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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    *Poet and Corey come out from around another corner*

    Poet: I am glad you are all back now.

    Corey: So am I. *he smiles at us*

    I'm glad everyone's back too. *I lean into A-Carson, who wraps his arms around me*

    A- I was sleepin', never noticed anythin' was amiss...

    *the comm system crackles*

    Sorry about that, everyone, we passed too close to a newly formed black hole during the night, it warped space and time inside the ship for a bit but everything seems to have sorted itself out now


      So it wasn't a dream Aang! I never want to visit another black hole!
      *I cling to Shep as if my life depended on it...because it feels like it does!*


        Well black holes usually don't do that unless we pass -way- too close...*presses her comm link* Sam, exactly how close were we to that black hole?

        We almost got dragged into its gravity field, Aang. Thankfully the Hammond's hyperdrive is powerful enough to pull us free.

        Wow. *I look up at Dell* I think we'll avoid missions having to do with black holes for the time being. *I can feel Dell's fear and I reach over and wrap an arm around her* I can't lose you, even if it is only a little space-time warp that repairs itself...I need you. All of you. *I look around, realizing that even amid the rush of different emotions I always have to put up with, it really is lonely in my head when I can't feel my family and friends nearby*


          Lets go to the mess, get something to eat, and maybe a couple of cups of coffee for Dell here.

          -3 minimum!


            The Mess sounds good to me.

            A- Aye, an' me too.

            Poet: Corey and I don't need to eat *she shows her fangs for a moment* But we will still come if you want us to.

            Of course we want you to come with us.

            *we all set off walking toward the Mess*


              *the mess is full, but we find a table*

              -Seems everyone had the same idea.
              I guess no one likes to be alone anymore.
              *we sit down with our food, and me with 2 cups of coffee in front of me.*
              so how much time has past, last night felt like years!


                Well nobody would want to be alone after last night. *I cling to A-Carson a bit, then look at my watch* Seems it's only been the one day even though it did feel like forever. *I focus* Still only feeling Beck for the moment but I feel her stronger now, like we're getting closer.


                  Well that is something! Still not much we can do, but I don't want to go back to our rooms for a while, I need everyone around me! *I have Sheps arm around me, and reach out my hands and take Poets in one and Aangs in the other, Corey puts his hand over mine and Poets while A-Carson puts his free hand on Sheps shoulder...we are all connected*


                    Hmm, I could stay here a while...*I squeeze Dell's hand* I don't want to leave everyone just yet myself, I'm more shaken by what happened than I like to admit. It can be hard to be strong with everyone else's emotions playing in my mind, but I realized when I was all alone...just how lonely it is in my mind when I can't just reach out and feel each of your presences with me. When I block everyone out on purpose, it can be sort of peaceful...but when I reach out as hard and as far as I can and can't find any of scared the hell out of me.


                      hmm interesting, you felt nothing at all?
                      I wish there was some way I could have got readings of that.
                      some sort of shielding?
                      could be, we will have to try some things when we get back...

                      -Guys! it was not an experiment!
                      Poet Would good to know what could do such a thing.


                        *I look up at them, my eyes betraying my fear and then look at Dell* Thanks Dell. You're right, it was not an experiment. Guys, I know how interesting this is to you all...but yes, I felt nothing at all. Not even the "people" I was supposedly talking to when I was on "Earth" scared the hell out of me. I don't ever want that again, I want to be able to feel all of you in my mind. It'll be a while before I'm ready for that kind of experiment, for now I just need to be able to feel you all.


                          -and I never want to be that alone either, there was no one here, I spent what felt like years running trying to find anyone! There weren't even any spirits!
                          I'm here now, I've got you.

                          Poet I felt like I was in the ocean again, like an old friend to greet me.

                          Corey I could not move, I was nothing. Never do I want that again!

                          Strange, you all felt it differently...I wonder why that would be?


                            *I look over to A-Carson, whose grip on me tightened when he saw the fear in my eyes* And you felt nothing, A-Carson. You slept through it, you felt nothing.

                            A- Aye, tha's interestin' too. And Love, I won't leave ye alone, I promise. *he smiles*

                            I'm sorry, I just...for me, not being able to feel anyone's emotions scared the hell out of me. It's's like being trapped in a box and unable to call out to anyone no matter how much you try and you can't get out of that box, no matter what you's really really scary. It starts feeling claustrophobic in my own mind when I don't have someone, anyone, and most of all you guys to reach out to.


                              What did you feel Shep?

                              I felt like I was a spirit, there were people, but they couldn't see or hear me, and they walked right through me....I didn't much care for the feeling if the truth be known.
                              Last edited by Dellruby; 05 March 2013, 02:47 AM.


                                I don't know anyone who would like that feeling, Shep. *I smile up at him* Truth be told, I thought I was in a dream...but it felt so real and I was scared out of my mind. Ask A-Carson how panicked I was when I woke him up...*I turn light pink with embarrassment* This has to sound weird, I'm usually the strong one and here I am whining about feeling lonely.

