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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post

    Well, the Sport Trac is a fairly new vehicle, came out in '01, just did a quick search and the cheapest I'm seeing them are '02/'03 models starting at $10k In comparison we bought my 2000 Ranger for $8k two years ago, now it's worth about $6-7k.
    .:Fantastic. Those are primarily the years I'm looking at, and they're about 2-10K cheaper than they are up here. I'm just wondering if they'll let me cross-border shop for a vehicle. I hear that's a real pain in the behind.

    I sure did! Lets just say I have a few friends from the south that have rubbed off on me.
    .:Oh my, lol!

    Slacker! Cuz you're making me do it!! Hahahahaha!
    .:Hey now, be nice. I don't slack. I'd just rather have it done properly. xD
    Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post

    .:Hello again! I love that picture...that's from when they were filming The Tao of Rodney.

    .:'Course, you probably already knew that, didn't you?
    Originally posted by miss_kaylee View Post

    I say 'ya'll'. Granted, I was born in the south.
    .:Yeah, see, you have an excuse...


      Originally posted by Luciana View Post
      I'm very busy today, too.

      Made some icons.

      Oh, lovely icons!!


        I know you are so going to hate me for this multi-quote, which in all honesty will certainly be more than ONE multi-quote...

        HolladieWaldfee, (wow), have you been busy! *applaudes thread* Not having too much time in the last couple of days, I just wasn't able to catch up properly. I didn't want to post before reading all of the pages, so I got lost for almost a week till I managed to get up to date.

        Before I look into replying individually, I want to shout out a massive thank you for all the fantastic and stunningly wonderful art and pics you've created and posted! But I'm most impressed with your idea to start the new website with forum, art gallery and chat. *bows before fellow thunkers* Unfortunately I have no skill in making web designs, otherwise I'd love to help you with that project.

        Anyway, here we go. I think I sort my replies by poster, so it's easier to find.
        Originally posted by silvercomet View Post
        If you can't watch it with RC 1, maybe the release in May in France is something for you? This must be RC2/PAL2.
        Paul McGillion said that 'See Grace Fly' was region free and not coded to region one. And it played on a region two DVD player just fine.

        And sorry I forgot to count you in when I posted the number of Germans.
        Originally posted by silvercomet View Post
        But I wish all the Thunkers "Happy Easter" and here are my "Eastereggs" for you:
        That's just the right spirit, silver, love your Easter eggs! *thumbs up*
        Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
        Wow, very deep conversation on violence, ethics, and television deaths.
        At this point, I am so sick of character deaths in television (and some books) it has no meaning anymore and just pisses me off.
        In my opinion, the far more interesting moments are emotional. There's plenty of drama that can be created in much more subtle ways that rely on the personalities of the characters, the bonds formed between them, simple things. Yes, these require consistent viewership and intense story-arching, and these usually spell the death of TV shows these days, but I really don't think that's too much to ask for story-telling.
        Of course, then the sweet, quiet, and gentle moments and characters start to stand out again and are a refreshing, interesting change. Beckett's a prime example.
        I do think the increase in violence reflects society as it is now. I can't speak for other countries, but Americans, at some basic level, are cynical, bitter, and jaded right now. And yes, right now we're very used to being bombarded with war rhetoric and us-vs.-the enemy kinds of ideas. Optimism and hope for finding the good in everyone isn't exactly at the forefront of most Americans' minds right now, unfortunately. Heck, we've needed frakkin' movies lately to remind us exactly why torture is wrong! We're desensitized.
        I'm beyond proud of you for having such a deep and intelligent discussion in this thread. Therefore I'm extremely sorry for having been absent for the most part of it. And I completely second your opinion on character deaths and that being evidence of poor story-telling. They should really be able to get our attention by actually TELLING interesting stories and not opting for shock value. And I wholly agree with you on this being also an important reason for Carson to be such an exceptional character. He is not the everyday, run-off-the-mill character you're so bored to see everywhere. Beckett catches the eye and is a role model for sympathetic and human behaviour. Of course he doesn't make the right decisions all the time, but he has the best of intentions and faces the consequences of his decisions. When he's wrong, he admits to have gotten it wrong and tries his best to make things better from there. Instead of never facing any repercussions or just ignoring what he has done wrong (a la Sheppard with the captive Wraith in 'The Siege'), Carson is willing to stand up for what he has done or caused.
        Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
        Well, big good and big bad happened in the last two days.
        As for the good, I got accepted to my chosen graduate school yesterday!
        The bad news is my car literally had a meltdown today.
        I bought my FedCon ticket! It's an economy one since I'd rather not spend $300 (especially not now that I need to buy a car), but I can buy autograph tickets at the con for the ones I want.
        Happy day!
        Congratulations on being accepted, Seti! What you tell about the school sounds great. I know how much that means to you. Make the best of it; and good luck there.

