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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Oh that's great news Jenner!! I can't wait!!

    Okay, on totaly off topic... but I'm house sitting this weekend, and this house is soooo cold. The computer is in the front room and I swear to you, I'm seeing my breath here. I think I'm gonna go curl up on the couch by the wood stove with my sketchbook and a cup of hot tea, throw a movie or a sg episode on and get warm!! brrrr...

    Proudly Supporting Team USA


      *crosses finger* please let Paul be back!!!!!!! lol


        OH! I can't wait! *crosses fingers too*
        Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


          Fingers crossed for Paul!!!


            Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
            I love that pic! Good luck on your finals, Oda!!
            Thanks TJ.
            Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
            Congrats on getting your average up and good luck with finals! I hope it's not too stressful.
            Have a little Carson for good luck!
            Thanks cshawzye. I'm glad your grandpa is at home, hospital isn't a nice palce to be. I'm sure he'll recover better there.

            Originally posted by RockyluvsSG View Post
            Good luck with finals Oda
            looking forward to see good grades this year
            Thanks Rocky.

            About S5: Keeping fingers crossed and holding the pen at the same time isn't easy, but I'll do it for Paul.

            "What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins."


              Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
              About S5: Keeping fingers crossed and holding the pen at the same time isn't easy, but I'll do it for Paul.
              Tell me about it! I typed 3 letters with my fingers crossed ... not easy to do.


                i am a little worried after last nights episode. the thought never went through my mind, but...what if they make Keller a main character? She is in a bunch of promo shots when someone like Zelenka isnt in any and he is in tons of episodes for 4 years...and for those who havent seen it
                Keller is suddenly a genius child prodigy and with that revelation I cant see her and beckett working together IMO. and it seems that she is going to get with Ronon so if that happens she cant just go back to Earth if Beckett comes back...

                so yeah a liiitttllleeee worried. I know we will probably find out next wekk but the wait is killing me!


                  Originally posted by Chezlee View Post
                  i am a little worried after last nights episode. the thought never went through my mind, but...what if they make Keller a main character? She is in a bunch of promo shots when someone like Zelenka isnt in any and he is in tons of episodes for 4 years...and for those who havent seen it
                  Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if this year was a test season to see how Keller was received. The red carpet treatment JS has been given as a recurring character vs what others have received has only served to disgruntle me further with this casting choice. Zelenka is many times the character Keller is....but he's not a draw for the key demographic.

                  Originally posted by Chezlee View Post
                  Keller is suddenly a genius child prodigy and with that revelation I cant see her and beckett working together IMO. and it seems that she is going to get with Ronon so if that happens she cant just go back to Earth if Beckett comes back...

                  so yeah a liiitttllleeee worried. I know we will probably find out next wekk but the wait is killing me!
                  Keller being a child prodigy is not news. What else could she be and be so young in this position? This doesn't answer the criticisms in any way as far as I am concerned. In medicine, brilliance is not enough. You need training and experience and that takes time. More time than she could have even starting medical school at a young age. Most people could buy the character on paper as a brilliant young doctor, but having her put in charge of all the medical staff (doctors with more experience than she has and who are also brilliant---remember this expedition is the best and the brightest supposedly) does not make any kind of sense to me.

                  But you bring up a point, I've mentioned previously. What do you do with this character if you bring Beckett back? I will not be pleased if he has to take a backseat to her. I don't care about seeing her, but some people do. I fear in trying to please everyone, tptb will please no one, and that Paul/Beckett's role will be undermined. I hope my worries are unfounded, but I'm losing confidence with each episode.


                    I guess her graduating so early was evident to some, but it never occured to me. I was a bit shocked when they mentioned it, fact is I just never got the impression that she was that outstanding ( i mean the charactar not actor), so it kinda threw me, and i wonder if they added that bit because they realized they cast such a young actor for an older charactars role and they had to fix it. Otherwise i would think they would have said something to explain it when she first appeared
                    BRING BACK THE REAL ATLANTIS


                      Originally posted by Chezlee View Post
                      I guess her graduating so early was evident to some, but it never occured to me. I was a bit shocked when they mentioned it, fact is I just never got the impression that she was that outstanding ( i mean the charactar not actor), so it kinda threw me, and i wonder if they added that bit because they realized they cast such a young actor for an older charactars role and they had to fix it. Otherwise i would think they would have said something to explain it when she first appeared
                      I don't find her outstanding either. I think JS said some things which indicated her "genius" tag.

                      Yes. Keller had to be a child prodigy, because JS is woefully miscast and this is a way to combat that. You would think this was the plan all along, but who knows where tptb are concerned. As I said, this doesn't magically make all reservations go least not for me. This is what happens when you try to stuff a particular actor in an role to which she is not suited, IMO.

                      Doctors in scifi tend towards the unrealistic. One doctor will seem like an expert in many fields. So I'm willing to bend quite a bit, but Keller breaks me. And part of that may be that JS, in the role as written, can't make me believe in her. It also doesn't help that she suffers in comparison to Carson.

                      Just my opinions.


                        Well JM did only promise 2 episodes but omfg talk about COMPLETELY unfair to Paul

                        Excuse my bluntness but Keller can do die in a ditch somewhere....she doesn't make the show nor the role of chief medical officer.....

                        BRING BACK CARSON FULL TIME!

                        Wonder what would happen if we continued to press the matter with JM

                        If Paul's not back, I'm not back.


                          I concure, if he isnt back I see no reason to watch this show. After I saw Sunday I almost didnt watch ANY more episodes including the last S3 episodes, but I saw he was going to be back in S4 and I wanted to make sure I was caught up, but that is my limit. No more SGA if there is no Beckett!

                          BTW I finally hit 100 posts! I know its a few to those with 1000, but im pleased
                          BRING BACK THE REAL ATLANTIS


                            Congrats on 100 posts!!

                            *pickets* NO BECKETT NO SHOW!! NO BECKETT NO SHOW!!



                              Mind if I join your pickett *holds up huge sign"
                              BRING BACK THE REAL ATLANTIS


                                Originally posted by Scottish Doctor View Post
                                Wonder what would happen if we continued to press the matter with JM
                                The Save Carson campaign IS pressing the matter

                                Originally posted by Chezlee View Post
                                BTW I finally hit 100 posts! I know its a few to those with 1000, but im pleased
                                A BIG HUGE FAT CONGRADULATIONS ON 100 AWESOME POSTS!!!
                                A little pic spam to honor the occasion!

                                How about Duet


                                Proudly Supporting Team USA

