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Young has psychologically crumbled and needs be removed from command.

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  • Shai Hulud
    The communication stones are really Smurf faeces, Rush just happened to find one in the latrine aboard the crashed Smurf ship.

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  • PG15
    Originally posted by EllieVee View Post
    From Destiny. If they can cut in and beam someone out then they've been on the ship. It is nonsensical that the shield has kept them out.
    They only managed to cut a hole because that part of the ship was shieldless thanks to Lt. James shutting down the power.

    Also ran into Exec. Producer Robert Cooper who took me to task for not providing the correct answer to the question: “How were the aliens able to penetrate the shield?” in episode 11, Space. The correct answer: They were able to penetrate the shield because the area they land on is unshielded. Moments earlier, Lieutenant James cuts power to that section in order to save the lives of those trapped in the corridor, unwittingly giving the aliens their opening. So there ya go.

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  • Ben 'Teal'c would WIN!!' Noble
    Rush is a sneaky b*****d I wouldn't put it past him.

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  • Egle01
    Originally posted by PG15 View Post
    I only recall one JM quote in this thread and it's by someone named "E" - is that you?
    That's me.

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  • EllieVee
    Originally posted by PG15 View Post
    I can accept that communicating with Earth alone wasn't an advantage, but there is still the fact that the stones offered an "insurance policy" should Rush get left behind somewhere and is in need to inform others where he is, i.e. Justice.

    As for the Blue Aliens having stones of their own hey that rhymes - where would they have gotten it?
    From Destiny. If they can cut in and beam someone out then they've been on the ship. It is nonsensical that the shield has kept them out.

    In regards to what I wrote about Rush having a stone:
    Sorry, but that doesn’t make much sense, Joe. Earlier in the episode, we see all five communication stones in the case. Had one been missing, surely a fuss would have been made over it? Young certainly would have been accusing Rush well before he left him on the blue alien spaceship planet. Sure, Rush could have got one from somewhere else but the same issue occurs. If a stone had been missing from anywhere, someone would have said something; surely something like the stones would be well guarded and a huge stink made if one went missing? Plus, had Rush had a stone from somewhere else, why would he have needed to use one from the case in Air to report back to O’Neill?
    And he responded:
    Answer: That’s assuming there are no extra stones to provide for loss or damage to any of the originals.
    Sure, but again, if a stone had been missing questions would have been asked. It's simple. Stones in case, stone missing, why didn't Young ask about it?

    Only logical answer: There were no spare stones and JM is covering his arse.
    Last edited by EllieVee; 10 July 2010, 01:05 AM.

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  • PG15
    I can accept that communicating with Earth alone wasn't an advantage, but there is still the fact that the stones offered an "insurance policy" should Rush get left behind somewhere and is in need to inform others where he is, i.e. Justice.

    As for the Blue Aliens having stones of their own hey that rhymes - where would they have gotten it?

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  • Aurora24
    As Sami pointed out, there was no advantage for Rush to be able to communicate with earth any time he wanted, especially since Young would probably find out, since I doubt Rush would be able to arrange in advance for whoever he switched with to keep the swap a secret. The only reason I could think of was that Rush would try to get support to take control of the ship away from Young, but I doubt that even if he had support that O'Neill would agree to letting the Destiny be lead by civilian leadership.

    I think it would make more sense to assume that the blue aliens had their own communication stones and learned when they interrogated Rush about the stones on Destiny. We don't know how much they knew about the Ancients, but it's definitely within the realms of possibility that they have access to Ancient technology. Either that or they have their own technology that is similar and they found a way to use to hijack the connections created by the stones.

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  • PG15
    Originally posted by blackluster View Post
    The aliens found him because he activated their craft.
    I meant how the Destiny crew found him. He would've been left with the aliens if Young had not stoned into one and found him in the water tank.

    I don't think they're easy enough to get a hold of to do something like what you're suggesting.
    Hmmm. Good point.

    As far as I can recall, Young only accuses Rysh of having had a stone, I don't think we ever actually see it. If the aliens actually had a stone I think they would have been connecting to Earth sporadically but that doesn't seem to have happened.

    Ser Scot's theory about their brain reading technology interfering with the stones seems far more likely.
    No, the aliens definitely had a stone with them.

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  • blackluster
    Originally posted by PG
    Except for the situation in Justice when he's stranded. If it weren't for the stone he would've never been found.
    The aliens found him because he activated their craft.

