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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
    OOOOHHHH this is my 1,000th post!!! woowhooo!

    (but is this an indication I waste too much time here? )
    Way to go, Rac, CONGRATULATIONS!!!

    Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


      Originally posted by DoodleyDog View Post

      GW just posted a vid previewing Midway!

      Our boy is sulky and cranky....and we know he and Teal'c kick each others ass. Wonder if that means Ronon will need to make a trip to the infirmary....
      Yay! It's like christmas! We have a sort of Jennifer episode this week and then a Ronon episode next week


        Lah, good point. I can't whine about the anti viewpoint in here unless I'm willing to bring the pro point of view.

        Admittedly, I find myself forced to wonder if I truly am an RK shipper - or if I am in fact, a Ronon shipper.....regardless of who he's interested in. Truth be told, I'd ship him with a Snickers bar if one made eyes at him.

        I will go on record as saying that jury is still out for me on Keller. Let's face it - Missing was not her finest hour. While I think that her reaction is consistent with the way 95% of pampered, coddled earthlings would react - it's definitely out of place on the team. I am willing to see where the writers go with her character - there's lots of potential for growth there, and the journey could be interesting. Maybe with Ronon's influence, she'll turn into a kick-ass chick....maybe she'll stay whiney and snively.

        Was Quarantine OOC for Ronon? I don't think so.
        Reason: love/crushes/infatuation/flings make us all do and say things that we wouldn't otherwise. I'll bet there isn't a single person on this thread who hasn't done something completely dorky and goofy in front of their crush. Love can make the coolest, most controlled person a complete doofus. We've never seen this side of Ronon before - so we don't really know what's OOC for him on the love front.

        What makes this pairing interesting for me is the counterpoint of Warrior and Wimp. There's a lot that the two can learn from each other. From a writer's perspective, there's a lot of potential here: angst, misunderstanding, comic foil, etc.

        Marriage? Bleck....don't get me started. That was one over-zealous shipper. The fanbase as whole seems to be against that idea as it would domestic Ronon too much - and I think we can all agree: we like him wild.

        Need I say more?

        Got Fanfic?


          Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
          I've just posted the first chapter of a new fic at

          Jenn is in it, but I'm not shipping her with Ronon this time, because I want to concentrate on the team angst/comfort angle. I've never done this before, so it's an experiment. Will be glad to know what you think!
          It was great! I posted a comment. I also found out that I haven't read some of your stuff, so I'll read that later. Dog is going crazy right now and I may nap before Atlantis is on


            Hey, was Rodney flirting with our favorite doctor tonight? Was she flirting with him? Where was Ronon?
            The Greater Good
            The Lesser Evil


              Originally posted by authorfan View Post
              Hey, was Rodney flirting with our favorite doctor tonight? Was she flirting with him? Where was Ronon?
              Naaah rodney wouldn't dare! Keller was just being nice
              Now be honest gals, we have all done atleast one "pity date" haven't we?

              besides Rodney was too stupid to realize that he and Katie were over.


                Originally posted by authorfan View Post
                Hey, was Rodney flirting with our favorite doctor tonight? Was she flirting with him? Where was Ronon?
                I think our girl was kinda flirting with Rodney! In a funny adorable kinda way.

                Great episode! Even with no Ronon.


                  Originally posted by authorfan View Post
                  Hey, was Rodney flirting with our favorite doctor tonight? Was she flirting with him? Where was Ronon?

                  Thank you! That's what I was thinking through the whole episode. Not that I don't absolutely love the writers and everything, but I can't help but feel a little jerked around. I was all happy about the Ronon/Keller relationship that I thought they had really introduced with Quarantine, and then they've had these episodes lately with no interraction whatsoever between the two, and then tonight with Keller asking McKay out for a drink? Come on! Not that I don't love McKay, but...I just feel so disappointed.


                    Originally posted by Yvie_Faerie View Post
                    Thank you! That's what I was thinking through the whole episode. Not that I don't absolutely love the writers and everything, but I can't help but feel a little jerked around. I was all happy about the Ronon/Keller relationship that I thought they had really introduced with Quarantine, and then they've had these episodes lately with no interraction whatsoever between the two, and then tonight with Keller asking McKay out for a drink? Come on! Not that I don't love McKay, but...I just feel so disappointed.
                    Yeah, but Jewel said Keller flirts with Rodney sometimes just to screw with his head a bit.


                      I hope that this is okay to put here...
                      Just in case anyone's interested...