        How horrible for your car to break down now. And having to buy a new car "in a hurry" is usually quite costly and you don't really have time to think through your decision which car to choose or wait for a good offer. That really sucks out loud.

        And hooray for your FedCon ticket! I hope you all have so much fun there, and enjoy the time!

        Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
        What, Twinny does huge multi-quote mega-posts and you complain MY posts are long?
        *glares at Seti* But I found the ultimate revenge on you: another gigantic multi-quote *sticks out tongue*
        Originally posted by meezergater View Post
        i think Paul's scene in SGF would cause you probably to "faint" in a very womanly fashion.
        that particular scene (which i didn't see yet, only was teased with by PHIBI!, (points in her direction!)
        has some good (serious) written reviews on the net.
        yes it seems to be pretty explicit (sp?), but given from what i have seen from Paul's acting on SGA i think he probably would be able to play something like that in a tastefull (and hot *grinn*) manner.
        It's really quite a serious approach towards the topic of schizophrenia. That particular scene is not really a steaming hot one but more in the sense of character development for Dominic, the character Paul McGillion portrays in the movie.
        Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
        .:Ah, thank you for the correction! Now: why "im" and not "aufs," aside from the obvious incorrectness?
        It's like the difference between "on the road" and "in the street". I guess since you have to log in to access the internet or the forum/threads, we Germans tend to think you have got to get into it. Therefore we use "im" Internet/Forum/Thread.

        Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
        .:DUDE!!! Let's TOTALLY camp out! We can make a sheet-tent!
        Cool idea! *snort*
        Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
        .:Hah, it's a Caz. xD Well put, m'dear. We still love you, even through your traitorous ways.
        "traitorous ways"
        Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
        German sentence structure confuses me, mostly because if you translate things directly, they sound very strange and usually don't make any sense until you switch some words around. Now, I don't know why that's the rule, but it is, so it doesn't really matter, now does it?[/color]
        actually it's really the English language which is lacking. German has an extensive case system to distinguish word classes and make sentences perfectly understandable even if you vary the word order. English lost its case system a long time ago, so the sentence structure needed to be set in stone to make sense.

        Originally Posted by Haliyah
        Originally Posted by twinchaosblade
        We are definitely five Germans on board right now, six if we give leelakin, who doesn't post here any longer, honorary membership for extraordinary efforts in this thread.
        .:Why doesn't she post here anymore? :'(
        leelakin was so frustrated with their offing both Carson and Elizabeth, plus the general direction Atlantis was taking that she decided to abandon this fandom for good. Unfortunately that included her never coming back to the thunk thread, although she sometimes lurkes in here to catch one or the other glimpse of a few thunkworthy pics.
        Originally Posted by Haliyah
        .:Gern gesehen. Nicht der Rede wert.
        I hate to be nitpicking, Haliyah, but it's "Gern geschehen." "Gern gesehen" means that someone is very welcome at someone's place and they like to invite them. Loved your addition of "Nicht der Rede wert."; that was excellent!
        Originally Posted by Haliyah
        .:OH HELL YES. Oh. I'm going to get a Canon EOS 40D with a lens kit. Don't even ask about the price. It'll probably be the most expensive thing I've bought, ever.
        *beams* Great choice for a camera. I'm totally in love with Canon for cameras and inkjet printers. Especially with cameras they really set the mark.