    Also, it was Young who brought the stones in the first place (Rush pulled the stones from Young's bag in "Air II", and Young packed the stone box in "Air I") - I wonder if Rush knew the rest of the stones were going to be brought in the first place. If he didn't, then had he taken a stone with him he'd be the first one reachable from Earth.

    Of course, this is presuming Earth would think to use the stones without having someone report in to tell them that they should (i.e. Rush in "Air II") so maybe this is irrelevant - but still, knowing that Icarus had at least one set of stones, they might try, just in case. Whatever may happen I think bringing something that allows intergalactic communication is still prudent, especially when it can be stuffed into your pocket, and I think Rush believes this too.
    I don't think they're easy enough to get a hold of to do something like what you're suggesting.

    As far as I can recall, Young only accuses Rysh of having had a stone, I don't think we ever actually see it. If the aliens actually had a stone I think they would have been connecting to Earth sporadically but that doesn't seem to have happened.

    Ser Scot's theory about their brain reading technology interfering with the stones seems far more likely.

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  • PG15
    Originally posted by EllieVee View Post
    And as I said to JM, it still doesn't make sense. Go back and read what I wrote to him. I covered every base.
    Where can I find what you wrote? Is it in this thread?

    I only recall one JM quote in this thread and it's by someone named "E" - is that you?

    Originally posted by Sami_ View Post
    Given the evidence I see Rush having his own stone as the unlikeliest, off the top of my head I can't think of a time when someone has stopped him from using a stone and even if they did he could clearly make up some lie as to why it was necessary, theres no advantage for him nobody knowing when he uses a stone so privacy doesn't seem a likely motive - when he connects to someone on earth nobody knows what he does anyway and when his connectee ended up in Rushs' body there would be questions asked by the rest of the crew. In short, theres no good reason for him to keep a private stone.
    Except for the situation in Justice when he's stranded. If it weren't for the stone he would've never been found.

    I wouldn't be surprised if Rush considered that this may happen and prepared for it.

    Also, it was Young who brought the stones in the first place (Rush pulled the stones from Young's bag in "Air II", and Young packed the stone box in "Air I") - I wonder if Rush knew the rest of the stones were going to be brought in the first place. If he didn't, then had he taken a stone with him he'd be the first one reachable from Earth.

    Of course, this is presuming Earth would think to use the stones without having someone report in to tell them that they should (i.e. Rush in "Air II") so maybe this is irrelevant - but still, knowing that Icarus had at least one set of stones, they might try, just in case. Whatever may happen I think bringing something that allows intergalactic communication is still prudent, especially when it can be stuffed into your pocket, and I think Rush believes this too.

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  • Artemis-Neith
    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
    That could be true but it still doesn't answer PG15's point about the blues having a stone
    There's no question about this, as JM stated, they got it from Rush's belongings. It's not clear why, and from where Rush got it. But it's clear from whom the Blues got it.

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  • jelgate
    Originally posted by Ser Scot A Ellison View Post
    I thought it was heavily implied that the Blues could interfear with LRCS communication because if their brain to brain method of communication.
    That could be true but it still doesn't answer PG15's point about the blues having a stone

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  • Ser Scot A Ellison
    I thought it was heavily implied that the Blues could interfear with LRCS communication because if their brain to brain method of communication.

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  • EllieVee
    Originally posted by Sami_ View Post
    Given the evidence I see Rush having his own stone as the unlikeliest, off the top of my head I can't think of a time when someone has stopped him from using a stone and even if they did he could clearly make up some lie as to why it was necessary, theres no advantage for him nobody knowing when he uses a stone so privacy doesn't seem a likely motive - when he connects to someone on earth nobody knows what he does anyway and when his connectee ended up in Rushs' body there would be questions asked by the rest of the crew. In short, theres no good reason for him to keep a private stone.

    I just don't think they cared about explaining it and it never crossed their mind to remove the lost stone from the case. Just a careless piece of writing/screenplay.
    Hence, my theory: JM just made something up and nevermind that it doesn't make sense.

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  • Sami_
    Given the evidence I see Rush having his own stone as the unlikeliest, off the top of my head I can't think of a time when someone has stopped him from using a stone and even if they did he could clearly make up some lie as to why it was necessary, theres no advantage for him nobody knowing when he uses a stone so privacy doesn't seem a likely motive - when he connects to someone on earth nobody knows what he does anyway and when his connectee ended up in Rushs' body there would be questions asked by the rest of the crew. In short, theres no good reason for him to keep a private stone.

    I just don't think they cared about explaining it and it never crossed their mind to remove the lost stone from the case. Just a careless piece of writing/screenplay.

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