                        R/K developments


                        In the second scene of Trio, Keller, Sam and McKay are walking across a field. Keller starts whining about being out of shape. McKay jumps in and says that he's used to hiking these distances. Both Keller and Carter look at him in disbelief.

                        McKay fires back "I'm not like Ronon. I'll never be on the cover of Shape magazine." At the mention of Ronon's name, Keller's head snaps around and she smiles huge.

                        That being said, tonight on JM's blog, this Q&A was posted:

                        "Taz writes: “I thought Ronon and Keller were dating since Quarantine.”

                        Answer: There has been no development on the Ronon-Keller front since the events of Quarantine. She’s still single."


                        Need I say more?

                        Got Fanfic?


                          Good episode?

                          i havn't seen it yet...


                            Originally posted by DoodleyDog View Post
                            R/K developments


                            In the second scene of Trio, Keller, Sam and McKay are walking across a field. Keller starts whining about being out of shape. McKay jumps in and says that he's used to hiking these distances. Both Keller and Carter look at him in disbelief.

                            McKay fires back "I'm not like Ronon. I'll never be on the cover of Shape magazine." At the mention of Ronon's name, Keller's head snaps around and she smiles huge.

                            That being said, tonight on JM's blog, this Q&A was posted:

                            "Taz writes: “I thought Ronon and Keller were dating since Quarantine.”

                            Answer: There has been no development on the Ronon-Keller front since the events of Quarantine. She’s still single."

                            At least the ship is NOT playing out off-screen. !!PTB please heave a smidge more "development" on screen!!!


                              Whoa. Guess I killed the thread.

                              Thought this was worth sharing....

                              Tonight on JM's blog, this Q&A was posted:

                              "Taz writes: “I thought Ronon and Keller were dating since Quarantine.”

                              Answer: There has been no development on the Ronon-Keller front since the events of Quarantine. She’s still single."


                              Need I say more?

                              Got Fanfic?


                                Originally posted by DoodleyDog View Post
                                Whoa. Guess I killed the thread.

                                Thought this was worth sharing....

                                Tonight on JM's blog, this Q&A was posted:

                                "Taz writes: “I thought Ronon and Keller were dating since Quarantine.”

                                Answer: There has been no development on the Ronon-Keller front since the events of Quarantine. She’s still single."

                                No, you didn't, and it was! We just all went to bed (or ran off to write another chapter - but you know that...). The joy of different time zones.

                                And I agree with pretty much everything you say. There were moments at the beginning of the season when they portrayed Keller in the way I want her character to be - professional, no-nonsense, with a backbone and a sense of humor. Okay, I'm overdoing it here, but that's how I write her in my fics. And she's infatuated with Ronon (right, what woman in her right mind wouldn't be?) and yes, she wants him, but on a physical rather than an emotional level. That's why Quarantine was such a disappointment to me.

                                As for Ronon acting OC, you are right, people act doofy when they're in love, but I don't want to see Ronon act that way. Such things - as Lah said - belong off screen. I really enjoy the soft, caring side of him they have been showing lately, but there's a limit.

                                Forgive me if I'm rambling here, but have hardly slept in four nights, and it's beginning to tell... But what the heck, here's how I would have tweaked Quarantine.

                                Okay, so they're locked up together in this room, and they're both like - ooooh, this could lead to something. But they're both not sure how the other feels about it, so they're pussyfooting around a bit. Keller, not knowing Ronon at all, figures he's this protecitve uber male, and puts on this cute, insecure little girl act because she figures that's what he likes. He is totally turned off by that, he wants the woman he saw work on Weir in Adrift. Then something goes terribly wrong when the oxygen tank tears through the room, and she has to snap out of it and help Ronon save them both. So that' when he grabs her and kisses her and and tells her he thinks she's great, and the last shot shows how she's taking off his shirt... Hey, this is my fantasy, I can do that! So at the end when Jenn joins them at the mess table, and John and Teyla are all ??? Ronon and the doc share a knowing grin, like the two adults they are, who just had a lot of fun with each other and may do it again - no strings attached.

                                You're also right that the pairing is interesting because they are so different. Which is one of the reasons Ronon/Teyla doesn't work for me. As Jason said at some con, it would be basically incest. So no room for character development.

                                And after reading the comment Doodley just posted, I must agree that TOTB have no clue how to write ship. They go way too far too fast in one ep, and then they drop it completely? *sound of forehead slap*

                                Now, how's that for a discussion thread? Thanks for starting us off here, Doodley, you really got us going.

                                Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on