        And now I add a few pics for thunking purposes


        twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


          Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
          I know you are so going to hate me for this multi-quote, which in all honesty will certainly be more than ONE multi-quote...

          HolladieWaldfee, (wow), have you been busy! *applaudes thread* Not having too much time in the last couple of days, I just wasn't able to catch up properly. I didn't want to post before reading all of the pages, so I got lost for almost a week till I managed to get up to date.

          Before I look into replying individually, I want to shout out a massive thank you for all the fantastic and stunningly wonderful art and pics you've created and posted! But I'm most impressed with your idea to start the new website with forum, art gallery and chat. *bows before fellow thunkers* Unfortunately I have no skill in making web designs, otherwise I'd love to help you with that project.
          .:You can still help us make it awesome. We'll probably need mods and/or more Admins at some point, and with your excellent handle of both German and English (and whatever else you speak - you're practically our very own Daniel or Liz), I think you'd have a unique and useful relationship with most of the site members. I'm pretty sure that's not my decision, though.

          It's really quite a serious approach towards the topic of schizophrenia. That particular scene is not really a steaming hot one but more in the sense of character development for Dominic, the character Paul McGillion portrays in the movie.
          .:Precisely. I believe I said that before, and I'd have been mightily disappointed if it weren't. It's not just sex for the sake of sex or a certain narrow but annoyingly numerous and influential demographic.

          It's like the difference between "on the road" and "in the street". I guess since you have to log in to access the internet or the forum/threads, we Germans tend to think you have got to get into it. Therefore we use "im" Internet/Forum/Thread.
          .:So...'im' would equate to...'in the,' right? o.o;

          Cool idea! *snort*
          .:I used to do that when I was little. My mum would make up a little room for me under a couple of blankets slung between some big dining room chairs. *feels nostalgic and oddly homesick*

          "traitorous ways"
          .: All those other shows that don't fix things that aren't broken have taken her in their nefarious thrall.

          actually it's really the English language which is lacking. German has an extensive case system to distinguish word classes and make sentences perfectly understandable even if you vary the word order. English lost its case system a long time ago, so the sentence structure needed to be set in stone to make sense.
          .:You're breaking my brain. In a good way. I think.

          .:I'm not entirely sure what 'case system' means...nor the phrase 'word classes.' Possibly because we maybe don't have them, but hey, that doesn't make me feel any less inadequate. *feels retarded* >.<

          .:P.S.: Oh, I know the English language is lacking. Believe me. As someone who speaks it natively, believe me. It's a truly frakked-up language...which, at times, just seems to be every other language in existence taken out of context and stuck together in a really foreign and nonsensical way.

          leelakin was so frustrated with their offing both Carson and Elizabeth, plus the general direction Atlantis was taking that she decided to abandon this fandom for good. Unfortunately that included her never coming back to the thunk thread, although she sometimes lurkes in here to catch one or the other glimpse of a few thunkworthy pics.

          .:...Oh dear.

          I hate to be nitpicking, Haliyah, but it's "Gern geschehen." "Gern gesehen" means that someone is very welcome at someone's place and they like to invite them. Loved your addition of "Nicht der Rede wert."; that was excellent!
          .:Uh oh, I'm misspelling things again! O: What do the individual words mean by themselves? Please, nitpick away! I'm not naturally talented with the flow of languages like I am with art or music.

          .:Hah, at least I did that right, lol! I do try, y'know.

          *beams* Great choice for a camera. I'm totally in love with Canon for cameras and inkjet printers. Especially with cameras they really set the mark.
          .:xD Hee, I know! It's BOOTIFUL. O: But SO expensive. D:

          .:Ah, well, when I have exclusive HD FedCon!Paulie pictures to play with in Photoshop and post on the new site, I'll probably not regret a penny.

          And now I add a few pics for thunking purposes

          <Pictures go BOOM! O:>
          .:Ah, Hide and Seek, how I miss thee...that was REAL Atlantis. I haven't watched S1 in a looooooonnnnngggg time. I should see if I can find my boxed set...


