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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Lizlove
    Maybe this'll make you feel better?

    For about a minute, yeah...

    Then I realized the kiss is at the front of the Sam and Pete video tape, and we still haven't gotten our BHK for the end of the kiss...

    And *then* my hubbie called from work. So it's all good!


    EDIT: And I reposted the kiss in my reply, which is very good INDEED


      Originally posted by Lizlove
      Okay. Here you go!
      Warning: long post!


      Quarks and happiness.

      Smile and excellent-comment from Sam.

      Amanda face.

      Amanda looks as if she's about to crack up laughing when he mentions Quarks.


        Originally posted by JenniferJF
        For about a minute, yeah...

        Then I realized the kiss is at the front of the Sam and Pete video tape, and we still haven't gotten our BHK for the end of the kiss...

        And *then* my hubbie called from work. So it's all good!


        EDIT: And I reposted the kiss in my reply, which is very good INDEED
        Ok good. At last I helped you a bit.

        Little Sam icon. You will understand why I post it here.


          Originally posted by Lizlove
          Maybe this'll make you feel better?

          SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*is it hot here?*


            Originally posted by dipsofjazz
            Yes, that's part of the lift scene.
            I'm like you because I hate watching this episode. I also dislike the lift scene as I feel uncomfortable because Sam and Jack are uncomfortable, if you see what I mean. In fact, I just cringe through the whole episode.
            This episode is certainly not one of my favorites. I guess it could be said that it was a necessary evil, but eewww the bedroom scene.

            I can't help but look at them as "real" people and think...why did they waste so much time in denying their true feelings for each other????


              Originally posted by JenniferJF
              Here's what I've done. Having relatively few seasons on DVD, I've had to video tape the rest. And in my shipcentric view of the Stargate universe (I know, y'all are shocked) I've got Grace, Chimera, bits of Affinity, bits of Gemini, Threads, bits of Moebius, and bits of Avalon, Origins, Beachhead, and Ex Deus on one tape together.

              Seriously, watched like that, Chimera seems like a necessary means to a good end. And not like having a root canal. Although, come to think of it, maybe exactly like having a root canal...

              LOL! Having a root canal is fun compared to watching Chimera and A$$inity!


                Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                Amanda looks as if she's about to crack up laughing when he mentions Quarks.
                That's why I love it. It's a pure Amanda reaction. In fact Amanda put a lot of her little things in the whole ep. The second thing being when she comforts Daniel by rubbing his back. So sweet and full of affection!

                Sorry for the OT-ness


                  Originally posted by Lizlove
                  Maybe this'll make you feel better?

                  Nobody could possibly remain sad after looking at The Kiss!!!


                    Originally posted by Lesleyp
                    More please
                    I'd better stop watching the Grace kiss and get writing then!

                    Night Shippers!
                    Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                    My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                      Originally posted by Lizlove
                      That's why I love it. It's a pure Amanda reaction. In fact Amanda put a lot of her little things in the whole ep. The second thing being when she comforts Daniel by rubbing his back. So sweet and full of affection!

                      Sorry for the OT-ness
                      Yes, I agree. I think that AT and RDA put a lot of their own little quirks into their scenes, which is why I think Sam and Jack come to be so 'alive' as characters.


                        Originally posted by Lizlove
                        That's why I love it. It's a pure Amanda reaction. In fact Amanda put a lot of her little things in the whole ep. The second thing being when she comforts Daniel by rubbing his back. So sweet and full of affection!

                        Sorry for the OT-ness
                        This may seem OT but its not, because I think the reason for it is because Sam and Jack are together, but...

                        The thing I've enjoyed the most about Seasons 9 and 10 is watching Sam Carter "channel" AT a lot more. She's so much goofier and relaxed than ever before. Like:

                        Could you imagine Sam of a few years ago referring to the Kawoosh as a Kawoosh with that silly expression from Crusade? or poking Daniel and Mitchell in Arthur's Mantle? Or getting all cutely (word?) excited about winning at poker?... I could go on, but you get the idea. And I like the greater capacity for empathy, which is why I think she's so tolerant of Vala and Cam, and really serves as the peacemaker whenever Teal'c is about to murder Cam... At the same time, she cries *less* (Season 9, I think, is the only season she doesn't cry in) and seems in many ways stronger...

