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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    haven't seen Trio myself yet... so once i've watched it i'll give you the 'blokes' opinion on it

    hey Snowy


    Click on the image to go to my fanfics.


      Originally posted by methosivanhoe View Post
      haven't seen Trio myself yet... so once i've watched it i'll give you the 'blokes' opinion on it

      hey Snowy

      If you want to catch up on our discussion so far, it begins at the top of this page.

      Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


        meh, i'll be watching it in an hour or so...


        Click on the image to go to my fanfics.


          Good question, Starg8fans!

          I think there's a difference when you're just beginning to date, compared to being in a serious relationship pre-marriage, and also compared to when you're married.

          Background for me: I'm in my late 20s, married for 5 1/2 years, a little hormonal due to my 1st pregnancy (21 weeks on Monday!!!) from the U.S., pretty conservative.

          For me, I wouldn't go if a man asked me to have a drink (well, I don't drink anyways but that's besides the point). I think that's flirting to put yourself in a compromising situation AND if it was reversed, I would feel very hurt if my husband did that if he was in that situation.

          But if you're just beginning to date someone OR if you haven't even been on a date or established a relationship, than what's the big deal?

          To be honest with you all, I think it's Jennifer's nice way of getting Rodney more in tune with women... not a pity date, but more getting him comfortable and practice time for the next woman he gets serious about.

          Just my two cents... I'm 100% pro "this is not Jennifer cheating on Ronon." Nothing except a few exchanged glances and an almost kissed has really happened up till now, so how can anyone call that a relationship? In fact, it may create some interesting jealousy with Ronon and help get everything moving a little now. Who knows?

          And for the shippers in other countries... wow! That's terrible that your networks haven't aired season 4 yet! Didn't realize that! Sorry... consider me an obvilious beyond the U.S. I will definitely make sure to be careful when posting in other areas and spoiler my sig. Probably will do it for here, too, when I get back from lunch.


            Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
            Sounds like you got your head screwed on right. Same here. The funny thing is that my husband is quite different from most of the men I've been friends with, so he actually prefers it if I get together with them without him.

            So what's your take on Jenn's invitation? As I said, I haven't seen the ep yet, so it's hard for me to tell how she said it.
            it wasn't an "invitation" it was more.. "okay lets do this". I thought she felt bad because he was too numb to realize he and katie were over.

            Originally posted by methosivanhoe View Post
            umm... i'd just go for a drink lol

            no real expectations... why?

            good man!
            Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
            Well, several people have made a big deal out of the fact that Jenn asks Rodney out for a drink at the end of Trio. (This is hearsay for me, haven't seen it yet). They even went as far as saying she's cheating on Ronon. We were just trying to get some perspective here. To me, asking a guy out for a drink means just that, like you said. But Rac has heard differently. Maybe it's a U.S. thing.
            not really U.S. more just immaturity!


              Originally posted by daisy1979 View Post
              Good question, Starg8fans!

              I think there's a difference when you're just beginning to date, compared to being in a serious relationship pre-marriage, and also compared to when you're married.

              Background for me: I'm in my late 20s, married for 5 1/2 years, a little hormonal due to my 1st pregnancy (21 weeks on Monday!!!) from the U.S., pretty conservative.

              For me, I wouldn't go if a man asked me to have a drink (well, I don't drink anyways but that's besides the point). I think that's flirting to put yourself in a compromising situation AND if it was reversed, I would feel very hurt if my husband did that if he was in that situation.

              But if you're just beginning to date someone OR if you haven't even been on a date or established a relationship, than what's the big deal?

              To be honest with you all, I think it's Jennifer's nice way of getting Rodney more in tune with women... not a pity date, but more getting him comfortable and practice time for the next woman he gets serious about.

              Just my two cents... I'm 100% pro "this is not Jennifer cheating on Ronon." Nothing except a few exchanged glances and an almost kissed has really happened up till now, so how can anyone call that a relationship? In fact, it may create some interesting jealousy with Ronon and help get everything moving a little now. Who knows?

              And for the shippers in other countries... wow! That's terrible that your networks haven't aired season 4 yet! Didn't realize that! Sorry... consider me an obvilious beyond the U.S. I will definitely make sure to be careful when posting in other areas and spoiler my sig. Probably will do it for here, too, when I get back from lunch.
              Thanks for adding your opinion, Daisy! This is getting really interesting (though a bit OT, I'm afraid... Hope you don't mind!)

              What you said is just the point. It appears that in the States, if somebody asks you out for a drink it implies flirtation or more. In Europe - at least in those countries I know well - I usually means just what it says, two people having some conversation over a drink. It can lead to more, but it doesn't have to. As I said, that's what my generation (I'm 46) is used to, maybe it's different among the younger crowd.