            Originally posted by Reiko View Post
            This is why the prospect of a new trend on SGA to "shake things up" is so disturbing. I think it was really unnecessary in "Sunday" to do what they did - really, even though I knew what was going to happen, I felt with the explosions the stakes were high enough. Did they really have to kill someone to accomplish it? No. It was all the more worse that after Carson went boom - oh, next day! There was no need for it to happen as the story was going to end anyway. It was what it was - "shock value".

            Spoilers for TLM
            I haven't seen this episode, but it's all about killing the main characters then pushing a reset button and saying "Ha - none of it ever happened." It's cheap, uncalled for, and getting old.

            Carson brought such a humanity to Atlantis without violence or negativity that is rare to see in entertainment these days. He manages to charm the audience and captivate us without the use of explosions or angst. (Yes there was explosion and their was angst, but not of the dark woe-is-me kind of Shakespearean angst.) I also happen to love the Genii "hostage" scene. It was simply an amazing character moment.
            My thoughts exactly. It was absolutely uncalled for. Especially killing off the one guy that is really a special character, someone you don't come across on every other show. *shakes head*
            Originally posted by Reiko View Post
            Thanks for that link, meezergater! I feel a bit reassured (oddly) that he didn't want a whole season. Of course, it doesn't say if he was asked but knowing that is was his choice to only do five makes me happy inside rather than the producers and their decisions. (You all know how I feel about their decisions.)
            TJuk from the SaveCarson thread insists that it is a misquote since it contradicts everything Paul McGillion has said in interviews so far. I don't know, maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I could understand PM if he feels like that. And I sure would respect this decision! It's more than okay to leave when you feel you're not welcome, and they don't appreciate your hard work the way you deserve it.
            Originally posted by Reiko View Post
            Return Part I Cappies!
            The caps, the caps... *hugs Reiko and faints*
            Originally posted by Fainne View Post
            There is a Paul McGillion special on the DVDs? I need to have them!!! I just hope that the german DVDs have the spacials too. I know from NCIS that they only put specials on the american DVDs
            The German DVD set has exactly the same specials as the region one set, at least that's true for the second season. I don't know about the third season yet but I think it will also have all the extras.
            Originally posted by Fainne View Post
            to avoid further missunderstandings: what exactly is the difference between thunking and whumping?
            whumping is the concept of hurting and afterwards comforting your favourite character(s). It's not quite the same as "torturing" because making the character get better again is a necessity. Usually the whumpers also agree on "no permanent damage", so the character(s) have to be in mint condition by the end of the story (or at the very least getting there).
            thunking is indeed adoring a character or person. The term comes from the thudding sound that the body makes when fainting and hitting the floor. Just like this smilie.
            Originally posted by Fainne View Post
            I didn't do a booklet yet, but I got a name for our "thing" as kaylee called it. What do you think about "Happy turtles Productions present..." I even drew a little logo xD. Today I was realllly busy. Just let me know what you think (the picture is in the spoiler)
            That is such a great logo, Fainne! The winking turtle is so cute. Do you mind my snurching it? *begs pretty please*
            Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
            I second that question.... I've been in this thread for oh, almost a year now... and while the newer additions to this thread have gotten a bit post happy as of late, I have thought it has stayed, for the most part, on topic.

            However... the one thing I have noticed... is the obvious lack of thunk!! Come ON guys! It's great that you want to talk about our dear Carson, but one can only go so long without thunky pic spam goodness!
            Yeah, I've scratched my head in astonishment as well when I read Skydiver's reminder. I really don't think we've strayed too far off topic. I'm all for a few more pics but the discussions were really good and I certainly don't mind one or the other OT comment, especially when they are in spoiler tags and I can decide myself whether or not I want to read them. Thumbs up for the PM, Haliyah!

            And such a gorgeous cap run, idlewild!
            Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
            Gosh... where is Caz! I thought she was going to have one of these parties everyone keeps talking about.... I have yet to experience one of those *taps fingers*
            Yoohoo, I'm all for another party! I hope Caz is willing to participate in it. Without her parties are not the same. She always made so great timetables and banners etc.
            Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
            And a tad bit of spam to end this off... hmm... maybe I'll cheat and just use one picture. Carson clones anyone?
            lol @ the army of CarsonClones!
            Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
            I am soooo itching to get my paws on that CSS for the main layout and tweak it and mess with it and make it purdy and I better shut up before I actually land me a job! Naaaa, just kidding, I'd love to help out! Just tell me what you guys want me to do.
            Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
            Oh I love playing with CSS! If you know how to work it then you can do just about anything with it! Just send it on over and tell me what you want it to do and I'll play with it.
            And yes, getting a background color and background image is easy! It's simple CSS code, watch, it looks something like this, sticking it in spoiler tags cuz it's fun little CSS coding that not everyone cares to look at
            body {background: #000000 url(;}

            Then you can add after the (url) part different variables that control the placement of the image. So, say to have a background that is centered and repeats in only one direction (downwards) it might look something like this

            body {background: #000000 url( repeat-y center;}

            I could go on and on! There are endless codes you can do with CSS. I absolutely love it!
            Thank goodness! *hugs idlewild* I have found a kindred soul! Everybody likes to mock me about my formatting issues, and I'm really, really, REALLY nitpicky about formatting etc. But guess who they come to when they need to get a term paper, article or book formatted... Now I'm so glad I'm not alone anymore. I'm afraid that doesn't make me less of a freak but at least I'm not the only one.

            Now that you have suffered through the second multi-quote post, I'll reward you with another set of pics from 'Hide and Seek'.


            twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic



              .:Live - should be 'life' in this sense. Someone who has life lives.

              .:'Until.' Only one 'L.'

              .:Um. Until the smallest details...what? That appears to be an unfinished sentence.

              .:Visited - should be present-, not past-tense.
              English lessons here?
              mmmhh, maybe you should have a go at dutch)
              yup, i always get confused with life and live and safe and save for some unknown but weird reason.
              and i looooove my double "l" s, don't know why, just do)

              can i stay now? (hangs head in shame(

              (geeuwt, kijkt hoe laat het is en stommelt weer naar boven om de herhaling van Battlestar Gallactica te gaan bekijken op premiere Scifi)

              translate that one!)

              (maybe Fianne will) German is pretty close to Dutch in words, especially close to the west border.


                Originally posted by miss_kaylee View Post
                As for the pictures, All my caps have come from this thread. I am not sure if it ok to repost just for thunky spam.
                We are always more than happy for any cap and pic we see. And even though I do a fair bit of capping myself, a good proportion of my caps and pics are also snurched from other posters, so don't let this discourage you, miss_kaylee.
                Originally posted by miss_kaylee View Post
                Great wall, thanks for posting the link.
                Originally posted by miss_kaylee View Post
                When do I get my clone?
                At reaching 300 posts. But once you get there, which shouldn't take very much longer when I look at your current post count, I personally see to your getting your own CarsonClone to cuddle.
                Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
                Luciana Nobody needs to *ask* him, we can jsut simply...*bring* him this:
                What a mean idea, Oda, manhandling the poor guy like this! You really should know that the best way to get PM to come with you is a fine bottle of Whiskey and some chocolate.
                Originally posted by jetflair View Post
                Too late, I already started But started is a very loose term lol All I did was get the domain name ( was actually available, do you believe it?) and install forum software, and Wordpress for the main page.

                For the forum, whatever we do for controlling access, we need to be sure we keep it a friendly, warm place like here - just without all the restrictions.

                Ohhh, good idea! I'll add a chat room to the site
                Creating this website is such a magnificent idea, jet! Have a HUGE pile of mental green for doing that. I'm so proud of you, Haliyah and idlewild for starting with this project right away. You are my heroes!

                And the site looks gorgeous so far! I really love the idea of having forum, chat room, galleries etc.
                Originally posted by jetflair View Post
                General Carson website question:

                Would you guys prefer a light or dark background for the site?
                I would like a lighter background for the site though I think the black one would be great for the galleries but not for the forum or chat room. I have no qualms whatsoever for the different sections of the site to have different background colours. Blue and white like the Scottish Flag is a nice idea although I too think that's very often used and therefore nothing special. I'm quite fond of the greenish colour but a lighter shade of blue would also be a fine choice.
                Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                I met Apocalyptica.
                Nice! I like their style of playing the cello. I really wonder what the other bands thought when they turned up with their instruments for the first 'heavy' gig.
                Originally posted by elephantgirl View Post
                It is with great pleasure that I can announce that the Paul McGillion icontest Livejournal community is up and running again!