                        OK. Like I said, I think it's not OT because now that her personal life is stable and not as angsty she's able to be more 3D in other ways.



                          Originally posted by JenniferJF
                          This may seem OT but its not, because I think the reason for it is because Sam and Jack are together, but...

                          The thing I've enjoyed the most about Seasons 9 and 10 is watching Sam Carter "channel" AT a lot more. She's so much goofier and relaxed than ever before. Like:

                          Could you imagine Sam of a few years ago referring to the Kawoosh as a Kawoosh with that silly expression from Crusade? or poking Daniel and Mitchell in Arthur's Mantle? Or getting all cutely (word?) excited about winning at poker?... I could go on, but you get the idea. And I like the greater capacity for empathy, which is why I think she's so tolerant of Vala and Cam, and really serves as the peacemaker whenever Teal'c is about to murder Cam... At the same time, she cries *less* (Season 9, I think, is the only season she doesn't cry in) and seems in many ways stronger...

                          OK. Like I said, I think it's not OT because now that her personal life is stable and not as angsty she's able to be more 3D in other ways.

                          Oh yes, she's much more relaxed now, and even becoming more 'Jack-like'.
                          Hopefully it's because they are together.


                            Originally posted by JenniferJF
                            This may seem OT but its not, because I think the reason for it is because Sam and Jack are together, but...

                            The thing I've enjoyed the most about Seasons 9 and 10 is watching Sam Carter "channel" AT a lot more. She's so much goofier and relaxed than ever before. Like:

                            Could you imagine Sam of a few years ago referring to the Kawoosh as a Kawoosh with that silly expression from Crusade? or poking Daniel and Mitchell in Arthur's Mantle? Or getting all cutely (word?) excited about winning at poker?... I could go on, but you get the idea. And I like the greater capacity for empathy, which is why I think she's so tolerant of Vala and Cam, and really serves as the peacemaker whenever Teal'c is about to murder Cam... At the same time, she cries *less* (Season 9, I think, is the only season she doesn't cry in) and seems in many ways stronger...

                            OK. Like I said, I think it's not OT because now that her personal life is stable and not as angsty she's able to be more 3D in other ways.

                            Yeah, exactly.

                            I think she finally got everything she wanted in her life. A career, a husband, a child, a dog, a house, hobbies, friends... . And that relaxed state was put into Sam. I don't think we will ever see the old Sam again because both Amanda and Sam went through a lot of things that changed and shaped them.

                            I loved the Sam from Season 1 too, I had the impression her humor was more present, such as her innocence. Amanda is fully happy now (not that she wasn't happy before but we all know how much she tried to have a baby) and that has had a great impact on everyone.

                            So thank you Amanda for your fabulousness!!!


                              Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                              Oh yes, she's much more relaxed now, and even becoming more 'Jack-like'.
                              Hopefully it's because they are together.
                              and the fact she put her career on hold a bit by going to Area 51. I think that relaxed her more too, made her think about her for a change. And Cassie's proximity must have helped a great deal also. We all know how much the girl means to her.


                                Originally posted by Lizlove
                                and the fact she put her career on hold a bit by going to Area 51. I think that relaxed her more too, made her think about her for a change. And Cassie's proximity must have helped a great deal also. We all know how much the girl means to her.
                                I was amused by the expression "put her career on hold". Because she has done and accomplished enough for about 18 normal careers.... I think of it more as a sense of perspective and that's why

                                I never had a problem with her not getting back in charge of SG-1. She pretty much does whatever she needs to and wants to do anyway. *Everyone* knows she *could* be in charge, and who needs the paperwork? I like to think she has more important things to do. Like at the end of Off the Grid, "Have fun with your gun, Cam. I'm going back to my life now."


                                EDIT: To bring it back totally on topic,I always get a weird double vision effect watching the scene in Sam's office in Affinity. Watching the characters have a conversation and saying what I can imagine the actor's feeling, too.

