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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by trupi View Post
    happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday From Me Too!!!!!!


      1) Past and Present (0)
      2) Foothold (2)
      3) Shades of Grey (2)


        1) Past and Present (0)
        2) Foothold (2)
        3) Shades of Grey (3)
        Slidell and I are re-watching SG1. Why don't you join us? SGBFFF-SG1-Rewatchsigpic
        You want to read Torn written by Slidell Yes... yes you do.


          argh! I never knew Urgo was in Robin Hood, Men in Tights!!!

          That's pretty cool! This movie goes up another rung on the ladder of sweeeeet!

          *applauds self for wildly OT post *


            Originally posted by Bekki View Post
            argh! I never knew Urgo was in Robin Hood, Men in Tights!!!

            That's pretty cool! This movie goes up another rung on the ladder of sweeeeet!

            *applauds self for wildly OT post *
            loved that movie....

            I gotta go




              Originally posted by Bekki View Post
              argh! I never knew Urgo was in Robin Hood, Men in Tights!!!

              That's pretty cool! This movie goes up another rung on the ladder of sweeeeet!

              *applauds self for wildly OT post *

              Long story OT:

              I KNOW!!! I have had that movie on tape for about 8 years and was really peeved because I can't watch it (with no vcr anymore). So on Saturday I took a whole bunch of tapes (Goonies and Witches included) over to my friend's place to watch. And of course there was Robin Hood: MIT and I really only wanted to watch the scene with Dom in it. It is my favourite scene of the entire movie. Hee how great is "I will take these cottonballs from your hand and put them in my pocket"


                Meanwhile I just watched the Continuum video another 4 times


                  1) Past and Present (0)
                  2) Foothold (3)
                  3) Shades of Grey (3)


                    1) Past and Present (0)
                    2) Foothold (4)
                    3) Shades of Grey (3)

                    Yay for episode of the week! And I can't wait until our special July edition.

                    So... speaking of Ship Day etc, would anyone be able to give me a crash course in vid making?


                      THANKYOU FOR THE LOVELY WELCOME!

                      Originally posted by starlover View Post
                      Welcome in here K8

                      have fun in a lot!!! and don't be scared of us...or so...well you probably know after 3 years of lurking!!!

                      So I probably can't even try the sane act...can I?
                      well, no, but im not that sane anyway, so it will just mean that i belong!

                      Originally posted by Egle01 View Post

                      Btw, your sig was too violent to me. First watching it I saw Sam shooting a penguin.
                      LOL! i didnt even realise that, maybe i should move the penguin... whoops!

                      Thankyou to Jann who made my signature


                        1) Past and Present (0)
                        2) Foothold (5)
                        3) Shades of Grey (3)

                        Thankyou to Jann who made my signature


                          If Sam doesn't get confirmation, she may get violent... I love your sig k8tyds!


                            Originally posted by Chocolatequeen View Post
                            Yay for episode of the week! And I can't wait until our special July edition.

                            So... speaking of Ship Day etc, would anyone be able to give me a crash course in vid making?
                            Take a look at page one on the Artwork Thread

                            1) Past and Present (0)
                            2) Foothold (5)
                            3) Shades of Grey (4)


                              *runs in and hugs everyone insight* I've finished my last exam! I'm free! Love you sam and Jack! *runs out to party*

                              ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
                              I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
                              Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


                                Originally posted by Chocolatequeen View Post
                                Yay for episode of the week! And I can't wait until our special July edition.

                                So... speaking of Ship Day etc, would anyone be able to give me a crash course in vid making?
                                Originally posted by jumble View Post

                                Take a look at page one on the Artwork Thread

                                1) Past and Present (0)
                                2) Foothold (5)
                                3) Shades of Grey (4)
                                What she said! Eve and UhSir have coached me through many unhappy vidding events! They are AWESOME!

                                Oh, and my vote:
                                1) Past and Present (0)
                                2) Foothold (6)
                                3) Shades of Grey (4)

                                Originally posted by nogigglingmajor View Post
                                *runs in and hugs everyone insight* I've finished my last exam! I'm free! Love you sam and Jack! *runs out to party*
                                *Happy dances at seeing nogigglingmajor on the thread*

