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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Ann View Post
    Which is exactly where I am after seeing that spoiler pic !!! One of my all time favourites, leelakin !! And don't even get me started on the 'k' word, or I'll be needing a crash cart !!!

    Thank you !!!!

    On a more serious note - how do you get the SCB banner on the bottom of your posts ? Only I've tried twice tonight and... well, let's just say... oooops !!

    Just add this to your signature:

    [ URL="" ][ IMG ][ /IMG ][ /URL ] you just have to delete the spaces between the brackets!


      Originally posted by leelakin View Post
      Just add this to your signature:

      [ URL="" ][ IMG ][ /IMG ][ /URL ] you just have to delete the spaces between the brackets!

      Thanks leelakin, I'll give this a try ! Mind you, with my techno-ability, I'm just as likely to start launching a few drones out of my chair !!

      Heads down, lads and lassies - dangerous Scottish person on the loose !!


      "Ye don't understand, I break things like this...!!!"

      The one, the only, the irreplaceable... Carson Beckett




        Just a little something to prove that I have entirely too much time on my hands ...



          Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
          Just a little something to prove that I have entirely too much time on my hands ...

          That's ABSOLUTELY awesome! XD Hahahaha, awwwwww. I just wanna squee everytime I see him. Did he sing for you, too? =D Paul's so multi-talented. (;


            Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
            Just a little something to prove that I have entirely too much time on my hands ...

            lol, that's great! good stuff.

            Heading out for a while ... hope everyone has a good afternoon/evening/night (or whatever time it happens to be where you are)

            My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
            "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness


              Originally posted by leelakin View Post
              Did he sing for you, too? =D Paul's so multi-talented. (;
              I wish!! I wasn't at SG11 - I just snagged the photos to play with.

              I was at the Creation Burbank con, though ... no Paul, but I got to meet David & Kate Hewlett, Torri Higginson, and Jason Momoa. Jason told a couple of great Paulie stories!

              Here's the full report, if you're interested ...

              Creation Burbank Stargate Con



                By the way, Here's that video of Paul's funny walk! XD

                It's really a pity that it's without sound, just imagine him laughing (reaaaaally queer *lol* but all the more adorable!) loudly and saying stuff like "Oh love, how about we meet in the mess hall? Oh thank you, I find you very sexy, too!" *lol* All of it with his Beckett accent. (he was pretending that the chair was a wheelchair and he was flirting with someone sitting in it)

                Oh, and before he does some hair-fixing and loosening up. Heehee =)


                  Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
                  Here's the full report, if you're interested ...

                  Creation Burbank Stargate Con
                  Thanks, I'll go read it now! =D I still have to write mine (I met him last weekend), he sang twice for us! *lol* It was so awesome. (= I think I'll start right after I read yours, before I start to forget things.


                    Aren't you all such lovely people for posting such fun things for me to see! I've been trying to put together my courage to start my work-week tomorrow!

                    From that interview....
                    "I think each character is beginning to find the different layers and sometimes the darker side of the characters. I can tell you one thing for Beckett as a character in the second half of the season, there's a lot of major plot lines that are developed throughout with Beckett in mind and I think the fans will be in for some big surprises."

                    Honestly? I've said it before. By all means, have Carson go through some serious crap. I'm really excited about that. (Oh. Wait. Wrong thread?) Maybe even have him disappear for a few episodes. But bring him back! Argh!

                    There. I feel better, now.

                    Many thanks, again, to TJ for writing up such lovely stories about the con. You let me feel like I've been there.

                    That story about how Paul likes to screw with people before a take now helps another interview I read make a lot more sense. (Unfortunately, I don't remember where I read it. It might have even been at DragonCon that I heard it.) There were SGA actors talking about how annoying David and Paul are before a scene. That they totally mess around and aren't in character at all. Then they just jump right in without missing a beat. But they also enjoy messing with people before to throw everyone else off. Maybe this is what they were talking about?

                    I'd totally screw up any scene with Paul if he made me stare into those eyes. ::thunk::

                    That SGA set sounds like a hoot.

                    And such lovely pictures and video. Warms the heart, it does!


                      Originally posted by rosiewook View Post
                      That story about how Paul likes to screw with people before a take now helps another interview I read make a lot more sense. (Unfortunately, I don't remember where I read it. It might have even been at DragonCon that I heard it.) There were SGA actors talking about how annoying David and Paul are before a scene. That they totally mess around and aren't in character at all. Then they just jump right in without missing a beat. But they also enjoy messing with people before to throw everyone else off. Maybe this is what they were talking about?

                      I'd totally screw up any scene with Paul if he made me stare into those eyes. ::thunk::
                      Jason also said that sometimes when Paul is doing a scene with Rachel, he'll add "Love me. Love me." to his little mantra, and then "Thank YOU! I'm ready now!" And the director will roll the camera and Rachel will be sliding onto the floor with all composure lost. What a nut!

                      Leelakin, thanks for posting that video. It's a riot.


                        I wonder if he even has any clue whatsoever what his eyes and voice do to women?


                          Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
                          Jason also said that sometimes when Paul is doing a scene with Rachel, he'll add "Love me. Love me." to his little mantra, and then "Thank YOU! I'm ready now!" And the director will roll the camera and Rachel will be sliding onto the floor with all composure lost. What a nut!

                          Leelakin, thanks for posting that video. It's a riot.
                          Anything for fellow thunkers! XD
                          Here's another one:
                          Paul trying really hard to look like a puppy! (and succeeding *lol*)

                          It needs a little explanation. So he and a few fans were doing a roleplay, basically re-playing a scene from Siege 3 (where Ford appears and wants the rest of the enzyme from Beckett). So the fan would play Ford and Paul would play Beckett (O RLY?). This is the part where he's supposed to hand over the enzyme (represented by the water bottle *lol*) and Paul makes a point of turning reaaaalllly painfully slowly and later tries to convince 'Ford' with a puppy dog look. XD Too bad I couldn't zoom in on his face! He's so awesome!

                          About Paul confusing everyone before a take, he told us about that, too. =D He mentioned the first time he worked with Jason Moma, the poor dude got really confused by all of this "look at me. Look. At. Me." Heehee =)

                          Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
                          I wonder if he even has any clue whatsoever what his eyes and voice do to women?
                          AND men, possibly! *lol* Hmmmmm, difficult to say. I don't think he's got a big ego, but I SWEAR he did some of those things at the con on purpose! *lol* He totally knows how to woo the fangirls. (;


                            D'oh, can hardly see it in that video, hon'! It almost looks like he has a really huge, ugly sideburn on the right side of his face. I didn't even recognize that he was wearing a headset for a few seconds!


                              Originally posted by SaberBlade View Post
                              I got an old disposable camera developed recently and with it came the photo of me and PMG when he came here to Belfast, and when my gran saw it I couldn't believe what she said to me, and I swear I am being serious....

                              "he looks queer"

                              Now my gran is 71 years old so she's a bit behind on the times and didn't mean anything bad by it, but I was suprised to hear her say it and I was like O_o.
                              That's just too funny!

                              sig by Pandora's_Box


                                Originally posted by pavaneofstars View Post
                                That's just too funny!
                                I think it's the hair ... The only other person I've ever seen with that hairstyle was a swishingly gay man!

                                Oh man, pavane... were you at the Burbank con after the ADB screening? Do you remember when David Hewlett pointed out a kid in the audience that he said had "Paul McGillion hair"?! That was a riot!
                                Last edited by TJinLOCA; 26 November 2006, 03:50 PM.

