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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    All hail the Alter of Martin Gero.... he is soo a SPARKY shipper!!!!


      Originally posted by Athenaktt

      THere isn't really any real awkward tensions between John and Elizabeth especially they seem to be on the same page most of the time. I guess which is why all the nods, gazes, smiles, and simple body languages show how well these two are together.
      I've always thought of Shep/Weir as a "friendlier" Han Solo and Leia, the rebel pilot/cowboy and the beautiful/strong/dignified diplomat. Totally different people, but this time, these people are actually good friends. You don't see that often on tv or movies.


        Originally posted by gambit
        I've always thought of Shep/Weir as a "friendlier" Han Solo and Leia, the rebel pilot/cowboy and the beautiful/strong/dignified diplomat. Totally different people, but this time, these people are actually good friends. You don't see that often on tv or movies.
        oohhh that is a goods way to put them and i so agree... very very true!!!!!
        ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


          All hail the Alter of Martin Gero.... he is soo a SPARKY shipper!!!!
          Hail! Hail! Long live the Gero!

          Like I said b4, he's kinda the reason I found this site & am so into the Sparky that is this ship... cos like didn't he write 'The Storm & Eye' & HZ? Those three are the canon for me.

          Hail! Hail! Long live the Gero!
          ~Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth. ~


            Originally posted by Melyanna
            Yeah, and that reminds me of something that was said earlier that I thought was very insightful. Alas, I can't remember who said it. But the gist of it was that it's hard to really describe their interaction as tension. They're so close and comfortable in practically every possible respect. It doesn't all have to be sexual innuendo and forced touching and the like to be a really good romance. In fact, I think it's rather refreshing that this ship isn't about tension. It's about closeness and trust and loyalty, which are far stronger bonds than anything sexual.
            That was me

            I was thinking about the much talked about Joe article, and putting into context. Looking at Shep and Weir he's right in a way. There's no 'sexual tension' because there's no tension between them at all. Even their work related conversations are starting to come off as just chats between friends.
            They've reached that comfortable level, where they're teasing each other and mucking around without it being a tense situation.
            just look at that "I got the girl" scene, and Elizabeth's reaction. Torri played it beautiful, so that it was sparky, but not tense
            It's a different kind of closeness to the one you normally get when they're playing for UST between the leads. It's all down to that amazing connection between Joe and Torri on camera. They smirk and smile and it comes off as two characters who've become dependent on each other, and have no problem with that dependence.

            You could say there are moments of 'tension' with Elizabeth when John comes back in one piece, eg, Siege 3, but at the same time, that can be seen as a feeling of overwhelming relief. That was my take on that scene, and the way Torri played it.

            The tension with Teyla, I think he was a little wrong in describing as sexual. I think the thing there is a leader/team member vibe. They don't always agree with each other, therefore the tension. Then again, maybe he's right and they are trying to write it as UST with Shep and Teyla. If they are, it's not working!


              Random John and Liz animated gif that came up as a result of an LJ exchange with a friend today... I take no responsibility for misuse of internet cliches.

              Linky! (no spoilers, but it's ~200 KB)
              "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
              My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                Originally posted by xfkirsten
                Linky! (no spoilers, but it's ~200 KB)

                LOL ...this makes me realise that there was a lot of Sparky subtext flying around in Coup. The following moments come to mind
                "Lt Col Errand Boy" line- ermmm translation- John `s Lizzie`s b***h ??? BTW JF played that up very cool but then that whole scene with Laden & John was just sooo funny!

                "Your office , really?" "Yes Really?" -
                and that last scene in her office
       much subtext ...mmm, whats been happening in that office lately? Can that office windows really dim


                “I know how Sheppard can be,” “He’s an incredibly strong man,” “and Elizabeth is his weakness. He doesn’t know how to handle that.”
                - Rodney to AU Elizabeth : quote from PeanutButterer`s The Other Side


                  just look at that "I got the girl" scene, and Elizabeth's reaction.
                  Care to elaborate on that for those of us who've NO IDEA what you're talking about? Bwahahahah ... I hate being in limbo... I'm like that lil starving bird BEGGING it's mother to feed it. *cheepcheepcheep*

                  The reason this is such an attractive ship for me is EXACTLY the LACK of DRAMA that it has. It's refreshing in a shipper world where it's mostly about the UST or the angst... don't get me wrong it's good when it's good... but really, I need a break once in awhile: ie: GG Luke & Lorelai... 'cept now that's turning out to be a lil angsty, so all I've got left is the Sparky One

                  M'kay y'all must be like on the other side of the earth cos whenever I'm here there's not so many ppl... But when I wake up there's like EIGHT new pages.
                  Last edited by sunny; 10 January 2006, 11:14 PM.
                  ~Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth. ~


                    Originally posted by sunny
                    Care to elaborate on that for those of us who've NO IDEA what you're talking about? Bwahahahah ... I hate being in limbo... I'm like that lil starving bird BEGGING it's mother to feed it. *cheepcheepcheep*
                    Okay. Well, I'll be honest and admit I haven't seen the whole ep. And right now for the life of me I can't remember what it's called!!!! Argh anyway
                    it's the one where Shep is propositioned by a very much younger girl. There was lots of speculation around here about whether anything actually happened between them. Anyway, at the end, Shep says to Elizabeth "Got the girl" she replies "You got the girl?" in an amused kind of way to which he replies "well I could have got the girl, but I turned her down". Very cute scene... there's more to it, but that's the bit I was meaning in that post


                      So finally saw the whole episode:
                      That was great... the interactions between these two were perfect. I stated last week, that I didn't really liked Joe's performance in TLG...well this episode made it up for me...he was GREAT and of course also Torri. I definitely like her new style with the black pants, the black top and the high-heels... makes her more feminin...and her hair was perfect... *eye-goodies* for John There were many scenes that showed that they trust towards each other goes really deep and there definitely were also flirty-scenes! But what I liked was, that Elizabeth still would have risked rather Johns life, than handle out the Jumpers...not bc I'd like to see John dying but you also can see, that Elizabeth is a strong person, and knows what's important, the city is still at the first minus-point to Kavanagh aka "she's ruled by felling only"-guy

                      What really disturbed me...they are back to "Dr. Weir" and "Colonel Sheppard"...again *snif*


                        Okay. Well, I'll be honest and admit I haven't seen the whole ep. And right now for the life of me I can't remember what it's called!!!! Argh anyway
                        it's the one where Shep is propositioned by a very much younger girl.
                        Geez... Kinda sorry I asked now .... Must focus on the sparky-ness in s1 DVD now... Alrite, I'm out ppl... Nice shippin' w/ya Laters
                        ~Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth. ~


                          Originally posted by Dorka
                          So finally saw the whole episode:

                          What really disturbed me...they are back to "Dr. Weir" and "Colonel Sheppard"...again *snif*

                          Really???? No-one's mentioned this before!


                            Originally posted by Dorka

                            What really disturbed me...they are back to "Dr. Weir" and "Colonel Sheppard"...again *snif*

                            Nothing to be disturbed about... good friends put on a show of formality with each other from time to time... I do it... I sometimes even do it with my husband...
                            "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                              Originally posted by alyssa
                              Really???? No-one's mentioned this before!
                              Well, I'm quite focused on those little things *lol*

                              @ Eastern Lily
                              Yeah I's only a big change after the KISS


                                before I forget it again pics are from Critical Mass and TLG :

