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    Originally posted by sgt.siler View Post're a beginner indeed. After I burned up my first hard drive I went with the 300GB one.
    I still have the first laptop I bought four years ago. Nowadays you can get much more GB, but it is still working, so I don't have a reason for buying a new one. But I got an external hard drive, at least.

    I don't have space for a "real" computer, but this laptop does it quite well.

    Now videos I can do. I hate the finding and ripping part, but editing comes real easy for me. Certain things come easy for me like Jack always says, but not Photoshop.
    Yeah, I do videos myself, too, and everybody keeps telling me that photoshopping should actually be even easier - can't say so

    I know what you mean about finding the right scenes. Sometimes a line just begs for a certain thing and I remember it off my head, other times I have to search long and sometimes I also stumble about something fitting while searching for something else.

    And while searching I keep losing myself in watching Jack Because usually I watch the DVDs with the DVD player at the TV, but when doing videos I use the laptop of course, so I do have his face only inches away from mine and VERY VERY BIG and when the sound is turned off you suddenly can pay attention to other things, small things he does you otherwise would overlook...

    I never get much done once I start watching his face in close-up
    Funny pictures with Stargate-Actionfigures at

    More Action Figure Theater at


      Could someone post me all of GermanAstra's Advent Calender so I can catch up? Pleeeeeeeze? With Jack on top!


        Originally posted by GermanAstra View Post
        I still have the first laptop I bought four years ago. Nowadays you can get much more GB, but it is still working, so I don't have a reason for buying a new one. But I got an external hard drive, at least.

        I don't have space for a "real" computer, but this laptop does it quite well.

        Yeah, I do videos myself, too, and everybody keeps telling me that photoshopping should actually be even easier - can't say so

        I know what you mean about finding the right scenes. Sometimes a line just begs for a certain thing and I remember it off my head, other times I have to search long and sometimes I also stumble about something fitting while searching for something else.

        And while searching I keep losing myself in watching Jack Because usually I watch the DVDs with the DVD player at the TV, but when doing videos I use the laptop of course, so I do have his face only inches away from mine and VERY VERY BIG and when the sound is turned off you suddenly can pay attention to other things, small things he does you otherwise would overlook...

        I never get much done once I start watching his face in close-up
        Oh well you've got the external HD so that creates much more room for Jack. People who have laptops want a PC/Mac and people who have PCs/Macs want a laptop. Go figure.

        As for PS and either have the eye or you don't. I stink when it comes to PS, but I'm a whiz with Adobe Premiere.

        Yeah...Jack is hard. Erm...I mean it's hard. *falls on floor* I find it difficult to do vid editing when Jack is right there in my face. *thunks and forgets what was being said* Wha?.....


          Advent Calendar part 22 of 24

          Jack suddenly found the perfect solution to his problem and so he answered maybe with a bit too much enthusiasm, „Sure, Cassie, if you like him that much?“ Deliberately he ignored the threatening glares Janet threw his way from behind her daughter. Janet did not know whether to laugh or cry. Oh, he’d suffer for this the next time in the infirmary. Not only had he presented Cassie with a dog without asking her permission, now this… this… she was completely at a loss for words.
          Last edited by GermanAstra; 22 December 2007, 01:37 AM.
          Funny pictures with Stargate-Actionfigures at

          More Action Figure Theater at


            Originally posted by sgt.siler View Post
            Ahhh gutter fodder. Man have I missed this. *rubs hands together* Do your own reading into that one. I'm going to lay low from the mods on that one lest I end getting thwacked for my hussyness.

            Santa Jack will hear your begging and pleading and you will have a pile of backwards hat piccies under your tree. The best present a hussy could ask for right? I'd like some scruff under my tree....preferably wearing nothing, but a Santa hat.
            Hey, is it an "old users" fest?...

            I mean, Rune, Me, now Siler... and I must be forgetting some along the way seems that the GW posting virus has stung us all viciously lately! Let's celebrate!

            Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon


              Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
              Well, I've got to get ready to go now, so I'll post my holiday crankies here in one place. Of course you're welcome to use them if you like!

              <<snipped the crankies>>
              Wonderful, as always, Mala!!!!
              Desperate Thunker


                Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                Before I go, someone asked me to post the pic of Sam and Jack in their desert camos that I made for one my new 2008 Calendars (

                The picture of Sam is from the new MGM promos for The Ark of Truth dvd movie. You can see the photos here:

                This is a great picture of both of them!!!! Well done!
                Desperate Thunker


                  Originally posted by sgt.siler View Post
                  It's never too big. Wait mean the pic. My bad....
                  Ahhhh I have missed your hussiness! Welcome back!!!!!
                  Desperate Thunker


                    Originally posted by sgt.siler View Post
                    Speaking of cookies and Jack. I found a book about cookies whilst doing some online shopping the other day. I can't post the link here, but let's just say that they were naughty little cookies.
                    Originally posted by sgt.siler View Post
                    That doesn't leave Jack with much clothing. Mind you I'm not complaining. Not in the least.
                    Originally posted by GermanAstra View Post
                    I thought size doesn't matter?

                    plugs ears covers eyes....OH MY DELICATE SENSIBILITIES!!!!!
                    Desperate Thunker


                      Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s View Post
                      Who needs cheese when you've given me such wonderful assets???!!!

                      Thunk-o-mighty hussy....awesome pictures of MY beloved!!!!!

                      Those are such awesome pictures that I'm not even going to let my feelings get hurt because you think I was may have to post more pictures though, if I start feeling sorry for myself!!!

                      Desperate Thunker


                        Originally posted by Rune View Post
                        Critter is my hero! *sticks tongue out at ONTLLs* Nyah!!!!

                        Oh shoot!! Rune...I didn't see you there.....**runs for her life**
                        Desperate Thunker


                          Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                          Cute story, blueiris.

                          Oh Bev! It looks like there might be an opening for your moose...

                          Desperate Thunker


                            Originally posted by Anakin View Post
                            Hey, is it an "old users" fest?...

                            I mean, Rune, Me, now Siler... and I must be forgetting some along the way seems that the GW posting virus has stung us all viciously lately! Let's celebrate!

                   you mean "OLD users" or "old USERS" could have hurt some feelings here you better post a backwards hat quickly to help the older folk forget!!!!
                            Desperate Thunker


                              Originally posted by Critter View Post
                              Ahhhh I have missed your hussiness! Welcome back!!!!!
                              I've missed it too. I was starting to build some rust around the old tongue. Fourtunately Jack came along and helped with that. He brought me some lubrication. You know....WD-40 Mac came along with his roll of duct tape and we had a party.


                                Originally posted by Critter View Post
                                plugs ears covers eyes....OH MY DELICATE SENSIBILITIES!!!!!
                                *does spittake* Critter you're too funny!!

