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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    Originally posted by Tawny View Post
    How come? Is there anything specific that is really pushing you away, or just generally?
    I am not interested in a remake of the horrible BSG that has been on tv the past few years. I don 't want to see sex scenes, don't care about any of the characters (I am not an anti-hero fan) and am not fans of the actors hired. that specific enough?

    Originally posted by Orion Antreas View Post
    Might I suggest that everything you 'hear' may not be true (in the event that you are reading things that might not necessarily be true....)

    By the way, I ain't saying you have or not, but there is a lot of stuff floating out there that is twisted by people who have a wicked disdain for SGU and want to bring it down at all costs. Just in the past couple of days, we have seen some of this stuff, but hell, this has been going on for awhile.

    If you have avoided spoilers, I find that while some bits of the episode may be revealed (although I believe it doesn't 'spoil' the entire episode), spoilers do help to paint a picture of how SGU will be and might I say, it is very different from other people's paintings that are based off of little to no concrete understanding of the show (from what we are provided).

    Anyways, I am sorry you are loosing interest. I hope something sparks it again.
    I love spoilers and trailers and will read/watch them whenever I can. It's the trailers that have turned me off, although the spoilers have helped.

    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
    Not really. I mean seriously in a sex scene how much do we really see. Just two people moving around under a blanket. Its not really going to put me off its a homosexual relationship. Being a heterosexual I would prefer a straight sex scene but its not like a lesbian one is gross me out.
    that's cause lesbian sex is known as a "typical malke fantasy" ...if it were two men getting it on how would you feel?


      Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
      I am not interested in a remake of the horrible BSG that has been on tv the past few years. I don 't want to see sex scenes, don't care about any of the characters (I am not an anti-hero fan) and am not fans of the actors hired. that specific enough?
      Brad & Robert talked about the BSG thing and they said it's not really going to be like BSG at all, it will have some "dark" moments but pointed out so do SG1 and Atlantis. They also said Universe will have much more humour than BSG ever did.


        Originally posted by kazbaby View Post
        I'd just like to know why TPTB think that producing racist, ableist, homophobic text is all good wholesome fun for the newest installment of the Stargate franchise.

        Is it that they suddenly think that all lesbians really want to have forced sex with a guy? Or just that all quadriplegics are actually just rarin' to go at a freelance romp in the sack with a total stranger when given the opportunity? I'd really like to see their thoughts (if they actually managed to think) were when they came up with this plot.

        And before anyone says to wait before I judge it...tell me what universe is this ever right for a family show? But I do plan on watching just to see if they actually have the nads to show actual consequences to the actions of the characters.
        have you actually seen the scene, the lead-up and the in-story consequences to the scene? the only thing that i've seen that was a bit badly written was the casting call for Eleanor.
        This can actually be an interesting and thoughtprovoking part of the series. Just because a main character does it, doesn't mean that it's supposed to be right. The series won't glorify the characters actions.
        I'm pretty sure if they weren't aware about the issues that could arise with such a scene, they are definitely aware now. Just calm the heck down, watch how they present it, and THEN get all offended, if you still feel justified.

        It has been said time and time again that SGU isn't the old series. From what we were told, it will have controversial parts, it will try to be thought-provoking, and i won't be as "family-friendly".
        That said, if i was a parent, i would watch it with my children if they'd want to watch, as i could explain what they are seeing and possibly even have a discussion on what happened in the episode. of course depending on their age (under 10 i'd say) i'd first see the pilot, to figure out what exactly the show was going to be and then decide. But at least about homosexuality and sex, the earlier they learn it to be something normal, the better. I wouldn't want them to learn from some intolerant prick to "gay-bash" nor to learn about sex from porn or some pervert.

        btw. i don't know exactly the rules on this forum about mentioning sex, should i spoiler tag it, use an euphemism or something else?


          Originally posted by Tal View Post
          Brad & Robert talked about the BSG thing and they said it's not really going to be like BSG at all, it will have some "dark" moments but pointed out so do SG1 and Atlantis. They also said Universe will have much more humour than BSG ever did.
          BUT having watched the trailers; it looks too much like BSG for me.


