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Mala's World

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    Originally posted by meimei
    Actually, I'm not allowed to give blood anymore either. The American Red Cross changed the rules several years ago to exclude anyone that had been in the UK or Western Europe for more than six months since 1980. Since I spent two years in Germany during that time, I can't give, but it doesn't stop me from collecting!!!

    I guess they think I'm a mad cow!! LOL!!
    I'm pretty sure they decided to do away with this rule, because I gave blood a few months ago and that travel/living abroad question was no longer on the question sheet.

    ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =



      ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


        Stephanie!! *hugs*
        hey, I tried to reply to your email and ended up with a screen full of "undeliverable mail" for my effort wonder what that was about.....


          Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
          Thunks Mala! I think I’m still a Jack girl at heart, but those are some very nice LeatherMacs. I like both of them that you scrubbed on that page. (

          And the MacStairs pic on the right... *sigh* (

          Particularily *yummy* -- .

          Hmmm.... now why did I never go to that site before??
          I don't know... Maybe because I don't promote The Leatherman Collection that often these days?

          But I'm glad you like it! I guess people know I make a lot of RDA/Jack pix, but many don't know that I have a lot of Mac shots, too. Actually, that collection is probably the only place where you'll find brand new 'scrubs' of all those old Mac photos...

          Oh, you know I think that RDA/Mac is cute, but Jack is more fun to play with.


            Originally posted by kiwigater
            *thwaps Nate*
            Oh I see how it is, Shadow isn't here to torment so you're wandering the boards looking for a new..... subject....

            Well, first off Mala is a PERSON A fantabulous, wonderful, funny, shippy, screen capping, fun making goddess (and we love her, in case you can't tell). If you're vehemently anti-ship or pro-Pete this is NOT the thread for you, but if you're tolerant, enjoy a good laugh and have a quirky sense of humour you might enjoy the place

            oh, and there's a little um..... admiration (? nose falls off at fib) of RDA frequently occurring in here too.

            not sure an Aussie can take it tho

            Thanks for your reply. I never know how to answer this question myself. But it's true - I am a person who just happens to admire RDA a little bit...


              Originally posted by meimei
              Hope Mala doesn't mind a little shameless selflish promotion!
              A Stargate SG-1 Fan Fic about my favorite two characters – Jack and Sam. It is shippy so beware.
              Sequel to Back to Reality
              Rated NC17 for sexual content.
              Reality takes an unexpected turn! Now it's Jack's turn to take care of her...
              Spoliers through early season seven!
              Updated 01/23/05

              Many thanks to Tame, who labored over this one in spite of her own reality interfering! She's is the most wonderful beta in the world!
              Of course I don't mind, meimei! And congrats on another great story.


                Just a wittle teensy bit.... *arm falls off*
                Geez, I'm gonna have to stop fibbing like this, I'm gonna lose all my limbs!

                I was all productive most of the day, but I appear to have come to a grinding halt right now *looks at bench* do I have to do that one more thing (that will take ~2hrs)???? *groaning* alright, fine.


                  Originally posted by nathanaus
                  Ahh I see.

                  Well apologies to Mala for not knowing she was a she. SOrt of like Teal'c's "What is an Oprah" question then.

                  As to Shadow? Bah that little girl doesn't scare me. She's just a small harmless little fly. she doesn't come in here does she? not that i'm scared or anything

                  Shippy huh? Hmmm
                  Hey, no need for apologies... Now that you know what a Mala is, I wonder if you'll return. I just wish I had Oprah's money...

                  Btw, I like your web site. I'm not a gamer, but I liked AVATAR...

                  Just wondering how come you don't have Carter's screenshot?



                    Originally posted by Ship Nana
                    Wow it's a good thing that I stopped by as this thread is almost to the bottom of the list.

                    I sure hope you guys have been laying off the chocolate for a while.

                    Here we go, back to the top again. Everybody think thin!!!
                    Thanks for the lift, Ship Nana!

