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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Nolamom
    MUST GO TO BED... Goodnight Shipper Family!
    Who creates these little icons? They're so cute! I think this one is my top favorite!
    This is great.
    I told ya.
    I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
    Well, let's not dwell.


      Originally posted by Terrah
      For my 800th Post, I thought I should do something meaningful, an in depth post on how I feel about my little obsession.


      I got nothing, forgot how close I was to my 800th post. Should have save my wallpaper for this.

      OY! Are you even reading my poor excuse for not having anything original to say?
      I had to delete a random thread in fun and games for this.

      Serious now (Yes I can be serious at times) I adore you all, you are all warm hearted, talented, friendly bunch of people. There is a real feeling of family here and that is rare on the internet, besides the ravens of course (Just in case they see this )

      Warning! this post may seriously damage your health. Ooops too late
      And the award for the Most Evil 800th post goes to....

      Sweet...oh, and congratulations on the 800 posts (see I was staring so hard at the piccie that I almost forgot to congratulate you!)
      Women of the Gate LJ Community.
      My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


        Originally posted by SamO'Neill
        Originally posted by Rachel500
        I'm in the middle of writing a TAG for that right now and the ANGST! It's very ANGSTY. Opening sentences give you a clue as to how angsty it's going to be...

        He had failed her. He had failed her and she had almost died. The thoughts kept repeating in Jack O'Neill's head like an endless broken record. His warm brown gaze was pinned to Samantha Carter's sleeping form as he simply watched her breathe. In and out. Alive. He thanked a God he hadn't prayed to for years and kept watching...

        For me, it's the moment in the infirmary though when Jack KNOWS; when they're trying to save her and he has to wipe away a tear. I think in the locker-room, he's still struggling to come to terms with it all and with the fact that he's going to have to face her. And, for me, its not until that moment in the infirmary that he realises what its going to mean to him to really one hundred per cent lose her; how much its going to cost him personally.

        Interestingly this is the first of the Teal'c comforts someone in the locker room moments...maybe I should start another list
        When is this going to be posted, Rachel? I'm sooo looking forward to the angst! and ship! and sam-whump!

        Hmmm. Not sure. I'm half-way through writing but I need to post the first Season 2 Aftershock first and I'm not sure I'm completely happy with that yet. Sometime in the next week, I would hope, on GW might be a long time - I'm still waiting for the fanfic uploader to be fixed here. I'll post a notification when I do post the story.
        Women of the Gate LJ Community.
        My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


          Originally posted by SamO'Neill
          Alright everyone... LAD and I were talking earlier. As most of you all know, the Samandans are having a ficathon.

          What if we ourselves had one? A Sam/Jack focused one? Would anyone be interested?

          It would help get us through the hitasus, along with our discussions of the eps...

          What are all of your thoughts on this?
          In theory I'm in favour but in terms of participating, that depends on the timing of it...I'm already signed up to the Sam/Women of the Gates ficathon, writing Season 2 Aftershocks, trying to write the sequel for A Pond With No Fish and finish my Airwolf series...not to mention finishing some original fiction...but the idea is a good one!
          Women of the Gate LJ Community.
          My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


            Originally posted by majorsal
            here's a link for the FMA event that amanda and rick hosted on sep 30th. they look WONDERFUL!


            did i mention how WONDERFUL they look?!?


            ps - there's a vid attached, so watch!
            I want to look, but I'm at work, not that anyone would mind really, but I want to watch the vid.
            I'll have to wait until break, but that's 30 mins away.
            Ignore my ramblings.


              Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
              Where did the doubt come in? IF she ends up with Jack? I think every indication we've had is that she already IS with Jack. It's just whether TPTB are brave enough to admit it in canon. I KNOW in my heart what these two characters I've known for 10 years would do.
              Couldn't have put it better myself. And yes, I've tried

              But the military regs are nothing but a TPTB excuse. At the end of S8, Sam and Jack could have both become civilians and still maintained positions at the SGC. Neither had to leave the program. Both could continue to make important contribvutions to the program without being in the military. After all, the other half of SG-1 has always been non-military.
              Its quite possible, IMHO, that the situation at the beginning of Avalon was only designed to be temporary. Sam is likely only a few years away from retirement, and Jack may have been talked into helping the president for a few years until the galaxy stabalized after the Go'uld. As to regs being an excuse, I don't think they are, anymore. We haven't heard anything about them for nearly 2 years, the last word being, "When you're a general, you get to do pretty much anything you want," said by one very contented Jack O'Neill. And, I say again, lots of people in the military are married to other people in the military. Working together at the SGC, even as civilians, would have a lot of the same real, non-reg problems as being in the military. And, honestly, what would Jack do as a civilian at the SGC?

              EDIT: BTW, This is 200! Will there be cake? And OT, anyone know what's up with My shower story was there and now its not showing up in the public listing? PM if ya know, thanks!

