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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by SiriusNight View Post
    I kinda figured but i still think they could have a future together.
    So what did everyone think of keller in trio?
    stronger? still weak? Do you think it developed her character any?
    Let me know what you think?
    Originally posted by SiriusNight View Post
    Apparently there is a big debate over
    Jen's invite to Rodney for a drink
    What do you make of it? I didn't really think much over it. I thought friendly.
    Just finished watching, so thanks for giving me a chance to talk about it.

    Okay - Keller in Trio. (Remember, I'm not anti-Keller.) Somewhat less weak, but not quite back up to Adrift par. I'm also not sure how to deal with the thought that the way she (almost) saved the day was because she remembered some stupid drinking game. (Actually, after her outbreak in Quarantine I'm surprised she knows about this stuff at all! May be a bit of a continuity thing here...)

    I feel she really bonded with Carter. It was too funny how
    the girls included Rodney in their game. I almost choked when Jenn suggested a male pairing to him. She really had him squirming there.

    But on the whole, I didn't feel she was well-rounded in this ep, too many changes in a very short time span. It was like they ran her through the whole emo gamut, trying to find a shoe that fit.

    As for the suggested drink, I don't think it means anything. When I heard her say
    that the others owed her a beer for coming up with the bridge idea, I realized where this came from.

    I just think she just wants to be nice to Rodney, seeing how he's just lost his girlfriend (that was very funny, too, the girls explaining this to him) and how awkward he's around women (that body comparison - teehee). The way they set her up, I think it's probably a relief to her to be around somebody who's just as or even more insecure in some respects than she is supposed to be.

    Okay, that's my first impression. What does everybody else think?
    Last edited by starg8fans; 09 February 2008, 10:15 AM. Reason: Typo

    Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


      Originally posted by Lahela
      I wonder if we'll ever find out!
      LOL Probably not ever. The writers have for sure even forgot that they ever wrote this or they just loves to mess with us... LMAO!


        My take on the
        Jenn and Rodney thing is that Jenn genuinely likes Rodney as a person and wants to get to know him better- as a friend. Yes, she flirted with him a bit, but again I think it was more in the vein of what someone said before. She wants to help him be more comfortable with the opposite sex and isn't really interested in Rodney for herself. The scene was cute and didn't bother me one bit in terms of Jenn and Ronon being together. No offense to Rodney but if you girls had to choose between Ronon and Rodney who would YOU choose? Lol!


          Originally posted by sanssong View Post
          My take on the
          Jenn and Rodney thing is that Jenn genuinely likes Rodney as a person and wants to get to know him better- as a friend. Yes, she flirted with him a bit, but again I think it was more in the vein of what someone said before. She wants to help him be more comfortable with the opposite sex and isn't really interested in Rodney for herself. The scene was cute and didn't bother me one bit in terms of Jenn and Ronon being together. No offense to Rodney but if you girls had to choose between Ronon and Rodney who would YOU choose? Lol!
          Does this answer your last question?

          I hope I'm not offending any Rodney fans out there. Believe me, I'm a great fan myself. This comparison is totally shallow, but I can't help myself. I'm just a sucker for posting pics.

          Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


            I like what someone said about Rodney misinterpreting her gesture. He seems to be over that crush he had on Sam forever, but it would be amusing to see him clueless over Jen. The thing I like best about the Doc it that she seems to be a really nice person so to her it probably was just a 'we shared near death, let's have a drink together.'
            The Greater Good
            The Lesser Evil


              Did anybody else not like the episode? Becuase I didn't think it was that great.

              What was with Keller flirting with Rodney?! It was totally flirting!!!!!!! She's suppose to like RONON not Rodney



                I agree that Jen was just trying to break the ice with Rodney. She tried to get him to buy her a drink by mentioning that he promised to. But then he went into a babbling fit of denial. So as to shut him down/up and throw him off guard, she made it more of a flirtatious thing, which he then accepted.

                She and she did make a point that she was grateful for him saving her life, so she probably just wanted to spend more time with him to get to know him better, as someone else mentioned.

                And in other news. I finally started on what may be the final chapter of the Making Up the Past story arch.

                I just have a little written though, and I need some feedback on how this first part reads. I was originally trying to come up with something more somber and angsty, but then this idea popped in my head . . .

                Excerpt from Making Up the Past [Part 3] under the spoiler tag.

                As Jennifer awoke that morning, she didn't recall her bed on Atlantis ever feeling as soft, or as warm. As she buried her face in her pillow, relishing this new found comfort, an all too familiar aroma started her senses to full awareness.

                In a slight state of denial, she hesitated to open her eyes as her hands groped around the solid curve of what she now realized was not a “pillow” in the conventional sense of the word. Just to be absolutely certain, she ran her under the hem of what would have been the pillow sham, only to have her fingers brush against what she immediately recognized as human skin. Very smooth human skin.

                Than her pillow jerked from underneath her, and she heard something bang into the wall.

                Her head hit the mattress, and she abruptly raised her head, now fully awake and slightly peeved to have lost the comfort of her “pillow.”

                Jennifer looked up through a fringe of disheveled blond hair to see Ronon glaring down at her mock-accusing, as he rubbed a hand across his temple.

                “Ow.” That was all he said at first. “That tickled.”

                “And it hurt?” Jennifer asked, barely able to contain the giggle that threatened to burst forth.