                They have some icons that need voting, so do stop by and let people know what you think!

                Thank you for your effort and for letting us know. If only I could make some decent icons...
                Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
                .:You can still help us make it awesome. We'll probably need mods and/or more Admins at some point, and with your excellent handle of both German and English (and whatever else you speak - you're practically our very own Daniel or Liz), I think you'd have a unique and useful relationship with most of the site members. I'm pretty sure that's not my decision, though.
                Thank you for your nice words, Haliyah! If my help is wanted and I can afford it timewise, I'd like to help with the site.
                Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
                Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                It's like the difference between "on the road" and "in the street".
                <snip...>Therefore we use "im" Internet/Forum/Thread.
                .:So...'im' would equate to...'in the,' right? o.o;
                Exactly. It's the short form of "in dem".
                Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
                Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                Well, actually it's really the English language which is lacking.
                German has an extensive case system to distinguish word classes and make sentences perfectly understandable even if you vary the word order. English lost its case system a long time ago, so the sentence structure needed to be set in stone to make sense.
                .:You're breaking my brain. In a good way. I think.
                .:I'm not entirely sure what 'case system' means...nor the phrase 'word classes.' Possibly because we maybe don't have them, but hey, that doesn't make me feel any less inadequate. *feels retarded* >.<
                Don't worry about that. You are clearly not retarded, not by a long shot!
                The case system makes clear which function each word has within the sentence, like subject, object etc. We don't have to put the subject at the beginning of the sentence because the form of the word and its preposition already indicate whether it's the subject or the object of the sentence, or whether the noun is feminine, masculine or neutral. This of course makes German a whole lot harder to learn. Several hundred years back, the English language used to have a case system as well, distiguishing between indicative, genitive, dative and accusative. Strictly speaking, you still have all these cases but they are the exact same words, so it doesn't help you with distinguishing anything. In German you can say "Ich habe den Schlüssel verloren." or "Den Schlüssel habe ich verloren." (I lost the keys.) We immediately see that "Schlüssel" (key) has to be the object while "ich" (I) has to be the subject of the sentence.

                Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
                Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                I hate to be nitpicking, Haliyah,
                but it's "Gern geschehen." "Gern gesehen" means that someone is very welcome at someone's place and they like to invite them. Loved your addition of "Nicht der Rede wert."; that was excellent!
                .:Uh oh, I'm misspelling things again! O: What do the individual words mean by themselves? Please, nitpick away!

                .:Hah, at least I did that right, lol! I do try, y'know.
                "Gern gesehen." is the passive form of "I/We like to see you." And I know you do your very best with German, Haliyah. Keep at it!
                Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
                Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                leelakin was so frustrated with their offing both Carson and Elizabeth,
                plus the general direction Atlantis was taking that she decided to abandon this fandom for good. Unfortunately that included her never coming back to the thunk thread, although she sometimes lurkes in here to catch one or the other glimpse of a few thunkworthy pics.
                .:...Oh dear.
                I know that's really sad.
                Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
                .:xD Hee, I know! It's BOOTIFUL. O: But SO expensive. D:

                .:Ah, well, when I have exclusive HD FedCon!Paulie pictures to play with in Photoshop and post on the new site, I'll probably not regret a penny.
                That is the right attitude towards it. I know the cameras aren't cheap but they are definitely worth their money when it comes to the results/pics.

                Apropos pics...


                twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                  Originally posted by meezergater View Post
                  English lessons here?
                  mmmhh, maybe you should have a go at dutch)
                  yup, i always get confused with life and live and safe and save for some unknown but weird reason.
                  and i looooove my double "l" s, don't know why, just do)

                  can i stay now? (hangs head in shame)

                  (geeuwt, kijkt hoe laat het is en stommelt weer naar boven om de herhaling van Battlestar Gallactica te gaan bekijken op premiere Scifi)

                  translate that one!)