              EDIT2: I think I solved the problem by reuploading. So, never mind. Thanks
              Last edited by JenniferJF; 03 October 2006, 02:01 AM.


                Originally posted by Nolamom
                Well, as the ancient proverb says, a picture is worth a thousand words. In my posters and manips I try to tell mini stories - just a scene - but something with emotional impact. Perhaps one of them would inspire one of you fic writers????
                Now, this I could do. I would be unable to take someone else's story idea and run with it, my brain doesn't work that way. BUT, I could choose one of a few pics and write it into a story...

                Originally posted by GateSeeker2
                Did AT grow her hair? Or is she wearing hair extensions? Wasn't she still filming SG1? Or had they already wrapped up filming for the second half of S10?
                Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. I thought the were currently filming the second half of the season, and finished up right around now?

                The hair is curious.

                I know, curious hair... hehehehe
                Last edited by JenniferJF; 03 October 2006, 01:12 AM.


                  Originally posted by majorsal
                  here's a link for the FMA event that amanda and rick hosted on sep 30th. they look WONDERFUL!


                  did i mention how WONDERFUL they look?!?


                  ps - there's a vid attached, so watch!
                  Thanks for posting that, they both look fantastic.

                  sig made by Samjackshiplover


                    Originally posted by Nolamom
                    Okay, couldn't resist one more tonight from the lovely photos posted earlier.

                    i love it! but my god, he looks so different. i guess seeing him every week meant we didn't really see a change too much, but not seeing him for nearly a year has meant that we notice how much he's changed. He still looks gorgeous (both of them do... i'm green with envy at hwo gorgeous Amanda looks in that dress)!

                    I actually preferred his hair in season 8, the silver, short, almost crew cut look... *keyboard starts to spark as the drool falls on it*

                    Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
                    Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
                    Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


                      Originally posted by Nolamom
                      Okay, couldn't resist one more tonight from the lovely photos posted earlier.

                      Wow, Don't they look great.
                      Lovely poster Nolamom.
                      Last edited by Terrah; 03 October 2006, 05:07 AM.


                        Originally posted by majorsal
                        here's a link for the FMA event that amanda and rick hosted on sep 30th. they look WONDERFUL!


                        did i mention how WONDERFUL they look?!?


                        ps - there's a vid attached, so watch!

                        Thanks Sally for posting these beautiful pictures. They both look lovely! The makeup people they have on SG now, do no justice to their beautiful mature looks. This proves it!


                          Originally posted by JenniferJF
                          Couldn't have put it better myself. And yes, I've tried

                          Its quite possible, IMHO, that the situation at the beginning of Avalon was only designed to be temporary. Sam is likely only a few years away from retirement, and Jack may have been talked into helping the president for a few years until the galaxy stabalized after the Go'uld. As to regs being an excuse, I don't think they are, anymore. We haven't heard anything about them for nearly 2 years, the last word being, "When you're a general, you get to do pretty much anything you want," said by one very contented Jack O'Neill. And, I say again, lots of people in the military are married to other people in the military. Working together at the SGC, even as civilians, would have a lot of the same real, non-reg problems as being in the military. And, honestly, what would Jack do as a civilian at the SGC?

                          EDIT: BTW, This is 200! Will there be cake? And OT, anyone know what's up with My shower story was there and now its not showing up in the public listing? PM if ya know, thanks!

                          EDIT2: I think I solved the problem by reuploading. So, never mind. Thanks

                          I loved your most recent fanfic! It was so sweet. Please continue making additions to the episodes!
                          my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                            Originally posted by GateSeeker2
                            Those were great photos! Several didn't download for me though...will try again.

                            Did AT grow her hair? Or is she wearing hair extensions? Wasn't she still filming SG1? Or had they already wrapped up filming for the second half of S10?

                            They look so good together... Did RDA lose some weight?

                            Must watch video now! Thanks for the pics.
                            Hair extensions-has to be(or she's got the fastest growing hair on the face of the Earth! ). It's SO pretty though. They haven't finished filming yet-they still have to do the finale. I think only last week or the week before they were doing the next to last episode. And they do look so good together...always have, always will!
                            Last edited by L.A. Doyle; 03 October 2006, 03:54 AM.


                              Congrats JenniferJF on 200 posts!!!

                              I love Amanda's hair whether it's long or short...just so long as it's not as short as in the ep BTS..way too short there...but she pulls it off well anyway!!
                              RDA looks better now than in the 200th ep...I cannot believe he is only 56 years old...he looks great!!
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                                Hair extensions-has to be(or she's got the fastest growing hair on the face of the Earth! ). It's SO pretty though. They haven't finished filming yet-they still have to do the finale. I think only last week or the week before they were doing the next to last episode. And they do look so good together...always have, always will!
                                That's good.

                                Maybe the last episode will be 90 minutes, like Threads?

                                Oh, and LAD, you should know I finally got my paper done!!
                                my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover

