed.

                  Originally posted by Athenaktt
                  But if the TPTB decided to ignore that list and continue with the S/W and R/T goodness going on right now.

                  I don't mind at all.
                  Well, duh.
                  Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                  Last update: 14 April 2006
                  Melyanna's Multimedia
                  Last update: 15 February 2006


                    Originally posted by Bama
                    I'd love to see his reaction when Elizabeth doesn't have 'time' for him! LOL! Maybe she'd be too busy showing Daniel around Atlantis and John interrupts and Elizabeth shows him a marked lack of that riveted attention he's so accustomed to from her. Just a subtle bit of hurt or maybe snide comment to one of the others that they raise their eyebrows or smirk at.
                    The more I think about it the more I like the idea of Daniel giving our John something to worry about!
                    Can't you just see McKay rolling his eyes as John gets all flustered??


                      Originally posted by michelleb
                      I thought Conversion was incredibly shippy, a way because of that scene. i'd better explain myself..

                      i noticed that John let the Wraithish side of himself out with everyone. He jumped Teyla, in was obviously nothing more than a moment of mindless lust, he beat up Ronin...but Elizabeth he left alone. He struggled to be himself everytime he was in the room with her. He went out of the way to protect her, warning her to put extra guards on the door, and (asfar as i can remember) never attacks her...when the Wraithish part of him does gain control, he smashes a door, not her. Obviously John's feelings for her are strong enough to protect Elizabeth, even when he dosn't have control of himself. Whereas Teyla was just an object of lust, and probably any woman would have done there, Elizabeth is something precious, that must be protected, and that he daren't let himself get too close to her in case he hurts her. I think his deepest instinct, then and always, is to protect Elizabeth
                      Bug!John did actually attack Elizabeth, but by that point he had almost no control over himself. You make some excellent points. When he's releasing that aggression in her office, he could have smashed something on her desk or lunged at her, but instead he turns away from her. He's doing the same thing in the first scene in his bedroom, and only looks at her to make his point about her not being safe around him.

                      And in the second bedroom scene, he could easily have killed her. Instead, he wasn't even holding her tightly enough to choke her, or even leave a mark. Then he went out and knocked out what, six or seven guys before Ronon finally stunned him? I still think that John Sheppard still had a shred of control and was trying desperately not to hurt her. After all, through most of the series, John has had a drive to protect Elizabeth at all costs.

                      In fact, my favorite bit of Coup d'État was
                      when John's reasoning for not wanting to trust the Genii – and not wanting Elizabeth to trust the Genii – was that they'd tried to kill Elizabeth on two separate occasions.
                      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                      Last update: 14 April 2006
                      Melyanna's Multimedia
                      Last update: 15 February 2006


                        Originally posted by Dove
                        I'm curious how Michael will play out. Who will show most concern when SPOILERS (Highlight below to read):

                        Teyla gets kidnapped?
                        -- Sheppard, Weir or Ronon?
                        My money is on Ronon. Because I personally see him as Teyla's protective Angry Monkey. But I should leave that to the Spanky thread.


                          Originally posted by Melyanna
                          Good observation. The scene that comes to mind is in Instinct, when John's sitting there making jokes while Carson and Elizabeth are trying to have a serious conversation, and she can't help but turn around and smile at him. I think the actors instigated those moments, though, and the writers and directors followed.
                          I remember reading something like this before. Maybe from Torri, that she and Joe actually look for things like this to play around with in their scenes. I'm sure they all do it in their scenes no matter who they're working with, but these two just click!


                            Originally posted by Athenaktt
                            My money is on Ronon. Because I personally see him as Teyla's protective Angry Monkey. But I should leave that to the Spanky thread.
                            Yeah, and John is Elizabeth's protective monkey. None of my information indicates one way or the other, but I'd be shocked if we didn't see a good amount of concern from John. They are friends, after all. But you're right. I think the potential for Ronon/Teyla in this episode is... high, let's say. And I think there's probably potential for Shep/Weir along the lines of The Gift (also a Gero script, I believe). Should be an interesting episode.
                            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                            Last update: 14 April 2006
                            Melyanna's Multimedia
                            Last update: 15 February 2006


                              Originally posted by Qasim
                              Theres math involved?
                              Really. Might as well put a fork in me. But then, I have already flunked Sheyla 101.


                                Originally posted by Southern Red
                                Anyway, Carson says that
                                John is secreting iratus pheromones through his sweat glands. Well hello, didn't he sweat when he and Teyla were stick fighting right before he suddenly loses control of his gentlemanly side? And since pheromones are used to attract a mate, well you do the math.
                                Just thinking out loud.
                                So are you insinuating that *gasp*! Teyla doesn't 'dig' John in the least?
                                The thought has crossed my mind more than once. She looks at him with about as much excitement as most people would look at a piece of wood.