              As for your sig, considering that this scene was in one of Jewel's Q&As I guess it's considered public knowledge, so I wouldn't worry about it.

              Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                What really bugs me is when people just pick out one thing from it's content's and runs with it....

                That one thing that suits their explanations on how things are supposed to be..


                  Originally posted by Lahela
                  Yep. I'm reserving judgment until I've watched it myself tonight... But people see things from their own perspective, and that depends a lot on how they want to see them.
                  Yeah, I know. And I don't have that against them. What I really don't like is the smug "in your face" thing that they make.
                  I love the fact that we all see things different. We don't have to rub it in on each other. (Does that make sense?, my English is failing me.)



                    I am going to chime in on the drink debate from Trio

                    When she first asked Rodney it came across as friendly, two people who shared an experience having a fun drink. But when Rodney started whining about the bet Keller got a bit more flirty and with the line "You are really bad at this aren't you" it brought the drink into more of a date realm then just two friends going for a drink. So I took it as a date. Now that being said, I also don't think there is anything wrong with that. Its not like Keller and Ronon are a couple. She is free to date whom she likes. Plus one casual drink date doesn't mean much. Its more of an informal date in my opinion. A feel it out and see if its worth an actual date type of thing. I think that Keller was feeling grateful that Rodney saved her, she got to see a different side of him from the guy who always has an imagined medical condition. That coupled with the fact that she feels bad for him about the whole Katie fiasco is what prompted the offer. Its a drink, some flirtations. Not a marriage proposal. No biggie.

                    Sorry for the ramble. That is just my take on it.


                      on Trio
                      I'm glad Jennifer is dating around a little, and not rushing into things with Ronon Ronon and Jennifer after Quarantine probably took a step back and said "whoah, way to fast, we don't want to end up like Rodney and Katie". Friendship before relationship is GOOOD But I'll still be drawing super-mushing-Ronon/Jen-pics in the near future

                      If anyone's into games, this Ronon Ship Heal&Hurt needs some Ron/Jen love:
             (vote once a day, you must plus one and minus one each vote)

                      well, these pic games also need some Ron/Jen love:

                      here are pics if you need them:
                      (I may not have all the Quarantine ones resized yet, but you should put them in spoiler tags anyway...)



                        Originally posted by Lahela
                        I hope I haven't rubbed anything in anyone's face here - not my intention at all. I may let loose in the anti thread, but I don't want to cause tension here... I just run off at the "mouth" sometimes

                        No no, not you and not here.
                        You just think I'm crazy but I know you love my any way, even if I... you know....*cough*


                          Originally posted by nebulan View Post
                          on Trio

                          If anyone's into games, this Ronon Ship Heal&Hurt needs some Ron/Jen love:
                 (vote once a day, you must plus one and minus one each vote)

                          I have to add??? Trust me, you don't want me to attempt this... can't they have a multiple choice thing, like or something LOL

                          Sigh... another week waiting for the next episode to air... and I'm all out of ideas for any new Ronon/Keller fic... someone better get writing to get me through the week (hint hint).


                            Originally posted by DoodleyDog View Post
                            Whoa. Guess I killed the thread.

                            Thought this was worth sharing....

                            Tonight on JM's blog, this Q&A was posted:

                            "Taz writes: “I thought Ronon and Keller were dating since Quarantine.”

                            Answer: There has been no development on the Ronon-Keller front since the events of Quarantine. She’s still single."

                            I kinda figured but i still think they could have a future together.
                            So what did everyone think of keller in trio?
                            stronger? still weak? Do you think it developed her character any?
                            Let me know what you think?

                            KELLER: Another sparring accident?

                            DEX: Actually, I slipped in the shower.

                            KELLER: Oh, really?

                            DEX (smiling): No. Sparring accident.


                              Apparently there is a big debate over
                              Jen's invite to Rodney for a drink
                              What do you make of it? I didn't really think much over it. I thought friendly.

                              KELLER: Another sparring accident?

                              DEX: Actually, I slipped in the shower.

                              KELLER: Oh, really?

                              DEX (smiling): No. Sparring accident.


                                Originally posted by Lahela
                                Well, like Snowy and I were discussing, everything is subject to perspective... but from mine, it looked like
                                she was using the situation as an excuse to push it - the whole "you're not very good at this, are you?" made it seem like she was pushing a romantic angle to me.
                                But, I reiterate, that was my perspective.Discuss
                                And I of course think the opposite thing.
                                It was a bet and she was just claiming her win.....

