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Mala's World

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    Originally posted by dipsofjazz
    All this talk of food has made me hungry! I was very lucky today on the sweet food front! I was at one of our "feeder" ( ) Primary schools today (these children will eventually come to the secondary school I teach in) and they were doing all sorts of stuff to make money for the tsunami fund. One of the things they did was to make cakes and biscuits and sweets. Well, I felt obliged to buy it was for a good cause! One or two of the wee ones bought some sweets to give me (they love me....they really do!!!), so I felt I just had to accept them so I didn't hurt their feelings. Suffice to say, I haven't eaten any real food all day, but am now VERY full of sugar!

    Would anyone like a piece of cake?
    *takes cake* It's the only sweet I'm allowing myself right now. Cyber sugar! BTW, hubs and I both love your CRAFT moments, too damn funny.

    Now where did I leave that paper and pen so I can write that down....


      Originally posted by Mala50
      LMAO! Thank you, Michelle! Darth Tater...Not even my warped mind could make something like that up.

      But I did make this one! I just couldn't help myself...How about a Kull Warrior potato (complete with codpiece! )


      ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with the cod peice yet HA! HA! HA!




        Originally posted by Zoser
        Feel a need to add my two cents.
        My mom is 87 and smoked for quite a bit of those years (we nagged her into quitting). She now suffers from Macular Degeneration, which is quite common with the elderly (Don't let my mom know I used that term if you value my life).
        The first question the specialist asked her was if she smoked and for how many years!
        Just jumping in here to say after several trys, I finally quit a little over two years ago with the help of both patch and nicorette. Not at the same time of course. My Aunt died from lung cancer two years ago while my mom has emphesema and is currently taking oxygen and upgraded to using a nebulizer. I just hope I quit in time to avoid getting either of the above. My home and clothing smells a lot better though. You don't know how bad you smell until you quit. I can smell the nicotine and smoke as my son walks by
        Oh, I did gain quite a bit of weight after I quit but at least I can take a deep breath without coughing now.



          Originally posted by Critter
          SueKay your comment about the little girl smelling like smoke reminds me of something my childhood friend said to me a few years ago. She used to stop by my house on the way to school in the mornings so we could walk and gossip together. She told me that she could always smell the cigarette smoke on me. That's because my mother smoked so much and in the house that everything in the house smelled....she did laundry puffing away so naturally all of our clothes smelled like it. My guess is that young lady spends a lot of time in the company of someone who smokes.

          One more comment and then I'm off to eat!!!! When I was a junior in high school (yes, I can still remember ) I made my prom dress. I used to love to sew but I hated to do the hand work. This beautiful dress had a HUGE ruffle on the bottom (I know, eeeeeewwwwww) and it needed to be hemmed. My mother, a wonderful seamstress, offered to do the hem for me. I was so grateful. Little did I know that she would hem and puff at the same time. The morning of prom I took my dress out of the closet and guess what? Yep, it stunk to high heaven. My mother said not to worry and she hung it outside on the clothesline (WOW! That was a long time ago). It aired out somewhat but as I still remember it so clearly, it obviously wasn't enough.

          OK. Mala I am sorry for hogging all the space this morning. I am off my soapbox and ready to beg.....BEG for more Jack stuff. Bring it on baby!!! ANYTHING!! I WILL TAKE ANYTHING!
          This story reminds me of when my son's elementary school teacher accused my son (who wasn't smoking at that time) of smoking. I had to send a note in with him the enxt day confessing that both my hubby and I smoked. To think what we did to our poor kids with all that second hand smoke all those years:(
          Did I read somewhere that RDA used to smoke?



            and on a completely different subject....

            Just watched "The Hours" with Nicole Kidman and Julianne Moore and Meryl Streep. Very good, but OMG! I feel like I need an entire university class to dissect it and figure out what the heck was going on and sort out all the subtext!

            and I have never smoked, neither did my parents. However, both sets of grandparents did, and having to be around them and the smell of smoke was more than enough to ensure I never took up the habit (which in no way reflects on my grandparents - all of whom I adore ).
            I've been very lucky in my life (so far- I'm 28), other than my Dad's father who passed away in 2000, I have never lost anyone close to me, and neither has anyone had any serious or prolonged illnesses (well, other than those normally associated with old age in various grandparents). I count myself extremely lucky, and try to cherish all my loved ones as much as I can

            *goes off to phone Grandmother in NZ* and hugs for everyone! ((((((MW inhabitants!))))))


              Hey there!

              Just thought I'd mention that my school had a non-uniform day (all UK schools wear a uniform), and we raised £2,751 for the Tsunami fund!

              KG - I wish I was a lucky as you. Over the past six years I've lost over half of my family, and several close family friends. None of them were smoking related though.
              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                Originally posted by sueKay
                Hey there!

                Just thought I'd mention that my school had a non-uniform day (all UK schools wear a uniform), and we raised £2,751 for the Tsunami fund!
                The non-uniform day was a nation wide event yesterday. I'm sure that ££££££££££££ were made through the generosity of all school pupils. (and teachers!)


                  Good morning!

                  I'm going to see Phantom of the Opera today and I can't wait. I've seen the play twice and am not expecting the movie to be as good but I'm sure I will love it anyway . Going to break out my Phantom CD to play on the way.
                  ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                    Just watched Gemini...finally. I enjoyed it except for the end....
                    I cannot believe that RepliCarter got away...for some reason that is really bugging me. If Jack had been there on that mission it never would have happened that way. It just doesn't fit with what I expect from Stargate.

                    It's like reading a book and expecting a certain outcome. It ends differently and I walk around all day long in a bad mood because it just didn't fit. I hate to be disappointed, but I am.
                    Desperate Thunker


                      Poor Critter... Gemini S8
                      But she had to get away cause.... she'll be baaaaacccckkkkk... Or at least that's what I've heard... I think in Reckoning...

                      (((((((Critter)))))))) I have been totally spoiled and I think that each ep gets better!


                        There's a really cool
                        piccy of Replicarter with a spiky thingumabob on her hand in the reckoning part two photos
                        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                          Just dropping in to drag the thread back up the page. Everybody breathe in please.


                            Originally posted by Critter
                            Just watched Gemini...finally. I enjoyed it except for the end....
                            I cannot believe that RepliCarter got away...for some reason that is really bugging me. If Jack had been there on that mission it never would have happened that way. It just doesn't fit with what I expect from Stargate.

                            It's like reading a book and expecting a certain outcome. It ends differently and I walk around all day long in a bad mood because it just didn't fit. I hate to be disappointed, but I am.
                            I didn't like Gemini, once was okay but more than that i just saw all the plot holes....

                            And Critter!!! Here I am!!!((((((((((((((((((((Critter-wuv)))))))))))))))

                            Still can't give you rep!


                              Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                              Just dropping in to drag the thread back up the page. Everybody breathe in please.
                              I would, but my lungs can't displace the birthday cake (hmm! cake!) I had at dinner, it was best friends hubs BD At least I went swimming today to partially counteract the cake


                                Mala's World was about to slide off the page!

                                Been playing with Print Shop again...

