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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Yummmy, the one with his hands on his hips...


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      Originally posted by leighanners View Post
      Paul is hot in those new pics! I like the ones with his hands on his hips...*purs*

      edit: I take that back. I really like the one of him with his arms crossed...cause those arms are heavenly! *dies* I think they should have more of him...everyone else has at least four!
      I had the same dilemma...It was 'hand on hips is my crossed hands on hips! Arms! Damnit man, why do you do this to me?!'

      I can't believe they only had two more of him!
      by Kaaatie


        Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
        Sounds good to me ... where do I sign up?!?! hehe.
        Me, too


          Originally posted by doylefan22 View Post

          I can't believe they only had two more of him!
          Yeah, see Joe, there are MANY


            Originally posted by JennyJ View Post
            Yeah, see Joe, there are MANY
            The photographer was clearly a Shep fan! Or Joe's mum.

            Can't believe they had the least amount for David and Paul...
            by Kaaatie


              Originally posted by doylefan22 View Post
              The photographer was clearly a Shep fan! Or Joe's mum.


                Originally posted by doylefan22 View Post
                The photographer was clearly a Shep fan! Or Joe's mum.

                Can't believe they had the least amount for David and Paul...
                That's because JF is seen by TPTB as the "hunky lead" and the babe-magnet to draw in female viewership, while Paul and David aren't considered as such. Same for Jason Momoa; I bet we got more of him, as well. Silly TPTB--but, we knew that already, didn't we?

                "And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."
                ~~Friedrich Nietzsche


                  Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
                  Sounds good to me ... where do I sign up?!?! hehe.
                  *hands list over*

                  and I can't decide which of the pics i love more.. his arms are just.. GUH!! but his hands on his hips.. his body in that pic is just.. GUH!! *faints again

                  Originally posted by JennyJ View Post
                  Yeah, see Joe, there are MANY
                  true.. i want more paul pics!!! let's go demonstrating

                  Convention-Pics: baby-turtles. de
                  Visit me at my LJ


                    Originally posted by doylefan22 View Post
                    The photographer was clearly a Shep fan! Or Joe's mum.
                    that's good *lol

                    Originally posted by nonniemous
                    That's because JF is seen by TPTB as the "hunky lead" and the babe-magnet to draw in female viewership, while Paul and David aren't considered as such. Same for Jason Momoa; I bet we got more of him, as well. Silly TPTB--but, we knew that already, didn't we?
                    yes, we do... silly and un-knowing what the fans really want...

                    Convention-Pics: baby-turtles. de
                    Visit me at my LJ


                      Originally posted by nonniemous View Post
                      That's because JF is seen by TPTB as the "hunky lead" and the babe-magnet to draw in female viewership, while Paul and David aren't considered as such. Same for Jason Momoa; I bet we got more of him, as well. Silly TPTB--but, we knew that already, didn't we?
                      People get really angry at me when I say JF isn't all that, or that Paul is the most handsome guy in SGA (actually I believe it's a tie between Paul and Jason ).

                      But that's really my opinion. I can agree that JF is charming, that's all.

                      (I have this strange strange taste and Paul seems to be the only exception)

                      Hihihihihihihi *blushes* Yeah, I did it!
                      Base Carson by Haliyah, small changes by myself ^^

                      Thanks for the greens (and for all the explanations!).

                      Now it's my turn of "greengiving"


                        Originally posted by fnordine View Post
                        But that's really my opinion. I can agree that JF is charming, that's all.
                        Well from what I've heard off of people who work at cons he's pretty to look at but not so bright. Nice guy but not always a lot going on upstairs. Bless

                        I'm quite surprised we didn't get more shots of Jason actually...He got the same amount as Torri and Rachel.
                        by Kaaatie


                          Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
                          Trouble with women? Who is Paul talking to? Obviously not one of us, lol. He'd have no trouble here.
                          Ah? Paul having problems with women...hmmm ok he probably needs to start reading the boards that are dedicated to him. If he only understood just how powerful his smile alone is on females worldwide, and those blue eyes of his...yea, he's not talking to the right ones. I'm sure he could just flash that beautiful smile of his on any one of us here and well...the rest is up to the individual. I choose to keep it clean here.


                            Originally posted by doylefan22 View Post
                            Well from what I've heard off of people who work at cons he's pretty to look at but not so bright. Nice guy but not always a lot going on upstairs. Bless
                            For me this is quite bad XD My type is the not so cute, but really smart guy. If he is soft arounh the middle, it's PERFECT!

                            Hm... I guess Paul is the exception that confirm the rule

                            Originally posted by doylefan22 View Post
                            I'm quite surprised we didn't get more shots of Jason actually...He got the same amount as Torri and Rachel.
                            Bah for TPTB

                            Hihihihihihihi *blushes* Yeah, I did it!
                            Base Carson by Haliyah, small changes by myself ^^

                            Thanks for the greens (and for all the explanations!).

                            Now it's my turn of "greengiving"


                              Originally posted by phibi View Post
                              GUH... I think my braincells just exploded.... *THUNK*

                              Quick, I need a doctor...a little warning when you're going to post pictures that hot of our boy Paul. I almost choked on my glass of water. Have to admit...I've never seen Paul in a bad picture, and black is a nice color on him.


                                Originally posted by PJumper42 View Post
                                Ah? Paul having problems with women...hmmm ok he probably needs to start reading the boards that are dedicated to him. If he only understood just how powerful his smile alone is on females worldwide, and those blue eyes of his...yea, he's not talking to the right ones. I'm sure he could just flash that beautiful smile of his on any one of us here and well...the rest is up to the individual. I choose to keep it clean here.
                                It's the voice that does it for me - either accent!
                                by Kaaatie

