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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by CamandVala
    NO!! You can't do that, he's.......busy .
    Busy doing what, CamandVala?

    s u g a r s h a k e r


      Originally posted by SamO'Neill
      Alright everyone... LAD and I were talking earlier. As most of you all know, the Samandans are having a ficathon.

      What if we ourselves had one? A Sam/Jack focused one? Would anyone be interested?

      It would help get us through the hitasus, along with our discussions of the eps...

      What are all of your thoughts on this?
      Ficathon meaning...a whole lot of recs or writing a whole bunch? Or both?

      Sig by RepliCartertje


        Originally posted by SamO'Neill
        Alright everyone... LAD and I were talking earlier. As most of you all know, the Samandans are having a ficathon.

        What if we ourselves had one? A Sam/Jack focused one? Would anyone be interested?

        It would help get us through the hitasus, along with our discussions of the eps...

        What are all of your thoughts on this?
        I likey!


          Originally posted by sugarshaker
          Busy doing what, CamandVala?
          *PG thoughts, PG thoughts*...uhhh....Can't say exactly...

          Sig by RepliCartertje


            Originally posted by CamandVala
            Ficathon meaning...a whole lot of recs or writing a whole bunch? Or both?
            If I understand it correctly, you sign up, and when you do, you promise to write a fic to someone else's ideas (usually pretty loose). Then, you also get to request a fic.

            Sort of writers writing for writers, but everyone gets to read!

            If someone else is more knowledgeable... that'd be great!!
            my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


              Originally posted by Lizlove
              I don't have a problem with her doing so. For me she could quit the AF but the problem is she could make it far and I would hate to see her talent at being a soldier and leader go away, especially if at the end she doesn't end up with Jack.

              It would be cool to see Scientist-Sam more if she quit her career. She desserves the happiness more than some and she would end up totally feeling good in her own skin if she was with Jack.
              Where did the doubt come in? IF she ends up with Jack? I think every indication we've had is that she already IS with Jack. It's just whether TPTB are brave enough to admit it in canon. I KNOW in my heart what these two characters I've known for 10 years would do.

              Also, something we haven't really discussed in awhile...and it's that Sam can be a leader with or without the military. Tens of thousands of women all over the world are decision makers, activists and generally make a civilian life. With the threat of the Goa'uld out of the way, she and Jack could both have left the military and continued to have very successful, lucrative careers. Jack went to D.C. to remove himself from Sam's chain of command. And Sam went to Area 51 to have more regular hours, giving her time for Cassie and a regular life...presumably with Jack. If it hadn't been for those #$%#@% Ori!!!

              But the military regs are nothing but a TPTB excuse. At the end of S8, Sam and Jack could have both become civilians and still maintained positions at the SGC. Neither had to leave the program. Both could continue to make important contribvutions to the program without being in the military. After all, the other half of SG-1 has always been non-military.

              Certainly not arguing with you, Lizlove. Just playing devil's advocate with some blarney TPTB keep feeding us long after it ceased to be relevant. Ok.....rambling on now.....
              Last edited by sg-1fanintn; 02 October 2006, 07:14 PM.


                Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                Alright everyone... LAD and I were talking earlier. As most of you all know, the Samandans are having a ficathon.

                What if we ourselves had one? A Sam/Jack focused one? Would anyone be interested?

                It would help get us through the hitasus, along with our discussions of the eps...

                What are all of your thoughts on this?
                I like it as long as all I have to do is read. I'm afraid I'm not much of a writer.

                s u g a r s h a k e r


                  Originally posted by sugarshaker
                  I like it as long as all I have to do is read. I'm afraid I'm not much of a writer.
                  That's what I was going to say...I really can't write a fic...honest.

                  Sig by RepliCartertje


                    I was watching "Tin Man" today. When Jack cuts up his wrist to find out he's a robot and Sam runs to his side to take care of his wrist, I though I heard him say Sam under his breath when he is looking at his wrist in disbelief. Did anyone else hear that before?


                      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn


                      Also, something we haven't really discussed in awhile...and it's that Sam can be a leader with or without the military. Tens of thousands of American women are decision makers, activists and generally make a civilian life. With the threat of the Goa'uld out of the way, she and Jack could both have left the military and continued to have very successful, lucrative careers. Jack went to D.C. to remove himself from Sam's chain of command. And Sam went to Area 51 to have more regular hours, giving her time for Cassie and a regular life...presumably with Jack. If it hadn't been for those #$%#@% Ori!!!

                      But the military regs are nothing but a TPTB excuse. At the end of S8, Sam and Jack could have both become civilians and still maintained positions at the SGC. Neither had to leave the program. Both could continue to make important contribvutions to the program without being in the military. After all, the other half of SG-1 has always been non-military.
                      Bravo!!!! Yes those regs certainly have come in handy for our PTB for far too long. And Kerry herself said it: ' Retire. The president has appointed a civilian to run the SGC before.'

                      s u g a r s h a k e r


                        Originally posted by Terrah
                        For my 800th Post, I thought I should do something meaningful, an in depth post on how I feel about my little obsession.


                        I got nothing, forgot how close I was to my 800th post. Should have save my wallpaper for this.

                        OY! Are you even reading my poor excuse for not having anything original to say?
                        I had to delete a random thread in fun and games for this.

                        Serious now (Yes I can be serious at times) I adore you all, you are all warm hearted, talented, friendly bunch of people. There is a real feeling of family here and that is rare on the internet, besides the ravens of course (Just in case they see this )

                        Warning! this post may seriously damage your health. Ooops too late
                        Congratulations, Terrah, on 800 posts!!!!!


                          Originally posted by trupi
                          I was watching "Tin Man" today. When Jack cuts up his wrist to find out he's a robot and Sam runs to his side to take care of his wrist, I though I heard him say Sam under his breath when he is looking at his wrist in disbelief. Did anyone else hear that before?
                          I don't remember that but I did like the way she put her hand on his arm (or something like that) and openly showed her concern. I'd have to go back and rewatch it to be certain, but I do think it was a bit of a shippy moment.

                          s u g a r s h a k e r


                            Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                            If I understand it correctly, you sign up, and when you do, you promise to write a fic to someone else's ideas (usually pretty loose). Then, you also get to request a fic.

                            Sort of writers writing for writers, but everyone gets to read!

                            If someone else is more knowledgeable... that'd be great!!
                   I come up with a plot I want written and someone takes it...and I take someone else's plot and write it, right? I'd like to do something like this-it would help with the hiatus for sure!


                              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                     I come up with a plot I want written and someone takes it...and I take someone else's plot and write it, right? I'd like to do something like this-it would help with the hiatus for sure!
                              Something like that....
                              my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                                Actually, I was checking out the Samandan's ficathon...


                                And on the form you fill out if you want to be an author and request a fic, you answer these things:

                                Things things I will write:
                                Things I will not write:
                                Three things I want to see in the fic:
                                Three things I don't want to see in the fic:
                                my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover

