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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    (Im here. I haven't left. But Its late now & I have to go to bed. I start at 7am tomorrow. Could we finish up here before I go?)
    I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
    traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



      (if you want to, sure. Here's the next bit from Aang)

      Sis...while we're all happy, shall we try working on your gift a bit?

      *I look at Beck, smiling at her*

      Try focusing on Carson, try to block out everyone else and focus only on Carson's emotions. He's the strongest you can feel, so the easiest to try to pick out.


        (Poet, this will only take a few minutes I think and then we'll be back in the city )


          *Corey comes walking in to Poet's room* hey Poet are you sleeping?

          I was but I woke up a few minutes ago

          Corey: good that I didn't wake you

          *sits up, feeling a little dizzy for a few seconds* no you did not it's alight

          *Corey sists down next to her smiling* you know, the others have all gone out, to where you have been with Joey and I said I stay we are just alone *he smies cheekily*


          Corey: well you could really just for once dosomething fun and not worry about anything *he moves closer to her, stroking her face

          *looks at him* oh, you are right actually *she smiles and wraps her arms around him kissing his cheek*and about what are you thinking?

          *Corey smiles his eyes sparkling* I bet you know that very well....
          Last edited by DarkenLycht; 21 March 2013, 08:13 AM.


            *I close my eyes. I feel both my sisters happiness & A-Carson's happy feeling, but then I concentrate on Carson only. I think hard of Carson, A-Carson drops out, I still feel both my sisters. I concentrate even harder, thinking of Carson, my lovely Carson. Dell drops out, I still feel Aang though. I concentrate with all my effort. I think of Carson is his kilt (don't ask lol) Then Aang drops out... Ive done it. I only feel the calmness of Carson, where ever in the city he is. i open my eyes again*
            -I- I feel Carson... only Carson. I did it! *grins*
            I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
            traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



              Good, Sis! Now I'm going to try throwing an emotion to you, I want you to try to block it.

              *I throw a wave of emotion to her, happiness, I chose so that I wouldn't overwhelm her if she couldn't block me*


                *The guys look each other ginning while walking through the forest*

                Joey *smiles at Dante* I guess she desreves a little fun

                Dante: oh yes, she does

                *then all Poet's guys laugh, and walk on*


                  *i use Carson as my sheild, i concentrate on only him. I feel only his calmness, not Aangs happiness* -Did you do it yet? I didnt feel anything from you. I only feel Carson right now
                  I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                  traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                    Yeah I did it. You blocked me.

                    *I try to read her thoughts but end up hitting a wall of Carson's emotions*

                    And your block is strong enough, Sis, I can't even read your thoughts at the moment! I think you've got it! *I grin at her* Now...try releasing a little, try to find Dell and I again. We'll give it a rest after you do that and I know you can undo the block once you put it up.


                      (Oh & hello big sis *sends a hug thought*)
                      I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                      traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                        *look at Dell, i think of her, i think of how happy i know she is when shes with her sisters & more so with Shep. I then feel her excitement at seeing her younger sis suceeding with her gift. I hear her thinking "come on sis, you can do it. Think of us, feel us". i then look at Aang & think of her being happy with A-Carson & her excitement of planing her wedding. That does it... Im grining like mad* -oh, you two are so happy right now. Lil sis your wedding planing makes you so happy & Dell, you seeing us happy makes you happy, so- i'm happy! *i burst out laughing*
                        I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                        traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                          *I grab my middle sister in a hug, so happy that she's been able to do everything I asked her to do with her gift, and I let my guard down a moment to feel both of my sisters' happiness and end up grinning again*

                          *I shake the grin back for a second and try to sound serious* Um, if...when...things get bad, you might have to focus a bit harder to gain control the first few times...even I still struggle a little when it's really bad...but as of right now, you'll be able to use what I just taught you to control your emotions whenever you should need to. I always knew you could do it, Sis!

                          (Alright Beck, if you need sleep then I can let you go now )


                            -Just being back with you guys after so long is the best, and thanks for the thought hug, but yours is just a plain old hug with arms attached. *I step closer and put my arms around Beck*
                            -Happy late birthday sis!


                              -thanks for being here with me *I smile & look at Aang* thanks sis. Thanks for teaching me the basics *I smile & let go of my block from A-Carson, i now feel everyone in range as before, but with knowing i can block them now if i need it. I think of Carson & think a thought to him "I love you. Thanks for my cake" i then feel Carson smiling to him self, he is pleased with him self*
                              -now... Lets have some cake!
                              I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                              traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                                *I grin at Beck*

                                My pleasure, Sis. I feel much better knowing you can control this now, so that if something goes wrong...well no, I'll still worry about you...but maybe I won't be as tortured by the idea of you being nearby when things go sideways on us as they always do...because I'll know you can block yourself from the emotions if you need to. Now then, that cake sounds like a brilliant idea.

                                *I get out a few small paper plates and some forks*