            I think yoiu should be all right mentioning it, as long as you dont go into explicit detail or provide pictures

            Oh, and @Kazbaby.
            The "Lesbian" as you put it, Camile Wray, is NOT forced to have sex with a man. At the time she is inhabiting someone else's body, therefore, not having sex with a man.
            Next up is what you describe as a "Freelance romp in the sack with a total stranger".
            We have been made aware that the romantic issues between the "Quadraplegic" and Rush stems from a friendship and mutual respect for each other, not just a case of, hey, lets have sex!

            Also, where did you get the Rascist and Homophobic text from? Surely by simply having a lesbian involved, this kinda shows they aren't homophobes? Also, what is Albeist?

            Please, for the love of god, at least check up on some of the wild claims you are making.
            Last edited by Tawny; 16 August 2009, 05:48 AM. Reason: Sentences with verbs make more sense.


              Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
              BUT having watched the trailers; it looks too much like BSG for me.
              As someone who's just finished watching BSG for the first time recently, the trailer dont remind me of BSG at all. The remind me more of the new Trek movie than BSG.
              Last edited by Madwelshboy; 16 August 2009, 05:58 AM.


                whatever the contraversies about the new show we all surely cant judge good or bad untill we all see it for ourselves it seems like if there is a hint of negative publicity the preverbeal can of worms gets opend and then mass hisstria we all just have to wait and see and as I have said before I am looking forward to the new show and I hope it dose sucseed and thats coming form a fan who has follow stargate from day 1
                shal kek'nemron



                  Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                  that's cause lesbian sex is known as a "typical malke fantasy" ...if it were two men getting it on how would you feel?
                  Actually I said months ago I found nothing attractive about a lesbien when another shallow poster expressed love for such a ship. You know who you are.
                  Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                  BUT having watched the trailers; it looks too much like BSG for me.
                  Because as you know trailers are always an accurate representation
                  Originally posted by aretood2
                  Jelgate is right


                    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                    Because as you know trailers are always an accurate representation
                    The trailers clearly show people on a ship in space... case closed.
                    || Star Stream || Destiny Song || The Four Suns (My Band) || The Art of War <<== listen please!


                      sga and sgu are two different cups of tea.

                      also, we know nothing about the "sex" scenes so far


                        Originally posted by Crrash View Post
                        the sooner people accept that this is a different stargate the better. People can't start liking something new, when they insist that the new should be like the old...
                        Well, it's TPTB themselves who don't seem to be able to rip themselves away from the old if they keep insisting on using "old" technology and guest stars from SG1... How then should the viewer believe this is going to be something new if the old is still there?

                        Originally posted by Coronach View Post
                        Actually, I'd say logic dictates that there will be a change, given that TPTB have acknowledged that there needs to be.
                        It's not because they acknowledged it, that it will in fact be different. There's still a difference between acknowledging it, and actually doing something about it.

                        Because I acknowledge I'm not sitting straight up on my horse, doesn't mean I'll do something about it. (but if I don't, I'll get in trouble)

                        Originally posted by major davis View Post
                        So you think there is nothing wrong with homosexuality.

                        Originally posted by major davis View Post
                        Oh and also it is just gross to see two people of the same sex making out.
                        It's gross altogether to see two people making out, doesn't matter what sex they are. ... At least for me.
                        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                          Originally posted by major davis View Post
                          Neither do I, I was more talking about the

                          intimate gay scenes
                          Originally posted by major davis View Post
                          You don't think its grosser. Well it kinda comes with my beliefes as well. PM me if you want to know more. No really please do. Im asking you but i don't want to force you into this situation.
                          I really lost some respect for ya with those posts MD. I would've thought you more of an open minded person.

                          Originally posted by Crrash View Post
                          i'd have never imagined i'd ever meet a man bothered by lesbian sex.
                          Well, he is just a boy...14 or not quite a man.

                          Anyway...I'm looking forward to SGU coming out with the
                          lesbian kissing scenes and all.


                            Little tidbit from twitter:

                            mattvolpe: @BrianJacobSmith thanks a lot! When u come back to NYC you should stop by syfy office! Working on a new trailer soon!
                            about 2 hours ago from TwitterFon in reply to BrianJacobSmith

                            matt volpe is the guy behind the SGU promos and trailers.


                              I hope this one will include some aliens
                              Stolen Kosovo


                                Originally posted by g.o.d View Post
                                I hope this one will include some aliens
                                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1

