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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    *Ok..yes breakfast is over.
    Aang and A-Carson have gone to see Poet I'm sitting at the table with Shep Carson and Beck.*
    That was very nice Beck thank you.
    Dell Yes much better than toast.
    You make very nice toast Dell, I always like your toast
    Dell Just checking.
    So what are you girls up to today?
    Beck You are joking aren't you! wedding day? What do you think we will be doing!
    Dell All your stuff is in A-Carsons room Shep, Aang will be getting ready in our rooms. Right now, I have to go check on the food and decorating of the will be closed at 10am so it can be got ready. Beck will look after the room in the main tower and you guys, just make sure there are no problems...anywhere on the planet or off! No one is missing this wedding, I don't care if the whole universe explodes, The wedding will go ahead!
    Beck Oh Carson, the flowers will be coming through soon, can you make sure everyone gets their flowers?
    Aye love, oy I thin' I hear 'em now, better be off, comin' Shep?
    Right behind you, have fun ladies.......Thanks man, I thought I was going to be sucked in and spat out in tiny chunks there for a moment
    ye did look a little ou' o ye depth lad

    Dell Well that got rid of them!
    Beck was easier than I thought.
    Dell Ok, now to the real plans, have you wrapped the present yet........


      *I smile at Poet just as Carson and Shep come into the infirmary*

      'ey Lad, y'best leave ye bride t'be alone so she c'n go get ready.

      A- Aye, suppose y'right. Aang Love, I'll see ye at th' Weddin' then. Love ye.

      *he pulls me into his arms and we kiss passionately before he finally lets me go and turns to leave with the others, I smile at Poet one last time before I go back to our quarters, but I stand outside the door a moment, listening*

      *I wave a hand at the door pad and as it slides open, I don't enter just then*

      Can I come in, Sisters?

      ((OK brb dinner is ready got to eat!))


        Beck One moment!, Quick hand me that one, thanks, *runs off into her room with her arms full*
        Dell Aang, love, come in, what are you doing standing out in the hall like that, how are you know you shouldn't have seen A-Carson this morning don't you, oh well can't be helped now, well not without the help of the TARDIS anyway, cup of spiced apple tea?. I can't stop talking, what the heck is wrong with me?


          *I look at Dell with my head tilted sideways a bit*

          I know I shouldn't have seen A-Carson but...I couldn't go without seeing him. Did Beck tell you about my dream last night? Oh never mind that now, but would you rather me go find something else to do for a bit until you're ready for me? *my face turns slightly pink*


            Dell No, don't go! I do know about your dream, Beck told me, I didn't see it, seems I was in the middle of my own at the same time. Now, actually you could come with me to the mess, and make sure everything is on track. *call out to Beck* We are off to the mess, back later*
            muffled by the door Beck Ok!
            Dell I still haven't found my crutches, someone must have taken them.
            *we head out of the room and towards the mess, me limping and slowing us down*


              Well we can't have that. Could always stop at the infirmary and get you a new pair of crutches.

              *I mentally wince a little every time I watch my big Sister limp like that, I realize her leg must still hurt and probably even a bit more than she will admit, but instead of pointing this out, I just settle in and walk at her pace*


                -actually I think that will be a good idea, I'm going to be on my feet a lot today, and running around back and forth too. was a little embarrassing last night when Shep had to carry me back from the mess. *suddenly wonders to myself if she had still been there to see it, man my brain is getting fried due to the dream and all the sleep I'm not getting*


                  I did see that, I can imagine you'd rather to be able to walk out yourself... *I realize where we are* Here, the infirmary's right here, I'll get you some crutches, Sis.

                  *I trot off ahead of Dell and vanish into the Infirmary, where I ignore the dirty look Keller gives me (I had asked for myself and both Carsons to have the day off, sticking Keller and Biro with a triple shift between them, she was not amused with me) and grab a pair of crutches from the selection we keep around, then turn and head back out to Dell*

                  Here, let's adjust these to fit you, I told you I wouldn't have you being further injured because of my wedding and I meant it.


                    -Thanks, yep that's about right, ok, now let's get going.
                    *am able to move a lot quicker now as we make our way to the mess*


                      *I'm absently twisting the engagement ring on my finger, today is really the day! It's happening! My thoughts are totally absorbed in the wedding as we walk, so I don't particularly notice when we turn into the Mess hall*


                        -Oh I thought they would be further ahead by now, look its.....10.30am, what time is the wedding again? There are still people eating in here, they were supposed to close it, stay here, I'm going to talk to the chiefs.
                        *I head out the back leaving Aang standing on her own*


                          *standing in the middle of the Mess on my own, I look around the room in confusion, my sister has hopped off on her crutches to talk to the chefs and the room is only half together. I busy myself with re-arranging a haphazardly skewed tablecloth on one of the tables, for lack of anything else to be doing*


                            *I come back out*
                            -well they are doing better back there than out here, food should be good and plenty of and ready on time, so, where do you want to go now?


                              Well, I wonder how the room in the main tower is coming along, haven't even been up there yet today...

                              *I stop fussing with the table cloth and go back to fidgeting with my engagement ring*


                                -Hold on there sis, sit down. *I pull out a chair and sit down*
                                I know I'm running off at the mouth a bit today, but I'm not are really worried, tell me why, what can I do to help?