                  (maybe Fianne will) German is pretty close to Dutch in words, especially close to the west border.
                  .:Oh, no. I corrected the wrong person! I'm sorry! Is it a problem? *a little worried*

                  .:...of course you can stay! O_o; <3

                  .:I only know one word in Dutch:

                  .:"Geil." Sad, eh? *eyeroll*

                  .:(And, yes, I know that the word exists in German, too, with a slightly different meaning)

                  Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post

                  What a mean idea, Oda, manhandling the poor guy like this! You really should know that the best way to get PM to come with you is a fine bottle of Whiskey and some chocolate.
                  .:> : D I was planning on bringing both, actually. Though not across the border. That wouldn't accomplish anything save probably having me detained by zealous border guards. >.<

                  Creating this website is such a magnificent idea, jet! Have a HUGE pile of mental green for doing that. I'm so proud of you, Haliyah and idlewild for starting with this project right away. You are my heroes!
                  .:We love you too, lol! <3

                  And the site looks gorgeous so far! I really love the idea of having forum, chat room, galleries etc.
                  .:xD Hooray for Wordpress themes, lol!

                  I would like a lighter background for the site though I think the black one would be great for the galleries but not for the forum or chat room. I have no qualms whatsoever for the different sections of the site to have different background colours. Blue and white like the Scottish Flag is a nice idea although I too think that's very often used and therefore nothing special. I'm quite fond of the greenish colour but a lighter shade of blue would also be a fine choice.
                  .:The main page will look mostly like this. Minus the grey boxes.


                  Thank you for your nice words, Haliyah! If my help is wanted and I can afford it timewise, I'd like to help with the site.
                  .:Well I'd certainly want you on board!

                  Exactly. It's the short form of "in dem".
                  .:Oh God, another form of "the?" >_<

                  Don't worry about that. You are clearly not retarded, not by a long shot!
                  The case system makes clear which function each word has within the sentence, like subject, object etc. We don't have to put the subject at the beginning of the sentence because the form of the word and its preposition already indicate whether it's the subject or the object of the sentence, or whether the noun is feminine, masculine or neutral. This of course makes German a whole lot harder to learn. Several hundred years back, the English language used to have a case system as well, distiguishing between indicative, genitive, dative and accusative. Strictly speaking, you still have all these cases but they are the exact same words, so it doesn't help you with distinguishing anything. In German you can say "Ich habe den Schlüssel verloren." or "Den Schlüssel habe ich verloren." (I lost the keys.) We immediately see that "Schlüssel" (key) has to be the object while "ich" (I) has to be the subject of the sentence.
                  .:Hmmm. Slightly more clear. Danke.


                  .:...OH!!! OH OH OH! *SPAZZY FLAIL* THAT'S HOW YOU TELL WHICH WORDS TO CAPITALIZE!!! Ohmyfrickin'god. I get it. O.O;

                  "Gern gesehen." is the passive form of "I/We like to see you." And I know you do your very best with German, Haliyah. Keep at it!
                  .:Not quite what I wanted: I wanted the definition of each word, separately. If I'm correct, "gern gesehen," directly translated, means "gladly seen." (Thank you, dictionary!) Which is pretty much exactly what you wrote, a way that makes sense to my oddly operating language-brain.

                  .:Ist mein Übersetzung genau? O:

                  .:I certainly will! It's rather fun, though incredibly confusing.

                  I know that's really sad.
                  .:It's just sparked an idea for the website, actually...a "wall of honour." A list of all those who loved Paul and Carson so much that they couldn't bear to watch him...them...mistreated so, and thus, became casualties of bad scriptwriting and unwise production decisions. We will remember them. *solemn*

                  That is the right attitude towards it. I know the cameras aren't cheap but they are definitely worth their money when it comes to the results/pics.
                  .:I should hope so, lol! I'll hopefully be getting it in the not-too-distant future. I'm hoping to familiarize myself with it before I'm sitting in the front row at the panel...

                  Apropos pics...