                “No,” he huffed, sweeping his thick dreads away from his face. “I hit my head.”

                Thanks for reading.
                Last edited by renisanz; 09 February 2008, 02:40 PM.
                . . . . .



                  Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                  I've just posted the first chapter of a new fic at

                  Jenn is in it, but I'm not shipping her with Ronon this time, because I want to concentrate on the team angst/comfort angle. I've never done this before, so it's an experiment. Will be glad to know what you think!
                  I am reading the story now!! Just wondering what became of your story of Ronon and Melena? I may have missed it after the second? third? chapter.

                  Click here daily to give free mammograms

                  It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                    Originally posted by Yvie_Faerie View Post
                    I hope that this is okay to put here...
                    Just in case anyone's interested...
                    Hi Yvie! Welcome to our happy shippy thread!

                    Click here daily to give free mammograms

                    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                      New cast member.

                      I HATE it when women are refered to as fiery. Haaaate it. Don't know why.

                      Vega appears prominently in the Season Five premiere of Stargate Atlantis, "Search and Rescue." The character (Porter in the information obtained by GateWorld) is described in the script as a 28-year-old, fiery new addition to Atlantis's military contingent.

                      And no repli!Weir in S.5.


                        Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                        My take on the
                        Jenn and Rodney thing is that Jenn genuinely likes Rodney as a person and wants to get to know him better- as a friend. Yes, she flirted with him a bit, but again I think it was more in the vein of what someone said before. She wants to help him be more comfortable with the opposite sex and isn't really interested in Rodney for herself. The scene was cute and didn't bother me one bit in terms of Jenn and Ronon being together. No offense to Rodney but if you girls had to choose between Ronon and Rodney who would YOU choose? Lol!
                        Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                        Does this answer your last question?

                        I hope I'm not offending any Rodney fans out there. Believe me, I'm a great fan myself. This comparison is totally shallow, but I can't help myself. I'm just a sucker for posting pics.
                        LOL and it's not just that ROnon is so fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnne It's that he is manly, has a nice deep voice, DOESN'T WHINE (I have an issue with guys like rodney who whine!!!!! ), has sexy green eyes, is very direct, and has no time for bulls***!!!!
                        Originally posted by renisanz View Post

                        I agree that Jen was just trying to break the ice with Rodney. She tried to get him to buy her a drink by mentioning that he promised to. But then he went into a babbling fit of denial. So as to shut him down/up and throw him off guard, she made it more of a flirtatious thing, which he then accepted.

                        She and she did make a point that she was grateful for him saving her life, so she probably just wanted to spend more time with him to get to know him better, as someone else mentioned.

                        And in other news. I finally started on what may be the final chapter of the Making Up the Past story arch.

                        I just have a little written though, and I need some feedback on how this first part reads. I was originally trying to come up with something more somber and angsty, but then this idea popped in my head . . .

                        Excerpt from Making Up the Past [Part 3] under the spoiler tag.

                        As Jennifer awoke that morning, she didn't recall her bed on Atlantis ever feeling as soft, or as warm. As she buried her face in her pillow, relishing this new found comfort, an all too familiar aroma started her senses to full awareness.

                        In a slight state of denial, she hesitated to open her eyes as her hands groped around the solid curve of what she now realized was not a “pillow” in the conventional sense of the word. Just to be absolutely certain, she ran her under the hem of what would have been the pillow sham, only to have her fingers brush against what she immediately recognized as human skin. Very smooth human skin.

                        Than her pillow jerked from underneath her, and she heard something bang into the wall.

                        Her head hit the mattress, and she abruptly raised her head, now fully awake and slightly peeved to have lost the comfort of her “pillow.”

                        Jennifer looked up through a fringe of disheveled blond hair to see Ronon glaring down at her mock-accusing, as he rubbed a hand across his temple.

                        “Ow.” That was all he said at first. “That tickled.”

                        “And it hurt?” Jennifer asked, barely able to contain the giggle that threatened to burst forth.

                        “No,” he huffed, sweeping his thick dreads away from his face. “I hit my head.”

                        Thanks for reading.
                        It's a good start and well written. but would you describe a man built like ronon as soft??? I don't think so!


                          I think we will see something next season. someone will take an interest in jen and then maybe we will see ronon jealous or something. At the very least we will see more interaction between the two with her becoming a regular to the series. They will probably play with us though. Stupid almost kisses.

                          KELLER: Another sparring accident?

                          DEX: Actually, I slipped in the shower.

                          KELLER: Oh, really?

                          DEX (smiling): No. Sparring accident.


                            Originally posted by Rubicon View Post
                            New cast member.

                            I HATE it when women are refered to as fiery. Haaaate it. Don't know why.

                            Vega appears prominently in the Season Five premiere of Stargate Atlantis, "Search and Rescue." The character (Porter in the information obtained by GateWorld) is described in the script as a 28-year-old, fiery new addition to Atlantis's military contingent.

                            And no repli!Weir in S.5.
                            Because it somehow implies there is something "wrong" or "different" about a woman who is passionate about something. Atleast, that is why I hate the phrase!
                            yep called been fiery myself a few times, usually by men who have no clue how to deal with a real woman!


                              Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                              Hi Yvie! Welcome to our happy shippy thread!
                              Thanks so much! It's nice to be here and meet everyone.


                                Welcome to all the newbies, great to have you here!