                    Well, as most of you know, I've been keeping up with the UK as they watch the rest of Season 8. And as this season comes to a close, it also signals the end of SG-1 as I know it and love it. I don't know if I'll continue in this fandom beyond this year. I don't if I'll continue with my public RDA thunking either.

                    So as I prepare for my possible online retirement, I decided to take a few days to reorganize my 'work'. I also thought that it would be easier to explain who I am/what I do here in GW and in this fandom, if I put up some of the links to my collections, once again:

                    Man, do I have a lot of stuff!

                    RICHARD DEAN ANDERSON pix



                    RDA/Jack Season 8 Episodes - Screencap Index



                    GW S/J Ship Thread & Mala's World Graphics

                    Mala's World GW S/J Ship Art

                    GW S/J Shipper's Thread "Shipper Town"
                    Last edited by Mala50; 26 January 2005, 07:13 AM.


                      Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                      Hmmm...we seem to be dropping to the bottom of the page, so I've borrowed Meimei's pink fluffy handcuffs and have chained us to the top of the page!

                      I hope Meimei doesn't mind me borrowing her equipment!
                      Pink fluffy handcuffs????? Those must be Siler's!! I don't own anything pink!!

                      *shudders at memory of pink pouffy jacket*

                      Mine are black, of cour..... I mean, what makes you think I have handcuffs????


                        Originally posted by Ruralstar

                        MacGyver promo - year??

                        (Mala scrub)
                        Judging by the hair, since that's a good yardstick of those years, I would guess circa 1990. Thanks for all the lovely pictures THEN and NOW. RDA has given us all a gift via his wit, talent and stunning good looks. We are the lucky ones.
                        Thanks for the date, Rural. I get confused by his hair during his Mac days. It's shorter in the early years and then it gets longer... and it's darker when he's younger, but then he gets blonder...


                          Originally posted by sueKay
                          *wanders in*

                          what's a Mala?


                          A Mala is a certain poster at GW. Malas tend to like all things RDA, Jack and Mac (or maybe ernest pratt).
                          Malas have a zaney sense of humour that has a tendancy to rub onto those that encounter a Mala.
                          Malas are also artists, adept at using both photoshop and their imaginations.
                          In short Mala's ROCK!

                          And another thing that makes Malas rock is that there is only one!

                          (((((((((sueKay!))))))))))) Thanks!

                          Hey, remember the Penguin Ghosts?? Well, here's a pic!



                            Originally posted by sugarshaker
                            Mala you are totally outdoing yourself!!! Although I was disappointed in this scene from Grace, I LOVED him in that blue shirt, and this is one of my most favorite pics (out of about a hundred). And to think that Sam is settling for Darth Tater when she could have him! Sheesh.
                            Thank you, sugarshaker!

                            I have several caps from this scene on my website, but this one's my favorite. Any interest in adding to your sig?


                              Originally posted by michelleb
                              8.14 Full Alert

                              And this is the one for me...the open shirt, the muscles as he leans into the car, the sexy and cool dark glasses, giving him that sense of indefinable mystery that is irresistable, the entire sense of slow, smooth, sexy motion captured in a second, the sheer groin-grinding gorgeousness of the man.

                              yep, Mala knows how to take a good man at a good moment, and turn it into a true work of thunk art!
                              Michelle! You're back! That one is one of my newest favorites! Mmmm, just look at the way his shirt stretches across his chest....

                              ...the sheer groin-grinding gorgeousness of the man...

                              ooo yeah, and Michelle knows how to turn a phrase to describe THE MAN the way I try to capture him...I love it that she 'get's me and my pics...
                              Last edited by Mala50; 26 January 2005, 06:57 PM.


                                Originally posted by sacme
                                oh, thanks!!! rehearsals have been intense and tiring, ... but good. Unfortunately, there have been a number of cancellations lately, so my schedule may not be what I thought it would be. hopefully I'll still get to meet my GW pals, but right now I don't know for sure.

                                ship sistah

                                miss you all so much!
                                WE MISS YOU, TOO! Here's to our Shipper Extraordinaire!

                                4.14 The Serpent's Venom