                  This sad, empty space used to be filled with pretty.
                  .:Lovely, as usual. I miss Peter. :'(


                    Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
                    Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                    Exactly. It's the short form of "in dem".
                    .:Oh God, another form of "the?" >_<
                    I'm afraid so, Haliyah. For your "in the" we have "in die", "in der", "in den", "in dem" / "im", always depending on the noun and case. I can totally get your head spinning with grammar by the end of the day...
                    Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
                    Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                    "Gern gesehen." is the passive form of "I/We like to see you."
                    .:Not quite what I wanted:
                    I wanted the definition of each word, separately. If I'm correct, "gern gesehen," directly translated, means "gladly seen." (Thank you, dictionary!) Which is pretty much exactly what you wrote, a way that makes sense to my oddly operating language-brain.

                    .:Ist mein Übersetzung genau? O:
                    Yes, your translation is accurate.
                    But because of "Übersetzung" being a feminine noun, it has to be "meine Übersetzung" => Ist meine Übersetzung ganau? You can also use the terms "richtig" or "korrekt" (correct; who would have guessed that... lol), which are more commonly used in everyday speech, especially the first. => Ist meine Übersetzung richtig/(korrekt)? "genau" is the literal translation of "accurate".

                    Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
                    Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                    Apropos pics...
                    .:Lovely, as usual. I miss Peter. :'(
                    Me too. I think Peter Grodin was a great character. But at least his death was much more meaningful than Carson's.
                    twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                      Hello sweethearts!



                        Geil." Sad, eh? *eyeroll*

                        .And, yes, I know that the word exists in German, too, with a slightly different meaning)

                        *hum* Haliyah, i should think that particular word has a bit more then "slight"different meaning in german.)

                        it is about the same difference as Carson compared to margareth Thatcher. duh...

                        i think in german it means somthing like "cute" or "cool", in Dutch the meaning goes in a Whoooole different territory)

                        (not going to elaborate here, I will keep it clean *flushes*;)


                          In German "geil" is only used as meaning something like "cool" but literally it means something in the NC-17 area, guess it won't be too far from the dutch word, it just got common use (but stays vulgar) over the years. When I was a child it was a word you wouldn't hear on the streets.

                          The cake is a lie!


                            Morning everyone
                            Last night I made some avatars:

                            I also made some banners and avatars for the website:

                            Does anyone know a good site for learning German? With all the German talk, makes me want to relearn German. I took it in HS but it been years.


                              Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
                              .:Fantastic. Those are primarily the years I'm looking at, and they're about 2-10K cheaper than they are up here. I'm just wondering if they'll let me cross-border shop for a vehicle. I hear that's a real pain in the behind.
                              I sure hope they let you! I wouldn't know, but if it would save you a lot of money (well... maybe not in the gas you have to buy to get back home....) then go for it!

                              Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
                              .:Hey now, be nice. I don't slack. I'd just rather have it done properly. xD
                              By making ME do it for you! I see how it is

                              Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                              Yoohoo, I'm all for another party! I hope Caz is willing to participate in it. Without her parties are not the same. She always made so great timetables and banners etc.

                              Yes! We need to go find Caz and have us a Par-TAY!

                              Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                              Thank goodness! *hugs idlewild* I have found a kindred soul! Everybody likes to mock me about my formatting issues, and I'm really, really, REALLY nitpicky about formatting etc. But guess who they come to when they need to get a term paper, article or book formatted... Now I'm so glad I'm not alone anymore. I'm afraid that doesn't make me less of a freak but at least I'm not the only one.
                              Sometimes I can tend to get almost OCD about stuff like that, LOL, I see something wrong or out of wack with a website and oh boy I just HAVE to fix it or make it better! It's so much fun I think, I love coding

                              Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                              Me too. I think Peter Grodin was a great character. But at least his death was much more meaningful than Carson's.
                              And it added to the show, while we mourned his loss, it wasn't done in a way that left us sick to our stomach and scratching our heads wondering what the hell just happened and why. *sigh* Ok, mini rant over...

                              And Twinny, we would LOVE any help you can give us on the website! Even if it's just testing the whole thing out to make sure there aren't errors anyplace!!

                              Proudly Supporting Team USA


                                Just a little somthing.

                                Sig by ME.

