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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
    I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who posted pics last night for me! I've got the sig done!

    1) Past and Present (0)
    2) Foothold (7) <-Sam kills Jack in this ep
    3) Shades of Grey (4)



      1) Past and Present (0)
      2) Foothold (8)
      3) Shades of Grey (4)
      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


        Hi, everyone!

        Happy Birthday Replicartertje!

        Originally posted by jumble View Post
        Would you be surprised to learn that, thanks to you, when I addressed my first postcard to Martin I actually typed 'WooHood' ?
        Nad exerts influence on all of us

        Originally posted by starlover View Post

        I know, it's a very good story...also on of my favs...that's why I want to re-read it...reading the other story now though...I just saw that the other one is in my "printed" folder/map... so I can read that one also on vacation!
        What the stoty is that?

        Originally posted by babancat View Post
        Hello Ship family
        I'm feeling HAPPY today *happy dance*

        Anyway, I popped over to JM's blog (as you do) and I saw that one real live SGA chappie has had resolution, confirmation and everything else besides. They look so happy *bless*. Pity about the good ol' English weather though!

        Now if we could just get some Jack and Sam pics in this reality to look like these I'd be SQUEEEEEing for all eternity!

        Hope that works.
        Awww, so sweeet!

        Originally posted by Seahen View Post
        Learning Curve! Right! Let me see here...
        *General not looking? Check. Merrin's facing forward? Check. Small enclosed space? Check. Carter's back here with me within six-grabbing reach? Alright!!!*

        Six grabbing... again... Ya for six grabbing!


          1) Past and Present (0)
          2) Foothold (8)
          3) Shades of Grey (5)
          I don't find Foothold that shippy, sure it's a great Sam episode, but not that shippy.
          However, 'Shades of Grey' with Jack 'betraying' them
          CARTER: Well Sir, with respect, you aren't exactly acting like yourself.

          O'NEILL: No Carter. I haven't been acting like myself since I met you. Now I'm acting like myself.
          That's so true! Just like Jack's reply in 'Affinity'

          CARTER: What about you? If things had been different ... (she trails off.)
          (Jack looks at her for a moment.)
          O’NEILL: I wouldn’t be here.
          Can you imagine what was going on in Sam's heart when she learned that Jack was going to retire to Edora to be with Laira?
          ((Poor Sam))


            Can't watcn Shades of Grey, that Laira stuff... grrrrr...

            1) Past and Present (0)
            2) Foothold (9)
            3) Shades of Grey (5)


              Originally posted by Blacky Kitten View Post
              Nad exerts influence on all of us
              Ah, yes.
              The wicked plans I have with you...

              Originally posted by silly sally View Post
              I don't find Foothold that shippy, sure it's a great Sam episode, but not that shippy.
              However, 'Shades of Grey' with Jack 'betraying' them
              Oh, bot Foothold is very Shippy!
              If the ep wins, I'll explain exactly why...

              (Yes, I miss the whole ''promote your ep to the extreme'' thing we had going on in the previous edition of the ep of the week... With Lies and her subliminal messages. )

              Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

              Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                Ah, yes.
                The wicked plans I have with you...
                I knew that!

                And congrats on 3200!!!


                  Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                  Ah, yes.
                  The wicked plans I have with you...

                  Oh, bot Foothold is very Shippy!
                  If the ep wins, I'll explain exactly why...

                  (Yes, I miss the whole ''promote your ep to the extreme'' thing we had going on in the previous edition of the ep of the week... With Lies and her subliminal messages. )

                  My favorite moment in the ep. And since we're watching Entity where Jack kills Sam it's only fair to see an ep where the opposite happens.

                  And we can discuss what that meant, and how hard it was, and how did Jack take it after everything was over. Maybe someone can write a long fic *nudge, nudge*

                  Plus just the thought of Edora and Jack going there (even if it was for just a minute) makes me run away screaming.


                    To be honest i took the "I wouldn't be here" Line from Jack as that he physically wouldn't be here. In my opinion if it wasn't for the Stargate program all the way back in the movie.. Jack wouldn't be here. But after watching it a "few" times.... i got the gist that they would have already had a relationship if he retired so i suppose it could be taken many differnt ways.

                    *shows off new sig that Torri Made* *coughs*
                    Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                    Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                      I've never voted before for ep of the week.

                      1) Past and Present (0)
                      2) Foothold (10)
                      3) Shades of Grey (5)

                      Originally posted by Krissie678 View Post
                      Congrats on 1000 Trueromantic!!!
                      From me too!
                      Originally posted by madaline_7 View Post
                      I know it's not great... but I had too.

                      Nice artwork! Love it.


                        For my 1600th post:

                        Snurched it from somewhere.
                        Please no congrats until I reach 2000 posts. I'm afraid I won't make it before July.

                        And since it's S/J ship thread:

                        No worries, I'm not gonna picspam.


                          1) Past and Present (0)
                          2) Foothold (11)
                          3) Shades of Grey (5)


                            Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                            For my 1600th post:

                            Snurched it from somewhere.
                            Please no congrats until I reach 2000 posts. I'm afraid I won't make it before July.

                            And since it's S/J ship thread:

                            No worries, I'm not gonna picspam.
                            Fine I won't congratulate you. But no picspam? Why?

                            awesome smilie by zuz


                              Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                              Fine I won't congratulate you. But no picspam? Why?

                              awesome smilie by zuz
                              Not today. Great smiley! Must snurch it!


                                Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                                For my 1600th post:
                                Snurched it from somewhere.
                                Hahahahah that is gold!!

