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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Not much else I can do...if I kick up a fuss, what good is it going to do? Won't help Dell, I'll get sedated and control would go to someone else. Don't worry though, I'm devising all sorts of ways to exact of which is to put them in a room and let you and Beck rip them to shreds. Poet and her guys feeding on them would be a bit of a win/win, but I'm not sure the IOA would go for it.


      And they told me you'd never learn. *I laugh slightly* Hmm, I could do with a new punching bag, I think Tom would make a fine one.

      Beck: Na'Kita would love another chance at Tom as well. She would've won if he hadn't had a gun on him...


        Wouldn't we all like another even Dell would......she looks like she has better colour now, how is she Doc?


          I know my big sister, if she ever gets in the same room with Tom again, he will lose his life quickly.

          *I pull away from A-Carson and go to Dell, checking her vitals and reading the monitors, looking at the color returning to her face and make a few marks on her chart, trying to look all official before I turn around to Shep with a smile on my face*

          She's doing a lot better now that she's got enough blood in her to keep her going and had time to rest without any stress on her body outside her injuries. I might be able to bring her around soon, she'll still be groggy and probably a bit incoherent because I'll need to keep her drugged for the pain...


            *he smiles*
            I'm glad she is doing better, it is way to quiet round here without her...can't imagine how we got on before she arrived on the base. Huh, the first time I ever saw her was in here.


              *I laugh*

              Yes, Dell told me about that. You were getting your arm bandaged for some reason, I think...and she was delivering the new supplies. I was here too, but I was in the office, catching up on someone's paperwork...I wasn't a nurse yet by then, only a secretary. And now here I am, a doctor and a surgeon. And I blame her for that, I think my last two promotions have come after I took care of her. *I smile and shake my head*


                (Wow, what an epic story we have here. I kicked ass! But then got shot damn it! *facepalm* haha)
                I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                  Originally posted by McBecklover View Post
                  (Wow, what an epic story we have here. I kicked ass! But then got shot damn it! *facepalm* haha)
                  You crashed first! Was not how I planned it. And now you can't do much because you don't know the bunnie. You may heal. Poet may heal but leave Dell and Shep alone~~~ life will not be worth living if someone touches us!. Putting it planly so there's no misunderstandings. Feirce bunnies. At work


                    Damn working from a phone is hard. Giving up now goodnight sis


                      (Dont worry, i won't touch u. I'll wait for guidance on what to do. I dont wanna stuff up the bunny in progress. I'll stay put for now, until told otherwise )
                      I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                      traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                        (Sorry Beck, my fault. I had to make you um, go away, so Aang could get on with saving Dell's life!)

                        (and Dell, dear sister, don't annoy yourself with trying to be on from your phone. I know how bloody annoying it is! Good night )


                          Originally posted by Aang View Post
                          (Sorry Beck, my fault. I had to make you um, go away, so Aang could get on with saving Dell's life!)
                          (Not to worry sister dear, Dell's life was at stake, u did what had to be done. Beck is asleep now anyway & Na'Kita's working on healing me )
                          I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                          traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                            Originally posted by McBecklover View Post
                            (Not to worry sister dear, Dell's life was at stake, u did what had to be done. Beck is asleep now anyway & Na'Kita's working on healing me )
                            (Sister, you have no idea how close to right you are about Dell's life being at stake, she scared the life right out of Aang at least twice! *facepalm* I have never been more happy you are Tok'ra than I was when I realized Na'Kita could heal you!)


                              (Just going to say, this has been a hella day for Aang but if anyone needs her, she is crashing in the infirmary between Dell and Shep's beds, sitting up in a chair, and you will be seriously harmed if you try to move her from that spot without her consent. She will not leave her sisters and Shep when they need her!)


                                (Dont worry sis i wouldnt dream of moving you or anyone. Im too scared to play anyway as i dont wanna do anything wrong. Beck will stay where she is... Im not moving anyone. Could i get a heads up on whats happening next though?)
                                I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                                traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!


